Mrs. Minnie Davis 136 NORTH 13TH STREET Ladies and Gentlemen's Mani curing, Hair Dressing, Sham pooing, Massages, Facial and Body, Scalp Treatment. Hair Goods made to order. Our bath room is fully equipped and at tended by a graduate nurse. We give Turkish, Salt Glow, Russ ian, Vapor, Shower Bath. Treat all Rheumatic and Nerve troubles with electric baths. : : : : ESTABLISHED 1875 R. L, Smith Machine Works Manufacturers and Dealers In ENGINES AND BOILERS COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP To Rebuild Engines and Pumps, Re pair Electric Motors, Automobiles and General Machinery. Prices Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed Boiler Tubes, Smokestacks, Boiler Fittings, Expanders, Patch Bolts, Stay Bolts and Steam Fittings. Pulleys, Shafting, Belting. Hangers, Journal Boxes, Machine Bolts, Cap Screws. Set Screws, Taps, Dies, etc Auto Phone 5326 Bell Phcne 531 THE STRUGGLE UPWARD. It isn't so very long ago that an eastern college president told us that the "scab" is Use real American hero. AVell admit that there is an occasional man. who, during a strike, feels that he is justified in taking his neighbor's job, while his neighbor is lighting hard to improve not only his own condition, but the condition of every man in the craft, including that of the "scab" who has taken his place. It may be he roic in a sense, to face the wrath of one's fellow-workers, because of necessity, or be cause of the conviction that the fight is un justifiable, anyway. I ean easily imagine that some men have persuaded themselves that they were right in assuming such an attitude during an industrial warfare, and that they were convinced that their action was heroic. Hut to characterize the average "scab" as the great American hero is a slander on the men who are really worthy of the name. Far more heroic are the men who are hard-pressed by necessity, but who stand by their fellows and suffer with them, fighting to the end if they are right, but remaining out with them and trying to eon- Star Van and Storage Co. Auto 2173 818 Q , Bell 213 STORING. MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPING OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIAXOS A SPECIALTY viuce them of their mistake, if they are wrong. Is anyone foolish enough to suppose that men go out on strikes because they want a holiday, or simply because their "walk ing delegate" tells them to do so? It has not been so in my experience. It requires more heroism to remain out on a strike in a just cause and suffer, than it does to step in and take a striker's place. And now the same eollege president who lauded this American "hero" has come out advocating-a new religion which is adapted to a comfortable, well-fed class, that never knew anything about the hard knocks of the fellow who has been up against the real thing. As in the ease of the striker, so in the case of the average man this great college president knows about as much about human hope and need as the Dr. ML X FRASER DR. C J. IRELAND FRASER & IRELAND DENTAL SURGEONS Offices Over HaxWya Drag- Stars 1105 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska Ante PkoM 5241 Ben F91I average theorist who confines himself to dry-as-dust books. They study us as the entomologist studies his eleven million bugs. They look upon us most of these students of "so-see-olo-gee" as automatons without blood or pas sion, without life or soul. We are calmly advised to "be good" and it will eome out all right in the end, unmindful of the tug and pull of a thousand imps of hell, or the driving of a devil be he real or imag inary who eompells us to sin and to fall, in spite of our honest intentions. To improve our condition material, or spiritual means a eonstant struggle fight ings within and without ivith all the help that God can give ns. But left to our own resources, most of us would make a poor job of it. Flabby, bloodless men may manage to get along without very much help, insofar as they get along at all, or those who were born with every incli nation to do the right thing, although it may be a tame thing but I take it that most of us aren't built of that material. It's all the time a question as to who is to come out on top God or the Devil. And it requires a supernatural power to win out. It isn't all of life to fight, but fight we must at times, and we all of ns "hate a quitter." Rev. Charles Stelzle. The Calumet Cafe T. TI MITCH, Proa, 12:30 to 2:30 P. M, Sunday Special Dinner S5c We do not serve Breakfast or Supper Sundays MEAL HOURS: Breakfast, 7 to 8:30;" Dinner, 11:30 to 1:30; Supper, 5:30 to 7:30. MEALS 25 CENTS. 134 SO. 11TH ST. LINCOLN, NEB.