The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 30, 1909, Image 8

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    Farmers & ZMezchants Bank
In Labor's Realm
Matters of Especial Interest To and Con
cerning Those Who Do the "
Established igor
1 5th and O Sis.
Work of the World
fjj No better flour sold on the Lincoln market.
Every sack warranted We want the trade of
Union men and women, and we aim to deserve it
If your grocer does not handle Liberty Flour, 'phone
us and we will attend to it. Ask your neighbor
how she likes Liberty Flour. We rely on the
recommendation of those who use it
The Dr. Ben. F. Bally Sanatorium
Lincoln, Nebraska
R I For non-contagious chroric diseases. Largest,
g best equipped, most beautifully furnished.
More $15.00 Us
The Laboringman's Friend
133South'jThirteenth Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Wilbur and De Wilt Mills
Boil rZTlto t459 1 SOUTH 9TH, LINCOLN, NEB.
Your Cigar Should Dear This Label..
S. Ugc
It is insurance against sweat shop and
tenement goods, and against disease. ...
Boston. A gigantic movement, born
of long time unrest, is in progress in
the leading cotton textile districts of
the world, looking toward a general
curtailment of production for the re
mainder of this year and during 1910.
The reasons advanced are the
gradual Increase in the cost of
raw material and the failure of
the dry goods markets to re
spond in a way to assure continued
profits to manufacturers. The cur
tailment movement had its Inception
in Lancashire, the greatest cotton
goods producing district In the world.
On September 15, the Arkwright club
of Boston, representing 14,000,000 of
the 17,000,000 spindles in New Eng
land, sent out to all the cotton mills
In this district, which Is second In
the industry to Lancashire, an agree
ment for signatures for a curtailment
The proposition calls for suspension
of work for 224 working hours be
tween the date of the agreement and
August 1, 1910, to become effective
when 7,000,000 spindles have been
signed up. The curtailment Is not
likely to become effective in this state
In the immediate future, as many
mills that will sign will be unable to
fill present orders without steady run
ning until well into January. The
Rhode Island and Fall River manu
facturers are, as a rule willing to cur
tall production. The curtailment has
also been taken up by southern cotton
mill owners. The board of governors
of the American Cotton Manufactur
ers' association, at a meeting in Char
lotte, N. C, adopted resolutions set
ting forth their claim that the present
disparity between the price of cotton
and cotton goods precludes the possi
bility of the successful operation of
southern mills. A committee was ap
pointed to formulate a curtailment
agreement which every mill In the
south will be urged to sign. The cot
ton mills of New England, including
yarn mills, employ upward of 200,000
Chicago. The recall of the charter
of local union No. 3 by the Interna
tional Union of Steam Engineers was
sustained by Judge Petit In the circuit
court when he dissolved a temporary
injunction formerly entered which re
strained Matt Comerford, general pres
ident of the union, from revoking the
charter and taking the books, seals
and records of the local. The local
union of engineers offended the In
ternational union several months ago
by entering into contracts with the
Chicago and Milwaukee Brewers' as
sociation without having them sanc
tioned by the general executive
Orange, N. J. Rumors of a settle
ment of the hatting strike, which have
been circulating here for the last .week
or more, were intensified when it be
came known that the firm ' of E. V.
Connett & Co. of this city had laid
off permanently 85 per cent, of its non
union force, with a view to re-opening
its factory at the end of next week
with union employes. The 15 per
cent, retained, it is understood, will
get union cards. They consist of
union deserters or men who have con
tracts with the firm.
Gary, Ind. The total contracts
placed with all rail manufacturers
this year have aggregated a little over
2,500,000 tons, 800,000 tons of which
are for next year's delivery. It Is es
timated that the rail mill capacity of
the country is now between 4,000,000
and 4,500,000 tons annually. It Is ex
pected that the Gary mill will be
able to turn out 1,000,000 tons per
year when the plant Is completed. The
estimates of total production Include
light as well as standard sections.
Pittsburg, Pa. With nearly half a
million tons of standard rails on the
books of the Illinois Steel Company,
over half of which Is Bessemer, it
seems certain future demands of the
Steel Corporation for Bessemer rails
must come to the Pennsylvania mills.
The Alabama mills already are well
filled, a large part of their tonnage be
ing for export.
Indianapolis, Ind. The Internation
al Printing Pressmen and Assistant's
union has gone heart and soul into the
movement for the conquering of con
sumption among its members. A prop
osition is now advanced for the en
tire membership to contribute annual
ly one day's pay toward the establish
ment of a tuberculosis hospital.
Pittsburg, Pa. At the recent glass
bottle blowers' convention It was de
cided not to publish an official trade
Journal. The organization has a sys
tem of keeping the members posted
and fears that the publication of a
Journal woul tend to give important
information to outsiders for whom it
is not Intended.
Washington. The labor situation In
Switzerland has peculiar features. A
considerable part of the country's in
dustrial operations are carried on in
the rural districts, the employes work
ing in their own little strips of land
'during the short farming season of the
i summer, and in the factories or other
industrial establishments the rest of
the year.
Victoria, Australia. At a meeting of
the Dockyard and Ship Laborer's
union it was decided to take Into con
sideration the advisability of Joining
in a federation of all dock laborers In
the commonwealth.
, Stockholm, Sweden. Trade unionists
in Sweden have a novel way in stav-
Pittsburg, Pa. M. O'Sulllvan of
Crafton, general president of the Amal
gamated Sheet Metal Workers' Inter
national alliance, and N. S. Glass, busi
ness agent of local union No. 12 of
Pittsburg have returned from the fif
teenth general convention at Denver.
President O'Sulllvan was re-elected.
Beginning with October the monthly
per capita tax, payable to the general
office, will be 35 cents. This will cover
all obligations and will do away with
funeral benefits and Journal assess
ments. The due stamp system of
crediting payment of dues to the local
unions will be In effect January 1,
1910. In future all trade agreements
must be filed at the general offices,
Kansas City, at least 90 days previous
to becoming operative, if the support
of the international body is expected
In event of a strike.
New York. A split has taken place
in the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers. Several locals,
after making charges of several kinds
against the general officers, among
which are Incompetence and wasteful
ness, have seceded from the-brotherhood.
An effort is to be made by the
officers of the American Federation of
Labor to reunite the factions. Mean
time the officers of the brotherhood
have notified the different unions that
the seceding faction is not to be rec
ognized. Buffalo, N. Y. The Erie, Lacka
wanna and Buffalo Creel railroads
pleaded not guilty to 25 indictments
charging them with violation of the
labor law requiring them to pay em
ployes twice a month. The attorneys
reserved the right to demur later. The
cases had been presented to the grand
Jury in September on evidence fur
nished by the state labor department.
There is no dispute about the facts.
The fight will be on the constitutional
ity of the law. - ' ,
New York. Samuel Gompers, presi
dent of the American Federation of
Labor, who has been In Europe study
ing continental labor conditions and
problems, returned to ' the United
States. Labor men here gave him a
rousing welcome home. A more elab
orate reception . was accorded him in
Washington upon his arrival there.
Mr. Gompers left New York on June
19 and since that time has visited
most of the important European coun
tries. '
Berlin, Germany. Germany has a
law that provides that if it can be
proved that a man is earning a suf
ficient wage to support those depend
ent on him, but that he is dissipating
that wage by vicious habits, he can
be declared a minor, and he Is then
treated as a child. ' His employer ts
told that the wage must not be paid
to the man, but to a guardian appoint'
ed by the magistrate of the district
in whic hhe lives, who uses it for the
support of the wife and children.
Ottawa, Canada. The act for the
maintenance of Industrial peace In
Canada, which went Into effect March
22, 1907, shows by actual operation
that 96 per cent of strikes - were
avoided or ended. These pertained to
disputes concerning mines,' railroads,
street railways, longshoremen, team
sters and sailors.
Watertown, N. Y. Workmen em
ployed at the United States arsenal
are expressing Indignation at some
new working and discipline rules es
tablished at that plant.. The men
claim they are drastic and onerous,
also that the men are being so driven
In their - work that its quality is ma
terially suffering.
Boston. During the past year Mas
sachusetts has placed in employment
on an average 49 men a day through
its three employment bureau offices
In Springfield, Fall River and Boston.
This year the Boston office alone has
obtained work for 50 or more men a
Munich, Germany. At the recent
convention of waiter girls, it was re
solved that efforts should be made to
emancipate themselves from the fee
system by insisting on minimum
wages in hotels and taverns of 75
cents to one' dollar a day.
New York. The Women's Trade
Union league Is carrying on an active
campaign among the white goods mak
ers, the corset makers, the finishers
and textile workers and the dressmak
ers of that city to bring about more
thorough organization.
London, Eng. In England the trade
unionists are interested in the estab
lishment of a central labor college,
which they will finance.
Brooklyn, N. Y. The official Jour
nal of the International Association
of Steam Engineers will hereafter be
printed in this city.
London, Eng. According to the an
nual report of the British chief Inspec
tor of factories and workshops for
1908, the total number of accidents
occurring that year throughout his
Jurisdiction was 122,154, a decrease of
2,171 as compared with 1907. Of these
1,042 were fatal accidents, a decrease
over the previous year of 137.
Pittsburg, Pa. The Cambria Steel
company of Pittsburg has purchased
18,000 tons Besemer pig iron for de
livery this quarter at (18 valley, and
23,000 tons for delivery during the
first quarter of next year at $18.50 val
ley, making a total of 41,000 tons.
Pittsburg, Pa. Throughout conti
nental Europe the Metal Workers'
Yes everyone was glad that Mrs. Wendt got her $7671.00 back
after it was stolen, bat suppose she hadn't. Pat your money in out
bank where it will be safe. It will earn interest for you too. j
Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8. THE EAS7 O STREET VANK
I 1 Workers union m
Named Shoes are Often Made
in Non-union Factories. -
no matter what its name' un
less it bears a plain and t ead-
able impression of this Union Stamp.
All Shoes toithout the Union Stamp
are Altcays Non-Union
Do not accept anu excuse for the absence of the
246 Sumner St., Boston, Mass:
John P. Tobin, Pres. Chas. L. Baine, Sec.-Treas.
First Trust Savings Bank
Owned by Stockholders of the First National Bank3
Tenth and O Streets
Lincoln, Nebraska
illy Weather
These mornings make you' think of the fur
nace, eh? ; And coal bills? But what's the use
of worrying yet-r-there's lots of time. Chilly
mornings and evenings? '. They can be cured at '
small expense smaller than worrying and feed
ing the furnace. i
A Gas Heater
Does the Work
Attach it to the gas jet in dining room, sit
tiug room or bath room. No work, no worry.
A cent or two and the room is comfortably
warm, and the furnace out of business for weeks
and weeks to come. Cheaper and cleaner and
better. With the furnace you must use enough
coal to heat the house and most of it wasted
these days. The gas heater merely gives you
the heat you need, where you need it and when.
Ask the Users Their Advice
We'll stand that test you ask those who
are using the heater these days. 'Several thous
and of them, and you ought to among the num
ber. We sell the heaters, good ones, at a low price.
Lincoln Gas and
Electric Light Co.