Farmers & eMezchants Bank M5S ADE IN LINCOLN LINCOLN MONEY EFT IN LINCOLN E BY FRIENDS En Labor's Real Matters of Especial Interest To and Con cerning Those Who Do the Work of the World Established igoi 1 5th and O Sts. it I m B No better flour sold on the Lincoln market. Every sack warranted. We want the trade of Union men and women, and we aim to deserve it. If your grocer does not handle Liberty Flour, 'phone us and we will attend to it. Ask your neighbor how she likes Liberty Flour. We rely on the recommendation of those who use it. H. 0. BARBER &JS0N I GREEN GABLES The Dr. Benj. F. Bally Sanatorium Lincoln, Nebraska 8 8 9 Foi non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest, best equipped, most beautifully furnished. wO3030000000000000000000000 Suit or O'coaf to Order 0 1 UNION UNION MADE You can have your pick of 500 Fall and Win ter Patterns. Tell us just how you want it, and we will make you a Suit or Overcoat with style, quality, workmanship, and above all, A FIT. Behind every garment we make Is our guarantee to make it good. i ' . . . 133 South Thirteenth Street J. H. McMULLEN, Manager Auto 2372 NEBRASKA'S SELECT HARD-WHEAT FLOUR Wilbur and DeWitt Mills THE CELEARATED LITTLE HATCHET FLOUR RYfc FLOVfi A SPECIALTY Boil Thl'lZu, ,459 15 SOUTH 9TH, LINCOLN, NEB. ooeoeo&o8QoMOooeoeo! Your Cigars Should Bear This Label irs. It U insurance against sweat shop and tenement goods, and against disease, New York. Havelock Wilson, lead er of the Union of British Seamen, is now in this country to organize Amer ican seamen on new lines so as to form an international union of seamen men in America and Europe. He said had started to organize the seamen on the ships of the Cunard and White Star lines at meetings held in West street. At a meeting) at 326 River street, Hoboken, Mr. Wilson addressed the men of the Hamburg-American, Atlas and Bremen lines. He said that when the international union is com pleted three demands will be made for a uniform system of wages in all countries, the regulation of the me chanical force in steamers in accord ance with the amount of coal carried and the presence of a representative of the union whenever a crew is en gaged. Toronto, Canada. The convention of the American Federation of Labor went on record as favoring woman suffrage, an eight-hour day for post office clerks, legislation for better pro tection of actors and actresses from the "extortion and corrupt business methods" of so-called theatrical em ployment agencies, a postal savings bank act, deep waterways projects, a continuation of the fight against tu berculosis, the granting of American citizenship to the people of Porto Rico and the construction of a 26-foot chan nel through the Great Lakes from Buffalo to Duluth and from Buffalo to Chicago. ' London, England. An important scheme for the amalgamation of Brit ish trade unions, embracing ' 15,000 skilled workers, will shortly be voted upon. The unions concerned are the Amalgamated Society of French Pol ishers, the Amalgamated Union of Cabinetmakers, the National Amalga mated Furnishing Trades association, and the Amalgamated Union of Up holsterers, which have in the aggre gate 240 branches. Sydney, Australia. The most satis factory outcome of the recent farm ers' conference was the decision to establish a co-operative company, with a capital of $100,000, to sefl the goods of the producers. The minimum num ber of shares a shareholder is to be five, and the maximum 100. The farm ers entered heartily into the idea, and it is expected that the required capital wll be put up within twelve months. Bethlehem, Pa. The wages of sev eral thousand employes of the Bethle hem Steel Company will be restored to the scale in vogue before the 1907 depression, according to an announce ment made by Charles M. Schwab, president of the company. The in crease will amount to ten per cent, and will affect employes in the ma chine shops, foundries, blast furnace department and labor department. Portland. Ore. The Union of Butch ers and Meat Cutters started a move ment some time ago looking to the closing of meat and pork shops at six o'clock on ordinary weekdays, nine o'clock on Saturday and closed all day Sundays. The great majority of the shop keepers and market men have agreed to comply with the re quest and it will be put in force No vember 18. , New York. According to a recently issued statement by the National Asso ciation for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, three international labor unions with a membership of up ward of 100,000, and nine fraternal and benefit organizations, with a combined membership of nearly 3,000,000, have during ' the last year enlisted in the war against consumption in the trades. Washington. An official Inquiry has recently been made in St. Pe tersburg, Russia, with reference to the medical assistance - furnished workmen by the different factories. One-third of the enterprises give no medical assistance at all, and 45 allow free drugs. New regulations are like ly to grow out of the inquiry. New York. The official organ of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electrical Railway Em ployes of America, the Motorman and Conductor, shows a substantial profit, having in the last two years paid off a large deficit, and is now on a pay ing basis. ' Pittsburg, Pa. The national execu tive board of the Metal Polishers and Buffers' International union has an nounced that it will Btart a fight in every state in the union for the eight hour day, and that it has set aside a large fund to carry on this campaign. Chicago. The Illinois State Federa tion of Labor has taken a decisive stand in opposition to local option. Leavenworth, Kan. The woman clerks in this city have formed an or ganization. Lead, S. D. Members of the West ern Federation of Miners working in and around the Homestead mines, have perfected an organization among seven-eights of the men, and they will refuse to work with non-union men. This is the first time in 20 years that they will insist upon the enforcement of the closed shop. Boston. Boxmakers' union members stopped work at three local shops and then secured a new agreement, reducing the hours of work from 64 to 60 each week, and several other betterments. The wage scale was not materially changed. Toronto, Canada. With a unani mous chorus of "ayes," the American Federation of Labor, adopted a reso lution introduced by President P. J. McArdle of the Amalgamated Associa tion of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America, declaring the Unit ed States Steel corporation to be "the most formidable and aggressive ene my" with which the organized labor movement has to contend and recom mending that a meeting be held dur ing the present convention to outline a campaign of organization among the employes of the steel corporation and devise ways and means to make the fight against it more effective. Baltimore, Md. The Consolidated Cotton Duck Company issued orders for mills in this city and vicinity to shut down on Saturdays indefinitely, owing to the scarcity and high price of the raw material. This will cut down the operation of the mills here to five days a wtek. Whether or not further curtailments in the output will be made, depends upon the future sit uation in the cotton market. Appar ently there is no reason why the price of cotton should come down, as there was a short crop and interests lined behind the supply are playing for a rise. Boston. Boston Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers' union No. 72 elected a committee to consider the 1910 wage scale and working rules which will be presented to the employers on Janu ary 1, to take effect May 1. The lath ers' union does not ask tor signed agreements. It establishes wages and rules for union men and if an employ er does not wish to live up to them he can endeavor to get men elsewhere, which Is difficult, as the trade Is prac tically absolutely organized. New York. There are 200,000 men and women in New York city who are willing to work, but who are not able to obtain employment, was the statement made by Cora D. Harvey, secretary of the National Committee of the Unemployed, before the state commission, which is investigating the operation ' of the employers' liability act. She urged the state to open fac tories and employ these men and women. Evansville, Ind. The electrical workers for four of the largest firms in the city have been discharged and a lockout exists. The men said the contractors have determined ' to run an open shop, and that the fight will be prolonged. - The contractors say the workmen have failed to live up to their agreement About thirty work men are affected. Labor leaders have suggested arbitration. . ' Toronto, Canada. Resolutions look ing to the establishment of k national defense fund by the American Federa tion of Labor to assist unions in dis tress were voted down after a spirit ed debate. On the ground that em ployment agencies are used as strike breaking organizations, the federation will attempt to have enacted national legislation for their regulation. Philadelphia. The Baldwin Loco motive Works received orders for 68 locomotives from three railroads. Fif ty passenger engines will be built for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy rail road, 13 for the , Lehigh Valley and five for the Charlotte Harbor and Northern railrdad. The contracts ag gregate more than 11,000,000. Guthrie, Okla. Upon recommenda tion of the labor organizations of Ok lahoma, the state board of public af fairs has adopted a rule that hereaft er no contractor who is not willing to stipulate that only union labor shall be employed and union rates paid for such labor will be permitted to bid on state (work. Salt Lake, Utah. The Salt Lake Ty pographical union has started a cam paign to secure the session of the In ternational union for 1911. San Fran cisco is also out for the convention and has had a booster committee at work for the last three months. ' Philadelphia. The Central Labor union of this city passed resolutions urging all organized labor wage work ers throughout the United States to cease work for two weeks, beginning the day Mitchell, Gompers and Morri son are incarcerated. New York. The Federation of La bor of the state of New York has de clared its belief in woman suffrage as a necessary step toward the better protection of the industrial interests, not of women wage workers only, but of men as well. Chicago. The Chicago Federation of labor is doing good work in undertak ing to limit women's working time to ten hours a day. Leeds, England. A Jewish labor hall is about to be erected here. Budapest, Hungary.' The general run of wages in this city may be in ferred from these rates: Bricklayers, paid by the hour and losing even part day time through bad weather, and with four or five months' loss in win ter, receive $1 to $1.50 a day; carpen ters, working under the same condi tions, get $1.10 to $1.50 for a day of ten hours. , - Washington. A noticeable feature in recent child labor legislation in this country has been the Increasing em phasis placed upon the proof of age requirements of children who desire to go to work. ' . 1 We thank our friends who have helped as to grow. DEPOSITS, NOV. 16. - - - 186,460.11 , DEPOSITS, AUG, 31, - - - $174,877.43 DEPOSITS, MAY 22, , - - f 151,178.67 " DEPOSITS, JAN. 87, - - - $147,878.08 And we hope you all had a pleastnt Thanksgiving. Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8. THE EAS7 O STREET "HANK 1 WORKERS UNION I Named Shoes are Often Made in Non-union Factories. DO NOT BUY ANY SHOE no matter tohat its name un less it bears a plain and read able impression of this Union Stamp ' All Shoes toithout the Union Stamp are Altcays Non-Union Do not accept any excuse for the absence of the . UNION STAMP. BOOT AND SHOE WORKERS' UNION ' 246 Sumner St., Boston, Mass: John F. Tobin, Pres. Chas. L. Baine, Sec.-Treas. First Trust II Savings Bank Owned by Stockholders of the First National Bank3 THE 'HANK FOR THE WAGE-EARNER INTEREST PAID AT FOUR PER CENT ' Tenth and O Streets Lincoln, Nebraska illy Weather Cheerfulness '., These mornings make you think of the fur- nace, eh? And coal tills? But what's the use of worrying ' yet there's lots of time. Chilly mornings and evenings? They can be cured at small expense smaller than worrying anil feed ing the furnace. A Gas Heater Does the Work Attach it to the gas jet in dining room, sit tiug room or bath room. No work, no worry. ' A cent or two and the room is comfortably ; warm, and the furnace out of business for weeks and weeks to come. Cheaper and cleaner and ' better.; With the furnace you must 1 use enough 'coal to heat the house and most of it wasted these days. The gas heater merely , gives you the heat you need, where you need it and when. Ask the Users Their Advice We'll stand that test you ask those who . are using the heater these days. -Several thous- . and of them, and you ought to among the num ber. We sell the heaters, good ones, at a low price. Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Co. OPE N E V EN I N GS