The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 25, 1909, Image 2

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Hmr Concert Was a Big Success, But
Little Playmate Saw Hr
TThen six years of age Helen Xlitch
11 (Melba) appeared at a school con
cert, organized by her aunts in Rich
mond. Melbourne, the suburb of her
birth. At this entertainment she sang
"Shells of the Ocean" with such ef
fect that the audience asked for an
encore, and the child on her reappear
ance, created a still greater impres
sion by her singing of "Comin
Through the Rye." for which h
grandmother had taught her the Scot
tish accent.
At the earliest opportunity she hur
ried to her f&vorite playmate, fcc
lived tn the saute street, and breath
lessly waitod for reference to the en
tertainment of the evening before, but
the Cttle cou.rade was adamant and
Ignore! the whole subject. After
many attempts to Introduce it, Nellie
at length found herself unable to wait
longer, and exclaimed excitedly: "Bui
the concert, the coacert! I sans last
night and was encored." And she
looked with eagerness in the face of
her friend, who answered withering'y:
"Yea. and. Helen Mitchell, I saw your
garter." Little Miss Mitchell had been
particularly pleasedwith her neat at
tire, and the unexpected shaft com
ing In place of the looked-for com
pliment, in an instant blotted out the
memory of the intoxicating encore,
and drew the little singer from the
seventh heaven of her brief delight to
lirLbo. Detroit News-Tribune-
La oadry worK at homo would bo
such more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
or strength than other makes.
To Check Disease Among Indiana.
It has been reported that the dis
ease known as trachoma, or granular
eyelids, has been spreading rapidly
among the Indians. To check this
trouble congress appropriated $12,000,
placing It in the hands of tho com
missioner of Indian affairs, for the
immediate investigation and treat
ment of the disease and to check its
Tho extraordinary popularity of lino
white goods this summer makes tho
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all Injurious chemicals, is tho
only ono which Is safe to use on fine
fabrics. It great strength as a stiffen
r makes half tho usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with tho result of
perfect finish, equal to that when tho
goods were new.
"I am convinced," said the propri
etor of the Jeweler's shop, as the plate
glass window shivered into a million
fragments and the chauffeur and his
machine began to nestle behind the
counter, "that the taxicab has come to
stay." London Globe.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist Just as well at homo as tho
steam laundry can; it will have tho
proper stiffness and finish, there will
bo less wear and tear of the goods,
and It will bo a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to tho
Cobblestones for Baltimore.
The Brooklyn Standard Union says
that "those people from the rural re
gions who Jeer at Manhattan's horse
cars may ake note that the Baltimore
city council is preparing to pavo a
street with cobblestones."
Chafing Dish Defined.
Pat "An phwat the devil is a
ehafia dishr Mike "Whist! Ufa a
fryln'pan that's got into society."
Nebraska Directory
ara lb tost : Inslat oa hmTing them.
Ai iMr Ux-ai 4alr, or
flSST K01T6A6E BORDS i 55
t aivrrurr ftacat. h. la tU mnli oaZ
mim.lnrm yrars. ; mill ra any
Iw WBMlma. m aualh tm-n-M; ro4
PomaI fwrcirvaiar aai picture: W. K Krti-T, Jj
1 aaia lgJMtCu l.iaraia.Sttiata.
Mik1lwMIMm Wawfltnaa to aaplbaaa'
. toxmMKp XUAH ramp, a iMiw-k. br4
CO.TnCnUr Man-'CounciiBlurta, la.
ImpntTvl ob4 nlmproT4 funis la easterc
6ouii DVUH4. for MTU a
Will erect aalMlngmon any farm on same easy
term. lnrt fr-M to pvr acre. For,
ma ALEX. H. RAIT. Firam &
Marcitaata' EUa lStkaaJOSta.LiiKaia.Ncb,
Uaanla. :
Doatrico Creamery Go.
Para tka alcbeat prica tar
Rabaar Stamp. Steaclla. paa,
"- Seal. Trade Caeck.
I f-irl G-afal ST- V"
I fl cIs-nlM. Mudet
The earth is one big, hard, unchart
ed rock to the crippled aviator.
'When the army balloon corps is or
g&niied high privates will be in de
mand. Dont hesitate to tell the census
taker your age. He has sworn to be
It is estimated that out of a popu
lation of 40.000,000 in Great Britain.
12,000.000 are either under or on the
poverty line.
The world over Americans have a
reputation for doing things. That's
why the foreign aviators at Rheims
accord Curtiss so much respect.
Society must be improving since tho
various scorching denunciations it has
received. The news comes from New
port that there is a lobster famine
People may not be able to explain
rationally the popular sympathy with
a Jury that declares a man insane who
recites poetry, but the sympathy is
there, all the same.
Women who have won farms in the
government lottery can if unmarried
doubtless get all the help they need,
for harvesting their crops without ap
plying to the employment agencies.
Tho scramble for social prestige at
Newport has caused a French visitor
to revive an old Gaelic witticism: "
doubt if the people would take any
thing like so much trouble to get into
It has been estimated that 40 per
cent, of the children under eight in.
the public schools of London drink "al
coholic liquor "more or less regular
ly." And yet American children are
called precocious. .
The latest calculations on the
course of Halley's comet, approaching
the earth, exhibit no point of peril for
aspiring aviators. Still, comets and
flying machines both have been known,
to do things out of the day's run.
In Chicago they have started a
school for tubercular children. Most
of the sessions are held in the open
air, and the children are said to act
as if they were having a picnic. Their
routine work takes in systematic care
of the teeth, breathing exercises, gym
nastics and the shower bath.
There is something very pathetic in
the picture of the little shah of Persia
trying to kill himself because, fright-i
ened at his lonely gradeur, he wants
his parents. The emptiness of high,
royal honors in these stormy times
strikes even to the soul of a child,
when he has to pay for them with his
human needs. ,
It might have been supposed that
California had enjoyed her share of
earthquakes; but now while Mexican
cities are partly in ruins and Spain
Is reporting tremors, California 'Will
feel herself fortunate at having es
caped with the shake of recent date,
which wos so gentle that there were
people in San Francisco and San
Jose who did not feel it.
In his brief experience of the busi
ness of ruling an awakened people,
the Shah Mohamed Ali has probably
learned that there are times when
wise people do best to adopt the mot
to: "Anything for a quiet life." He
has been offered a pension of $75,000
a year if he will restore the national
Jewels. The likelihood is that he will
take the offer and retire into Russia.
The work of arresting chauffeurs
when they can be caught and fining
them tor speeding goes merrily on,
but with no appreciable diminution in
the speeding. A little change in prin
ciple might work a great change in
custom in this respect. If the auto
mobile were arrested and fined and
held for the payment of the fine
things would soon wear a different
A new use was promptly found for
the new Lincoln pennies. It seems,
according to a Washington account,
that they are in great demand by con
gressmen to present to babies in their
districts, as the first issue will be
come in time rare coins. This use of
the penny is significant in pointing
the fact that in spite of its great
achievements this is the age of small
things especially babies.
A New York magistrate wants the
establishment of the whipping-post
on account of the great number of
wife-beating cases in his district. It
Is a pity that there is not the like of
ficial sympathy for ill-treated wives
in this state, where the whipping-post
has been established by law and prac
tically nullified by the sympathy, for
some occult reason, being given to the
wlie-beater instead of to his victim.
A curious source of wealth is re
ported by the French consul at
Monctio. in upper Tonkin. It lies In
wood mines. The wood originally was
a pine forest, which the earth swal
lowed la some cataclysm. They lie
In a slanting direction and in sandy
soil, which covers them to a depth of
about eight yards. As the top
branches are well preserved, it is
thought the geological convulsion
whish buried them cannot be of very
great antiquity. The wood furnished
by these timber mines is imperish
able and tho Chinese buy it for coffins.
During the early days in the pe
riod of tho growth of the grain crop in
Western Canada, as well as throughout
the ripening and garnering period,
there is yearly growing an increasing
interest throughout the Vniied States,
as to the results when harvest is com
pleted. These mean much to the thou
sands of Americans who have made
their homes in some of the three Prov-
j inces that form that vast agricultural
: aomain. ana are of considerable interest
j to the friends they have left behind. !
I The year 1909 is no disappointment ;
The crops of wheat, oats and barley ;
j have been harvested and it is now j
safe to speak of results. Careful es- j
Umates place the yield of spring wheat
A Central Canada Farmer Finishing
I at 30 bushels per acre, winter wheat at
) over 40 bushels, and oats exceed 50 i
j bushels per acre. Barley also has
j proved an abundant yield. What will
j attract the reading public more than
volumes of figures will be the fact that
j those who have been induced through
I the influence of the Government to ac
j cept of 160 acres of free grant land;
; or. by the persuasion of friends to
ieave their home State of Dakota. Min
nesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, In
diana, Ohio, Nebraska or the other
States from which people have gone,
have done welL Financially, they are
in a better position than many of them
ever expected to be, and in the mat
ter of health, in social conditions, they
have lost nothing.
One person who has just returned
from a trip through
the Lethbridge Dis
trict, where winter
wheat has a strong
hold with farmers,
"We saw some mag
nificent sights. The
crops were, in fact, all
that could be desired."
In a few years from
now these great plains
over whose breadth for
years roved
hundreds of Town
thousands of School
herds of cat- House
tie, lollowing the millions of buffalo
that once grazed their grasses, will
be a solid grain field covering a
territory of over 30,000 square miles,
and very little of it but what will yet
be worth from $40 to $60 per acre. Al
ready the homestead and pre-emption
lands are being well filled.
In the district of Calgary, south, east
and north, which comprises Nanton,
High River and other equally impor
tant districts, a correspondent of the
Winnipeg (Manitoba) Free Press
says: (Aug. 21) "The grain in this
district is going to make some money
for the farmers this year. All the
crop Is now crowding along and Is good
on both irrigated and unirrigated lands."
There are to be found those who
speak of a "pioneering" life in west
ern Canada, but as one man said, "if
A Specimen Group of Eieva
Many Towns in
this is pioneering I don't for the life
of me see what our forefathers had
to complain of." He didn't know,
though, for the pioneering of his fore
fathers was discomfort and hardship.
The opening up and development of
western Canada, with its railroad lines
to carry one to almost the uttermost
part of it, the telegraph line to flash
the news to the outside world, the tel
ephone to talk to one's neighbor, the
daily and weekly mail service which
brings and carries letters to the
friends in distant parts; the schools
headed by college-bred and highly cer
tificated teachers; the churches
manned by brilliant divines; the clubs;
the social and festive life; what is
there about any of this to give to the
man who goes there to make his home
the credit of being a pioneer? Noth
ing! He might as well be in any of
the old middle-west States. In other
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parts of the world the production of
wheat is diminishing today; but as it
diminishes Canada's will increase;
therefore, it is safe to predict that in a
few years from now a large part of the
world will be looking to western Can
ada for its whea; supply, and espe
cially will the United States. In many
parts of western Canada it is possible
to hare a hundred-mile souare of
wheat, without a break. A writer says:
-We were driven west and north of
Moose Jaw through 20 miles of dead
ripe wheat, acres of stocks and well-
worked summer-fallows. One of these
fields would yield 40 bushels to the
acre, and another man had oats that
would yield 90 or 100 bushels to the
acre. In this district wheat will aver-
i age 0 to 3a bushels. The conditions
Cutting His 7C-Acre Field of Wheat
were never better and throughout the
district the people are assured of a
most prosperous year."
It would be unfair to close this ar
ticle without quoting from an expert
crop-correspondent regarding the two
Battlefords in Central Saskatchewan,
on the line of the Canadian Northern
Railway. Writing on August ISth of
this year, he says:
"It is necessary to drive about six or
seven miles out of the town of North
Battleford in order to see the best
crops of the district. This morning I
was driven about 20 miles to the
north and west of the town and in all
the drive did not see a poor crop. I
saw one wheat crop which the owner
estimates will yield 40 bushels per
acre, and I believe it"
City Church
in Central
He then crossed the Sas
katchewan river to the South
town, or Battleford proper,
and continues his report:
"Conditions around the old
town are as good if not bet
ter than those to the north
of the river. This district has much
the best wheat crop prospect of any
I have inspected this year, consid
ering sample and yield. The weath
er conditions for the whole season
have been ideal and the result is what
might easily be termed a bumper crop.
A sample sheaf brought in from the
farm of George Truscott was shown
to me which spoke for Itself. This
farmer is said to have sixty acres
which will yield 45 bushels per acre.
In stating an average for the dis
trict of South Battleford I would say
that the wheat will yield 36 bushels
per acre. The oats will yield about
45 and barley 35 bushels per acre."
A correspondent summing np a trip
over the Canadian Northern Railway,
from Dauphin to Battleford, says:
"As I inspected the crops in the va
tors That May Be Seen in
Central Canada
rious districts I found the farmers and
other citizens without exception
filled with expectant enthusiasm over
this year's prospects. No district was
found which could not boast of fields
of 35 bushels per acre wheat, or 50 to
60 bushels per acre oats, and of 40
bushels per acre of barley."'
It is not an unusual thing in many
parts of western Canada for a farmer
to have 10,000 to 30,000 bushels of
wheat. In the Rouleau district it is
said that there are several farmers
who will have 20,000 bushels of oats
any many fields will return one nun
dred bushels to the acre.
It takes an army of men to handle
the Western. Canada crop, and it is es
timated that 30,000 people have been
brought in this year to assist in the
great undertaking; there being excur
sions from the outside world nearly
every day for the past six weeks.
County I mk . -4 y
school I S2jL
House I - 1
- s J- - " ' ;
(Director Department of Domestic TTi 111
and Art. Xational Cora
Exposition. Omaha.)
Young men of the farms are learn
ing to double the production in the
fields, young women are beginning to
study to eliminate all waste from the
household; by careful selection of
seed the men secure varieties adapted
to almost any soil and climate and by
the same care in the kitchen, the
young women will be able to reduce
the cost of living almost one-half and
the cost of dress by an amount which
will add millions to the wealth of
the farming communities.
For instance the use of the "fire
less cooker' is an economy. This de
vice of Norwegian origin, has come to
stay and is finding a place in nearly
every modern kitchen.
Conservative housewives laughed at
the so-called fireless cooker a few
years ago. But it is like every other
invention. It must pass through three
stages: First, when everybody says
it is impossible; second, when it is
thought contrary to religion and third
when everybody says it was known
All these the fireless cooker has
passed and its use promises to be as
universal as the "Dutch oven" of Co
lonial days.
The cooker is just as adaptable to
cook a Christmas plum pudding as to
cook a pot roast in July. It saves
strength, time, fuel, heat, utensils,
odors and temper. The cook need not
fear her dinner will be spoiled by a
few minutes delay.
A cooker may be made of any tight
box, old trunk or corner closet, pro
viding a secure packing of hay is se
cured and the whole affair made to
fasten tightly. In this the food may
be cooked in as many utensils as it
will hold, bet each must have a tight
Only two rules are necessary to in
sure success in the use of the cooker:
The food must be transferred from
the stove to the cooker after it has
been brought to and while it is at the
boiling point, and the article to be
cooked must be covered with water
when it is placed in the cooker's re
ceptacles. One failure should not he
allowed to discourage the housewife,
however. Try cooking beans or stew
ing a chicken. It will be the most
thoroughly cooked pot of beans ever
cooked and the most delicious chick
en. Either dish may be put in the
cooker in the early morning while the
housewife may then do other work or
go to the city and return to find din
ner ready no burning nor boiling
Enterprising manufacturers are ma
king these cookers which are a great
economy. Some have baking attach
ments which really bake.
This menu will serve as a sugges
tion for a fireless cooker dinner pre
pared in one of the devices with three
compartments :
Tomato or Bean Soup.
Stewed Chicken. Egg Sauce.
Riced Potatoes.
Steamed Apple Dumplings.
In almost all the short courses of
fered at farmers institutes; corn and
grain shows or expositions, where a
domestic science instructor is em
ployed, a demonstration is given sev
eral times daily, in the use of the fire
less cooker. The farmer's wife or
daughter who sees how the cookers
work and the things they accomplish,
will not be without one another sea
son. Limited Responsibility.
"Little Septimus had been very good
and had recited "The Boy Stood on
the Burning Deck' with admilable feel
ing for the benefit of his Uncle Rob
ert," said George W. Tasker of Phila
deplhia. "'He's a wonderful boy," exclaimed
that gentleman enthusiastically, 'and
he deserves to be rewarded."
"So saying, he plunged his hand
into his bulging pocket and with much
difficulty for he was rather portly
extracted a penny, which he offered
with great importance to his good lit
tle nephew. 'Remember, my boy,"
he said, that if yon take care of the
pennies the shillings will take care of
"Poor little Septimus looked rather
dubious. ' I do take care of the pen
nies. Uncle Robert. he answered sad
ly, "but as soon as they get to be shil
lings my pa takes care of them for
me." London Tit-Bits.
It Was AM the Same.
In a Sunday school a little girl was
questioned as to her repeated non-attendance.
"Why have you been absent so many
times lately?" asked the teacher.
"Please, teacher," answered the girl,
"mother thought I'd better not come
to Sunday school, as my hat was
"But, my dear," objected the teach
er gently, "it is not the outward ap
pearance that we consider; it is the
"I know that, teacher," was Maggie's
reply; "but it's all the same; the lin
ing was dirty, too."
In Class by Herself.
The American woman is in a cate
gory of her own. She is sui generis.
Our national institutions, the air of
liberty which we breathe, the charac
ter of our people have made her so.
But that as a class she is depraved, or
blase, or hoydenish, or even spoiled,
is not for a moment to be admitted.
Max O'Reil once said that the eyes of
a French country maiden are wide
open like a daisy because her heart is
pure. Will any one deny that tho
same reason applies to the frank
honest gaze of the American girl?
How to Mako a Bad Back Better.
Women who suffer with backache1,
bearing down pains, dizzy spells and
that cocstaat feeling
of dullness and tired
ness, w ill fisd feooe
I At in the advice of Mr.
S! WS MarT Hiasoa of 21
Strother St rr
&V' I Stertiag. Ky. "Had
7 Ill not used Doas's
I ' ' Kidnev Pills. I be-
lieve I would not be living today." says
Mrs. Eicsoa. ily eyesight was poor.
I suffered with nervous, splitting head
aches, spots would dance before my
eyes and at tines I would be so dlixy
I would have to grasp something for
support. My back was so wecJc and
painful I could hardly bend ever to but
ton my shoes and could not get around
without suffering severely. Doan's Kid
ney Pills helped me from the Erst, and
I continued until practically weZ
Remember the name Doan's. Sold
by an dealers. 59 cents a bcx- Foster
Unburn Ox. Buffalo. X. Y.
Yes, He Made a Splurge.
"I suppose New-rich is making quite
a splurge with his money."
Hi did the day he backed his auto
off the ferry boat." Puck.
Clccmscs ttie Svstem
Rsp&c&&s and Headaches
du&o CcTAsWyjOAxoTt;
Afts Tvawuy , GcXsXrviVy as
tsa-young and OVd.
To get Vs benfeJxcxaX eft&cls.
always ruy Yhe G&Ttuuve
Fig Syrup Co.
one sae only, regular price SCper bottl.
StrengtH Giver
Ordinary tonics fba merely
supply food maTcrial and give ar
tificial strength by stimulation are
never lasting in their effects be
cause they do not icmuvo tba
caus of the ill health.
A "run down coodxton is
generally doe to tho allure of tka"
digestive of guns to properly dj
gest the food,
tones up the vfnmarn and other
digestive organs, and lestutes
their normal, healthy condition.
Then the digestive mgans sup
ply the body with its 6UI share
of noorishment, and in this way
build up permammut health
tuui stnstgthm
Sold by all druggists
2 slims. SOc and. 33c
9t. B. Jarmr-a
InvaliiaUa cedtcia
Coacb, Plennsy.a
Positively .mJ sff
Ike Little fills.
Tbev also RUeva Sta
ZaUav A pf rf.I nw
edy lor Dunnm. Warn
aea. Pi u Iaaa, Baa
Taatc la ta Xosih. Cama
ed Tosrw. Pats la t&a
Side. TORPID iirts.
Ttaer zeguiate tae Bowela. Xareiv ligiiiula
Genuine U'jst Eear
Fas-Simile Signature
Four hundred thousand people
take a CASCARET every night
and rise up in tjie morning and call
them blessed- If yon don't belong to
this great crowd of CASCARET
takers yon are missing the greatest
asset of your life. tM
CASCARETS me a box tor a nK
M I'll "Jts.'-'