The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 13, 1909, Image 7

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Subscribe for 500 Share of Temple
Stock at Meeting Sunday.
Lincoln Typographical Union met In
regular session last Sunday in the
Fraternity hall, with an unusually
large number present on account of
interest in the Temple proposition.
The usual routine was rushed
through when a committee from the
directors of the Temple Association
was received. Each of the committee
made a short address, stating the con
dition of their funds and appealing to
the "Prints" to come through with as
large a subscription as possible. The
committee then retired and after a
few moments' discussion as to ways
and means, the union voted unani
mously to take up 500 shares imme
diately. A motion was put and carried that
a committee be appointed to make ar
rangements for the Annual Ball and
that the net proceeds be used as a
further subscription to stock in the
Labor Temple. This shows that the
Typos In Lincoln are a live bunch and
If any of the local unions beat them
out they will have to get up before
breakfast and hustle some.
A large number also "signed up"
tor Individual subscriptions on the
"dollar-a-month" proposition, which in
dicates that a widespread interest ex
ists among the boys.
A Question Certain Labor Papers
Ought to Answer.
Now that the trouble between the
Douglas Shoe company and the Boot
and Shoe Workers' Union has been
settled, and he men have been vic
torious, we are anxiously waiting to
see what the so-called labor papers
wiil have to say on the subject. Those
papers, who, Judas Iscarlot like, ac
cepted their thirty pieces of silver in
the shape of advertisements, and as
an excuse for so doing inaugurated
cowardly attacks on the motives of
President Tobin of the Boot and Shoe
Workers' Union, In ordering the men
to cease work until their grievances
were adjusted.
Whatever may be their remarks
upon the most important of organized
labor's battles, they can not say that
they were in any way responsible for
the men's victory, for those renegade
labor papers, surely rendered the
manufacturers heroic asistance by giv
ing publicity to goods that were made
under unfair conditions. Reading. Pa.,
Denounced for Effort to Minimize the
Evils of Child Labor.
The United Textile Workers' con
vention in session at Washington last
week, paid their respects to Dr. C. W.
Stiles, a government official in the
public health and marine, hospital
corps, who has given capitalism a jus
tification for child labor by his alleged
discovery that the "hookworm" and
not overwork is responsible for child
fatalities. The term is as much a god
send as Teddy Roosevelt's "open shop"
and the Textile Workers handled the
sycophantic doctor without gloves. An
other important change in the consti
tution was made on the recommenda
tion of President Golding. who de
clared that under the present laws
it was impossible to unwind red tape
fast enough to cope with wage reduc
tions. Under the amendment, the right
to call strikes is left in the hands of
a committee of five. The decision,
however, must be uanimous, a failure
of which throws it back to the red
tape system.
of Labor News Picked
Pilfered From Everywhere.
Bulgaria has ten thousand trade
In Budapest. Hungary, there are
2,000 female hodcarrters.
niacksmlths' International has in
creased its membership from 3,000 to
10,500 in ten years.
Tennessee Federation of Labor will
meet in Chattanooga in January.
Organized labor at Chicago. 111., will
appeal to the churches to help sectire
shorter working hours for women.
A decrease has been remarked in
the coal output of South Wales col
lieries since the eight-hour act came
into force.
Massachusetts State Council of Car
penters' annual state convention will
be held at Holyoke, January 10.
The strike of the members of Bos
ton, Mass., Ladies' Tailors' and Dress
makers' Union for the "closed shop"
still continues. The strike is now in
its sixth month.
Metal Polishers' and Buffers' Inter
national Union will start a fight for an
eight-hour day In every state in the
union. A big defense fund will be
Retail Clerks' Union in Evans ville,
Ind., is rapidly growing by appealing
to the other. unionists to insist upon
union clerks waiting on them.
Governor Draper of Massachusetts
has declared his willingness and pur
pose to veto the much-discussed eight
hour bill whenever and however it
comes up to him.
The United Government Workers'
Federation of Great Britain is again
to the front agitating for a minimum
wage of $7.50 a week within the Lon
don area.
Thirty-four thousand members of
the Boilermakers' Union will donate
each year a day's pay, which will
total $78,000 annually, for a strike
benefit fund.
There are more children employed
in Massachusetts than in any state of
the south, with the exception of North
There are thirty-four new labor
members in the House of Commons,
but there will probably be sixty-five
to seventy-five in the next House of
During the month of September
nine unions joined the Hebrew Trades
Council of Manhattan, five of which
were newly organized. The trades
will celebrate its twenty-first anniver
sary on November 4.
The total number of wage workers
eligible to become members of trades
unions Is about 14,000,000 in Great
Britain and Ireland, and out of that
number some 3,000,000 belong to trade
Recently the San Francisco Labor
Council appointed a special commit
tee to inquire into the technical
schools and report as to their effect
upon the various trades which are
A resolution has been adopted com
mending to all local unions of textile
workers the payment of accident ben
efits to their members and recom
mending that permanent beneficial
features be created.
Machinists have decided to accept
transfer cards of members of the craft
who come here from foreign lands,
providing such show the holder to be
in good standing at the time of pre
sentation. Over a million work-people in the
United Kingdom had their wages re
duced during the first six months of
this year, and Inst year nearly half a
million had their wages decreased.
The Northumberland (Eng.) Min
ers conciliation Board advanced tne
wages of the workers 1 per cent,
making the rates 30 per cent above
the basis. This is the first advance in
two years.!'
Marine -engineers from Astoria, Se
attle and Portland are considering a
proposition to affiliate with the Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
Russian and Polish printers of Man
hattan, having observed the success. of
the Yiddish printers, who receive a
minimum wage of $24 per week for a
four-hour day, have started a move
ment to organize a union of their own.
The proposed Railway Federation,
the railway auxiliary to the American
Federation of Labor, will send repre
sentatives to the convention to be held
in St. Paul, Minn., in November. All
New Diagonal Serges
We have just stocked a new shipment of
the popular weave in a full line of
colors. Make your selection now, 47
inches wide, at,
$1.25 per Yard
New Broadcloths
Our showing of IMPORTED BROAD
CLOTHS is now most complete and
comprises all the new shades as well
as staple colors. The qualities shown
are unexcelled at the price, being pos
sessed of a beautiful drape in addition
to being thoroughly shrunk and spot
proof. 51 and 56 inches wide. Per (T A A
yard, $2.50 and U.UU
Moire Silks
These are the most popular silks at present, and there seems
to be no doubt that they are to remain in the lead this sea
son and will be a strong favorite next year. We are selling
All-Silk Moire, special, 19 inches wide, at, ftf
per yard vJJ
26 inches wide, at, AA
per yard V
And other Moires, 19 inch to 36 inch, at, per yard, ftCf
$2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and OOL
All the new shades and black.
Women's Fall and Winter Hosiery
The completeness of this Department is exceptional as to
good values. In face of the fact that manufacturers are
steadily advancing the prices on staple Hosiery, our prices
were never more reasonable than now.
"Star and Crescent" Hosiery is the best. For years we
have sold these goods to the entire satisfaction of our cus
tomers. "Women's Stainless Black Fine Cotton Hose; full regular
made; every pair warranted. Three weights. 75rr
Per pair iJ
Women's Extra Fine Cotton Hose. Very heavy 'JZf
Lisle. Per pair tJ
Women's Very Fine Extra Special Quality Black
Cotton Hose. Three pair for $1.00, or each OuL
Women's Fast Black Soft Finish Fleeced Hose. f r
Per pair, 35c, 25c and IOC
Women's Fine Full Ribbed Hose. Cood to wear. 7Qn
Per pair tJ
Women's Cashmere Hose. Extra good values at, sn
per pair, 50c, 35c and LDL
Underwear Specials
Women 's Extra Large Union Suits, fine weave, medium fleece ;
sizes 7, 8 and 9. rt 1 f(
Each i ' .UU
Women's Extra Large Cream Union Suits.
Sizes 7, 8 and 9. Each UOL
Women's Heavy Vest and Pants, cream fleece lined; 'J'lrr
35c quality, to close Ow
Boys' Flat Fleece Shirts; odd sizes; 35c quality. ? 1 r
Now at 1 1
Children's Heavy All Wool Pants.
To close, at 1-3 to 1-2 off
Children's Hosiery
School Hose that will stand the hardest wear.
"Wild Boy" Heavy Fine Ribbed. Best Stocking
ever sold at the price. Per pair iO
"Yankee Boy." A Heavy Fast Black Fine Ribbed 1 Sf,
Stocking that has no equal at, per pair. U
"No Mend" Stainless Black Stocking for boys and jZn
girls. Linen heel, toe and knee. Per pair
Special in Gloves, Wednesday
A Splendid Real Kid Glace Gl ove. Mostly in mode QA
colors. A $1.25 Glove. Special at, per pair Oyk
A very Special Value in Ladies' Extra Quality d
English Tan Cape Street Gloves. Per pair . .
A Very Special Value in a Ladies' 2-clasp P. K. in
Street Glove; Tan and Grey. Per pair Vwy
the railroad branches will be repre
sented. According to the report of Secretary
Edwin Perry for the year ending Sep
tember 1, ISO!), the United Mine Work
ers on that day had a membership of
24G,G52, which is equivalent to a gain
of 51,054 during the fiscal year just
A strike of dry goods clerks in
eighty East Side stores has been de
clared by the Retail Dry Goods Clerks'
Association of New York. The strik
ers demand an eight-hour day, with an
hour for lunch.
A project for the relief of work
men who are disabled by accident
while in the employ of Russian rail
ways has been formulated by the min
istry of ways and communication and
will be presented to the duma.
In a recent speech during his pres
ent tour about the country President
Taft had some graceful things to say
about organized labor. If he were a
tradesman, he saiJ, he would consider
it wise to be a member of the union
having jurisdiction over his craft.
According to reports from the coal
mining fields, a new issue has been
raised by President Thomas I. Lewis
of the United Mine Workers' Union,
which is a five-day working week of
eight hours per day. Mr. Lewis says
he desires to inaugurate a system of
"five days for work, one day for God,
and one day for humanity."
The purpose of the women's auxil
iaries is to organize the spending
Men Have Learned
To look to this store for reliable clothing,
and each day the list of satisfied customers
grows larger. Our line of suits and overcoats
will satisfy YOU. : : : : : : : :
1325 O Street, Lincoln
power of organized labor and to sys
tematically build up a demand for the
union label. The wages of the organ
ized workers amount to about $2,000,
000,000 a year, 95 per cent of which is
sufficient argument that the spending
power of the workers must be organ
ized. John Burns, the British labor leader,
suggests that working hours should be
internationally adjusted, inasmuch as
the labor of every nation is in com
petition with that of every other
While Minneapolis, Minn., unions,
as a rule, have been making rapid
growth this year, some of them have
taken strides which are unparalleled.
Among the latter are some of the rail
way organizations. Freighthandlers'
Union in September added 53 to its
membership roll, while 15 were added
to the clerks.
Mr. Gompers declares that the re
cent financial crisis would have lasted
longer had it not been for in the in
fluence of labor organizations in keep
ing wages up so that the products of
the mills could find purchasers. Had
wages been reduced, he declared, the
crisis of 1907 yould have been as long
continued as some of the panics of
the past.
One of the propositions to be laid
before the National Civic Federation
at its annual meeting is the calling to
gether of an industrial congress, rep
resentative of all nations, to discuss
the labor question.
The International Brotherhood of
Railway Carmen of America in its
convention voted to affiliate with the
American Federation of Labor. The
Car Workers' International is affili
ated with the A. F. of L., and it is pro
posed to amalgamate the two interna
tionals under one charter.
Officers of the International Union
of Bridge and Structural Iron Work
ers are arranging to have a repre
sentative cover some of the north
western territory, with a view to ascer
taining what can be done to thorough
ly organize the territory and build
up and strengthen the unions which
are already organized.
It is likely that the Plumbers' Union
at Winnipeg, Manitoba, will be forced
to disband, owing to an award of $4,
000 damages made against the organ
ization in favor of the master plumb
ers. The verdict was secured by a
firm for the picketing of their prem
ises during a strike. The union
claims to have the right, under a de
cision of the English courts, to carry
on picketing, providing it is legal, and
has taken an appeal to a higher court.
Apprentices employed under the
jurisdiction of the Houston (Texas)
Typographical Union have the oppor
tunity of improving their evening
hours by a course of study at the lo
cal Young Men's Christian Associa
tion. The union has voted $175 from
its treasury for the education of boys
who are forced to begin earning their
livelihood before their schooling is fin
ished, and the youths' department of
the association has been opened for
their benefit.
The printing pressmen have voted
against the proposition of the interna
tional body to raise $100,009 for the
purpose of establishing a sanitarium
for members -afflicted with tuberculosis
and to maintain a home for superan
nuated members. The reason for vot
ing down the proposition is that, if
any special sum is to be raised at this
time, it should be for the further or
ganizing of the craft and strengthen
ing the unions.
The offenders against the child
labor laws and the compulsory educa
tion laws are the parents and employ
ers the former, frequently driven by
poverty, demand that their children
shall contribute to the income of the
family, and the latter using the labor
of children for the purpose of aggran
dizement. Neither of these people
ever regard the rights of the child or
of its future usefulness to the com
munity. Hence the necessity of the
laws and of their enforcement.
Representatives of the typographical
trade in the si states known as the
New England states have formed a
union of those states which has for
its purpose "the promotion of all
movements that tend to advance the
condition of the International Typo
graphical Union; to strengthen all sub
ordinate unions; to extend the use of
all labels of the printing trades; to
secure and promote publicity of all
union endeavors, and to co-operate
with the International Typographical
Union in exercising and executing its
Patrick' Clogan, a native" of Dro
mina, Charleville, Ireland, has just
passed away, having attained the re
markable age of 112 years. He en
joyed remarkable health during life,
notwithstanding the fact that he al
ways worked hard and often with
stood great exposure.
He had been, however, Invariably
temperate in his habits and consti
tuted in himself a remarkable expon
ent of the cult of the simple life. He
had a large family, his youngest sur
viving child being at present close on
70 years, while his eldest died some
years ago at the ripe old age of 80
years. ;
Well Satisfied.
"Wall, Judson, how did you make
out with yeour summer boarders?"
asked the tall bumpkin on the fence.
"Wal, tolerable," drawled the old
farmer. '"Three of them were art
ists, so I got them to paint the barn,
and the two that skipped board ran
away with two of . my homely daugh
ters. so I can't kick, be gosh."
One Way" of Doing Business.
Billy Emerson, the minstrel, took a
company of black-face artists to Aus
tralia in the old days, and had hard
luck. On the way back he landed at
Shanghai and gave a show.
Emerson saw there was a good
house. "Doing pretty well,' he said
to the box-office man.
"Fine," that official replied; "we've
got in $400 in money and $1,400 in
"In what?" gasped Emerson. K
"In chits."
"What are chits?"
"Why, promises to pay. Everybody
uses chits here. Give a chit and set
tle at the end of the month."
"Do you mean to tell me that you
have let $1,400 worth of seats go for
them chits, as you call them?"
"Sure; why not?"
"And those people just signed their
names and didn't pay cash?"
"What a business I could do In the
states!" groaned Emerson. Saturday
Evening Post.
Kat Plant Stimulus.
Some years ago, after a long and fa
tiguing climb by Americans la the
Abyssinian mountains, they were
served with libations of "todj," an ex
tremely refreshing beverage In which
catha edulis, or the kat plant, was
Certain tribes chew the leaves of
the plant commonly when compelled
to exert special or long continued ef
fort, the immediate effect being sleep
lessness and stimulation.
The freshly cut leaves have a rather
pleasant taste and produce a kind of
intoxication of long duration, with
none of the disagreeable features of
Messengers and soldiers, by chew
ing the leaves, are enabled to go with
out food for several days.
The better class of merchants chew
these leaves three or four times a day,
the habit being fairly comparable to
the use of tea In the United States.
Wealth in Chemicals.
Ultramarine is cited as an example
of the industrial value of chemical in
vestigation. When this was made by
powdering lapis lazuli, a very rare
mineral, the cost exceeded its weight
in gold, but since the chemist's dis
covery that the same material can be
made from such cheap substances as
sodium sulphate and carbonate, sul
phur, charcoal and rosin, the price
has fallen to. a few cents a pound.