The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 02, 1909, Image 7

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    Skirt Making Department
Man-Tailored Skirt, to your measure, from any Dress Goods in our
making, (price includes findings and sponging)
ISO Children's Shoes pair 88
Patent Colt Shoes, with white
soles, sizes 2 to 5 and 5 to 8
Young Man!
Miflbt School
which opens Monday xnight, October 4.
Instruction by an Engineering Graduate and Experienced Mechanic.
Sewsions on Monday. Wednesday and Friday Evenings of each week.
We have a splendidly equipped pnd well lighted room for this work.
Tuition rate very reasonable, and by a' special arrangement our stu
dents can secure good drawing outfits at a moderate cost.
We nlso tench Arithmetic, English, Penmanship, Spelling, Bookkeeping,
Shorthand, and Typewriting in cur Night School which is the
inst complete in the city.
Come up and talk the matter over. Enroll any day or evening. Spe
cial folder sent on request.
Nebraska School of Business
1519 O Street
Auto Phone 4387; Bell Phone F584.
Thompson Shoe
( $3-50 $4
I l Handcraft Shoe
N A $5.00
l All Mew"F0R MEM"--AII New
Men's Bootory
' 12th & P Sts.
... GO TO ...
r --
226 No. 10th, if you wish to save from 10
to 15 per cent. The working's men's friend
AUTO 1371
BELL 899
This feature of our Dress
Goods Department increases
in popularity every day, and
continues to supply our cus
tomers with perfectly tail
ored garments.
Your Unrestricted Choice of any Material in our
Large Dress Goods Stock, with the Very Low Charge
for Making, and our Absolute guarantee of Satis
faction, presents a Skirt proposition Never Before
Equaled in Lincoln.
Ten Choice Models to Select From
cents. An exceptionally good bargain in Children's $1.50
calf tops, in button or lace, with hand turned Afir1
$1.50 values OOC
Take a course in
W. M. BRYANT, President.
J. W.Wolfe, Prop.
Now, $ I
stock, for
As Isual
If you have need of a
reliable bug killer of any
kind, especially Bed Bugs
we have one that is Sure.
If it fails, come and get
your money back.
It breaks up nesting
places and kills the eggs.
Put up in convenient
squirt top bottles.
Big Bottles 25c
12th & o
Edgar Howard Gives Warning to
Brutal and Arrogant Capital.
One day, long ago, some of the
pioneer citiens of Omaha filed a plat
of that city and made a deed to the
public, dedicating to the whole
public the use of the streets in that
How long were the people to own
the streets? 1
That's what the dedication deed
But now comes one Wattles, presi
dent of the Omaha street railway
company, and claims the Omaha
! streets as his personal property. His
employees are on strike for better
wages and better treatment. His cars,
or many of them are idle. Thous
ands of people are sorely troubled
and greatly injured by the lack of
transportation. The mayor and city
council appealed to President Wat
tles and the striking employes to
get together and submit the trouble
to arbitration. The employes agreed.
But Wattles well, Wattles is a
millionaire, and it grates on his aris
tocratic nerves to think about grant-
! ! ing any concessions to workingmen.
His position, In substance, is: "This
street railway is private property.
Owners of property have a right to
say how they shall run their own
business. There is nothing to arbi
trate." Some day Omaha will take posses
sion of that street railway, and op
erate it for the benefit of the people
who won the streets.
But not now. So long the people
have paid tribute to the pirates who
have stolen the city streets that
they will be slow in taking possession
of their own. But the day will come.
The worm will turn some" day. Public
ownership sentiment is growing fast.
President Wattles is making it grow
very fast in Omaha.
How will the present strike end?
Chances are the millionaire owner of
the public streets will' crush all
spirit of independence out of his
workingmen, and it is safe to say
they will soon be whipped into sub
mission to his decrees. Winter is
close at hand. Not many street car
employes have bank accounts. 1 The
little children must have warm
clothes for winter. A good father
will submit to indignity, rather than
see him family suffer. At the
old wages the men can make just
enough money to keep away from
actual want. It - is a sad story to
date. It will be a sadder story later
on when the arrogant man who, spits
in the face of law and human rights
shall have compelled . his working-
men to bow to his supreme will.
Our best advice to the brutal Wat
tles is to remind him that,, although
Madame DeFargk died long ago, her
spirit is still living still is knitting.
Some day she will unravel her knit
ting, and then disclose to men made
desperate by the brutality of the ar
rogant rich the names in the knit
ting. The names of many criminal
rich will be revealed ' and then the
tumbrils will rattle over those paved
streets which Mr. Wattles claims to
own, and the people on the .sidewalks
will say to the crimfnal rich in the
tumbrils: "You presumed too far in
your efforts to crush the flower of
independence out of the hearts of
men who live by the work of their
hands." Columbus Telegram.
Rousing Meeting at Midnight Last
Saturday and Business Done.
The street railway men of Lin
coin met at Bruse's hall at midnight
last Saturday night, and in point of
attendance and enthusiasm it was
one of the best meetings in the his-'
tory of the division. A committee
of the striking Omaha men was
present, the members thereof having
come to Lincoln in the afternoon to
consult with Governor Shallenberger
President Lear and Secretary Ran
dall of the Omaha division were on
this committee and made short talks
at the meeting. Ben Commons, a
member of the international board
was present and presided over the
Several matters of vital importance
to the organization were discussed
at length and decisions reached. Sec
retary Damewood tendered his res
ignation, saying that he was about
to leave the city and discontinue his
vocation as street car man. He as
serted his interest in the welfare of
the organization and declared that
wherever he might go, or whatever
he might do, his heart would still
be in the work of the organization.
Mr. Hampton was elected treasurer
to succeed Mr. Ivey, who sent in
his books with no explanation.
After the business of the meeting
was over the men indulged in a so
cial session under "good and wel
fare" and an hour was pleasantly
Now the suoth pole might as well
come in and surrender.
Mexico has been giving a lifelike
imitation of Noah's flood.
Aeroplanes need something com
parable to nonskidding tires.
Lament of the north pole discov
erer: "Nowhere to go but south!"
Why curl up in despair at the sight
of a yellow leaf when the swimming
is still good?
Paris plans to , introduce a flying
omnibus. It will make the under
ground transportation popular.
Why go to the north pole? Medi
cine Hat is getting ready to turn out
a superior line of goods from . its
weather factory.
It does not hurt to hope that the
cost - of living - will be reduced.
Too many a summer elopement
winds up in an autumn divorce court.
Some of the summer romances do
not end as happily as the designers
of them expected.
F '
In Labor's Realm
Matters of Especial Interest To and Con
, cerning Those Who Do the
1 Work of the World
Washington. The right of the la-!
borer to quit work and of the em
ployer to discharge without advance
notice is a unique principle outlined
in a recent agreement reached after
a 12 weeks' strike of carpenters and
joiners in Nuremberg, Germany. This
introduces a new rule in the German
labor world, declares American Con
sul G. W. Ifft, at Nuremberg, as here
tofore in every trade, profession, busi
ness and employment due notice has
been required before an employe
could quit or be discharged. Labor
conditions in Germany are believed to
be better than in former years and
the consul states that one bl the chief
factors in lessening the number of
strikes and iabor disputes in both
Saxc-ny and Bavaria was the financial
depression, which prevailed in 1908.
In that year there were 152 strikes in
Saxony, against 239 in 1907. In Ba
varia during 1908 there were reported
164 strikes, or nearly 50 per , cent,
less than in 1907.
Baltimore, Md. The Maryland Steel
Company at Sparrows Point, put in
blast D furnace. This furnace is the
last of the four furnaces to be put
in operation, and it has not been
working for the past two years on ac
count of the business depression. The
steel trade has recuperated so in the
last two months that all the pig iron
which was stock at the Point has
been used, and as three furnaces can-
.not supply the rail mill with enough
steel, the officials of the company
were obliged to put in blast the idle
furnace. There are in the neighbor
hood of 4,500 men on the pay rolls of
thersteel company at the present time.
This force, however, will be increased
shortly to about 5,000 men. The ad
ditional 500 men will be taken on as
the work progresses on the new 12,
500-ton collier for the United States
navy. -
Pittsburg, Pa. From the headquar
ters of the United Mine. Workers of
America at Indianapolis copies of an
amendment to the constitution of the
organization have been received by
miners in the Pittsburg district. The
amendment reads: "Any member
guilty of slandering or circulating, or
causing to be circulated, false state
ments against any member of the
United Mine Workers, upon being
proved guilty, shall be suspended
from membership in the international
district or sub-district or local union
for a period of six months and not be
eligible to hold office in the organiza
tion for a period of two years."
Boston. The International Spin
ners' union, which concluded a three
days' convention in this city, adopted
an accident insurance plan which will
apply to all members, and also to boy
assistants. The next convention will
be held in Boston next September.
Officers elected included: President,
Urbau Fleming of Holyoke; vice-president,
George . Connelly, Waltham;
secretary, Samuel Ross, New Bed
ford; treasurer, Thomas O'Donnell,
Fall River.
Pittsburg, Pa. After a series of
lengthy conferences between the Mas
ter House Painters and Decorators'
association of Pittsburg and District
council No. 1, Brotherhood of Paint
ers, Decorators and Paperhangers of
America, the wage scale of the union
has been signed. About 6,000 mem
bers of the brotherhood in Pittsburg
and vicinity are affected by the agree
ment, which will be in effect 16
Washington. Subjects of the forth
coming conference of the National
Civic federation, which will be held
in this city the forepart of next Jan
uary, besides labor, embraces national
resources, taxation, accounting, Sher
man anti-trust law, railway legisla
tion, banking, life insurance, fire in
surance, pure food laws, laws relating
to women, vital statistics, public
health and good roads.
Sacramento, Cal. The Building
Trades council has given notice to the
affiliated unions that all parties be
longing to the unions must comply
with the laws of the council in the
matter of working conditions, and in
prtiof that it means business it fined
two members of the Cement Workers'
up:';on five dollars each for having
started work prior tc eight o'clock
in the morning. ,
"ittsburg, Pa. The strike of the
fl?vteners and cutters in the Ameri
can Window Glass works at Jean
nette and Monongahela is taking on a
serious aspect. Attempts to import
workmen have met with resistance
from the strikers.
London, Eng. There is a move
ment among the cotton operatives of
Lancashire for shortening the hours
of labor by further legislation.
Pittsburg. The area of the Pittsburg-Allegheny
district the most in
tensive labor section of the country
is 198 square miles, and its popula
in 1900 was 623,342. The number of
manufacturing establishments in 1904
was 1,859, and they employed 119,
839 persons and put out products val
ued at $383,490,468.
San Francisco. The San Francisco
labor council has been advised 'that
the American Federation of labor,
through its executive committee, has
adopted a resolution looking to the
establishment of a world federation
of labor; -
Cleveland. O. The biggest fight
which ever has been waged between
organized labor and capital on the
great lakes will be fought in 1S10.
Plans for the campaign to be followed
by the unions were started several
weeks ago. Labor leaders havebeen
working upon them in secret. They
are now perfecting an organization
that will be many times stronger than
any of the old ones. There are 50,000
wage earners on the lakes. Hereto
fore the various kinds of workmen
hare had their own unions. These
have been fought singly by the Lake
Carriers' association, and one after
another has been defeated. Next sea
son all the lake workingmen will -be
in one big union that will be a part of
the International Seamen's union.
Indianapolis, Ind. It is probable
that an interesting collection of docu
ments that have some connection with
the early 'history of the Typographi
cal union will be formed at the Inter
national Typographical union head
quarters in this city. A start already
has been made, and it is understood
that a number of documents of inter
est and value may be added to it. In
the current issue of the Typograhpieal
Journal, the official magazine of the
International Typographical union,
there is an editorial on the matter,
and in it an invitation is. extended
to any of the members of the organ
ization who wish to contribute any
documents to the collection to do so.
These documents will be listed propr,;
erly and filed.
Milwaukee. It is expected that the
next session of the journeymen bar
bers' international convention, which
will open in Milwaukee, October . 5,
the first held in five years, will be a
very interesting one, as many mat
ters will be brought up for considera
tion. ' The subject that will attract
the greatest amount of attention will
be the establishment of a home for
aged and permanently disabled mem
bers of the craft. The proposition is
that the members by the contribution
of a small amount of the wages earned
weekly, shall create a fund which
shall be used to erect a home similar
to the one maintained by the print
ers at Colorado Springs,' Col.
Indianapolis, Ind. If an amendment
now being voted upon by the Inter
national Cigar Makers' union is adopt
ed, the organization will establish a
pension system for old members. The
matter is being favorably acted upon
throughout the entire jurisdiction, and
the general opinion is that it will be
adopted. The system will go into ef
fect on January 1. 1910, and the finit
payment of pensions will be made
March 1, 1910, if the amendment is
ratified. At the present time it is
intended to levy an assessment of
25 cents every quarter, with the in
tention of increasing the amount if
the assessment is not sufficient.
Fall River, Mass. The entire plant
of the Fall River Iron Works mills,
owned by 'B. D. C. Borden of New
York, which were shut down following
a strike of the weavers, will remain
closed and the 5,000 operatives will
continue in idleness. The weavers,
numbering 1,000 went on strike to en
force their demands for an increase
og about ten per cent, in wages, and
their absence so .hampered the other
departments that the management de
cided to close the whole plant. The
weavers veted to remain out until the
wage increase is granted.
Philadelphia. Brakemen continue
to figure as having the mos't hazard
ous occupation ' in Pennsylvania, for
of the number of deaths in six months
43, or nearly one-third of the total of
141, were brakemen, and this number
of deaths is greater than in any other
class of employers. At the same
time the number of brakemen injured
was 804, far more than the injuries to
any other class, and nearly one-third
of the total injured. The jsame ratio
prevailed in each', quarter.
Kansas City, Mo. The Kansas Cily
hod carriers' strike is over. At a
meeting of the Builders' club it was
decided to offer the hod carriers 37
cents an hour, a compromise whichi
had been suggested by the state board
of arbitration. The union accepted
the offer and the strike was called oft.
The strike was called when the con
tractors refused to increase the car-,
riers' pay from 35 cents an hour to 40
cents. ,
New York. John Sandgren and C.
E. Tholin, representing the Swedish
strikers, announced that they had col
lected $50,000 from workers in this
country and that money was still flow
ing in. The unions in this city have
been the most generous. The Chica
go bodies are next.
Washington. The labor law of the
District of Columbia, passed by con
gress as an experiment a year ago, is'
reported to be working successfully.
It has resulted in a reduction of the
number of establishments employing
children and in general betterment of
labor conditions.
San Francisco. The Janitors' union,
which is not affiliated with an inter
national body, has under considera
tion a proposal to establish a death,
benefit, to be created by levying a
small assessment on the membership
monthly, or levying an assessment on
each death.