BIG PROFIT MADE ON LAND WHY NCTr Which Can Be Bought for a Mere Song in th Little Snake River Valley, Routt County, Colo. A ten per cent profit on a valuation, of over $200 an acre U what is being made now by farmers in the Little Snake River valley in Routt County, Colorado, and lands similar in quality and with gilt edged water rights are now offered by the State of Colorado under the Carey Act at $33.50 per aere on tea years time. This land will grow in abundance oats, potatoes, sugar beets and all other grains, grasses' and root crops, and Is suitable for all kinds of fruit, except possibly the most delicate ot tree fruits. The land Is sold in tracts of 40. SO, ISO and ICO acres to citizens of the Catted States, or those who hare de clared their Intentions of becoming citizens. There is no drawing in con nection with this land; first come, first served being the policy. If Interested, write to the Routt County Colonisation Co., 1734 Welton street. Denver, Colorado, for full in formation as to the land, special ex- rates, etc By Automobile Up Mount Rainier. Cnited States Engineer Eugene Rick eecker celebrated Independence day by throwing open the government road in the Mount Rainer National park. Vehicles and horsemen now have an excellent thoroughfare from tidewater to Xarada falls, near snow line In Paradise valley. Mr. Rick ecker says that autos and wagons can now make the trip with comfort. The maximum grade on the road is toor per cent. Nearly a score of au tomobiles, all loaded, went to the mountain. One ot the preachers has asked the members of his congregation to bring their canary birds to church. Why not try to save some of the parrots? CUT1CURA CURED HIM. Eczema Came on Legs and Ankles Could Not Wear Shoes Because Many a woman nags her husband enUl she either brings him to her way ot thinking or drives him to drink. FKIRT T ATI'S- r AIMtlM.IR ivibji fl ra.ta frost atrtiM d'rtt Plans are being made for the elec trification of the more important state railroads of Sweden. CSOOKllItf I Ot Bad Scaling and Itching. I have been successfully cured ot dry eczema. I was inspecting the re moval ot noxious weeds from the edge of a river and was constantly in the dust from the weeds. At night 1 cleansed my limbs but felt a prickly sensation. I paid no attention to it for two years but I noticed a scum on my legs like fish scales. I did not attend to it until it came to be too Itchy and sore and began getting two running sores. My ankles were all tore and scabby and I could not wear shoes. I had to use carpet and felt slippers for weeks. I got a cake ot the Cuticura Soap and some Cuticura Ointment. In less than ten days I could put on my boots and in less than three weeks I was free from the con founded itching. Capt. George P. Bliss. Chief ot Police, Morris. Manitoba, Mar. 20. 1907. and Sept. 24. 1908." hnc fin a Own. Ow. Sols Piopa, A Useful Baby. Speaking of tricks to win the sym pathy of juries in criminal cases. Judge Williard M. McEwen, in a re cent address before the Illinois State's Attorneys association, said: I know of four cases where a baby played a prominent part in getting the acquit tal of the defendant, and I later learned that the same baby had been used in each of the cases, although the supposed mothers in each case were different women. Law Notes. An Arbitrary Classification. "So you think every patriot has a more or less clearly defined ambition to hold public office?" "Yes." answered Senator Sorghum. "As a rule, patriots may be divided into two classes the appointed and the disappointed." 0iUpaloo nww amS annulate nay tfilwt r -- -- rns. X uraau uauf luuirt. Lesson from the Bee. School Teacher What lesson do we learn from the busy bee? Tommy TuEnut Not to get stung. Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound? " If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly ?ublished a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. I ere is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask her. Houston. Texas. "When I first began taklnr Lydia E. jPinJfc haaua Vegetable Compound I vras a total wreck. 1 bad been sick (or three years witik feniale troubles, chronic dyspepsia, and a liver trouble. I had tried seTeral doctor's medicines, but aoUtins did me any rood. "For three years I lived on medicines and thougrht I would stever pet welL when I read an advertisment of Lydia K. JPink bun's Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try it. My husband trot me one bottle of the Compound, did mae so much good I continued its use. I am now a well woman and enjoy the best of health. I advise all women suffering; from such troubles to give Lydia 1 linkhams Vegetable Compound a trial. They wont retrret it, for it will surely cure you. Sirs. ISessie L Hicks, 819 Cleveland St Houston. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do ner as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. msuns cm ortugal Boy King Spends Much Time with Parent. Before Tragic Events That Raised Him to Throne He Was Educated for the Sea Will Visit Eng land in Near Future. Lisbon. An active, good humored. very vital young man is the impres sion given by Dom Manuel, the 19-year-old king of Portugal, who is ex pected to visit the United Kingdom in November. The comprehensive and strenuous education considered necessary for i.s exalted position has not dulled the ready wit which he has inherited from Queen Amelia, and he also shares her open air tastes, spending a good part of his leisure in tennis, fencing and riding. He has. moreover, artistic accomplishments, being both a isuscian and a painter. Before the tragic events that brought him to the throne, he was be ing educated as a sailor,, and threw himself eagerly into the study of mod ern science and mathematics and the technicalities of naval construction. Two years ago,, therefore, his out look on life was rather the sailor's than the king's, and a strenuous course of study was mapped out for him. It included, according to a writer in the Xuao, philosophy, political science and the physical sciences. He arose at seven every morning and studied Plato and Greek philos ophy for an hour before he went to breakfast in his mother's apartments. The morning from ten to twelve o'clock was devoted to astronomy, in organic chemistry and general science and the afternoon from one to four to history and jurisprudence. In the evenings he relaxed into music and less , serious literature, re tiring to bed at nine. This scheme of study was pursued for months with scarcely any interruption. He has displayed an unusual apti tude for mathematics, and speaks 4M-M ,'.iJ: ivv$ mm. m King of Portugal. French. Spanish and Italian fluently The thesis he submitted for his doc tors degree at the university dis played a very creditable knowledge oi the history of Portuguese literature. On account of the dangers that hedge his throne, his education was conducted in the - palace, and its scheme was not generally understood, and consequently misrepresented. It was apprehended that he was being trained as a student and recluse rath er than as a king. Not long ago. there fore, he visited the Cniversitv of Coimbra and was received in state by the professors and uproariously by tne students. The latter removed the horses from his carriage at the station and drareed him through the streets with enthusi astic cheering until, carried away by their excitement, he alighted and Joined them on foot. In the degree hall he conversed with the rector in Latin, showed such an extensive knowledge of contemporary science. and criticised a dissertation on erhir-al philosophy with an astuteness that quickly brought the critics of his edu-. cation to contusion. One of the most pleasing features ef his life is the close relationship be tween him and his tragically widowed moiner, vtueen Amelia. In his child nooa ne usea to rise at six every morning and read Doetrv and art -wt. icisms to her while she painted till breakfast time. During the weeks he lay ill after the assassination of his lamer and brotber, she nursed him assiduously, performing all that he needed done tor him with her own nanus. The habit of breakfasting together is smi Kept up, and the young kins spends his evenings in her comnanv The following anecdote shave the closeness of the friendshin bet their, and also the graceful repartee In which he excels. When during his training for the navv he Was n i-Mi o to return to Lisbon to continue his studies. Queen Amelia asked him somewhat piqued, why he was sc eager to leave her. -Kecause u t 00 not leave you at once. I shall be unable to leave you at all. he quoted, prettily, from one of her favorite poets. He is quite a sportsman, and is verv fond of dogs. A Danish boarhound Box, and a terrier, Tagus, are his principal pets. Go ak?ad and do tfce brst yoa can and don't worry about the consequences. Physicians Recommend Castoria ASTORIA hes met mth pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pliarma- centical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians witbt results most gratifying. The extended visa of Castoria is TmqaestimiaHy tha result of three facts: . First Tha indisputable evidence that it is harmless 3 Second -That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi lates the food: It is an agreeable and perfsct substitute for Castor 03 It is absolutely safe, It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotia end does not stupefy. It i3 unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end.' To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to the information. Hall's Journal of Health. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Br. B. Ealstead Scott, of Chicago, Ills-, says: "I have prescribed your Castoria often for infants during my practice, and find it very satisfactory. Dr. "William Belmont, of Cleveland. Ohio, says: "Tour Castoria stand first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never have found anything that so filled the place." Dr. 'J. H. Taft, of Brooklyn. N. T.. says: I have used your Castoria and found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for many years. The formula is excellent.'' Dr. B. J. Hamlen, of Detroit. Mich., says: "T prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I have never found anything to equal it for children's troubles. I am aware that there are iTnita,ti in the field, but Z always see that my patients get Fletcher's. Dr. "Win. J McCrann, of Omaha. Ken., says: "As the father of thirteea children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Caa toria a popular and cScient remedy in almost every home.'' Dr. J. R- Clausen, of Philadelphia. Pa., says: The name that year Cao toria nss made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by Cle presence cf children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse ment of the medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it sad believe it an excellent remedy. Dr. R- 1L Ward, of Ksnsas City, ilm, says: "Physicians generally do noC prescribe proprietary preparations, tut in the ease of Castoria my experi ence, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make aa ex ception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because I have found tt to Tee a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi cian Trio tc3 raised a family, as I Lave, ri3 join me in heartiest i mendation cf C&storia" ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AcgetabfeRpErtfHinfirJs-i ling (lie Sionate anlBowisif ness and festmtainsaastr OpumMai-phirte KrfiaciaL ISOT .NARCOTIC. Ape-fed Remedy fbTCbBSffH tk:a.SourStoioaciuDiaTtDe Vroms tmTisirasJwnsit nesssrailOSSOFSlEER r-cS'aiile SJnznc df ALWAYS Kii8iilffii Exact s CASTORIA Bears tha Signature of Copy of Wrappe. The EM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ocxh knaMor mt taster ee-ors tltaa air tHhet &k- Ok foe aaekaee eotors aB men. Tagyi uMtulm etter Una at a , Hani mre. mMBTgaaagBKici niiui&DieatiiiMaawwp. avaouc IIHIM' iv., waaasf, waajaa. Mottoes of a Queen. j Her majesty, the queen of Portugal, ; pins her faith, It is said, to the follow- i Ins mottoes: Keep out of doors all you can. Breathe outdoor air, live in it, revel jn it. Don't shut yourself up. Build your houses so that the air supply is good. Throw away your portieres and bric-a-brac Don't have useless trifles about you. Have a favorite form of exercise and make the most of it- Ride on horseback if you can; cycle if you can not get a horse; do anything to get out in the open air. ! Don't overeat. Drink little and let i that little be pure. Don't try to dress too much, yet dress as well as you are able. Wear everything yon can to make yourself lovely. SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. With a smooth iron and Defiance Starch, yon can launder your shirt waist Just as well at home as the steam laundry can; it will have the proper stiffness and finigti there will be less wear and tear of the goods. and it will be a positive pleasure to ; nse a Starch that does not stick to the I Iron, Where Rice Excels. "My mamma says that rice is a bet ter food than wheat." -Why is It?" "Because of the food elephants it contains." Gimlet Fibbs claims to have caught a catfish weighing 50 pounds down in the creek, does he? Well. Ifs safe to say he's lying to the extent of about 40 pounds. Hammer Xot if he hears you say it- Sub Rosa. She She told me you told her that secret I told yon not to tell her. Ke The mean thing! 1 told her not to tell you I told her. She I promised her I wouldn't tell you she told me, so don't tell her I told yea. A Rare Qood Thine-. "Am using ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, and : ran truly say I would not nave been with- -out it so long, had I known the relief It 1 would give my aching feet. I think it a i rare -ood thing for anyone having sore or tired feet. Mrs. Matilda. Holrwert, Providence. R. L" Sold by all Druggists, ' SSc Ask to-day. The Most Unkindest Cut. First Guide Were you ever shot for a deer? Second Guide Worse; I was snap shotted ence. Quite True. j "Alas!" moaned the egg on the kitchen table, waiting for the cook's beater, give every man his dessert and which of us escapes whipping? If a girl admires a young man and keeps him at a distance, it's either be cause she is bashful or because she has been eaiicg onions. A Queer Malady. Sprigs went to a noted physician te ask advice as to bis health, ll pons tones he addressed the i "I an have yoti ah what what is an Ue doosid matxaw with me ah!" "I find that yoor heart is affected," said the physician, gravely. "Oa all anything else- ahT" Tes; your lungs are affected, too."' "Anything alt else aa 7" "Tes; your fee ted." Sheer white goods. In net. any tea wash goods when new, owe moch of their attractiveness to the way tlaey are laundered, this being done fa a manner to enhance their textile tose ty. Home laundering would be eqemJ ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first esseatlaS being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without tbickralss the goods. Try Defiance Starch and yoa will be pleasantly surprised at taa improved appearance of yoor work Troubles of People on Venata. Inhabitants of Venus, if there are any. must feel it extremely dificalt to establish units of time. Venus alwayo turns the same face toward the saa; so the planet has no day. and tho lack of a moon deprives it of a meat, Finally, it has no year, for its axis ef rotation is perpendicular to the plan of its orbit, and the latter is circular. The "Black-Hand" Bosiness. Mrs. Bart My husband got a letter to-day scyirg something dreadfa) would happen if he didn't send tte writer a sum of money. Mrs. Smart My husband getar dunned for bis bills, too. Good for Sore Eyes, for 100 years PETTTTS EYE SALVE has positively cured eye diseases everywhere. All druggists or Howard Bro&, Buualo, X. Y. When a girl orders Sowers sent home it's a sign that she expects the neighbors to think some man sent them. Watch any man long enough and you will see him do something he ought to be ashamed of. Mm artBaiwB Sovtlftbur Smo. For ca!Mra tvetatur. aafteas ta (URS. rancca B .auassn . Woman thinks she will be man's su perior when she gets her rights. Honored bo Women When a woman spnks of fcer silent secret sobering she trusts you. Millions have be stowed tHs mark cf con dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce, of BuSalo, N. Y. fcvny are women who bear witness to the wonder working, caring-power cf Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pteso 'prion which saves the saSrme sex frwm paia, and successfully t5?4Cv;i4 grapples with woman's weak- f tiuE - nesses asd staOxsra i- IT 7.IAKES WEAK W'OHEN STRONG IT HAKES SICK WO..: EN WELL. PZo woman's appeal wss ever raisairect-rd or her con fidence misplaced when she wrcte for advice, ea the Wokld's DisrENSABV Mfsxci. AssoCAXioe, Dc. R. V. Pierce, President, Budalc, ll. Y. Dr. Wereea Pfeasag PeBnts Imbxe mtOi uatml Acarr aju.mat.rf meem m vl f'fr- ) I