ewvc )owes; ceoxses ossvsXs oxxGxwovcxcovavti VxabWxxoV coTsXpoX.ow To Oet'vts bexvcjvavoX ejfecs,QVways)u lva ruxNuFACTunro by the CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOU) BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 50'AB0TTU The Best Kind Of Life Insurance is health Insurance. The best way to insure the health of your family when any member gets in a "run-down", condition, ia to use a tome that removes the cause of the ill-health. Such a tonic is DILD.JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE A "run down" condition is generally due to the failure of the digestive organs to properly digest the food. Dr. D. Jayne's Vermifuge tones up the digestive organs so that they supply the body with proper nourishment, and in this way bring about last ing health. Ordinary tonics simply supply food material in predigested form, and conse quently are only effective as long as the tonic is taken. 1 Sold by all Drugglsti two sizes, SOc and 35c. Br. D. Jayae's Expectorant has been relieving and curing Coughs, Colda.and similar ailmoutu iox nearly four generations. Nebraska Directory 1 jou want i tut Hvmt Corn H heller made? If bo, Deist on nuvlng a MARSEILLES CORN SHELLER Writes for cataluff or sea your local dealer, JOHN IEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA DcatricQ Creamery Go. . Fays the highest price for Candies Sold by the Beet Dealer. We will send to pupils -- eschere on receipt of 13ots.ln stamp., a IMnrh, hare irv;J;r1 "'' john - woodward CO. "The Candy Mn"Counc4l Bluffs, ia. SOUTH DAKOTA Improved and unimproved farms In eastern South Dakota for sal on CROP PAYMENTS or 10 TEARS TIME Will erect buildings on any farm on same eaxr terms. Price JU to HO per ac-re. For lla'.s, naps, etc., address ALEX. H. RAIT. Farmers & Merchants Bids., 1 Itn and U Su.. Lincoln. Neb. Bubber Stamps, Btenells, Seals, Trade Checks, Badges, Btc. General Ma- thliilhia, Modfil Mitkers, Brats vmuh... Uncoln, Nab. RUPTURE Of all va rieties per manently cured in A few days without a surgical operation or detention from business. No pay will be accepted nntil the patient la completely autistied. Write or cull on FRANTZ H. WRAY, M. D. Room 306 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SteelWoolSole RUBBERS Boots and Arctics Ask your Dealer for Goods wHh this brand Jtorican Hand-Sewed Shoe Go. ' OMAHA 1 rXri Rprerol Ma- -fNSa I lW thllllhlB,Mot1f!l W VW Milkers, Brass nss Best Prices Made 111 Same Ta Mask BACKACHE IS KIDNEYACHE. Usually There Are Other Troubles to Prove It. Pain in the back is pain in the kid neys, in most cases, and it points to tne need or a spe cial remedy to re move and cure the congestion or in flammation of the kidneys that is In- Sv; Jit I terfering with their work and causing that pain that makes you say: "Oh, my back." 1 Thompson Wat kins, professional nurse, 420 N. 23rd St., Parsons, Kan., says: "For some time I was annoyed with sharp twinges across the small of my back and ir regular passages of the kidney secre tions. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills, I am free from these troubles." 1 Remember the name Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. THE CLEVER GIRL. "Your father ordered some wood from me this morning, miss. Do you know whether he wants hard or soft?" "Oh er not too hard." New Geyser in Yellowstone Park. For a few days past there have been Indications of an eruption of some kind near the Fountain hotel in Yel lowstone park, says a dispatch from Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyo. Now a new and magnificent geyser has bro ken out in full force about 100 feet north of the regular Fountain geyser near Fountain hotel. This new geyser, which does not appear to affect any of the others in that vicinity, played to a height of 150 to 200 feet, throwing off immense quantities of hot water, mud and steam. The new geyser does not play regularly as does Old Faithful, but at short intervals, the eruptions occurring five or six hours apart, and lasting about one hour. Many Were Tn the Same Boat. According to the Saturday Evening Post, this is a story heard with much glee by congress during the last days of the Roosevelt administration: During the recent cold spell in Washington, a man, shivering and lugged, knocked at the door of a K street house and said to the lady: "Please, madam, give me something to eat. I am suffering severely from exposure." "You must be more specific," the lady replied. "Are you a member of the senate or of the house?" In the Beginning. "Yours is certainly an unusual case," said the lawyer, "and it will be neccessary to consult a number of books." "So?" queried the client. "Yes," answered the legal light, "and we will begin with your pocket book." A Ready Explanation. "What is the reason you were so late in discovering the north pole?" "Well," answered the explorer, "you see they have such long nights in the arctic regions that I overslept." Wherein They Differ. Her When a man starts to talk he never stops to think. Him And when a woman starts she never thinks to stop. I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to the gods who knows how to be silent even when he is in the right Cato. Devote each day to the object then In hand, and the evening will find something done. Goethe. Paper Bags. To keep lettuce fresh, put it in a paper bag, twist the end tight, place this in another bag, and put in a cool place, If troubled with ants, place cake in a box, put this in a strong paper bag, and hang from a hook. If you have to work in the kitchen in a long sleeved waist, slip a paper bag over each arm, making a hole just large enough to admit the hand. This will protect the sleeves and be easily slipped on and off in case the door bell. rings. It is an excellent protection in blacking a stove. Put paper bags over canned fruit and the color will be preserved. Tomato Mustard. One peck of ripe tomatoes skinned, six red peppers, boil one hour; then strain through sieve. Add half pound of salt, two tablespoonfuls of blacki pepper, two of ginger, one of all spice; boil all together one hour and a half. When cold mix half pound of ground mustard in one pint of vine gar; put all together, stir well and bottle, and it is ready for use. to on new no me neips. The clever housekeeper is she who uses all the modern conveniences she can afford. The best way to know what has been done to lighten wo man's labor is to watch household ad vertisements and follow them up. MISPLACED ACT OF KINDNESS Motherly Woman Meant Well, but Sequel Made Her Look Like a Kidnaper. Paul's mamma at times fairly ex odes maternity. Her heart goes out to every child she meets. At least it did until recently, when she had a setback that has since held her feel ings visibly in check. Now if you qunstioned her in that respect she would admit sadly that kindness to strange children does not always pay. The change of heart arrived because of an incident on a certain day when, ferociously riding her hobby of moth erly kindness to all childhood, she made a hurried dart across Broadway to board a certain car. As she reached the step, breathless but safe, the vision before her was that of a large, comely, well-dressed woman comfortably climbing to the platform and into the car, utterly un mindful of the , small, overdressed child in her wake, endeavoring to emulate her every action. With wrath in her heart and tender, ness in her grasp Paul's mamma lift ed the child in her arms, and so en tered the car, setting the small girl in the aisle as she took her seat. As she did so the child for the first time turned, and. looking her full in the face broke out into a loud wail, which attracted attention. The large, comely woman was com fortably seated at the far end as Paul's - mother, putting her arms pro tectingly about the bawier, pointed her out to the weeping youngster. "There she is, dear. There's moth er. Run along to mother." "I'm not her mother," was the startling rejoinder. "I never saw the child before. When she ran across the street in front of you I took it for granted she was yours. She certainly isn't my child." New York Tinies. COULDN'T BUNCO HIM. The Gent My little man, speaking from experience, I would like to see you throw that cigar away. The Kid Aw, fergit dat line of talk; I ain't goin to trow dis big two-fer and let you pick it up. But say, follow me up and I'll save de butt fer youse. Whim of a Property Owner. A. J. Singelyn of the Burns hotel says somebody played a mean trick on one of his German customers recently. "The German had one of those old fashioned fly traps in his place," said Mr. Singelyn. "It is about a foot high and half the diameter at the bottom. The flies get in somehow and then they can't find their way out. A fel low went into the saloon on one of the hot days and the fly trap was full. 'I'll give you half a dollar for them flies,' said he, and the German's face lit up as he accepted it and shoved over the trap. The man looked at it a while, then loosened the bottom and let the flies out. "'Vat's der matter mit you?' asked the excited German. " 'Nothing,' replied the man as he neared the door. 'They were my flies and I could do what I wanted with them.' " Detroit Free Press. When Opportunity Knocks. A New Jersey farmer, whose farm is near a school for boys, was greatly annoyed by the depredations of the youngsters. Finding two of the boys helping themselv ? to his choice ap ples, he ushered thera from his prem ises, ably assisted by the toe of his boot. The following day he found the same boys loitering in the vicinity of his orchard fence. "What you young scamps hangin round here for?" he shouted. "I told you yesterday what you'd git if I caught you on my land ag'in." "Yes, sir, we remembber," explained the spokesman. "We didn't come for apples this time. We came to ask you to join our football eleven." Harper's Bazar. The Complacent Ninety-Nine). Senator Tillman at a recent banquet told an amusing story. "The pastor of a Tallapoosa church," he began, "said rather pointedly from the pulpit one Sunday morning: " 'Ah sutny am rej'iced to see Bru& dah Calhoun White in chu'eh once mo'. Ah's glad Bruddah Calhoun has saw) de error of his ways at lawst, fo' dere is mo' joy obah one sinnah dat re penteth dan obah de ninety an' nine ' "But at this point Brother Calhoun White interrupted, angrily: " 'Oh,' he said from his seat, 'de ninety an nine needn't crow. Ah could tell some things erbout ninety an' nine ef ah wanted ter!'" Beginning of a Ce!':.ted Feud. "What's the matter, old man?" asked the earl of Aruudel, as he ap proached Sir Francis, who seemed to be in a blue funk. "Confound it," replied Bacon, "I had all prepapartions made to write Shake speare's plays, and now I hear the dog gone faker has gone and written them himself. It's my opinion that he's handed the world a gold brick." Herewith the incident was consid ered opened. , ill MmL.1 X Tfie&Cmt No amount of force or persuasion on the part of the imitators is great enough to evea budge it from its preseut firm hold on the minds of the people. This has been emphatically demonstrated several times during the past few years. Imitations have come and gone, but Kellogg's goes on with an ever increasing demand. . This proves that the people won't be fooled by inferior quality. They know the goodness of Kellogg's and they invariably come back to it. Try it yourself today. At all Grocers. $1,000 GOLD AND SILVER TROPHY for the BEST EAR OF CORN to be known as W. K. Kellogg National Corn Trophy to be given at the National Corn Exposition. OMAHA, NEB., December 6th to 18th, 1909. For the purpose of encouraging the better breeding in corn Cor improving the quality, W. K. Keltosff. President of the Toasted Corn Flake Co., offers a $1,000.00 beautiful solid gold and saver trophy to the person growing the best ear of corn In two different seasons. The first season's specimen to be sent to the National Corn Expo sition. Omaha, Neb., before November 27th. 1909, This offer is open to every man. woman and child in the United States. It w3t be judged by the leading corn authority of the world. Prof. P. G. Holden. Watch this paper for further particulars. TA , , Look for This Glgna tore KELLOGG TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO., Battle Creek, Mien. IT IS. She John Henry! I wonder how you can sit there and look me in the face, s He So do I, my love; but it's sur prising what a recklessly brave man can do! ' Deviled Cheese. Grate 1 two ounces of Parmesan cheese, add one teaspoonful chopped pickles, a teaspoonful curry powder and plenty of mustard. Butter slices of toast on both sides and spread with the mixture. Put on a well-buttered tin and bake five minutes in a hot oven. Birds Roasted in Their Feathers. Open the birds in the usual manner and draw. Cover with wet clay and bury in hot coals. In 40 minutes draw from the fire; peel off clay, when feathers and skin will come too.- They are very delicious cooked this way. Joke Medicine. He is a very practical, serious minded man of business. The other day he met a friend, and related to him an alleged joke, and at its con clusion laughed long and heartily. i The friend looked awkward for a moment, and then said: "You'll have to excuse me, old man, but I don't see the point." "Why, to tell you the truth, I don't just see the point myself. But I've made it a rule to laugh at all jokes; I think it's good for the health." Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis eased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness la caused by an inflamed condition ot the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deaf ness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an In Aimed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafneaa (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY ds CO.. Toledo, O Bold by Druggists, 75c. IsJce Hall's Family Pills for constipation- Didn't Stay There. Father Didn't I tell you I would whip you if I caught you in the water again? Son Yes, sir, and that's the reason I hurried out when I saw you coming. What" can harm us if we are true to ourselves and to what we think is right? Black. Aids Nature 331 The great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medienl Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" rs-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound heclth, purifies and enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in fhort establishes sound vigorous health. your dealer otters something "last as food," it Is probably better FOB HIM it pays better. But you are thinking ot the cure not the profit, e there's nothing "Just as $ood" tor you. Say so. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, 1003 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing enly. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. PUTNAM Color more pood, brighter and taster color than any other dye. One lOe oackaoe colors all "bewhwjjej !; JoM 7ttauY" if wilful ripping awi Wtito lai t:oo booUi--Mgw to Pis. Bleach and Mix Colors. MOUHOE ORUU OO.. Halaojf. Illinois, ni garment wilboul ripping apart. The highest medical authority oh foods, Sir James Crichton Browne, LL D. F. R. S. of London, gives the best reasons for eating more Quaker Oats In an article published in the Youth's Companion of Septem ber 23rd, 1009, Dr. Browne, the great medical authority on ;foods, says, about brain and: muscle building ' 'There is one kind of food that seems to me of marked value as a food to the brain and to the whole body throughout childhood and adolescence (youth), and that is oatmeal. "Oats are the most nutritious of all the cereals, being richer in fats, organic phosphorus and lecithins." ' He says oatmeal is gaining ground with the well-to-do of Great Britain. ,He speaks of it as the mainstay of the Scottish laborer's diet and says it pro Good to Her Husband. "George, dear," said Mrs. Dovekins, who had come downstairs in time to pour the coffee, "I'm going to walk to the car with you this morning. Aren't you glad?", "Very glad, indeed, lovey. It's so nice of you to think of me and to get up early for the purpose of making it unnecessary to walk those dismal three blocks alone. How much do you want?" . How She Knew. , The cartoonist's wife was talking to a friend. "I just know Fred didn't want to work at the office last night," she said. ' "Why, how do you know?" was asked. . "Because In -his sleep he said: 'Well, I'll stay, but I don't want to draw.' " Lippincott's Magazine. A Frencch Scholar. As William bent over her fair face he whispered: "Darling, if I should ask you in Freneh if I might kiss you, what would you answer?" She, calling up her scanty knowl edge of the French language, ex claimed, "Billet doux." Tit-Bits. FADELESS DYES The Imitators v&ff OUG. 7 7 duces a big-boned, : well-devel-oped, mentally energetic race. ' His experiments prove that good oatmeal ' such as Quaker Oats not only furnishes the best food for the human be ing, , but eating , it strengthens and enlarges the thyroid gland this gland is intimately con nected with1 the nourishing pro cesses of the body, ? ! In conclusion he says "It seems probable therefore'' that the bulk and brawniness of the Northerners (meaning the Scotch) has been in some measure due to the stimulation of the , thyroid gland by oatmeal por ridge in childhood." .The Scotch eat Quaker Oats, because it is the best of all oatmeals. SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by these Little Pills. They slso relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Gating. A perfect reu edy for Dizziness, Nan sea, ' Drowsiness, BaOi Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Tliey regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CARTERS ITTIE IVER PILLS. Up-Set Sick Feeling that follows taking a dose of castor oil, salts or calomel, is about the worst , you can ensure Ugh it gives one the creeps. You don't have to have it CASCARETS move the bowels tone up the liver without these bad feelings. Try them. m CASCARETS toe a box for a week' ' treatment, alt dniufrists. Jiicrjrest seller -. in the world. Million boxes a month. Live Stock and Miscellaneous Electrotypes In great variety for sale at the lowest prices by WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 554 W. Adams St., CHICAGO DEFIANCE STARCH-! 16 ounces to the packatr other starches only VZ ounces eame price anil "DEFIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. W. 1ST. U.. LINCOLN. NO. 43. 1909. CARTELS CllTTLE iflVER HPIU.S.