The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 30, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 30
Sir. Union Man, are you doing a man's part in
pushing the Labor Temple project to success? Have
you contributed your share? Have you taken any
interest in the movement looking towards provid
ing the unions of this community with a home of
their own!
Or are you either doing nothing or else "knock
ing" on the proposition?
There is an immediate need of manly men self
sacrificing union men. There is a need of men who
will step forward and say: "I'll do my share to
wards securing and maintaining a Labor Temple in
Will you be one of the five hundred or six hun
dred men who are needed and must be had at once?
If you are ready and willing to do a man's part,
now is the time to make the fact known.
Among the Live Ones
Here and Hereabouts
With the hope that the matter might
be smoothed over or definitely settled
almost any day, the fact that the local
Electrical Workers' Union had ceased
affiliation with the Lincoln Central
tabor Union has been kept under sover
for some time. "The Electrical Work
ers, as loyal a bunch as every carried
cards, withdrew their delegates some
time ago, doing so because they did
not want to complicate the local situ
ation by having the charter of the
central body lifted by the American
Federation of Iabor. , The notice of
withdrawal was read and the Barae ac
cepted without comment, the delegates
from other bodies fully understanding
the situation. It is the hope of all
that the unfortunate complication may
soon be settled and that the local
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
will again have Its enterprising and
faithful delegates on the floor ot the
central body.
And unless this complication is soon
settled It threatens to work irrepara
ble Injury to the labor movement
throughout the United States and Can
ada. As the matter now stands thous
ands of splendid union men are prac
tically ostracized, and other bodies
lose the help that, has always been
freely given.
Here in Lincoln the Electrical Work
ers number about 130, and they have
taken the lead in every move looking
towards the upbuilding of unionism.
Their union is the largest stockholder
in the Labor Temple. It has always
furnished live committeemen for gen
eral purposes, and It has always come
to the front with more than Its pro
rata share ot all expenses. As the
matter now stands this local union
1b under the ban and it is deprived
of not only all the benefits of affilia
tion but It la prohibited from giving
a helping band to other unions. This
is going to hurt the other unions more
than it will hurt the Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers.
The Toronto convention ot the Amer
ican Federation of Labor has no more
important work than the settlement
of this great trouble.
Perhaps we ought to feel sorry for
John R. Walsh of Chicago, but some
how or other we cannot. He Is an
old man, broken In health and In for
tune, . and facing the doors of the
penitentiary. A few years ago he was
an arrogant, purse-pround, unlon-hat-Ing
banker and railroad man. He
plunged heavily, and In order to keep
up his big deals he manipulated the
books of his big Chicago bank. For
this he was arrested, tried, convlqted
and sentenced to a term In the peni
tentiary. Of course he managed to
etave off his sentence, but contrary
to the usual order ot things he was
up against a prosecutor who couldn't
see the difference between a rich
malefactor and a poor devil. Now it
looks as If Walsh would have to go
behind the high stone walls. Maybe
we ought to feel sorry for him. They
tell us that a man of his social stand
ing suffers more keenly than men of
a coarser kind ot clay. That may be,
but our undeveloped mind falls to
show us the difference between the
clay that makes a Walsh and the clay
that makes a common laborer. Walsh
used to run the Chicago Chronicle, the
most violent union baiter that ever
was printed. He denounced every man
who plead for higher Ideals. Every
man who refused to bow the knee to
Baal was denounced by Walsh as an
anarchist, a muckraker, a disturber, a
traitor to the established order of
things. . He loved to cry "thief" at
every man who opposed the Walsh
methods. He had no sympathy for
men who banded themselves together
for social betterment. Now that he
is up against the same thing that he
said was the thing that ought to be
handed his opponents, we find our
selves unable to muster up a single
throb of pity for him, old and broken
though he may be. John R. Walsh
is reaping the whirlwind, and the
harvest is from the seed of his own
There was a busy scene at the Labor
Temple last Sunday. ' A big bunch of
electrical workers showed up at 8
o'clock in the morning and began rip
ping out the old wiring and putting
in new. Another bunch made up of
plumbers set to work on the old and
dilapidated plumbing and soon had it
yanked out. Then the work of in
stalling the new plumbing began. A
bunch of carpenters sawed and ham
mered away for dear life, tearing up
old floors, resetting doors, putting up
and changing partitions and otherwise
altering the interior. Members of oth
er crafts flocked around and lent a
helping hand wherever poslble. To
morrow (Sunday) a lot of men can be
used to good advantage helping to
get rid of the debris that lies all
around. The wiring and the plumbing
work will all be out of the road for
the carpenters by Monday morning,
and then the way is clear for a rapid
completion of the work of alteration.
Long before the first of December the
Labor Temple will be ready for occu'
The cigarmakers cannot lend physi
cal assistance In remodeling the Tem
ple building, but they are going to
show their sympathy In another way.
Just as eoon as the room Is ready
the cigarmakers are going to put in
the first stock of cigars, contributing
them as their share of the work of
getting the Temple ready. The inten
tion is to have the cigar stand and
soft drinks emporium ready for bust
ness by the last of next week, and
thus start the work of revenue pro
ducing without delay. If there is any
body in town who has a pool or bil
liard table they would like to donate
to the Labor Temple, they will have
no difficulty in accomplishing their de
The stereotypers are meeting regu
larly now and there is every indica
tion that the boys are going to keep
in the game .at a lively gait. The un
ion will meet the first and third Tues
days in the month.
The teamsters are not receiving the
support from union men and women
that they are entitled to. This union
Is struggling against hard conditions,
and if ever there was a set of men
entitled to more consideration it is
the men who drive the wagons in a
large city. Their work is fearfully
hard, the hours are long and the con
ditions at their best are always bad.
The local union ought to have the ad
vice, sympathy and support of the old
er unions. It will help if when you
order coal you will make a kick to
have it delivered by a union teamster.
After an extended season of depres
sion the cigarmakers are happy to
report that business is on the upgrade.
There, are more cigarmakers at work
in Lincoln now than at any one time
during the last eight months, and the
prospects seem to he growing brighter
every day. They would be a lot bright
er if more union men would act up
to their avowed principles and de
mand union made cigars.
County Judge Cosgrave happened
along by the Labor Temple last Sunday-morning,
and attracted by the
sounds of activity he dropped in to
see what was going on. He was taken
in tow by some enthusiasts and the
whole matter explained.
"How are you raisin the money?"
asked the judge. '
"Selling stock at a dollar a share,
and only enough to pay for the prop
erty," was the reply.
"It's the best project ever started
in Lincoln!" exclaimed the judge, "and
I want to help."
A minute later Judge Cosgrave was
down for a liberal stock subscription,
and he declared it would be bigger in
the future. "II help because It means
a lot for all of us," he said as he de
parted. Sam Chaplin, who has been, laid up
with a severe attack of blood poison-
ng, is improving slowly, but he shows
the effects of a hard seige. Sam was
engaged in some repair work around
his home a few weeks ago and
scratched the back of his hand with
a rusty nail. The result was a bad
wound, and several operations had to
be performed.
The pressroom force at the Wood
ruff-Collins printery is rejoicing over
the installation of a press that is a
wonder. It Is used for large blanks
and work of that nature, and it feeds
automatically and prints single sheets
at the rate of 3,500 an hour or more.
It is a beautiful piece of machinery.
Heirs of union brickmakers and ter
ra cotta" workers who die while per
forming police or military duty will
not be paid death benefits by the
Brickmakers' and Terra Cotta Work
ers' International Union, by an amend
ment to their constitution put in force
The L&bor Temple directors must have $2,000 in
cash on December 1, 1909, or they will be up against
it. They want 500 union men to pledge stock sub
scriptions of $1 a month for twelve consecutive
months. If 500 such men' will step forward and
make good, the board of directors will undertake,
t laise the rest.
But until the union men evidence a determination
lie:, and a willingness to make some sacrifices to
secure a Labor Temple, the board of directors does
not feel like approaching outsiders and asking for
stock subscriptions. The Labor Temple will be a
paying institution. No doubt about that. It will
pay in dollars and it will pay in industrial and so
cial betterment. It will mean better working condi
tions, better fraternal feeling, better wages, better
men, better women and happier children. But the
workers must show their interest by putting up
their dollars. No one man is asked to give largely,
but all are asked to give something.
Did we say "give?"
We meant to say that each man is asked to sub
scribe something to invest something in a project
that will pay big dividends.
If every union man in Lancaster county would in
vest a dollar a month for twelve consecutive
months in Labor Temple stock, the unions would
have a proptrty worth $25,000, and in addition to
monetary dividends the stockholders would be re
ceiving incalculable benefits.
What are you going to do about it?
If you are willing to help, notify Secretary Fred
Ihringer. lie has an automatic telephone. And if
you are willing, notify him before,you lay this pa
per aside. Do it now !
on the 13th. The new rule affects
members of the "National Guard in all
states in times of peace or war.
' The unfair Butterick . publishing Co.
has taken over "Everybody's Maga
zine," the Butterick Co.' increasing its
capital from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000
in order to do the job. "Everybody's"
has been pair for two years, aud per
haps it will have the effect of squar
ing the Butterick concern. If not, we
Snow a fellow who lias read every
number of "Everybody's" who will try
and find something else.
Bits of News About Boys of Controller
and Register.
The annual convention of the Amal
gamated Association of Street and
Electric Railway Employes at Toronto
recently was the largest convention in
the history of the association. It will
be good news for the Lincoln men to
hear that the 1910 convention will be
held at St. Joseph, Mo., on the first
Monday in September.
William D. Mahon was re-elected
president without opposition, and in
recognition of his splendid services
in the past his salary was increased
to $5,000 a year. The salaries of the
members of the executive board were
Increased from $6 to $7 a day. Presi
dent Mahon and Organizers Pratt and
Commons were elected to represent the
asociation at the Toronto convention
kf the American Federation of Labor.
Lincoln Division No. 522 will meet
at midnight tonight (Saturday) and
will take up some very important mat
ters. It is to be hoped that there will
be a full attendance of members.
C. E. Damewood returned to Lincoln
from Perkins county the first of the
week to arrange for the removal of
his family to that county. Mr. Dame
wood is going to handle the controller
of a breaking plow and cultivator, and
try to ring up a big bunch of fares
from the grain fields. He has a host
of friends in Lincoln who will wish
him unbounded success. The rumor
tbc-ut Omaha was absolutely unfound
ed in Damewood's case.
Ex-Treasurer Ivey, charged with em
bezzling the funds of the union, was
arraigned before Justice Stevens last
Tuesday and another I continuance
The voters of Havelock ought tc
consult their own interests by makinf
the election of S. D. Smith, candidate
for assessor, unanimous. And the un
ion men of Havelock ought to be hit
campaign committee. No better mar
for the position could be found in the
shop city. We hope to chronicle
Smith's triumphant elction.
There is always a surplus of "knockers" in this
world. What we need now is "boosters." And es
pecially are "boosters" needed right now in Lin
coln's union labor circles. There is a need for men
who will "boost' 'the Labor Temple project, and
"boost" hard. ,
Are you a "booster," or are you a "knocker?"
By your actions are you judged.
The men who have, been handling the Temple pro
ject have sacrificed their time and money. They
have worked patiently and well, and they have
accomplished a good work. But they can not car
ry the whole burden. They must have help not
"hot sir," but the good old dollars, and the union
men of this community to furnish the dollars.
A dollar from each of you right now will serve a
better purpose than two dollars a year from now.
Upon the "now" depends the whole future of the
project. Come across.
First Union Meeting is
Held at Labor Temple
The first meeting of union men in
the new Labor Temple was held last
Monday evening. It is true that the
accommodations were not the best,
but in view of all the circumstances
the little bunch that met there felt
mighty good. The seating arrange
ments consisted of a couple of boards
on windowsills and boxes, and the
lighting consisted of a couple of in
candescents hooked to a long wire,
that was strung along a couple of
It was a meeting the directors
of the Labor Temple Asociation, and
while the atmosphere was chilly the
meeting was warm enough. Every
body present was filled with satis
faction over the progress being made.
True, the floors and ceilings are all
torn up, partitions have been set but
not yet lathed and plastered, the wir
ing is incomplete and the plumbing
is in a chaotic condition as yet, but
another week will see everything
ready for the lathers, plasterers, paint
ers and paperhangers.
What is needed now is money to
rush the work along.
While electrical workers and plumb
ers have rushed loyally to the rescue
and are doing their part of the work
without money and without price,
there are other crafts that could help
that have not yet come to the ' front
A few carpenters could be used after
hours. A laborer or two could be
used to advantage an hour or two
each evening. The lathers will do the
lathing without cost when things ,are
ready for them, and the painters and
decorators are coming . across with
their share of the work needed. ,
But there are about 1,500 union men
in the community who have thus tar
evidenced little interest. At least
they have not shown up at the build
ing, nor have they called up Secretary
Ihringer to pledge themselves to sub
scribe a few dollars to push this ex
cellent project along. x
According to the reports made at
Monday night's meeting about 100 men
have pledged themselves to give $1
a month for twelve months, taking
it out in stock. There must be at
least 400 more before success is as
sured. A committee consisting of Ress and
Rudy was appointed to frame up a
schedule of rentals, and a report will
be made at the next meeting.
Several bills for material were al
lowed, and warrants ordered drawn
to pay them. The committee appoint
ed to visit the various unions reported
progress and a fair measure of suc
cess. This committee will keep busy
for weeks to' come. The committee
appointed to confer with business men
made a satisfactory report, and it, too,
will be continued.
Several unions insist that the work
be rushed so they can begin meeting
at the Temple not later than Decem
ber, and Superintendent Kates agrees
to have everything in readiness if
the unionists of the community will
do their share.
Several individual pledges for stock
subscriptions were reported, and these
were above the average.
. The board adjourned at 10 o'clock
and unless the unforseen happens all
future meetings will be held at" the
It is pretty generally believed that
three halls will be sufficient to accom
modate all the unions and several fra
ternal societies, and if this is found '
to be true it is probable that one of
the smaller halls will be devoted to
library purposes, together with desk
room for the secretaries of the vari
ous unions occupying the Temple. ' A
good library is already assured, and
Superintendent Kates will see to it
that shelf room for the books will be
provided. It has been suggested that
a day be set apart as "Book Day" and
all friends asked to visit the Temple
and bring a good , book something
along industrial and economic lines
But all this, of course, is contingent
upon the unionists of the community
bracing up and showing a deeper in
terest in the Temple prject. The
thing that must be had and had right
now is MONEY.'
A dollar may not seem much of a
boost from one man, but a dollar from
each unionist in Lincoln and Havelock
means success. And unless these dol
lars come the project will fall.
But they are coming just as soon
as you start your dollars Templeward.
Tenants for the one store room are
already In sight, and there promises
to be -some lively rivalry for its pos
session. If all plans go right and they will
the front of the building will be "hand
somely Illuminated. ' '
The Wageworker has announced
that Secretary Ihringer will receive
stock subscriptions over his house
phone at any time between 6 p. m.
and 7 a. m. He says he will stand
for the announcement, but it is a
little hard to crawl out of bed at 4
O'clock in the morning to take 'em
and he has had to do that very thing.
He prefers a more seasonable hour,
but under all the' circumstances he'll
gladly take 'em at any old time. , ,
Chief of Police Malone is putting
the police force on the right basis.
He insists that the patrolmen shall
know the ordinances. He Is remodel
ing the system of making reports, and
he is cutting out a lot of the fol-de-rol
and clap-trap injected Into the police
system years ago. In other words, he
is bringing the force up to date. Chief
Malone knows the . police business
from the ground up, and If given a
free hand, like Chief Clements has in
the fire department, he will be able
to institute some much needed re
John Weisman, democratic candi
date for register of deeds, is a union
man, an old soldier, a competent man"
and one of the oldest residents of
Lancaster county. Isn't that a com
bination that appeals to you, Mr. Un
ion Man? And doesn't it appeal tt
you, Mr. Taxpayer? This is the firsi
time John Weisman has been a cane
didate for any office, with the sol
exception of one campaign he made
the race for the position of exciseman.