The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 16, 1909, Image 7

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who have been paying $30, $35 and
$40 for a Suit, Overcoat or Cravenette
You Pay Too Much !
We show in our window display
as fine a lot of HIGH GRADE
EN ETTES as money will buy and
yet our .prices are only $15,
$18, $20, $22.50 and $25
We don't care where you
go, you can get no better
quality of goods than we
offer you. There's noth
ing better than the best
then why pay more than
we ask for the best?
We are strenuously trying" to educate the people to the fact that it ISN'T NECES
SARY to pay $30, $35 and $40 in order to g-et the best Suit or Overcoat.
Our earnest endeavor has been to furnish high grade qualities at sensible prices
and we have built up an enormous business by this policy. The same men come to us
season after season, and new ones come in every day. They have learned that we give
them the most for their money.
To out ot town people we say, when you come to Xiincoln don't pass us by. Come in.
Examine our stock. Compare values and prices.' We'll treat you rig-lit and we'll save
you money.
ers went blindly on record not only
against the strikers, but against union
labor in general. The artkde we
have referred to concludes:
There is a constant plaint by
churchmen at the indifference to
church and religious affairs shown
by mechanics and laborers. The lat
er stand aloof, saying that the min
sters are wholly in sympathy with
he capitalist 1 class. The resolutions
doptad by the Ministerial associa
tion will tend to confirm this be-
iof, and to that extent will do the
cause of religion much injury. There
re other potent reasons why gentle
men of the cloth should keep out of
h-aatej controversies that do not di
rectly concern the church."
It seems to us that ministers of
the gospel should be preaching peace,
good will and mutual concession, and
that even though few of them have
ny permanent interests in the com
munity, they should try to be gov
erned by the interests of those who
are permanently identified with the
community and dependent upon its
growth and prosperity." Omaha
Daily Bee. .
Brief Bit Picked and Pilfered From
Many Different Source.
C. E. Yates now has charge of the
press room at the Claflln shop In
University Place.
Mrs. C. B. Righter has returned
from a pleasant visit with relatives
and friends in Kansas City.
Nearly all of the Chinese laundries,
as now operated in Chicago, are to be
put out of business. It Is claimed they
are unsanitary. All ot the unsanitary
places are to go, but it is predicted
White Pine
(ough Syrup
Is a quick and positive remedy for
all coughs. It stops coughing spells
at night, relieves the Boreness,
sooths the irritated membrane and
stops the tickling.
It is an Ideal preparation for chil
dren, as it contains no harmful ano
dynes or narcotics.'
' 25c per bottle.
12th and O streets.
. . Cafe . .
V. 7imifch,Prop.
that the Chinese places will be hard
est hit
Louis Faulhaber, the democratic
candidate for sheriff, is a member of
the Carpenters' Union. Don't forget
him on election day.
Mrs. W. M. Maupin is entertaining
her mother, Mrs. G. W. Armstead of
North Bend, Nebr., her sister, Mrs.
Rod Smith of Ravenna, and another
sister. Miss Hazel Armstead, of Wasta,
S. D.
Don't forget the fact that The Wage
worker will be glad to advertise the
annual ball of any and every local
union, without money and without
Boston Journeymen Tailors' Union
No. 12 is 103 years old. Going some,
for a labor union.
Metal Polishers and Buffers' Union
No. 12 and the Independents' No. 1
have made up in Brooklyn, N. Y.
A union-made hat , looks better on
a scarecrow than a scab.made tile
does on a man with a union card in
his pocket.
The Building Trades Department of
the A. F. of L. will have its second
annual convention at Tampa, Fla., the
week of October 11.
The Houston, Texas, Labor Council
elected C. C. Lamb a delegate from
the Farmers' Union to the annual con
vention of the American Federation
of Labor.
H. S. Pelton, the largest cut stone
contractor in the United States, em
ploys union labor on all his contracts.
The main office is in Milwaukee, Wis.
The Standard Sewing Machine com
pany and the Farmer Manufacturing
company in Cleveland have settled
their differences with the Metal Pol
ishers' and Brass Workers' Union.
Eight unions have been started in
the Chicago stockyards and all the
international unions interested in con
ditions in the yards will each send
one organizer into the field.
Over 1,000 new members were add
ed to the trade union movement in
Toronto, Ont., last week and many old
unions that for a time have been dead
again came to life. (
The Woman's Trade Union League
in Greater New York is carrying on
an active campaign among the white
goods makers, the corset makers, the
finishers and textile workers and the
The railway officials of nearly all
the Canadian railroads will within two
months have petitions presented to
them by employes asking for confer
ences to discuss an increase in their
wages. The old agreements expire in
The Maryland Federation of Labor
has decided to affiliate with the Dis
trict of Columbia, making one of the
strongest branches in the jurisdiction
of the A. F. of L. It will be known
as the Maryland-District of Columbia
Federation of Labor."
Eighty tool makers at the Driggs
Seabury ordinance , corporation In
Sharon, Pa., are on a strike because
of the refusal to pay night men time
and a half for overtime.1 It is claimed
that all the machinists will quit work,
affecting about 200 men.
The International Brotherhood of
Blacksmiths and Helpers held their
twelfth biennial convention in Pitts
burg, Pa., this week. The blacksmiths'
organization was formed at Atlanta,
Ga.. in 1890, and has had a remarkable
growth. At the "present time there are
in the United States 500 local organi
zations, with two locals in the Canal
Zone, Panama.
Xhe Employers' Association of
Sweden has done the workers a good
service in at least one respect. As a
result of the lockout, and instead of
smashing the unions, the association
has driven nearly 50,000 workers into
the labor organizations.
The Cloakmakers' Union and the
Skirtmakers' Union in Cleveland are
growing at a rapid rate. All of their
demands for a betterment of working
conditions have been gained, a settle
ment with the Prince-Wolf company
having been made a few days ago.
oil had leaked out, struck a match
and started things to going. In his
efforts to get the stove out of doors
before it set fire to the house his
face and his right arm were badly
burned. As a result of the accident
Mr. Yates is laying off and applying
soothing lotions to his physiognomy
and giving his arm a rest. No per
manent injuries will result from the
accident, but for a few weeks at least
Mr. Yates will not enter any beauty
contests. .
Explosion of Crude Oil Causes Mr.
Yates Painful Injuries.
Col. Yates of the Pressmen's Union
is carrying his face in a sling these
days, the result of contact with some
burning oil the first of the week. A
crude oil burning stove is used in the
Yates domicile, and the other morn
ing Mr. Yates, not noticing that some
A Union Publication That Advertises
"Scab" Tobacco in Big Type.
The Locomotive Engineers' Journal
official organ of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers, comes to The
Wageworker's desk this month with
a two-page advertisement of the Amer
ican Tobacco Co., advertising such
notoriously "scab" brands of tobacco
as "Horseshoe," "Spearhead," "Jolly
Tar," "Tenpenny," etc. The adver
tisement occupies two pages of the
October Journal.
Does that strike you as funny? Well
it was that same organization that,
during the time when the Union Hat
ters were making a fight for. their,
lives, offered a "scab" hat as one of
the prizes in a sporting contest.
We expect the November Journal
to run one of Post's screeds and
double-page advertisement of the
Buck Stove and Range Co.
What One Daily Thinks of Fool Brea
of Omaha Preachers.
The Examiner reads the Omaha
Ministerial association a timely and
pertinent lecture on the ill-advised
resolution which the preachers passed
at the very inception of the street
car strike opposing trade unions on
principle. In the whole membership
of the Ministerial association there
is probably not one who has ever
employed ten laborers at a time, yet
without any experience in labor
disputes, and without any first-hand
information about the subjects at is
sue in the pending strike, the preach
plied: "I'll never use a 'Lee Broom."
The other day she called up Fred
Brittell, 2233 O, and asked him if he
had anything in the broom line that
was not made by the Lee Broom and
Duster Co. "I don't handle the Lee
broom," replied Brittell, "and I never
have and never will handle the Lee
broom." "Got any union made
brooms?" asked the little woman. "No,
but I will have if you'll tell me where
I .can get 'em."
So the little woman ordered a broom
that wasn't made in the pen, and al
though it has no union label it comes
nearer being what she wants thjtn
anything turned out by the Lee Broom
and Duster Co. If there is any ad
vertisement for Fred Brittell, grocer
at 2233 O street, in this little story,
he is welcome to it. He will not han
dle the prison made brooms sold by
the Lee Broom and buster Co., and
that recommends him to us, and don't
you forget it ' ' ,
It is with the utmost pleasure that
The Wageworker announces the mar
riage of James P. Egan and Miss Bes
sie Mills, both of Toledo, Ohio. Mr.
Egan is editor of the Toledo Union
Leader, and one of the most active
unionists in the country, as he is the
editor of one of the livest labor papers
in all America. If Egan makes as
good a husband as he is a union man,
Mrs. Egan will never have cause to
regret her choice. The Wageworker
extends to Mr. - and Mrs. Egan its
heartiest congratulations and wishes
them a long and happy voyage to
A Little Advertising That Is Gladly
Given Without Price.
For a month or six weeks a true-
blue little union woman in Lincoln
has been sweeping her house with the
stub end of a union made broom, and
all because she couldn't find a grocer
in Lincoln who handled anything else
than a Lee broom. She telephoned
.here and there, but every time she got
the answer: "We only handle the
Lee broom." And every time she re-
How the Sweat Shop Bosses Keep the
Wage Scale Down. .
Miss Leonora O'Reilly, of the New
York Trade Union League, not long
ago gave an interesting illustration of
how trade unions among women may
come to be formed. She said: "Where
I worked once a large lot of bicycle
shirts were manufactured, with a
great deal of stitching in the plaits
on the front. They paid us fifty cents
a dozen, and I sometimes could finish
three dozen waists a day. But a vig
orous German girl came, and the sup
erintendent told her if she would make
five dozen in a day he would give her
a $5 bonus. We begged her not to,
but she did it and got her $7.50, and
the next morning our price was cut
to twenty-five cents a dozen.
"But perhaps she did the best thing
possible, for because of her one day's
work we now have a shirt makers'
union. We must combine in order to
keep our men and women from being
actually worked to- death." '
The weavers In a certain English
mill having a grievance sent two of
their number to interview the master.
Among other things the master told
them they were too fastidious. On go
ing back into the mill their work
mates asked them howthey had got
on. . , .
EChillv Weathers
. These mornings make you think of the fur
nace, eh? And coal bills? But what's the use
of worrying yet there's lots of time. Chilly
mornings and evenings? They can be cured at
small expense smaller than worrying and feed
ing the furnace.
A Gas Heater
Does the Work
Attach it to the gas jet in dining room, sit
tiug room or bath room. No work, no worry.
A cent or two and the room is comfortably
warm, and the furnace out of business for weeks
and weeks to come. Cheaper and cleaner and
better. With the furnace you must use enough
coal to heat the house and most of it wasted
these days. The gas heater merely gives you
the heat you need, where you need it and when.
Ask the Users Their Advice
We'll stand that test you ask those who
are using the heater these days. Several thous
and of them, and you ought to among the num
ber. We sell the heaters, good ones, at a low price.
Lincoln Gas and
Electric Light Co.