The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, December 04, 1909, Image 5

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    J1Yn H Y should you use poor Kerosene Oil and cheat your
eyes? Why not pay 20c per gallon and have as nice a
light as gas? The little difference in the price will not amount to
much in a whole year.
Roseine Oil is the highest grade of Pennsylvania Kerosene
made in the world, and if you pay 20c per gallon you are entitled
to get Roseine. That's all it costs, and you can get Roseine if
you ask for it.
Roseine is refined by a special process which makes it en
tirely different than any other Kerosene. You must not mix
Roseine with any other Kerosene. If you do, you will
spoil Roseine. Empty your lamp, put in a new wick and start
right, and you will have a light as nice as gas. 3 '
Now, some merchants may try to sell you some cheaper oil for Roseine,
but if you have any trouble with your lights, call us on the phone and we will
tell you where to get the genuine ROSEINE. Nearly all grocery stores will
deliver you Roseine. Remember, the price is only 20c.
Yoiio CainiPMpft Buoy OfrpseBinie Fmpmni IPedldlDeirs' Magomis
It is reported by our competitors that we belong to the Standard Oil Co. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! We will give
$5,000.00 to any charitable institution if we are connected in any way with the oil trust or ever bought any oil from them. We
are just What we have always claimed to be: An ABSOLUTELY INDEPENDENT COMPANY, handling the best oils
made in the United States. ' 1$ You want good Kerosene and pay the price for good Kerosene, and you are entitled to RoseiAe.
Don't Ask for "20c Oil", Ask for "ROSEINE, tho Bost Light for tho Eyos"
toe sift
Is headquarters for Holiday Presents. Everything in Dia
monds, Watches, Silverware, Fine Clocks, Elegant Cut Glass,
Hand Painted China, Silk Umbrellas, etc.
All the new ideas in jewelry.
Diamond rings from $5.00 to $500.00.
Watches from $1.00 to $20.00.
Elegant Chime Clocks from $18.50 to $35.00.
Hand Painted China and Cut Glass Pieces from $1.00 to
Silk Umbrellas, gold and silver mounted from $5.00 to
Silver Table and Toilet Ware in single pieces from $1.00
to Rets at $7.50, $10.00, $15.00, to $75.00 each. ' . ' ,
Something for every member of the family. We abso
lutely will not be undersold. No trouble to show you.
G. A. TUCKER, Jovolor.
S. S. StlEAfJ, Optician.
1123 0 St., Yellow Front
Let Ted Dye for You-
or clean, repair and press your clothes
235 N. 11th Street E. V. MARRINER
Bell FI609 - Auto 4876
Special Equipment for
Ladies' Wear
Cleaner - Presser - Hatter
American Federation Going After the
King of All Combines.
The Toronto convention decided to
put the American Federation of Labor
on the trail of the United States Steel
Co. the "steel trust." The first step
in the campaign will be to organize
the "ore fleets" and the next to have
the building trades departments re
fuse to handle the steel product of
non-union mills. Here's hoping the
American Federation of Labor will
wage a winning fight against this
king pin of all union smashers the
steel trust.- But
Immediately after the Toronto con
vention the executive council of the
American Federation of Labor met in
New York to consider the matter.
While there President Gompers, Vice-
President Mitchell, Secretary Morri
son and other officials of the Federa
tion attended the annual meeting and
banquet of the National Civic Federa
tion. We've freed our mind about this
Civic Federation several times. -Immediately
after talking over plans for
busting the t steel trust the American
Federation of Labor's officials sat
down to dine with the big bugs who
own and control that giant trust. A
lot of fol-de-rol is talked about "recon
ciling capital and labor," and men
who have grown inordinately rich
from the exploitation of the workers
clink glasses with the workers' repre
sentatives and tell how much they
love the group of toil. Belmont, who
broke the back of the street railway
men's union in New York City,v is one
of the Civic Federation "face cards.
William H. Taft, father of the injunc
tion in labor disputes, is another one
J. Pierpont Morgan ' is another one,
All down the list we 'find others like
them and these are the men who
pretend to be such great friends of
labor, and who entertain Gompers,
Mitchell, Morrison, et al., between
American Federation of Labor efforts
to put the business of these magnates
off watch.
The sooner the leaders of the labor
movement quit allowing the Belmont-Taft-Morgan
organization to pull the
wool over their eyes the better It will
be for the labor movement.
The Civic Federation stunt gives
this humble little labor paper a bad
case of the "mully grubs."
ment Society," and registers a kick
against even little cabinets fastened
to the outside walls of , business
blocks. We stand for a clean and
moral town, but it nbw looks as if
this sort of thing was about to ieach
the point where we'll have to walk up
to some organization's office every
morning and get a certificate thai,
we've manicured our nails, disinfected
our clothing, taken a shampoo and
trimmed the feather-edge from our
collar and cuffs. There is such a thing
as carrying a good idea too blamed
far, and a lot of cranks in Lincoln
are drawing almighty near the break
ing point.
It's all right to remove the street
fruit stands and street shining stands.
but what's the use of being so dod-
gasted pernickety? Comes now one
Ripley, secretary of the "Improve'
When President Wattles of ' the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way Co. was asked to pay the em
ployes decent wages he declared that
it was impossible to grant an increase
because the city had compelled the
company to pay something like $70,000
a year as an occupation tax. It
sounded goo at the time. But now
And They Make the Employers Come
to Time in Short Order.
Last week six or eight thousand
shirtwaist makers in New York City
went on strike to enforce a demand
for a 20 per cent increase in wages,
shorter hours and better sanitary con
ditions. The employers flatly refused
to submit and proceeded to hunt for
strikebreakers. To their surprise no
strikebreakers were to be found. In
stead, the employers found that the
strikers had enlisted the sympathy of
the public, and had properly fixed
every worker likely to be enlisted as
a striKeDreaKer. rms is tne ousy
season for the employers, and they
soon learned that it was either a case
of agree or go out of business.
Before the strike was a week old
the employers began coming across.
They came by threes and fours at
first, then by dozens. By , the end of
the week 80 per cent had signed up
and agreed to the demands of the
shirtwaist makers, and last Tuesday
morning's papers announced the com
plete victory of the strikers. Any one
who has seen the awful conditions un
der which the garment making indus
try is carried on in New York City
will realize what the victory means
to the thousands of women engaged
therein. A 20 per cent increase in
wages seems big, but it means simply
that the girls will now receice from
$5 to $7 a week instead of from $4
to $6. The main concession is the
shortening of the hours and some bet
terment of the conditions under
which the girls must work.. Those
conditions could not be worse, and
any change would have to be for the
All that's new and correct in the "BETTER KIND"
of Men's Cravenettes made in both plain and military
collars, from a plain, serviceable business coat to the rich
full, silkJined Dress Coat. :: :: :: :: ::
PRICES, $15.00 TO $30.00
Do yov Desire Wealth
Would an income of $2,500 per year for your lifetime,
without any attention or work on your part, appeal to yon?
Eucalyptus is Australian mahogany. It is successfully
grown only in a small portion of California due to climate and
soil. The land which grows it can be bought for $200 per
acre, payable $2 per month. The company plant and care for
your trees. By the time it is paid for the trees will bring
you $2,500 per acre. After they are cut down, the trees grow
from the stump much quicker than before.
Begin saving $10 each month. It will make you wealthy.
Call and see us or phone Auto 2690. . , ,
301 Little Bldg., Corner Eleventh and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
the Wattles outfit intends to escape '
the tax if it can . be done by legal
quibble or technicality. And having
plenty of money and therefore the
ability to employ the finest legal tal
ent, the Wattles outfit is able to de
feat a demand for . decent wages and "
also escape paying its Just share of '
taxes. Those big corporations catch
the poor public coming and going. :