WILL LEAVE JOHNNY AT HOME Next Time Mother Visits Grandfather Youngster la Not Likely to Accompany Her. "I think the mother f a six-year-old boy should have a. pension to make up to her for the mental agony she suffers.- said just such a mother. "I took Johnny to his paternal grandfa ther's last week, and believe he has cut us out of grandfather's will. Of course, we send him to Sunday school and we both attend church, but we do not ask a blessing at the table, nor do we have family prayers. Grandfa ther does, and it happened that the morning after we arrived Johnny was excused from the table and went out in the yard to play. Grandfather led the way into the sitting room and we all knelt down in prayer. Imagine my horror to see Johnny's little face peer ing curiously through the blinds and hear him sing out: 'Hey. in there, what kind of a game Is that you're playing? Aint you the rotten bunch not to let n in on it. I arose and softly whispered to him to run on and play, and he sang out: "You're it, mamma, you're It; make a home run.' Now, what can you do with a small boy. anyway? 1 can never explain matters to his grandfather." WORTH MOUNTAINS (MOLD During Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay Granitevilie, yt, "I was passing throutrh theCbangeof Life axidsufierea I from nervousness and other annoying symptoms, and 1 can truly say that LydiaE.i'inkliani's Vegetable Com pound has proved worth mountains of gold to me, as it restored my health and strength. I never forget to tell my friends what LvuiaE. Piukham's Vegetable Compound has done for me during this trying period. Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer ing w omen I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter. Mrs. Chas. Bakclay, lOMX-Graniteville. Vt, 2o other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement, io other med icine we know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has Lyuia J. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has been curing female complaints such as inflammation, ulceration, local weak nesses, fibroid tumors, insularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of life. It costs but little to try Lydia C Vinkham'sVesetable Compound, and. as Mrs. Barclaysays.it is "worth mour. TOR LITTLE FAT FOLKS Most grateful and comforting Is a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuti cura. This pure, sweet, econom ical treatment brings immediate relief and refreshing sleep to skin tortured and disfigured little ones and rest to tired, fretted mothers For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irritations and chafings, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are worth their weight in gold. Seal rtii . Jl the weeld. TV-nets: leetfes. ST. Oanafciwt Pam &. Kecate u Paia; A uu--. B- loan Co, tiydnrr.- lodta. B. K PmuL jsamTV Lad. TokHt: Kiww, Orrrm. Hoards! fco Afncs. Lam I Ja.. Oma TTWwn. Me.; I' 8.AJ iMUac Uost 4I1IM Boat now; Bums GOMTORT PUT END TO HIS DILEMMA. But It Was Queer How the Dear Girl Guessed George Was Telling His Own Story. George stopped rowing, ostensibly to rest. "Gladys." he said, with an elaborate affectation of unconcern, to the young woman sitting in the stern of the boat, "there's a friend of mine that's head over heels head over ears. I mean in love with a beautiful girl and as good as she is beautiful. He has known her ever so many years and he has been going to see her a long time, but he's too big a coward that's what he says to ask her. you know, if Here his voice trembled a little and he paused to wipe his perspiring brow. "Beautiful girl, is she?" queried the young womau, idly dipping her fingers in the water at the side of the boat. "Loveliest in the world that's what be says, I mean." "What's her name?" "He'd he'd rather not have her name mentioned. "Friend of yours, you say? Who is he?" "Oh! I dout dare to tell you who he is. He might not like it." "Very much in love with her, is he?" "Cleau gone. He says it makes him fairly ache." "And he's afraid to tell her so?" "Yes. He says he can't guess from the way she treats him whether she er likes him or not. He's a coward that's what he is." "What are you telling nie about him for?" "Well he asked me what I thought he'd better do and I couldn t advise him. 1 suppose I I'd be just as big a coward as he is. That's why I'm asking you. Wb-wnat do you think he ought to do? Tell her and run the ri-sk?" . "1 am sure I don't know." George gasped, swallowed 'aud changed the subject. "Isn't this water clear?" he said. "You can see the saud and the stones at the bottom. How deep it is and yet how transparent!" "Yes." she said. "So like you. George!" "lear girl," he whispered 15 min utes later, as he stroked her hair ca ressingly, "how did you know I was telling you my own story?" "O you goose!" - ' Somebody's Relative. Mr. Pippin may survive the shock, but the doctors are making no rash predictions. Mr. Pippin is a colorless little man of 55 years. He has no identity of his own. All his life he has been known as somebody's rela tive. First he was Mrs. Pippin's little boy. Then he was Rosie Pippin's brother. Then he became Jennie Mc Oreer's beau. After marriage Jennie kept her maiden name, among her friends, and Pippin passed as Jennie MeGreer's husband. Later he was spoken of in the neighborhood as Tommy Pippin's father, and now he is little Mary Pippin's grandpa. The other day a ward boss accom panied by a candidate, drove up to the front door. "Mr. Pippin. meet Mr. Smith," said the boss. "Mr. Smith. Mr. Pippin." The poor old man is resting easy to-day. but there is no telling what the effect of such a surprise will be on so dtlicate a nature as his. New ark (N. J.) Xews. THE DIFFERENCE. "Who teavbes you at school, Nora?" "Miss Brown." "And who teaches you at Sunday school?" "Miss Brown with a hat on." Wasted Opportunities. The view of the proper uses to which money may be applied depends wholly upon the Individual. There are many who will see nothing funny in the old man's comment on the uses a departed relative had made of her property. "I dunno what good Elizabeth's money ever done her," said Mr. Sage, reflectively. "She spent it all. Give it away here and there, and bought things with it. "No, sir," he continued, ""it wa'n't much good to her. She didn't leave a cent." Youth's Companion. Research. "De question befo dis debatin' So ciety." said Mr. Erastus Pinkley, "is whether de fust egg come fum a chicken, or whether de fus" chicken come fum de egg." "I moves er ameudment," interrupt ed Mr. Wilkins Marigold, carelessly hitching his thumb in the corner of his raxor pocket. "What we is gwine to 'scuss foh a few minutes is how dat las chicken you-all had foh dinner com fum de coop." kmmw PAINT. BEAUTY. Assured of durability, the next thought in painting is beauty the complete aim being durable beauty, or beautiful durability. National Lead Company here again offer you the co-operation of their paint experts this time in the line of color schemes, artistic, harmonious and appropriate. You have only to write National Lead Company. 1903 Trinity Building, New York City, for "Houseowners" Painting Outfit No. 49," and you will promptly receive what is really a complete guide to painting, including a book of color schemes for either exterior or interior painting (as you may request), a book of specifications, and also an in strument for detecting adulteration in paint materials- This outfit is sent free, and, to say the least, is well worth writing for. WIFELY SOLICITUDE. Burglar Hands up! Wife Oh. John, be careful of those globes; you'll break them! Wedding Fee in Installments. Some of the "squires in rustic New Jersey seem to be pretty hard pushed for cash. To get ihe cash they do not hesitate to use most unusual methods. One of these J. P.'s advertised the other day that he was ready and will ing to marry couples at any time, day or night, for a consideration of $5 and that he was willing to accept $1 in cash down and the rest in weekly in stallments of SI until the' fee of J5 was paid up. The very night after the first appearance of this advertisement the J. P. referred to was called upon to "make good" his bluff. Shortly after midnight a couple which had come in an automobile awakened him from his sleep and asked to be married under the installment plan offered in the advertisement. And the J. P; was game and made good. Unfortunately Coupled. Alison tells how during Napoleon's Egyptian campaign no sooner were the Mamelukes observed at a dis tance than the word was given: "Form square; artillery to the an gles; asses and savans to the center." The command afforded no little merri ment to the soldiers even at such an exciting moment, and made them call the asses demi-savans. Trifle Too Esthetic "There's no use o" talk in"," saia Farmer Corntossel. as he sat down on the horse trough. "I can't git along with some o' these here summer guests." "What's the trouble?" ' "I have jes' been lectured by that good lookin' young woman with glasses fur sp'ilin the color scheme of the gar den by puttin' parts green on the veg etables." Measuring Brains. The cephalic index of old Athenians was a wee, wee bit better than ours. Cephalic index means volume of brain. It is found by filling a skull with peas and then measuring them. Ancient Athenians have a few peas on us. The Greeks never lusted bloodshed like the Romans and some of us moderns. New York Post. Mcther-in-Law Again. Husband Why do you bate to see me come home smiling? Wife Because I know it means something has happened to poor moth er. Illustrated Bits. A New Fad. Rural Auntie My dear, your moth er tells me you are going to get mar ried. Miss de Fad Yes. auntie; it's all the style now. New York Weekly. Scones. . ' Sift into a bowl a quart of flour, a tea spoonful of salt and two table spoonfuls of baking powder. Chop into this two heaping tablespoonfuls of shortening.' Moisten with enough mCk to make a soft dough, turn out upon a pastry board and roll into a sheet a hall-inch thick. Cut into rounds and bake on a soapstone grid dle, turning when done on one side. The scopes should be a delicate brown in color. Split and butter as soon as dona. The German company which is building a non-rigid dirigible balloon with a lifting capacity of 54 persons has evidently not been frightened by the fate of the big non-rigid Cali fornia dirigible which broke under the weight of a large load of passengers and dropped them to the earth. Un less the weights beneath a non-rigid airship are carefully adjusted the strains are apt to be dangerous to the envelope when the ship is driven through the air by her propellers. Under tne Friendly Awning. "How it rains! Doesn't the light ning scare you dreadfully?" "Not when my husband is around." "He's a er conductor, is he?" "Oh. no. He carries a $5,000 acci dent policy." Chicago Tribune. Painter's Colic Mamma What's the matter with Fido? Tommte Oh, I was playing with my soldiers and he feme in and In sisted upon licking the whole army. Syr losggi TOASTED 1,000 For To be knows t. b Awei at ike NATIONAL CORN We offer a $1000.00 beautiful solid gold and sDnr tr sunn, the first season's Inwimm to be sent to sri Taja offer open to cwnj man. wmisn or child in the United State. It win oe judged by tne ifanirn" en cf the workl. I'ral. P. ti. Hoiden. Watch Uua paper for farther particulars. KELLOGG TOASTED COKN FLAKE CO.. Battle Creek. Midi. . He Was Well Equipped. A Methodist bishop was recently a guest at the home of a friend who had two charming daughters. One morn ing the bishop, accompanied by the two young ladies, went out in the hope of catching some trout. An old fisher man, out for the same purpose, wish ing to appear friendly, called out: "Ketchin many, pard?" The bishop, straightening himself to his full height, replied: "Brother, I am a fisher of men." "You've got the right kind o" bait, all right." was the fisherman's re joinder. Success Magazine. Try the Laughter Cure. If laughter Is good for the bodily well being it is equally good for men tal health. We are beginning to real ize this. Anxiety, fear, worry are deadly enemies to the mind. Fight against them and against every in fluence that tends toward mental de pression a3 you would fight against a temi'taticn to dishonesty. Don't dope yourself for every little pain. It only hurts your stomach. Such pain conies usually from local inflam mation. A little rubbing with Hamlins I Wizard Oil will stop it immediately. tseware or people wno pat you on the back. They may be looking for an opportunity to kick your feet from under you. WHY TAKE A7JY CHANCES with some untried m-dicine diarrhea, cramps, dys entery, when for TO jTrs PainKjiler iPerry lams') has been relieving- millions of cases. A man seldom has as big. a bank balance as he wants acquaintances to believe he has. Mrs. 1VTAatows Soothing Sjrap. Forehlldrea teething. aortea the gums. reUDcen m-n-nnm.iln-n.aliarepatn mtM-rta-lcoau Stcabo-aa. The world sprinkled $1,000,000 worth of pepper on its food in 190S. A. man who is good only on the sur face is no good. The Sunshine Ginger X7af er "these are called Yam Yums they are made at the "Sunshine Bakeries" too with the other "Sunshines." Baked in white tile top floor ovens amid pure air and sunshine. They are the best ginger snaps you ever tasted. SnsnDslnnifiie Yim Ymnmas Dainty wafers with just enough spice to be appetizing. We employ infinite skill and costly material to create them. You miss the best in ginger JpSE-yiLES Biscuit Co. Gold and Silver Award the best Ear of Corn as the W. K. KefJosg National Cora Trophy EXPOSITION, OMAHA, Dec 6 to trophy for the pei ami grow lug the best ear of earn in two dilTei eat the National Corn Exposition Omaha. Meb before Nov. 27th 1908L fm (Formerly Brown's Every requirement of I 1 Good posttSoas n II owaJtall ol or II prs-ti-:i eonrttes. modern e-inipment. Ieal itveati Id I.inoi n. Write for W. M. RRT ANT. Preit SICK HEADACHE! Positively cored by I these Little Pills. ; They also reUere Dis tress from Pyspepeda, In digestion and Too Hearty taUQi;. A perfect rear edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue. Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regnlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. SHALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUSSTITUTES. It Goes Without Saying; L that yon want a (rood roof er R t .1 wtciirviirnv nun your ueiuu " akJin.iu jt.i j CEDAR SHLXGLES make the best roofing1 possible. This is the leading brand. EXTRA , V.. CI V U- i .c4.Cav WAOfl.V.- ,: Yijt .ri'ASKSIEKK DEALER y-rA- !: MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROTYPES In freat Tariety for sale at the lowest mires hy en-tiki iinsrms i jiox. ;j w. i. St.. rtnn KJW FARMS tU XJi3j mm i GARTERS ! II I I iw-w I iv r k i CARTERS C7iTTiE IflVER f f i i "The gingery ginger snap snaps until you taste the "Sun shine" kind. Sunshine Yum Yums are packed in thrice sealed cartons amply protected from dust and moisture. They are at your grocer's in 5c packages. Try a package judge all "Sunshines" by them. 18, 1339. TTflwaG Business College) liXCOU, o Rood sefconl la here-a oar beitntifn. Illnsf rated rtJorrt3. ?io. 1 S Hall BWr.. IJ This Tradr irk Eliminates All UBceriaiafy fa the pnrc at rint anUciijh. if m absciEte pxanxtee of pes jty and osjabty. For yowr owa protection, are (hat it on Use awie of ewery ke-f of white kaal yoo fc-ay. A9- for a Dime Why - dotW wkn Ma U Of JA2JMUT3 at awry draaj aa atrectea -get tzar Saves many ooflavs that do not core. V CASCARETS. Bav in. uiwof " CaSCA&ETS xra ks for a treatment, all dro-ruta. Biawrat srO t la the world. Ulaaianataraak 3-STEOXE SElf-FEES CAT LZkrO I T.Mm.ia, ; J W 1 Tm has la m aawav aasamawav ; viarST't . snEfaCTM aattaTfJt THE AUTft-f EDAJI BAT PRESS COaWAXr WKST Kft ml M.t.t MkrcaawIaM KA3AS CTTY.MO. defiiuce suncn' W. N. LINCOLN. NO. 35-19C9. i - : z "fat? 4a7" r-v n