Pat O TT TT TT n a c Leading: Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends: USE Lincoln Paint and (olor (o. PRODUCTS Offlc Hours 9-1J; t:M-5;50; T:S99:39. Auto Phona SOU Dr. Lillian L. Snow Physician Dies see, of Woman and Children. Chmt Fourteenth, and O Sts Room 14-19. Entrance IKS O St. Farmers & Merchants Bank ESTABLISHED 1901. Corner 15th and O Street. The Oldest Commercial State Bank In Lmooln. 4 Per Cent Interest paid on time deposits, Lous granted on the most favorable terms, consistent with conservative banking. An of the officers and directors of this bank have been connected with it since its organisation in 1901. FOR BEST RESULTS AT HOME. Use Little Hatchet Flour ASK FOR IT A. A. TANNER. PtevotHt, J. B. MEISIJlGER.Jtt.Sse. A. J. HEELER. VlctAn. LincolnLumber &CoalCo. SUCCESSOR TO I a OBERLTES LUMBER CO. ISih and R Streets Phones Ante 1713. Bell 713 r. M. Stephenson, Pea. Willis Rowcllfte, Sec-Treae. Tho Lincoln Wall Papor Co. Retailers and Jabbers of Utll Psper tni Rooa Ceuldiags 999 SeuUt 11th Street. Bath Phones. HAVE THE iii avails . . . Do Your Washing Alanson Chapman Abstracter of Titles at taa Metrics kssociattea at BsneU Abstractor. LINCOLN Fwwke Btocfc. Southwest Cor. 12th and O Sts. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Comp'y ataaatactarera of Frocea Creams, Ices. Sherbets, Punches, ladivaluala and Fancy Brick Cream. Qdkad Factory. X.W. Cor. TtkL -Anto 129. BaUCI 1 A Buttery FartorT that sparkle, with. deaahnesa The Ataast ot its kind in Auto Phone 1581. Bell Phone A-205 W. C. VAN ANDEL Stoves, Furniture and Qaeensware, : i W SOUTH TENTH ST. R. C. SCHNEIDER FRESH d SALT HEATS C-ttsr, Pccltry & Eggs ! Sit 909 SOUTH NINTH STREET. Phones Bell 453; Auto 1433. WILBER & DE WITT MILLS 145 South 9th St, LINCOLN When in Need of FRESH BAKED GOODS Order at 1307 O Street. We make out j; T - t 4t own vrfmowJis mjg vwuu sves ana Jruncnes ionc ocner. Bell 456 Auto 2214 Ae T. SEELEY and CO. g M Shoot the Landlord! U . tFlguratlvely speaking) oy buying or fewBdlndT a home of your own. Wo will loan yoa the money for a long term on easy payments. Your monthly sav ings will soon pot yoar own roof Security Saving & Loan Association . IIC3 0 St. t C OBERLIES, President. I. H. HATFIELD, Secret ry-Tr Gcopcr and Gob Oros. JOBBERS OF 7iseills, Pfc?s, Stesa. Hater tzi Plushsrs' Scppliss 319-223 SO. TENTH ST. Telephones Bell 104; Ants 268. DRESHER The Lincoln Tailor For Up-to-Date Clothes 143 SO. TWELFTH ST. STAR LOAN CO. SOT RICHARDS BLOCK. Any Engineer. Srakeman. Fireman. Conductor. Shopman. j or any Salaried Employee can Get neey from os just on Bis Note. Bust Inesa Confidential. Phones Den F-1156; Auto 1159. Rogers Lum!::7 Go. Wholesale and Retail. LUMBER . The asoat compicta stack hs the Sent. 9M TO 924 KO. XTXTH ST. C. F PEMJNS. Mgr. Wa Invite yoa to visit oar Hardware Star If hs Been sff Hardware Stoves, Sporting Goods, Razors, Razor Strops and Cutlery at Low Piices Ilcppo's Ilardnaro, 123 UoAZS T. J.Tfccrp Uzztlzo Co. Practical Machinists Does General sTarhrna Work. Be : or Antes li Pi l Eabbtr Straps, Stats, SttacSs, Trass Cawcks Gbristopulos MODERN SHINING PARLOHS THE UNION - - 1018 O ST. THE PALACE - 1236 O ST. THE ACME. N. W. COR. 14th at O Bats Cftusd and Btblockid Shin THE SUGAR BOWL C L OLDS 1949 O STREET. Ice Cream Candy School Supplies Stationery Cigars News OSWa hour 9 a. as, tn IS m,; J to p. nv Dr. Joseph M. Smith Osteopathic -Physician 60S-SOS Bwrr Block Phono Ants 4C1S. Aeta 9999; Ben F-Wi. J. P. DREITH Coal, Wood and Cobs FLOUR AND FEED SIXTH AND r STREETS. Every lady who owns a Gas Range says nothing can beat it for getting a quick breakfast That means more time to rest before and after breakfast Why not enjoy that great advantage v by ordering a Gas Range now? Lincoln Gas and Elecjxic Light Company OPEN EVENINGS R. L. DOWNING L. P. REDDISH Reddish-Downing Coal and Feed Co. Yards, 14th and W BaUPnnsM AX36 Office, 136 No. 14th Ante Phone ZZ36 Office Boors 9 to 12; 1 to 9. A. P. Furgason, M. D. EYE, EAB, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FITTED 313-314 Richards Block Phone. Office, Auto 1848; Res. Auto iaS9. SKOGLUND BROS. The Photographers Flan Vwotocraph. at Moderate' Pricea. Frames klada td Order. Work guaranteed. QIVK US A TRIAL. .te S99L tuo J street A. MEESE Denier la Meats and Groceries . Cask Coupon. Given wttk Each t5-Cent and over Pur akaaa Redaemaola la Premiums. PtM -aaN 9971 Allta 1697. MIT O STRKBT BUY YOUR FURNITURE AND SECOND HAND GOODS AT THE Rock Island Socond (land Storo Cash or Easy Payments Will Buy What You Have for Sale at Best Prices, or Kxchange New Goods for Old. Rock Island Second Hand Store Aut. 7043. am O St. Aato Phono 20C8 Piles Cared Without Operating Dr. Herbert A. Abbott Stomach, Bowel and Rectal Diseases ISM O Scree J. L. Woodworth Harness, Saddles, Whips, Cottars, Blankets, Robes, Nets, Etc LlaM Harness a Specialty. Repairing Promptly Dsns 1218 O STREET. The GETTER MARKET WALT SHAFFER, Proprietor Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry, Game and Fish Phone. Dell 72; Auto 1172. 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. I Lincoln, Neb. R. S. YOUNG Building Supply Company BUILDING MATERIAL COAL Both Phones 1342 O Street Porter Hedge Abstract Co. 3:1 nictate. Abstracts of Title Roberts' Sanitary Dairy J. R. ROBERTS. Pbopbxztob Dealer ! Eigh-Grade Dairy Pri.xts 1S29 N STREET. BeS Phone F-541; The Lincoln Steam PasteCo. 915 SOUTH NINTH STREET. WttOteaaJe and FLOUR, FEED AND HAY PAPER HANOEKS PASTE IDEAL FLOUR n. l. scrra nnc::i::E uzzzz Slancfactnrer and Oaaksr In Eaiinj. Boilers. Seeawa Pwawas, SHAFTCSO. MANCERS. PVIXEYS Oeaeral Machtmcry mrnd Ssippaki Antoanobacr Reaanrcel Cor. 9th and M Sts. P. O. Eos UIEHUA DACIEL.Y F. R. HELUER1CH 1439 O STREET. Oaoaw Speak for Themselves. Always and Best. Give Us a TrlaL the Fr BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS The Fire-Fly Tool Grmder Is the best invention : full stock of Records always on band. afaO Order, promptly filled. Circrd Cycb Co., 140 Ca. Sfrcst