The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 23, 1909, Image 5

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An American Worklngman Says Some
Pertinent Thing.
I passed through the main office the
other day and saw hanging near the
door the photograph of the oldest
employee in the shop. Just beneath
the picture, in the narrow margin of
the card mount, was this legend:
Oldest Employee in the Works of the
: John Streator Co.
Born in Wales, Sept. 4, 1843.
He never went out on strike
That's a pretty good record. To be
White Pine
Cough Syrup
Is a quick and positive remedy for
all coughs. It stops coughing spells
at night, relieves the soreness,
sooths the irritated membrane and
stops the tickling.
It is an ideal preparation for chil
dren, as It contains no harmful ano
dynes or narcotics.
25c per bottle.
12th and O street.
Herpolslieimer' s
. . Cafe . .
V. 7 imitch, Prop.
Photographer 1127 O Street
Is miking- a Special low pries on Photos this
i week.
Office Houra 1 to 4 p. m.
lfB-e 2118 O St. Both Phone
auto am
auto 4i I U HCR.
Vageworkers, Attention
We have Money to Loan
on Chattels. Plenty of it,
too. Utmost secrecy.
lao So. 11th St.
' All rectal disease such as
Piles, Flatulae, Fissure and Rec
tal Ulcer treated scientifically
and successfully.
DR. J. R. .HAGGARD, Specialist.
Ofice, Richards Block.
17. A. Lloyd
Horses called for and
'Phones: Auto. 1378 "
Bell 891
w Leeatloni 420 So. Ilth
with the same firm for nearly sixty
five years means a good deal, both to
the firm and to the workman. But I
confess that I went away from that
photograph with a funny feeling.
am sure that some of the strikes en
gaged in in this shop during the past
sixty-five years were justifiable as
strikes go, of course. Striking is bad
business at best, but once in a while
a strike seems necessary. I wondered
if that was really the best thing that
could be said about a worklngman
Never a striker! Well, I'm not looking
for trouble, but I am more anxious
about some other things in connection
with my reputation as an American
artisan than that I never went out
on strike! I'm wondering what kind
of a crowd we'd be if we all had the
same kind of a record. I wonder, too,
how the old man would classify Moses
the strike leader of that bunch of
two million brickmakers who walked
out because Pharaoh didn't do the
square thing? Of course he couldn't
frame Moses' photograph and write
that epitaph beneath it, but I guess
that Moses wouldn't care very much
about that. He did accomplish some
other things which probably overbal
anced the crime ' of creating a labor
fuss down in Egypt. But then Moses
never worked for the old man, so it's
pretty hard to tell what might have
happened on either side. '
There's one thing about the Super
that we admire hugely. He never
makes a splurge about "social welfare
work." He tries to be decent to the
men, doing the square thing about
keeping the shop clean and paying
fair wages at least as far as the
trade seems to permit. There prob
ably isn't a man in the shop who feels
that he is getting all that is coming
to him. But the Super hasn't intro
duced any kindergartens or day nur
series, and such like, so that the firm
may exploit the fact that they are
running an "ideal" shop as a good
business proposition. That sort of
thing may be a good advertisement
so far as the public is concerned, but
our boys would resent anything that
seemed in the least like paternalism,
somehow, that's the temper of the
American worklngman. He hates like
the mischief to feel that anybody owns
him or is trying to baby him. Rev.
Chas. Stelzle, in "Letters From a
"Wet" and "Dry" Not at Issue in Cam
paign for Police Judge. . . -
The matter of "wet" or "dry" is not
at issue in the present campaign for
police judge. The ' only question at.
issue is the election of a man who
will impartially enforce the ordinances
and rules legally enacted. This Judge
Riser is pledged to do, - and his ' per
sonal inclinations will have nothing
to do with his decisions. If the laws
are bad it is up to those who enacted
them to repeal them. If the laws are
good they will remain upon the books.
But whether good or bad, as long as
they are the laws Judge Risser
pledged himself to enforce them.
The attempt to Inject the "wet" or
"dry" issue " into the campaign will
react upon those who attempted it.
The idea of electing a magistrate be
cause he believes that a law should
or should not be enforced, or should
be "liberally" or "strictly" enforced,
is repugnant.
Wage earners should not overlook
the fact that while justice of the
peace Judge Risser rendered a deci
sion in the garnishee law that practi
cally nullified that infamous law, and
his decision has since been upheld by
the supreme court.
The Perishing Hosts of Privilege or
Victorious Democracy.
"In the last analysis wis govern
ment rests upon the people. Courts,
legislatures, executives get their legal
authority from this high source. When
we appeal from legislators and judges
and presidents back to the people, we
appeal to the final court of last resort
in this country. Abraham Lincoln ap-
pealed to that court, from the Dred
Scott decision, and the Dred Scott de
cision was overruled. Charles Sum
ner and George W. Curtis appealed
to it from the fugitive slave law en
acted by a congress under the domi
nation of the slave power and that
law was overruled. Mr. Lincoln in
discussing the. Dred Scott decision
declared that decision to be 'A por
tion of a system or scheme to make
slavery national in this. country'; and
I am satisfied that the decision in the
Danbury hatters' case is a part of a
system or scheme to make scab labor
national in this country.
"Slowly this great question is get
ting a hearing in our American court
of last resort the conscience of the
people. We have considered it here
today, and other groups great and
small will consider it throughout the
country, and at last the verdict will
come In. That this verdict will he
at last for the citizenship values of
the many rather than the profit values
of the few, who can doubt? The world
movement of civilization is towards
human rights. No man or set of men
can stand permanently in the way of
this current in the affairs of men.
Democracy will capture industry just
as it has captured religion and poli
tics. Shall we enlist , with the perish
ing hosts of privilege or, with the vic
torious legions of democracy?" Ray
mond Robins.
Brief Bits of News Picked and Pil
fered From Many Sources.
Only one non-union tin shop left in
Dubuque, Iowa.
Boston sign writers have secured
an increase from $3.50 to $4 a day.
Employes of the La Crosse, Wis.,
Rubber Mills have organized.
International Association of Car
Workers meet in Detroit, October 19
The meanest cur on earth is the
fellow who is not honest with his
fellow workmen.
The strike of the employes at the
Massillon, O., Rolling Mill company
has been settled.
Journeymen Tailors' Union in Chi
cago sent $450 to aid the tailors in
Sweden win their strike.
Boilermakers in Des Moines, Iowa,
made a quick raise in scale three
days turned the trick. Asked for 40
cents and compromised at 37, cents.
The Carpenters' Union of Spokane
Wash., is preparing to erect a $20,000
hall in that city. The union has prac
tically all the fundi necessary to carry
out the proposition.
After months of work the Illinois
commission drafted a bill of thirty-
three sections, thirty-one of which
were unqualifiedly favorable to labor.
It is said that the bill is now a law,
and gives Illinois the best labor code
in the country, if not in the world.
The Florida house of representa
tives has passed the Farris child labor
bill, which makes it unlawful for chil
dren under fourteen years of age to
work in factories, mines, etc., during
the months when the schools are in
session. Even Floridans are waking
Boston Sheet Metal Workers' Union
has come to an agreement on the
wage question with nearly all the
employers. The present minimum
wage is $3.60 a day. Under the ar
rangement the minimum will be in
creased to $3.75 on January 1 and
the desired $4 a day rate will go into
effect on June 1 of next year.
In the Labor Press of Portland, Ore.,
we find a note of the organization at
Hood River of forty men into an ap
ple pickers' union. The new union
finds favor with the growers as the
agreement guarantees a standard pack
and holds its members responsible
for poor work done.
A splendid evidence of the fealty
of the woman worker to principle was
witnessed recently in the strike of the
Ladies' Tailors in Chicago. When the
strike was declared at Mandel Bros.,
and every man responded to the call.
two out of three of the women help
ers left their work- rather than labor
with the scabs that were brought in to
fill the union men's places.
Central Labor Union meets Tuesday
evening at Bruse's hall.
Be at the Labor Temple Sunday
morning at 8:30, with your old clothes
on. There'll be some work for you
to do.
Louis Faulhaber is making an ac
tive canvass for sheriff, and he is re
ceiving cheering assurances of .Sup
port. He is a union carpenter who
ought to receive the support and vote
of union men throughout the county.
J. W. Dickson writes from Wash
ington, D. C, to have his Wageworker
sent there, so it must be that he is
Buy a block of Labor Tempue stock
and get into the building game. It
is a wise and safe investment.
Chief Malone is making 'the patrol
men study the city ordinances. Isn't
this cruel and unusual punishment?
Everybody Will Know He Has Been
Running for Register of Deeds.
"A democratic nomination in Lan
caster county is something of a handi
cap, I know," said John Weisman the
other day, "but before this campaign
is finished the people are going to
know that there has been a live one
running on the democratic ticket for
register of deeds." ,
Mr. Weisman did not seek the nonii
nation, but it was put upon him while
he was visiting in Wisconsin. When
he got home he ,decided to stand for
it and make a campaign that would
at least attract attention. So he is
putting up a sample of hustling that
would keep many a younger man go
ing double time to equal.
John Weisman is a union man, and
has been for forty years. n 1868
he helped to organize the Order of
Railway Conductors, and he has been
an active member ever since. He
has served upon grievance boards time
and again, and more than one man
has been benefitted by his services.
He has represented the Lincoln di
vision at numerous conventions of the
order, and he has held about every
office in the division.
He is a veteran of the Civil War,
having served four years and four
months, and is a member of the Grand
Army of the Republic. He is also an
Odd Fellow, and a good fellow.
Boys of Cylinder and Platen Get Into
the Temple Game.
The Pressmen's Union met in rgeu
lar session last Monday evening, and
before they quit they showed that
they were in the game right. Taking
a long breath they dived deep into
the Labor Temple project. Without
a dissenting vote the local subscribed
for 100 shares of Labor Temple stock,
and then individual members came to
the front with personal subscriptions.
The committee from the directors of
the Temple association was delighted
with the reception accorded to it by
the pressmen. The Pressmen's Union
is not the largest union in the city
by any means, but if all the rest of
them would come across in proportion
the Temple would soon be paid for.
Alex Weckesser, who has been fore
man of the pressroom at the George
shop for several years, has been com
pelled to quit on account of failing
health. He will do some outside work
for a time in the hope of getting his
lamps and bellows back into shape.
Col. Yates has recovered from his
blisters sufficiently to permit him to
resume charge of the Claflin press
room at University Place.
The pressroom force at the Western
Newspaper Union is wondering when
there will be a let-up. . It has . been
hustling night and day for so long
the boys have forgotten how to keep
track of daylight and dark.
The Woodruff-Collins pressroom
force declares that life is worth liv
ing sinee they got into the new quar
ters, where they have, plenty of light
and ventilation.
Locals Should be Getting Ready for
the January Meeting.
It is not too soon for Lincoln unions
to begin figuring on who .shall be
their delegates to the first annual con
vention of the Nebraska Federation
of Lab(or, which meets in South Oma
ha the first Tuesday in January. It
is gratifying to know that every union
in Lincoln has affiliated, and that Lin
coln has more affiliated unions today
than Omaha. As a matter of fact the
Omaha unions have been very back
ward, while the Lincoln unions have
come to the front in fine shape.
But it is expected that as conven
tion time draws near the Omaha un
ions will get into line, for they will
have plenty of schemes they will want
to push through, and in order to get
what they want 1 they will have to
have the delegates there. This spirit
of rivalry is what makes success, but
we want to tell the Omaha boys right
now that they will have to go some
if they have more delegates on the
floor of the convention than Lincoln.
All construction work on the out
side wall and the administration
building of the state penitentiary in'
McAlester has been abandoned until
the contractor can comply with an
opinoin rendered by the state attor
ney general regarding the contracting
for convict labor. , The contracting
company has been employing 600 con
victs at fifty cents a day in this work.
The state constitution, however, for
bids the contracting of convict labor.
The state attorney general said that
it would be possible for the convicts
to be used if the state would make
a contract and require the contractor
to furnish everything except labor to
employ the convicts for state pur
poses. -Record.
Sam Pennington, - the gentlemanly
young hustler who has been well
known in the Lincoln advertising field
for several years, left last week for
Kansas City, where he will officiate
on the advertising staff of "Motor,"
a trade paper. , Mr. Pennington is a
hustler who knows the advertising
game, and we violate no confidence
when we say he will make good in
his new field. A host of Lincoln
friends will wish him abundant suc
Judge Risser announces himself as
the republican nominee for re-election
to the office of police judge for a
second term. He has no platform
other than his record for the impartial
enforcement of the laws. He believes
that is is the duty of a judge elected
by the people to enforce whatever
valid laws the people may enact.
It is reported that the United Cigar
Stores company is making prepara
tions to enter the drug trade by oper;
ating a chain of stores under the
name of the Lauer Drug company. It
is said that three stores in New York
City have already been acquired, and
it is expected to add to thenr until
the company has a chain extending
from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Copyright 1909 by
Roberts-Wicks Co
SUITS at $15.00
A Union Made Suit that combines style and
wearing quality. Garments made to stand a lot of
hard wear and yet keep their shape. This $15.00
Suit is one of the Mayer Bros. "Seven" Garments.
Not one but "Seven" of the best manufacturers in
the country contribute their best models" to our
stock. We fit stout, medium or slim men. :: :: ::
We are closing out the entire
stock ofHeffley's Stiff and Soft
Hats worth up to rf (0Q
$5.00, at each . . tp IwO
.5 Union Clothes for Union Men'
"Iw Thompson Shoe
$3,50 5 $4
I Handcraft Shoe
AH Msw.."F0R MEH'"AII Mtw
Hon's Bootcry
. -ssJj 12th &P Sts.
..GO TO...
226 No. 10th, if you wish to save from 10
to 15 per cent. The working's men's friend
AUTO 1371
BELL 899
GREGORY, The Tailor
Knows how to dress you up and has
the finest line of fall and winter goods
in the city. : : : : : : : :
Pressing a Specialty
J.W.Wolfe, Prop.
Your Business Solicited