The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 16, 1909, Image 8

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    THE TIME IS HERE when you should think of
21 fall wearing material and household necessities.'
We can help you on this proposition by having you
read this ad. It not only means helpful hints but also
great savings. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Now is the time to make your fall purchases as our stocks are now complete,
you you will have more yaried styles to choose from at this time of the year.
$3.00 Women's Sweaters in grey, white and wine, A A
Special values for ..
$1.50 Linen tailored "Waists in a wide range of C'l CA
many new models, just received all sizes. ew
$5.75 Silk Waists in black and fancy stripes in a jC H C
big lot of desirable colors to clioose from v?Jm J
$5.00 Black Jersey Waists, braid trimmed, ajso jC A A
navy, a ver yattractive model, all sizes vpJJJ
$22.50 Worsed Suits for little women in a large range of new
fall colorings, satin lined, coats are 48 inches ft
long, all sizes $LL0J
$27.50 A very large assortment of new stylish man tailored
Suits, in diagonal weaves, broadcloth,' serges and fancy
suitings, medium and long eoats come in CA
sizes 32 to 44 V" '
$15.00 Broadcloth and fancy worsted Suits in a Avide range
of colorings, several riew models just re- C (f
ceived, specially priced...., V
Come and select a stove from us and you will be prepared. We have a line of heaters and base burners that are
winter chasers. Our stoves meet the requirements of the mosi exacting trade. Made cf the best material and absolutely
guaranteed. Our Department store price cannot be duplicated anywhere in the city.
Sewing Machines
We ought to sell all of the
sewing machines sold in Lin
coln and vicinity, you will say
so when you see the machines
and get our prices. Guaran
teed for 10 yrs $14.75 to $27.50
Pipe Joint 9c
Elbows, each 9c
If you are in need of a stove
of any kind don't fail to see us.
at dcoartment store prices is getting the business. Investigate.
Heaters and Ranges,
the best designed, best
decorated and best con
structed Heaters ; on the
Pastor's Daughter Dangeriousty Hurt
While at Play.
Ruth, little child or Rev. and Mrs.
S. Z. Batten, was seriously injured
Monday evening by falling from a
twlng while at play with several
ether children In the back yard of
the family home, 1332 K street. The
little one fell on her head and was
In an unconscious condition until a
late hour Monday night. Her head
and spine were Injured.
The attending physician fears that
her Injuries may prove serious.
There's a chill In the air, and you'll
need coal. When you order it do not
forget that there is a Teamsters' Union
In Lincoln. It the dealer can not fur
nish a union driver, seek another
dealer. The way to boost Is to boost.
A prize was offered by the Pcoriu
central body io the person taking
part in the Labor Day parade who
had the most label goods. A cigar
maker won the prize. The winner
in the contest had the fallowing la
bels on: Hat, coat, vest, pants, shirt,
necktie, collar, two collar buttons,
two sleeve buttons, cuff buttons, bait,
suspenders, box, shoes and pocket
hereafter a complete record of judi
cial decisions in -labor cases adjudi
cated in Cook county, injunctions is
sued, names of judges giving the
decisions and their political affilia
tions. It was explained that the ob
ject of keeping such a record was to
guide the officials of the affiliated
labor organizations in making politi
cal Indorsements of judicial candi
dates atf elections. The action of the
Federation follows its fight against
so-called "injunction" judges in the
recent judicial election. St. Paul
Union Advocate.
Capital Auxiliary No. 11 will meet
with Mrs. Will Bustard, room 27, Sals
bury block, at 2 o'clock next Tues
day afternoon. Election of officers.
Chicago Federation of Labor to Make
Record of Labor Cases.
The Chicago Federation of Labor
decided at a regular meeting to keep
Labor Troubles Infrequent Where
Written Agreements Exist.
The strike of the unorganized labor
In the Pressed Steel Car plant, at Mc
Kees Rocks, Pa., has been settled
through concessions made by the em
nlrivors Concessions made because of
' pressure of public opinion when the
facts were learned, and yet among the
mottoes of the Employers' and Manu
facturers' association is this: No sac
rifice of the independent worklngmen
to the labor union. No, they should
stand alone to be plucked as the evi
dence shows they were in this open
There are many good people who
seem to believe that if there were no
labor organizations there would be no
strikes. The history of labor , strug
gles for decent treatment for the past
100 years in America, as well as the
Pressed Steel Car strike, shows how
absurd such notions are.
The fact is, that the most lasting
peace is where the laboring men are
best organized and working under
written agreements for the sale ot
their services, and those agreements
which have been longest in force In
sure best relations between employer
and employe, and best conditions in
every sense. Locomotive Engineers'
First Trust '222 Savings Bank
Owned by Stockholders of the First National. Bank
Tenth and O Streets Lincoln, Nebraska
Farmers & cMezchants Bank
Established Igor
iSth and O Sis.
Educate Your Children in banking as well as in books. The
best way to teach them is to let them have an account of their .
One dollar is enough to begin with here. 1 ry us. :: ::
Open Saturday Evenings From 6:00 to 8:00
In Labor's Realm
Matters of Especial Interest To and Con
cerning Those Who Do the
Work of the World
Indianapolis, Ind. The United Mine
Workers had a membership of 246,652
September 1, a gain of 51,654 during
the fiscal year, according to the an
nual report of Secretary Edwin 'Perry,
mado to Secretary Frank Morrison of
the American Federation of Labor,
The report covers the year from Sep
tember 1, 1908, to September 1, 1909,
and appears In the current issue of
the United Mine Workers' Journal. It
shows that the number of charters is
sued to locals since September 1, 1908,
was 163, and the number of charters
surrendered was 167. The number of
strikes during the year was between
thirty and forty, and two-thirds of all
strikes were won. The number of
persons Involved In the strikes ranged
from 800 to 0,000. The cost of strikes
during the year Is shown to have been
f 472,189.09, 81 local and two general
Injunctions were Issued against mem
bers of the organization during ' the
year. '
Chicago. Suit for $25,000 damages
against the W. B, Conkey Compahy
was begun in the superior court by
Edward B, Bessette, a member of the
Chicago Typographical union. Bes
sette alleges that the concern libeled
him in a circular published recently at
Hammond, Ind., warning striking
bookbinders that if they . interfered
with the operation of the defendant
sompany'a plant they might expect to
receive the punishment meted out to
Bessette, who was "flced and sent to
prison." Aoeording to Attorney John
J. Sonsteby, Bessette was fined on a
contempt citation eight years ago be
fore Judge Baker in the United States
district court at Indlaanpolls,
Butte, Mont. As a, result of a juris
diction fight between the Western
Federation ot Miners and the hoisting
engineer four-fifths of the mines of
the Butte district were closed, A ma
jority of the members of the engi
neers' union have seceded from the
Western Federation of Miners and (Or
ganised a new union, The Butte
Miners union ordered its members not
to go to work In i mines employing
members of the new engineer body,
Unless the men settle their differences
soon all the smelters at Anaoenda
and Great Falls and in this city will
close and more than 15,000 men will
be out of employment.
PUtpbu-jj, Pa. Representatives of
the Qlttsa Bottle Blowers' association
and the manufacturers reached a
wage agreement whleh with slight
modifications is praetlcally the 1908
scale. ' This agreement came after a
four-days' conference. The manufac
turers opened their plants at - once,
and moat of the 10,000 men out of
employment in this industry resumed
work. At the conference in July the
manufacturers demanded a large re
duction, but the blowers refused to
accept, with the result that all the
factories have since been closed.
Helsingfors, Finland. In textile
trades two-thirds of the work Is done
by women; in the paper trade one
third of the labor is female. In the
sawmills one-tenth of the hands are
female. Forty per cent, of the bakers
are women, and so are 25 per cent, of
the brewers, Women represent 88
per cent, of tobacco factory hands.
During the last ten years female la
bor in Finland has Increased by 20
per cent., partly due to the great sur
plus of women, and partly to the emi
gration of men.
New York; The International Typo
graphical union was organized In 1860;
the hatters, finishers, stonecutters and
tackmakers unions, 1)54; Iron mold
ers, 1859; Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, 1883; olgar makers, 1864;
bricklayers and masons, 186S; railway
conductors, 1868; looomotire firemen,
1873; horseshoers, 1875; Iron and steel
workers, 1876; window glass blowers,
1877; granite outters, 1887, and rail
way trainmen, 1883.
Hammond, Ind. The 200 bindery
girls employed by the W. B. Conkey
Company, who agreed to strike In
sympathy with the men who walked
out for eight-hour shifts and the same
wages as paid in Chioago, were dis
suaded from their oourse toy' the men
themselves, who said that no good
could come of a walk-out. Seventy
one of the men sued the company for
pay alleged to have been due before
the strike started,
Chicago. John L. Sullivan of the
Sullivan Boiler and Tank works asked
the superior court for an injunction
restraining labor officials, who recent
ly called a strike at his plant, from
Interfering with his business. Several
of the Sullivan employes were not
union men and a strike was called
September 18, Sullivan charged Do
heny attempted to intimidate the
workmen who remained loyal to the
New York. The Retail Clerks In
ternational Protective association has
decided to put on an extra assessment
on the members for the purpose of
creating a defense fund. The growth
of the clerks' association has been
phenomenal, A referendum vote will
soon be taken to elect a national secre
tary to oocupy the chair recently va
cated by the death of Max Morris,
Amsterdam, Holland. The Holland
trade unions are organising those
workers whose ooouptlon and num
bers offer a field for union action.
The unions have already done much
In the cities of Holland to ralte wages.
Cleveland, O. The official result of
the referendum election held by the
International Associatlonn of Machin
ists has just been announced. All of
the present officers and members of
the general executive board were re
elected for another term. The high
est vote, 10,708, was polled by ; D.
Douglas Wilson, the blind editor and
manager of the official organ. Machin
ists' Monthly Journal. He was unop
posed. The vote resulted as follows:
General president, James O'Connell,
9,583; general' secretary-treasurer,
George Preston. 10.013: first vlce-Dres-
ident, P. J. Conlon, 7,585; second vice-
president, Louis Beulon, 9,868; third
vice-president, J.-Dt Buckalew, 7,567; .
fourth vice-president, T. L. Wilson,
10,386; fifth vice-president, J. J. Kep
pler, 9,716; sixth vice-president, Wil-
Ham Hannon, 8,420; seventh vice
president, Walter Ames, 5,580; gen
eral executive board, Hugh Doran,
Chicago, 7,401; James A. Reynolds,
Warrensville, O., 7,198; R. G. Cook,
Bremerton, Wash., 7,182; Arthur .E. ,
Ireland, Pittsburg, Pa.f 7,006; E. L.
Tucker, Washington, 6,894; delegates
to American Federation of Labor, four .
to elect, J. J. Handley, 7,231; P. W.
Buckley, 6,997; J. J. Keegan, 5,532;
H. W. Churchill, 5,038. During the
year just closed the association had
51 new lodges, with a membership of
I, 296, organized. The association is
affiliated with the American Federa
tion of Labor. At the convention just
closed in Denver President O'Connell
made a strong plea for the formation
of ladies' auxiliaries. '
', Cincinnati. The question of holding '
a convention this fall of the Brother
hood of Painters, Decorators and Pa
per Hangers of America,, which was
recently submitted to a referendum
vote, was carried by the decisive vote
of 16,2?6 for .to 2,410 against. The
convention will assemble in this 'city
In December, and will be the first in
several years. A great many impor
tant questions are to be considered,
among them ; the establishment of a
home for aged and infirm members.
and the matter of creating a pension
scheme, in addition to the death and '
disability benefits, already paid. The
latter fund expended during May the
sum of $11,650 in the International ju
risdiction. . ". .-'.''., , .
St, Louis, According to a telegram ,
from Frank Morrison, secretary of the
American Federation of Labor - at
wasningion, ins cnarierox tne ueni
Trades and Labor union, with which
practically all local labor bodies are
affiliated, had been revoked. The trou
ble grows out of the refusal of the ,
Central Trades and Labor assembly to '
obey an order from the national or
ganization to expel delegates of the
Brotherhood of Electrical "Workers,
Whlon has been outlawed , by ; the '
American Federation of Labor.
New York. The first union of sheet
and plate glass glaziers, cutters and
setters to be formed in New York has
been organized. There are 700 men
in the trade In this city. : One hundred
and fifty members in the 1 new body
enrolled and decided to apply for a
charter to the American Federation
of Labor.. The enrollment is prepara
tory to a general demand for higher
wages and better working conditions
to be enforced by a strike If it is re--fused.
.. '' :'-,'
Indianapolis, . Ind. As a valuable
contribution to the warfare against ,
consumption y President George L,
Berry of the Printing Pressmen and
Assistants' International union has is
sued a pamphlet under the caption,'
"Tuberculosis Printer," In which- he
reviews various pressroom conditions
which predispose the workers of his
craft to becoming inoculated with the
white plague. Sanitation and ventila
tion are explained fully and in a man-'
ner to be easily understood by the
Minneapolis, Minn. The four rail
road organizations of Minnesota, tne .
Order of Railway Conductors, the Bro
tiiarhnnd nf Railroad Trainmen, the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
and the Brotherhood of Locomotive,
Firemen and Ehglnemen, have started
a movement in the state of Minneso
ta to form a joint legislative board,
consisting ot a representative . from
the State Federation of Labor and the
four railroad brotherhoods.','
- Quebec, , Que. A sensation w
created In the session of the trades
and labor congress by the unanimous
adoption of a resolution calling for
the removal of Lieut. Gov. Gibson of
Ontario for his public indorsement at
a recent banquet given by the Cana
dian Manufacturers' : association at
Hamilton of President Hobson's ... at
tack on the - International officers of
trade unions. '
San Juan, Porto Rico. Judge B. S.
Rodey denied the injunction sought by
the unionists to restrain Gov; Post .
and the treasurer and auditor of Porto
Rico from disbursing the insular funds ',
in accordance with the Olmstead act.
He holds that the law has been in
terpreted properly by the . attorney .,
general, Harry M. Hoyt.
Birmingham, Ala. Organized labor k
fraternized with the farmers of Ala
bama at the annual convention in Blr-,
mlngham of the Farmers' Educational
and Co-Operative . union, two promi
nent labor . delegates making ad
dresses. ' ... '