Patronize Homme Mdtm strv 1 , Leading Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends: The Reimers-Kaufman Go. to THE RBIMER8 flt FRIED CO. Sidewalks, Sidewalk Flags, Building Blocks and Tile Floor , ' flpnc" h'phon2! w Lincoln, Neb. Biggerstaff's Sample Shoe Store We Sell Good Shoes and Repair Bad Ones 1529 0 Street Lincoln, Neb. S. E. (Vtorehead Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons and Delivery Wagons o! Every Description AN Kind of Repairing Dona Neatly and Promptly. 119-321 80. ELEVENTH ST. Steam and Dry Cleaning Pressing and Repairing Tho Maflhattan Cleaners& Dyers None but expert workmen employed. We clean, dye, repair and press all kinds of Men's Clothing. We make a specialty of Ladles" Fine Dresses, Suits, Jackets and Plumes. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ' Mall Orders given prompt attention. Bell Phone 7-918 208 South 12th St. 5,IOand25CentStore 142 North A 2th Street NOT IN THE TRUST J. H. JURGENSEN & CO.. OWNERS Hot Springs DOCTORS CORNER 14TH & 0 STS. SECOND FLOOR The Hot Springs Doctors treat all chronic and ner vous diseases of men and women. For a short time moderate charge for medicine used. The Consultation examination and treatment will be free. The Hot Springs Doctors are permanently located at Fourteenth and O Streets. The Owl Pharmacy COR HTH AND O STREETS. Hansen Pharmacy COR. 17TH AND GARFIELD STREETS. ASPugREN & STRAND LUMBER CO. 943 NORTH 27TH ST. We have a complete line of Lumber and Building Material, Sand, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Stone; also Hard and Soft Coal of aU Kinds We value the true you may give us. Give us a chance to show you we do . BILLS FIGURED. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Auto Phone 1064. BeU 685. IVoodmon Accident ASSOCIATION A Horn Company Furnishing Accident Insurance Only. SURPLUS OVER $100,000 Office Fraternity Building Lincoln Home Bakery BENISKEK BROS, Proprietors FANCY BREAD AND CAKES OF ALL KINDS CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM ALWAYS FRESH PHONE AUTO 6731 1843 O STREET S. G. WRIGHT 1847 O Street LINCOLN, NEB. DRUGS and MEDICINES fire CUnlctlt, Mrtunnnr, Toilet articles, in fancy Boadi Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night IMS R STREET. S15 NO. 27TH ST. Smith-McCain Co., 316 N 27th Rock Island Goal Yard, 1802 R W Handle, Coal, Flour and Feed of all kinds Try our Pride Flour None Better. Round lit. Nuts SB. 50. Little Gem Nuts 85.00. Best that Amount of Money can buy. Try a Ton and be Convinced The Bath Phone Castings (Iron of Brass) Machine Work Wrought and Sheet Iron Work Hedges Lincoln Ironworks Building Irons and Builders Specialties Seventh and M Sts. Phone Auto. 5397 COCO COLA. DR. PEPPER, ROOT BEER, GINGER ALB Coca Cola Bottling Company Sanitary Bottling Works Owned and operated by ez-uhlon men. Phone Auto 7381. I : fJ-U 2228 Q STREET. 1-inCOin, W CD. The Only Union Hatters In the State of Nebraska. ...Hats for Sale... Lincoln, Nebraska Auto 3041. 126 NO. TWELFTH STREET. Ash for Thorn at Rotail Stores Hardy Glove DISTINCT IN A CLASS BY ITSELF --. T! I) P U Kit .r-v r -E- DE WITH SgRWSBQyEgffi ?mtf& MNFR'D BY the DEPUTY-SPANGLER HAT CO. LINCOLN. NEB. Ask for Thorn at Rotail Stores If you want a good Suit made to order, with good ma terial, and made right here In Lincoln GO TO GREGORY TheTa,lor Also the Best Cleaning and Pressing done In the city. S, W. COR. 14TH AND O STS. ' '' Auto Phone 4264. DRUGS. ' PATENT MEDICINES. Phone your Prescriptions and Orders to I. N. BAGUZLL PHARMACY All our Prescriptions are carefully compounded 727 SOUTH 11TH ST. AUTO 4455. TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS. CUSIIMAN MOTOR GO. Makers of the MOTOR of MERIT Lincoln, Nebraska, U. S. A. ICE CREAM CONES The Ice Cream season will soon be on. The Lincoln Cones are the Best. Send in your order V. TIMITCH, Mgr., 821 P STREET Largest exclusive Cone factory In the state mm BELL PHONE 13 AUTO. PHONE 3013 Dierks Lumber & Goal Go, No order too larae or too small for our prompt atten tion. Most complete stock in the City. n. w. cor. sth and n sts. Lincoln, Neb. The Lincoln Tannery ESTABLISHED 1895.' HENRY HOLM, Proprietor, Tanner and CurrUr Manufacturers of Harness, Lace, Latigo, Leather, Robes and Coats CUTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. Office 134 6outh 9th Street. Tannery 313-319 O Street. Bell Phone F-1617. Rosenee Oil The Best Light for the Eyes Pure Pennsylvania Cylinder, Engine and Dynamo Oils Rex Axle Grease : : : French Automobile Oils Marstna a Go LINCOLN MEN'S BOOTSRY I EVERY SHOE UNION MADE HERE Thompson Shoe, $3.50, $4.00 Handcraft Shoe, $5.00 ALL NEW "FOR MEN" ALL NEW MENS BOOTERY p's TUCKEY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE ICE CREAM 1 Q2T fl CtnAA4 MILK and SWEET CREAM 100 f U 31X661 H. IN. TOWN S64S O STREET. Largest-General Store In East Lincoln. We have Hardware, Meat Market, Bak ery, Paints, Oils, Glass, and Groceries J. IW. CAV1P - Manufacturer and Dealer In v Delivery Wagons Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies of all Kinds r Rubber Tires, Tops and Cushions a Specialty 240-242 SO. TENTH ST. Sartor Jewelry Company Repairing and Engraving Promptly and Properly Done. 139 SO. THIRTEENTH ST. ATTEND TH Lincoln Business College AN ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE SCHOOL. Courses s - Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting,' Penmanship, Commercial Law, Office Practice, etc. Catalog free. , 13TH AND F STS, L1JSOOLN, NEB. 3obn TlClestover CONTRACTOR IN , Bridge and Building Iron Work 920 N Street STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING . . FIRE ESCAPES . A SPECIALTY We Sell Everything. Dry Goods, Notions, Hen's and Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Groceries. Meats, Hardware, Queens ware. Furniture Trunks, Grips, Hand Bags,' Eto. NORTH SIDE DEPARTMENT STORE Deakdobv and Dinuc, Fbopbietobs W. Z. Henry, Manager Gas Carlson. Mgr. Grocery Dept. Miss E. Miller, Bookkeeper Miss Ida Haock, Stenographer Phones: Bell 481. Auto S20&-8S0S. Cor. 10th and P Streets Bell Phone F-1362. Auto Phone 2S34 J.T.CLARKCO, Plumbing and Steam Fitting Electrical Wiring 214 SO TWELFTH ST. Rear Short Brothers First class Fur nace cleaning and repairing, stove moving and repairing. -Tin roofing and repairing and full line of new Furnaces best in the city. F.H.DUDLEY 2033 0 STREET Both Phonis Hardware Store