for Fall SI Unusual The most casual glance at our advertisement for this week will show you that we are offering some unusual values. Come in and look them over. We are sure you will easily find what will please you, for we know that the style, quality and prices are riht. . Cloakroom Cleverly Tailored Separate Skirts at special prices for six days Every gaiment shows the distinction of style, fine tailozing and Perfect Fit They are made in tlie newest fall fabzics, as stuped Worsteds, Prunella and Chiffon Panama Cloths, .v- Regular price $6.75, all shades, special price Regular price 730, all shades, special price. Regular price 8.95, all shades, special price. $4.95 . 5.95 . 7.95 Taffeta Silk Skirts, broken sizes, lot of 25 garments , at ONE-HALF PRICE $2.95 values Mohair and Poplin, special 2.48 $3.50 values Serge and Poplin 2.95 $3.95 values Taf teta Silk, special 2.95 $.95 values Taffeta Silk, special 3.95 Separate Jackets for for fall wear, black and colored. Your choice now . J-3TO 1-2 OFF Suit Bargains at $9.75 50 striped Worsted and Plain Panama Cloth Suits, assorted colors, coats 34 to 38 inches long, skirts in gored and pleated styles. A glance at them will convince you that they are worth not less than $5.00. SUITS with long coats, 42 and 45-inch, in Broadcloaths . and fine Worsteds, the very latest tailored effects, at $2230 and - $1930 FURS Soon you will be in need of a Fur Neckpiece or Muff. Before buy ing let us show you our assortment. The styles and prices will please you. Sets are priced from $4.95 up to. ......... ..$39.50 Neckpiecs priced from 98c up to $1930 fi Are the children going to school? How about their Shoes? Strange children if they don't neeo Shesl The only consolation we can offer is that the children we shoe don't need Shoes nearly so often! Our Boys' School Shoes of Box and Velour Calf, in lace and blucher style, are built to hold the boy. Sturdy soles, double stayed and shaped for comfort Boys' Classmate Blucher, Goodyear Welt, fine fitter and good wearer, $2.50 to $2.75. Hardknocker, Box and Velour Calt Blucher, mrde on up-to-date lasts. , Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2. ....... .$2X0 Sizes 13 to 2. .$1.75 Sizes 9 to 12 1-2. . . J 30 Walton's Little Gent's Box Calf Lace Shoes, 9 to 13 1.09 . O-ir Girls' School Shoes, in Box or Marine Calf, in lace or button styles, are also unusual values. Splendid shoe making and formed to fit the growing foot perfectly, $2.25, $2.00, $(.75, $130, $1-25 and $L09, ac- cording to size. ,. In tHe Dry Goods Black Taffeta Silk Big Values This WMk In Our Silk Department 2 pieces of 36-inch Black Taffeta, bur leather wearer, very firm and good lustre, regular $1 value, at... 79c t piece of 36-in. Black Taffeta Silk, our leather Taffeta, every yard guaran teed, fine for waists, suits and skirts, 'tegular $1.25 value, special at .89c I piece of HAa. Black Taffeta Silk, our Oil-Boiled Brand, one of the best on the market for $J30, special $1.19 An our 27-ln. Fancy Taffeta Silks will go at 82c Colored Table Damask 15 pieces of Renfrenis Fancy Table Da mask, fast colors in blue and white, red and white and buff, worth 50c a yard, special at 39c Pillows and Feathers Don't forget that we carry the best line of Pillows and Geese Feathers. Pillows, pair from $1.00 up to $5.00 Feathers, pound 65c, 82c and 92c Blankets and Comforts , See our large and complete line of Blan kets and Comforts. Blankets from- 48c up to $10.00 Comforts from. $1.00 up to 5.00 Outing Flannel Gowns See our most complete line of Outing Night Gowns, colors blue and white, pink and white and plain white; from 50c up to - . .$130 Children's Hoods We heve a very large line of Children's Hoods in Bear Skin and silk lined, worth from 25c up to $130 Underwear Department We can truthfully say our . line of Ladies', Children's and Boys' Underwear' is the best we have ever had and more complete. It will pay you to vis it this department. Ladies' Vests, Drawers and Union. Suits from. ............ .25c up to $3.75 Children's Vests drawers and Union Suits from..... 15cupto$f.00 Boys' Drawers. Vests and Union Suits from ... .S. 15c up to 60c In Woolen and Fleeced Lined. Outing Flannels , We have a full stock of Outing Flan nel in light and dark styles, bleached , and unbleached, from, a yard 6ic to 15c ' Flannelettes , Now is the time to buy your Flannel ' ettes while the line is full of sew pat- ' " terra, from 10c up to....... -..!5c Wool Dress Goods .", 50 pieces of 42-in. Plain and Fancy . Dress Goods in Serges, Panamas, Voiles, etc all this season's new ef fects,all for, yard.... ...... 79c THE MUSICIANS. Winter Season Opens Up With Lively Prospects for Business. The Musicians'. Union is feeling; good these days. With practically a "100 per cent union"' in the city, and with three theaters going full blast, two or three dancing academies, and univer sity functions Just beginning, business .is booming and the union's member ship is kept busy. The park concert season has closed, and its - success gives assurance of more and longer engagements next summer, witn an in crease in the size of the band en . gaged. ' Owen Miller of St. Louis, secretary of the international organization, has Just been elected president of the Mis souri State Federation of Labor. CENTRAL LABOR UNION. First October Meeting Will Be Held Next Tuesday Evening. ; The first October meeting of the Centra Labor Union will be held at Bruse's hall next Tuesday evening, and some interesting matters will come be- , fore the body. A proposition will be made to engage in a series of open meetings that will he social and edu- catlonal In their character. Some in teresting discussion on traction mat ters will also be held. The central body is in. a position now to take the lead in some good movements; and with a little more enthusiasm It can perform good serv ices in the cause of unionism. Every delegate should make it a point to at tend the meeting next Tuesday evening. count it is contemplated to take up a! collection, to reimburse the state. The plans, however, " are as yet in the formative stage, but unless the strike comes to a sudden termination the petitions will be circulated. . Governor Shallenherger has an nounced officially he will call an extra session for the purpose of passing a guaranty bank deposit law should the present law be declared void by the federal court, providing the decision goes into details on the weak points of the law. This decision is looked for within a short time, and if the gov ernor decides to call the extra session immediately upon the filing of the de cision the friends of the strikers- will request that the creation of a state board of arbitration be included in his cail. Omaha Bee. GLOVEWORKERS' BALL. WILL ASK ARBITRATION. Will Seek Legislation Along that Line at Extra Session. To secure an extra session of the legislature for the enactment of a law providing for the creation of a state board of arbitration is the latest 'move contemplated by friends or sympathiz ers of the striking street carmen. The proposition will be submitted to some of the strike leaders during the day and it is contemplated to have petitions circulated among the people of Omaha within a short time. Those who contemplate this move have figured that it will cost about $20,000 to $30,000 to hold a special session of the legislature, and If the governor should hesitate on that ac- First Annual Function ' at Fraternity Hall on October 13. , The Glovemakers' Union of Lincoln the only one of its kind west of Chi cago is not afraid of the "Thirteen" hoodoo, 1 or anything else, for that matter.' As proof the members have selected October 13 as the date for their first annual ball, and Fraternity hall has been selected as the place of holding it. Bruse's orchestra will fur nish the music. The Glovemakers' Union is not a large body numerically speaking, but it is made up of "live ones" in the union movement, and they may be counted on to show their guests a good time on the occasion of the union's first annual ball. The tickets are 50 cents per couple, extra lady 25 cents. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all friends. reported here that he had bought It of a smooth looking stranger! for $225.34. Work continues to keep up In good style, and if there is a compe tent printer out of employment it" is because he wants a vacation. The board o trustees of the Home at Colorado Springs has adopted the rule that hereafter ten years' con tinuous membership will be required for admission to the Home. By the way, Minneapolis is not so awfully far from Lincoln not much further than St. Joseph, What's the matter with organizing a "Minneapo lis, 1910" Club right now, and pave the way for a special car? Don't that sound good? STREET RAILWAY MEN. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. October Meeting Was Short and Lit tle Business Transacted. The meeting of the Typographical Union last Sunday was a little short er than usual, and practically noth ing was considered except routine business. The committee appointed to report on matters financial did so and made a few recommendations. They were taken under advisement and will be acted upon at the Novem ber meeting. "Doc" RIghter returned from his Chicago visit the first of the week. He failed to bring the Masonic Tem ple back -with him, although it was Will Meet This Evening to Transact t .-- Some Important Business. The street railway men will hold their regular semi-monthly meeting at Bruse's hall this Saturday) even ing, beginning promptly at midnight. Business of Importance will come be fore the association, among other things being the consideration of the case of - a former official who is charged with being recreant to a trust reposed in him. It is rumored that this former official la now "scab bing" in Omaha, although the report has not yet been verified. An international officer will prob ably be present to confer with the members about certain matters, and every one should be present to listen and take a part. Former Secretary Damewood left Monday for Phillips county, Colo., where he has some real estate business to transact. He will probably engage in business in that section of the country. The local or ganization is not at all alarmed about the rumored collapse of the strike in Omaha. They are being kept posted on a lot of matters that are not being given to the general pub lic. A street car strike is not al ways lost when the service is prac tically restored. vest the money on hand in real ' es tate right away, and with that end in view a committee is chasing around looking for the right place. A suitable building is in view, and an effort is being made to arrange terms for its purchase. If the nego tiations go through it will be up to the unionists of Lincoln to get busy and pay out, or stand to lose what has already been paid in and pledged. The directors will meet again Mon day evening, and every' Monday even ing hereafter until further notice, at Chaplin & Ryan's barber, shop on North Twelfth street. THINK IT OVER. LABOR TEMPLE MATTERS. There is a "Hen On" and She May Hatch in. a Few Days. Speaking by the card, there is a ten on in Labor Temple matters, and in a day or two there may be some thing doing. The directors met last Monday evening and decided to in- Perhaps It Will Show Where the Trouble is Located. Since the civic federation with its gay dinners, , its August Belmont, the swallowed up the 'principal union leaders THERE HASN'T BEEN A STRIKE OF ANY' IMPORTANCE WON IN THE UNITED STATES. It's hardly worth while to i talk about unions and . union men and union wages, ' when the union leaders sit down at table with Belmont or go traveling abroad with his money in their pockets, to Investigate muni cipal ownership, If you please, when union workmen quit the unions to save dues and when they vote by an overwhelming majority for govern ment by the trusts. New York Amer ican. MINERS HAVE NO KICK. his observations because he was con vinced that the letters would receive the more publicity than if they were published merely in the American Federationist." Erie Herald. ,.' DECLINES INVITATION. .Y-. V I San Francisco Labor Man Refuses to , Eat With Taft. ' '?'..', San Francisco,' Sept. . 27. Andrew Gallagher, vice president of the Inter national Photo Engravers, secretary of the Labor Council and a big labor leader,' today, declined to dine at the banquet at Fairmont hotel to be tend ered President Taft at Frisco. He said, "until the president changes his attitude toward .two' problems with which organized labor' have to deal, I shall not feel it consistent with my principles to accept an invitation to meet Taft at the banquet where he is received as the head of the govern ment. As a labor official and. unionist, I do not tare to meet him officially, In view of his record on labor mat ters." '' ; - ; .' . WHAT'S THE USE? Mitchell Syndicated His Letters Just Like Gompers Does. People who live In glass houses shouldn't throw stones. When Presi dent Mitchell of the United Mine Workers went abroad several years ago and sold newspapers his . obser vations written there, nobody raised any fuss and feathers. Now the of ficial organ of that organizations tries to raise a tempest in a teapot be cause President Gompers . of the American Federation of Labor is do ing exactly what President Mitchell did. This was the answer given by an official of the federation today to the attack on President Gompers con tained in the current Journal of the United Mine Workers. ' "President Gompers," said the of ficial of the federation today, ''was only induced to permit syndicating of A Little Catechism that Will Amuse ; and Interest. "Why do we send missionaries to the savages?" "To civilize them." - - "What good does that do them?" ' "It educates them out of habits of idleness." "And what then?" "They go to work." - "What do they work .for?" "To become prosperous and rich." "What good does prosperity do them?" "It procures them leisure and comfort?" '"' "Whis was . what they had before you started stirring them up. What's the use?" Cleveland Leader. WHERE WATTLES MISSED IT. Could Have Added Something to His Business Reputation. G. W, Wattles points with pride to the fact that he was the head of the Trans-Mississippi exposition at Oma ha and that it was the first exposi tion in the " history . of expositions that paid out. Why would it not he just as glorious for Mr. Wattles to have made another record for him self as the head of one corporation that received its employes and treat ed them as fellow, men and fellow laborers in the , economy and com mercial life? Is it not .about time to discard, this, old chestnut? ."There is ' nothing to arbitrate." '; A lot of sensible men ' do not make demand without reason. Council Bluffs Times. POLITICAL. OFFICIALS BARRED.' :"' ':- ' ' ;':- A Illinois Federation of Labor. Cuts ' Them Out as Delegates. - Political office-holders are , to be barred this year from seats in the con-.. vention of the Illinois State Federa- , tion of Labor,: which opens at Belle- ' ville on Tuesday, Oct. 19. In ' the' official call for the convention, which was Issued last Monday, notice is given that no delegate who is 'not actively engaged at his or her trade , will be seated. - It is the first time in the history of the state body that such a rule has been enforced. . , : That -the new rule will keep politics- out of the convention is not ex pected by any of the seventy-five Chi- cago delegates who expect to attend. Already- some of them are whetting their knives to go after the present officers of the state body on account cate. - - ' . . -i- WILL NOT INTERFERE. John Fay and Rezin Orr, accom panied by a committee of a dozen busi ness agents, called upon Mr. Bernard Corrigan one day last week' to talk over matters pertaining to the Street Carmen's Union. It is said that things' waxed warm for a while, hut the visi-' tors departed with everyone in the best of humor." . Mr. " Corrigan has pledged his word that he will in n way interfere with the organization or the men in his emnloy. and the trades unionists of this city are exceedingly well pleased at his ;. stand. Kansas , : SALARY AND WAGES. Note the difference: A ribbon sales man "receives a -salary" of six dollars per week, while a ibricklayer gets ' wages of six dollars a day. Kansas City Labor Herald. : ' The end of the labor troubles which became acute in Stockham the early . part of this month is said to he in sight. The leaders of the various unions have opened negotiations with the employers wiih the ' object of having the men resume work. .