GENERAL MENTION. Bits of Labor News Picked and Pil fered from Many Source. Electrical workers have organized in Hamilton, Ohio. Massachusetts unions have a mem bership of over 15.000. Street Railway men will meet at Bruse's hall tonight (Saturday). A vote for Louis Faulhaber, candi date for sheriff, is a vote for a union man. A vote for Weisman, candidate for register of deeds, is a vote for a union man. Note the announcement of a change in the management of The Wage worker. Havelock unionists should vote for S. D. Smith, democratic candidate for precinct assessor. Eighty per cent of butcher stoop tenders In New York city have been recently organized. The Musicians will hold a special meeting at Bruse's hall tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 11 o'clock. In Oklahoma there are at present about 325 separate unions, with an average membership of seventy-one per organization. : No settlement has been made with the Bucks Stove & Range Co. The concern continues to boycott union labor. : The Quincy, 111.. Ministerial Union has selected Rev. C. Rodman, Grace M. E. church, as fraternal delegate to to the Trades and Labor Assembly. At the convention of the Railway Carmen in Atlanta, Ga., It was decided - by a unanimous vote to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor. William Glockling, international president of the Bookbinders' Union, has been elected the head of the Trades and Labor Council of Canada. The profeslonal footballers in Eng land have formed themselves into a Players Union and have become af filiated with the Federation of Trades Unions. The gales are beginning to blow on the Great Lakes and as a result the scabs are getting scarce and the kids and cornfield sailors long for "home and mother." Theatrical booking agents In Chi cago will have to adopt the form of contract prescribed by state officials In conformity with the new law ap plying to employment agencies. The Elevator Constructors' Union, which was ousted from the Chicago Federation of Labor several years ago, when "Skinny" Madden was a power In that body, was reinstated Sunday, and Its delegates seated. Switchmen's Union in Chicago has caused the arrest of J. J. Egan, who Is said to be one of a gang who are so liciting funds in the name of that or ganization. The demand of Manager Dippel, of the Metropolitan Opera company, in New York, upon the Musical Protec tive Union that two first horn players, experts who have played with the great orchestras of Europe, be per mitted to play with the orchestra dur ing the coming season has been turned down. The union rules that no musi cian can Join it unless he has played In this country six months. Several weeks ago the Plasterers' Union was disbanded In Fort Wayne, lnd., which was followed by an enor mous reduction in wages. The union has been reorganized and an endeavor will be made to regain some of the loss. Fifty girls who struck at the plant of the Masury Explosive company, at Sharon, Pa., two weeks ago, have re turned to work after winning all the concessions for which they struck. The San Francisco Labor Council re cently voted to expel the anti-McNulty locals of the Electrical Workers' Union, in accordance with the request of the American Federation of Labor. The strike of 300 Greek laborers in the Utah Copper company's plant was settled last week. It Is said that the company granted the demands of the strikers for an Increase from $1.75 to $2 per day. The Oklahoma State Federation of tabor has made provision for a labor organizer to work among the negroes of the state, and a determined effort will be made to enroll them In the ranks of union labor. Announcement that the glass manu facturers and workmen have reached an agreement was made at Woodbury N. J., recently, but there is a feeling in some quarters that the reduction in the wage scale Is greater than was expected. The 45,000 or more employes of the Rock Island railroad system are to have the benefits of a comprehensive pension system, to go Into effect June SO, 1910. Compulsory retirement will occur at the age of 70 years and elec tive retirement at 65. After months or work, the Illinois commission drafted a bill of thirty three sections, thirty-one of which were unqualifiedly favorable to labor. It la said that the bill is now a law, and gives Illinois the best labor code in the country, if not in the world. Peace for at least three years was assured in the street car situation at Chicago by the signing by union offi cials, representing the employes of the Chicago Railway company, which op erates the North and West Side line, of the wage scale offered by the street car officials. Suit was filed under the Allen con tract labor law against Frederick C. Roberts & Co. of San Francisco, in the United States district court at San Francisco on October 8 to recover a penalty of $1,000 for an alleged viola tion of the statute by the importation of a laborer from 'Mexico. Judge Risser stands for the enforce ment of the laws as he finds them on the statute books. He plays no fa vorites and he gladly welcomes inves tigation of his administration of the position to which he aspires again. The Labor Temple directors 'will meet at the Labor Temple Monday evening. Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupin occupied the pulpit of the Presby terian church in South Omaha last Sunday evening and spoke of "Church and Labor." He was greeted by a large audience and accorded close at tention. SLOWLY DAWNING. Business Interests See Menace of Ju dicial Ursurpation. Should it be a cause to wonder if there arises deep seated resentment against this proposition of legal prac tice in which one federal judge of an Inferior court wipes off the map the legislative' and executive work in the state and makes the supreme court as though it were not? The question rises above and beyond the merits or demerits of a law guar anteeing bank deposits. The naked question, of a single federal judge of an inferior court, exercising a power of a state and supplanting in author ity the supreme court of the state and indirectly the supreme court of the United States, is so abhorent to a gov ernment of the people that no party lines can hold thoughtful men from protesting against and working for a change of conditions from the practice as illustrated in this case. Lincoln Trade Review. j j j jj jfj jjf- PATRONAGE. . The merchant "Who does not advertise at all may or may not be your friend, fellow worker, but It is m foregone conclusion that he who liberally patronizes the columns of all other papers and refuses to advertise in your paper, is not looking for the working man's patronage, does not wish it, and is not desirous of your friendship. You will find those who ad vertise in these columns are worthy of your every consider ation, for we shall use every precaution to protect your in terests. When you patronize the man.. who advertises in your paper see that he knows where you saw the advertisement. You will find this a benefit to you as. well as to the paper. . RESTRICT "UNDESIRABLES." John Mitchell Advocate Changes in Immigration Laws. Vice-President John Mitchell of the American Federation of Labor has is sued a public statement declaring that certain steamship lines are bringing undesirable immigrants to this coun try, and suggesting that American wage-earners advocate the incorpora tion of the following restrictions in the immigration laws: "First. That in. addition to the re striction imposed and at present in force, the head tax of $4 now collected be increased to $10. 1 "Second. That such immigrant, un less he be a political refugee, should bring with him not less than $25, in addition to the amount required to pay transportation to the point where he expects to find employment. "Third. That immigrants between the ages of 14 and 50 years should be able to read a section of the constitu tion of the United States, whether in our language, in their own language, or in the language of the country from which they come." WORKERS ARE WINNING. New York Labor Statistics Show Bosses Are Outgeneraled. According to the latest bulletins Is sued by the New York State Depart ment of Labor it is shown that in the conflict between employers and em ployes, the workers have won In the majority of cases, considering the to tal number of men involved. The re port reads, in part, as follows: "The balance of success appears in favor .of the workingmen. Of the 62 disputes 18 resulted in complete vic tory for the employes and 15 others in partial success. It will be noted that those disputes in which the workmen were successful were those involving large numbers of workmen, whereas the employers were successful in those disputes in which a compara tively small number of workmen de manded changes. Thus in the 18 dis putes won by the workmen 13.419 employes were directly concerned, while in the 22 disputes won by the employers, only 1,831 employes par ticipated." GIRL EMPLOYES WIN. Resumed Work on Securing Wage In crease. , Fifty girls who struck at the plant of the Masury Explosive company, Sharon, Pa., two weeks ago have re turned to work after winning all the concessions which they asked. The girls demanded an increase of wages and better working conditions; when these were refused they walked out. Superintendent Hummel made an attempt to fill their places with col ored girls. The girl strikers held daily meet ings which kept them resolute in their determination to hold out until the end. They felt confident that the col ored girls could not do their work. At the request of Superintendent Hummel the girls met with the offic ers of the company Sunday afternoon. The company agreed to give them an increase of 10 cents a day, and to dis charge the strikebreakers. GIVE HONEST LABOR. The member of a labor union who does not give a fair day's work to his employer is a cheat and is doing incal culable harm to organized labor. More is expected of a union man than there is of a non-union man, especially as to the quality of work rendered, and failure to come up to the average in an average day's work is harmful to the general movement, retards its pro gress and has a tendency to make it much more difficult to secure in creased wages when needed. Okla homa Labor Unit. DANBURY HATTERS' CASE. Suit for $250)000 Over Alleged Boy- cot Put on Trial. Hartford, Conn. The suit of R. E. Loewe, et al versus Martin Lawlor, et al, known as the Danbury hatters' case, in which damages of $250,000 are sought for alleged injuries to the Busi ness of the plaintiffs through an al leged boycot by the union, went on trial in the United tSates circuit court the first of the week. The case has been through the United States .. circuit court and the supreme court of the United States on technical points and has now come to trial on the facts. Six weeks may be necessary to try the case. CAN YOU BEAT IT? A prize was offered by the Peoria central body to the person taking part in the Labor Day parade who had the most label goods. A cigarmaker won the prize. The winner in the contest had the following labels on: Hat, coat, vest, pants, shirt, necktie, collar, two collar buttons, two sleeve buttons, cuff buttons, belt, suspenders, sox, shoes, and pocket knife. Can you beat that? FRANK MORRISON'S LUCK. Another addition was made to the ranks of the American Federation of Labor last Thursday, when a counc ing eleven-pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morri son in Washington, D. C. THE BLACKSMITHS. The - International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers held their twelfth annual concention in Pitts burg, Pa., this week. The blacksmiths organization was formed at Atlanta Ga., in 1890. and has had a remarkable growth. At the present time there are in the United States 500 local organi zations, with two locals in the Canal Zone, Panama. NEW TABLE OF VALUE. "Now. children," commanded the austere, instructor in advanced arith metic, "you will recite in unison the table of values." Thereupon the pupils repeated in chorus: "Ten mills make a trust; "Ten trusts make a combine; "Ten combines make a merger; "Ten mergers make a magnate; "One magnate makes the money." The Tobacco Worker. MAY CHANGE HEADQUARTERS. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Thinking of Moving. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen is contemplating a change of headquarters from Peoria, 111., to Cincinnati. The board of directors has the matter in charge, but a dec! sion will hardly be made before next January. At the present headquarters the payroll now amount! to $45,000 annually, and the yearly expenditure for stationery and general supplies is estimated at from $25,000 to $30,000. The brotherhood carries a bank bal ance of about $300,000. ff Dnutieiresft to WinnieirQ finger ends and all at a price that is a Money Saving to yon. Our salesman would be pleased to show yon tho Hoosier and its wonlerful step-saving devices. Tho price we sell them for is less than any thing you can think of that would any ways near take its place. Moores' Stoves and Ranges are made of the best material tba- can be put into a stove, and besides their ranges have more improvements than any three Ranges on the market besides their baking qualities are not exceled by any. Prices on Moores Cooks and Ranges inn from $15.00 Up n m yyi ' - la ... '.u . . , H ' TOE A. WILL TRY NEW PLAN. Chicago's Union Women Will Adopt Unusual Methods. Representatives of the Chicago Wo men's Trade Union League have an nounced that they intend to adopt Salvation Army methods to convert working women to unionism. The plan was decided upon after a number of delegates from New York told how successful such methods had proved in that city since it was adopted about six weeks ago. Groups of women organizers with drums and tambourines are to invade the factory districts and preach the gospel of unionism to the girls as they leave their places for the day. Per mits will be secured from the police, so there can be no interference with the street meetings. The gatherings will be similar to those conducted by the Salvation Army, except that no collections will be taken up and the prayers will be for shorter hours of labor and better conditions. "We have decided to try the New York plan in Chicago," said Mrs. Ray mond Robins. . "Since the mountain will not come to Mahomet we have de termined to have Mahomet go to the mountain. We shall take up one trade at a time and try to organize the girls. It will be a big task because the fac ories are so widely scattered, but I am confident of success." Men Have Learned To look to this store for reliable clothing, and each day the list of satisfied customers grows larger. Oar line of suits and overcoats will satisfy r5Be Tied to your Kifcheit: The Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet stands ahead in the Kitchen Cabi net line. The conveinces in a Hoosier saves buying a number of articles to take their place be sides yon have everything at your You should see tho Moore's Air Tight Oak in order to see the marked differ ence between a good oak beater and the poorer qualities that are on tho market at about the same prices. Prices on Moore's Air Tight Heaters run from ' ' . x ' ' ' $12.50 up. B2. EEmftfAY C, 1112-1114 O St, Lincoln. WHERE TAFFY WOULDN'T GO. Marshall Field & Co. Couldn't Soft Solder Good Union Women;, When the National Women's Trade Union League was in session in its annual convention in Chicago recently the out-of-town delegates received, in vitations from Marshall Field & Co. to visit their department store. But knowing that -the store and the com pany were notoriously unfair to the organization of women workers, and that the treatment of , them by the company was anything but what it ought to be, the invited guests of the store brought the invitations up in the convention and that body took high ground on the subject, which was expressed in a resolution which read as follows: "Resolved, That the convention, on behalf of the out-of-town delegates, unanimously and respectfully de clines to accept the invitation be cause of the known opposition of this firm to the organization of women workers and to efforts to raise the in dustrial status of women." The women workers of the country have their eyes opened to their rights and are not likely to close them when, one of their sworn ene mies makes a tender of gracious hospitality, with all the attractions of a rich display of merchandise in volved. Marshall Field & Co. thought this a good opportunity to show their YOU. FURQUHAR 1325 O Street, Lincoln in ml nzr enterprise and in the end reap a fruit ful harvest of profit from ' the ex hibition. They got the fruit they were handed a lemon. Minnesota Union Advocate. TAFT WRITES CONDUCTORS. Will Assist Member Who I Impris oned Unjustly in Mexico. Guadalajara, Mex., Oct. 26. A let ter from President -Taft written in San Antonio, has been received by Guad alajara division 540, Order of Railway ' conductors. It is in reply to the let ter sent him at El Paso, reviewing the case of Conductor James A. Cook, declaring his imprisonment a gross injustice and demanding action for his release by the United States govern ment. ' N , The president's letter follows: "I have your communication of Oct ober' 9 and have transmitted It to the secretary of state for such investiga tion and action as the facts shown will justify. - I have' requested the state department to advise you of course taken by it.' The Taft letter has caused rejoicing among the American railroad men. Brooklyn, N. Y., Butcher Storetend ers' Union reports that it has succeed ed in unionizing and signing agree ments with 150 new stores, , which have been operated under the "open shop" system for a number of years. t