The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 28, 1909, Image 5

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TTHILE it is too bad that the Fashion creditors will
" " ceive so little for their accounts, Linxln shoppers
will get the benefit, as the purchase of the stock, at a small
portion of the value, enables us to offer some wonderful
values in desirable, seasonable merchandise.
Sale begins Sat.
TUc Sale
Ike tear
Mteant An Increase. In fa9a and Make
tfcn Fact Definitely Knawm.
IV Vers ia coal, hunber auj other
wiMiag material hve been aoti&cd
(At tln-ce wtU be an advance of from
5S to. 5 per ceat In the cost of deliv
ery through schedule left Saturday
at iWir places of business.
Who Kefs the schedule and when it
was to b put in force have not yet
been disclosed MOT does it indicate
vk it authority for its. appearance,
though it is shrewdly suspected lht
the teamsters union, recently oncan
ixed. may he ai! to te'L
The retailers declare thai (hey have
never received any intimation from
the teaming fraternity regarding any
ti ss ( tsf aetioa with the present rates
of tleUvery. Thjr bold that th pree
ent chedalA, mhkh as put ta force
two years ago. is a fair one. This
was a compromise ot the demands
made by the teamsters at that time.
One coal retailer said this after-
noon that h had talked with u,0'co verse, music and oratory. The
other leading dealers In his line, and
they had signified their opposition to
treating with any union in the matter
of rates for hauling. He declared, that
ft was the opinion that if the team-
sters felt that the cost ot living was!
sack that they could not make ends
meet the retailers were quits willing
to meet with their employes and talk
the matter over in a friendly spirit,
but no union could dictate to them.
A peep at the new coal schedule
shows that the cost ot delivering
domestic coal is raised from SO cents
to 3 cents a ton, steam coal from 50
to d cents a ton.
The monthly stipend of teamsters
U raised from J SO to $90. This means
that the employ furnish the team.
When employed by the day a man
and team will cost $1-59. instead or
H.M as now exists.
V have men that we pay 990 a
month for their services and that of
the.r teams," said a retailer, "but they
are exceptionally good fellows at the
hasiaess, and they are paid"" 1 10 a
month mors than the schedule now In
existence. Some men are not worth
$90 a month, ai4 we dont want to pay
extra money to poor material."
None of the coal dealers claimed to
have been apprised ot the intention
ot the anion to boost delivering rates.
and are now waiting to hear further
news concerning the schedule left at
their places of business. From 150 to
175 teamsters are employed to de
liver coal during the busy season.
Thers Is an immense amount of fuel
being put In the bins ot consumers
now. Lincoln Evening News. August
The American Sheet and Tinplato
company is suing fiftyaix striking em
ployes for $200,000. charging them
with having conspired with fellow
workmen to bring about a concerted
protest In the form ot a strike against
Creditors of Fashion Store
Will Not Get Claims in
Full By Considerable
yjvrur 3. R:ctavKtivL. into
YwUmury Hattkrttvy month Hj,xt, wiii
mn ncw tmw :N to jvt cent.
tn itwir claims. Ai liw lnv iw ir-
At tenant th VitUc off h sux-k
atiul ttxiurv til $lst?. m?'K Ow Hbui
wrc pmi an I Tfi untnot
bric Half 5ii ir stiniut.Nt vaVtw vhea
fcy tfc- I rus tKHnjr bl in fcy a
4mi nt sr linn a lite imtv of
TUsu eui:n prueiu-aliy .. vrs wry
thingr w-k: will be vwiltiH- to satisfy
the luib b-H3 by orvsiirs
Roiehvnta is rHriiiK to Ji;rt in
husiiH .wr. uiout minae lor ihe
Nettkrwptey i be ttrtinily -i-s.Hi.
He hiU ffcttVreU to atke Kett)etretit wnh
crnHiiUr iHr to gunie thrvuyU tank
routcy but se ox' them were uiHnR
to icvett the terms he ;xtc"l Ua
C4n newst itetv
morning at 9:30 a.
Sales People Wanted for the
a reduction of wages. Front the view
point of the steel trust it is illegal
for wwrkingnicn to band together for
Flf-protcction and a square deal
while it is perfectly ail right for tha
sleet interests to hand together, cor
rupt congress and rob all the resi ot
the people. Buffalo Republic.
Better Halves of Printer Men Hear
Report of Their Delegate.
Capital Auxiliary No. 11 to Typo
graphical Union No. met at the
home ot Mrs. J. G. Sayer last Wednes
day afternoon, and after the transac
tion of the usual routine business lis
tened to an interesting report from
Mrs. F. H. Hebbard, delegate to the
annual convention held at St. Joseph,
week before last.
Next week, the Auxiliary will tender
a reception to the delegates from both
Auxiliary and Union, and a fine time
Is anticipated. Refreshments will be
served and the evening; spent in social
Auxiliary is planning to resume its
winter socials in a short time as
soon as the real summer is really
over, or the drouth is broken.
Misses Nell Graham and Kathleen
Moore, of Oregon. Mo., have been the
guests of Mrs. V. M. Mauptn Tor tne
past ten days.
Mrs. Bert Rood has full recovered
from her recent illness.
Largest Meeting in Months Takes Up
Soma Important Business.
i The largest attended nieettng for
many months was one of the records
of the Central Labor Union last Tues
day evening. The number of dele
gates present was about double the
usual number, and the meeting was
eulivened by several incidents. There
were delegates present from a union
or two never before represented, and
they came to the front like men who
were representing; organizations that
were in the game to win.
The president appointed the follow
ing committeas to serve during the
ensuing six months:
Label Locker, Chase. Weckesser.
Home Industry Potter, Evans. Rudy.
Organixa t i o n Kelsey, Anderson,
Other committees will be appointed
lter, and one or two changes may be
made in the above committees.
The committer -appointed to confer
with Secretary Whit ten of the Com
sercial Club concerning his widely
advertised claim that Lincoln is in
need of more laborers, made its re
port. It was to the effect that they
had not succeeded in getting much
satisfaction. Mr. Whitten told them
that his assertion was based on the
statement of several contractors that
they could not get men when they
needed them, and upon some observa-
1 tions he had personally made.
I most emphatic statement was that
m. at our store
As Isaa!
the overall factories could not get
enough girls. The committee will
wait upon. Mr. VhH;en again, and
mill perhaps try to get a- hearing
before the Commercial Club.
Delegate Woelhoff of the Painters
complained of a misleading adver
tisement in The Wageworker, said
ad being one inserted by "Jack"
Matthews, republican candidate for
coroner. Mr. Matthews stated in his
campaign advertisement that he had
caused to be inserted in tho contract
for the Castle. Roper & Matthews
building a clause specifying that
union labor only should be employed.
It was asserted that if this was true
the clause was ignored, as a ma
jority of the men employed on the
job were "scabs'" and the contractor
a notorious opponent ot unionism.
Secretary Kates submitted his semi
annual report, which was accepted.
It showed the body to have some
funds on hand.
Delegatesm fro the Street Railway
organization were present and had a
conference with other delegates
Several interesting talks were made
under the head of "good and wel
fare." The committee on cost of liv
ing expects to report at the next
meeting, which will be three weeks
from last Tufrsday evening.
Fine State Fair Attraction is a Thor
ough Union Organization.
La be rati and his famous band and
grand opera singers makes music
very popular at the state fur. They
will be heard at Lincoln for four con
certs every day September S to 10.
They never disappoint the crowd
simply hold them spellbound during
the entire program. The cornet solas
by the great leader or the solos by
the other artists are always well ren
dered. No matter whether the band
renders "Andre Cheniev," a number
so tremendous that it taxes the full
musical power ot the band, or "Uncle
Sam's March," as the last note dies
away the crowd always cheers.
Liberati's band is made up in its
entirety of members ot the Musicians
Protective Association. If you see a
member of the band in action you
may rest assured that in some pocket
or other of his uniform he has a paid
up quarterly card of the organization.
Some Manufacturers Think They Are
Sold at Wholesale.
Amusing letters frequently reach
the headquarters of the United Gar
ment Workers of America. Two re
ceived recently were along this line:
"Gen. Sec. United Garment "Worker?
of America. Dear Sir: We are manu
facturers of shirts and overalls. We
desire to buy a lot of union labels.
Let ns have your figure per thousand.'
One southern manufacturer wanted
the C. ct sh'inrent to be only ten
Something About the Woman Who
Will B Labor Day Orator.
What a woman can do when sh ir
ill. is evidenced by what Mary E.
McDowell has accomplished in Chica
go. She compelled the stock yards
management of Chicago to make 3
closed sewer of "Bubbly creek" which
drained the yards and packinghouses
and flowed through the center of the
resident districts of "Packingtown."
She compelled the stockyards man
agers to abolish many of the foul
odors, asting through a board of health
that had long neglected and refused
to listen to the complaints of the poor
people who lived in Packingtown.
Immediately after the Pullman
strke in ISS the district around the
Chicago stockyards t was a misery
patch, the people destitute, freezing
and living in the utmost squalor. Miss
McDowell gave up her position as a
kindergarten teacher, went down into
the district and rented a small room.
There she gathered as many of the
starring and freexing waifs as she
could take care of more in fact. She
had no money, but she had unlimited
faith and courage:- She made Chica
go's rich men and women realize
their duty by constantly forcing the
details of poverty and misery upon
them. Soon her quarters had to be
enlarged, and she found the money to
Hay for it. Now the University of
Chicago settlement workers in - the
stockyards district occupy a $50,000
building, with library, gymnasium
model kitchen, etc-, and it is revolu
tionizing the lives of the poor peple
of the district. While it is called the
"University of Chicago Settlement"
university authorities have nothing to
do with ir the profesosrs and officers
donating to it as individuals. Miss
McDowell, however, has be.a made a
member of the university faculty.
After Miss McDowell had safely
launched her settlement house she
went to work to compel the govern
ment to make an investigation of the
conditions surrounding the child and
women workers of the country. She
agitated until congress finally appro
priated $150,000 for the expenses of
the investigation.
Miss McDowell will be the Labor
Day orator in Lincoln. Monday. Sep
tember . On Sunday, September 5.
she will speak ia two of Lincoln's
churches, devoting her attention to
the labor question, and especially with
that phase having to do with the wom
en workers. She should be heard by
every citizen who is interested in the
social, moral and industrial uplift.
Castle-Roper-MatthexMs Building Not a
Union Structure.
During the primary campaigc
"Jack" Matthews, the republican nom
inee for coroner, advertised his can
didacy ia The Wageworker, and
among other things upon which he
based his claim for the support of
union men was the statement that
as a member of the firm of Castle,
Roper & Matthews he had caused to
be inserted in the building contract
of that firm a clause specifying that
all work should be done by union men.
Evidence is at hand tending to
prove that if such a clause was In
serted in the contract it was ignored
by the contractor, and the matter
given no attention by either Mr. Mat
thews or any other member of the
firm. The contractor has not had a
union carpenter in his employ for sev
eral years. The painting was done
bp a firm that is opposed to the
Painters Union. The brick work was
doubtless done by union men for the
simple reason that there are no non
union bricklayers in Lincoln. But it
is asserted, and with seemingly good
reason, thai a majority of the men
employed in the erection and finish
ing of the Castle, Roper Matthews
building on M street, between Thir
teenth and Fourteenth, were non
union men, and that Mr. Matthews,
if he did insist upon a union clause.
was almighty careless in not seeing
to it that the contract was carried
out. Be that as it may, the non
union workmen had the preference.
The Wageworker regrets that it
was the medium through which any
misstatement of facts was given to
the union voters ot Lancaster county.
It had every reason to believe that
Mr. Matthews stated the facts. He
either wrote the advertisement him
self or gave it his "O. K" before it
was inserted, and if any deceit was
practiced The Wageworker insists
that it was not the party guilty
During the last three years the car
penters union has had the greatest
increase in membership, the typo
graphical union the greatest reduc
tion of working hours, and the ma
chinists union had the greatest num
ber of strikes, and, it is claimed, won
a larger percentage of their contests
than any other craft.
t Continue I from Page I.)
for buildinsr tradesmen con Itl not be supplied at ore. Hoi wrh
a condition never lasted more than a evr days. At no time wa
the demand great enough t warrant the impwrtatmo of hatUi
in craftsmen from abroad. IJneolu is todav filled with carpen
ters, working Jong hours for from 30 to 35 cenU an hoar. Jt av
be only a coincidence, but most of these carpenter haw beea in
duced to come here -from other states, and they are all nonHBaioo
men, most of them urorking for from 5 t S rent an hoar helow
the union scale.
The Wageworker will cheerfully admit that there t w in
dustry that is sadly in need of
factories' the institutions that make work garments, shirts. ete
and pay from $4-50 to $7.00 a week. For several years they have
been unable to secure all the help of this kind that thrw need
This little newspaper will undertake to supply them with all tike
help they need just as soon as they will give evidence of a will
ingness to pay decent wages.
"The development of manufacturing in Nebraska has bee
retarded in large measure through the lack of labor, both male
and female," writes Secretary Whitten to the Department of Com
merce and Labor at Washington. Isn't it a pity that the men aad
women of Nebraska -are so unpatriotie as to refuse to work for
scant wages in order to build up the manufacturing Industrie of
Nebraska! Really, patriotic Nebraskans who have to depend upon
their daily wage for a livelihood ought to be willing to work for
nothing merely to build up Nebraska manufacturing industries.
One reason why Nebraska manufacturing industries have not
grown, more rapidly is that the employers will not pay sufficient
to lure men from the farm. During the months of February.
March. April and May the editor of The Wageworker, it his ca
pacity as manager of the Free Employment Bnrean of the Bureau
of Labor and Industrial Statistics, received hundreds of letter
from men in Omaha. Lincoln. Fremont. Hastings, Beatrice an!
other cities, asking for chances to work on farms, declaring that
work was scarce in their cities, ami wages too low to enable them
to live decently with prices so high. If the demand for labor In
the manufacturing industries was so great as Secretary Whitten
would have us believe, why didn't the demand make itself manifest
by increased wages The labor market fluctuates ia about the kut
measure as other markets not controlled by trusts and combines.
The unions fix a minimum wage, but when the demand for workers
exceeds the supply the wage is increased in proportion. Ami if
there was such a strong demand for workers why did four hun
dred or five hundred men, many of them mechanics, ask the free
employment bureau of the state to secure them places on farms
where they eould work twelve and fourteen hours a day for from
25 to 30 a month and hoard?
There is no demand for labor in Nebraska that would justify
advertising broadcast over the east for more men ami women. It
is true that skilled mechanics are as a rule steadily employed ia
this state at the present time.
same. Compared with some sections of the east the wae sealex
may appear pretty good. But
difference in the cost of living,
the eastern workman to eome to
If the Commercial flub of
appeal" for more workers, "skilled and unskilled" in Lincoln, it is
doing the business interests of
up a hardship for the workers
Nor is tt likely, in view of
there will be any immediate improvement in. local condition rath
as would give countenance to the claim that Lincoln sadly need
more workers, "skilled and unskilled."
The Wageworker asks its exchanges to refute the stories about
there being a crying need of workers in Lincoln or Omaha. There
are plenty of workers already here to take care of the work. Tbere
are undoubtedly those who employ labor who would willing!; flood
the state with labor in order to beat down wages, and the indica
tions are that this class of employers are very busy just now tryinjr
to do that very thina. ,
The mere fact that a man
job. can not find two or three
a job to show up is no sign of a "crying demand for carpenters."
The same, thing is true of all other mechanical lines. Nebraska
would like to have thousands and thousands of workers in addi
tion to those already here, if only there- was work for then. - Bat
the labor market is fairly well supplied, and any considerable
addition to that supply will only force down wages that are al
ready too low in comparison with the cost of living.
But, as before stated, maybe that is the object in view.
N. Thompson Shoe'
J " $330 a $4
Handcral? Shoe
l $5.00
Ken's nectary
12th & P ts.
Subscribe Now, $ 1
First Trust
Owned by Stockholders
, Tenth and O Streets
labor. We refer to the jtiH
But there are idle men, just tie-
when allowance is made for the
there is verv little indneenaest foe
Lincoln is making a concerted
the eity an injustice, and f raining
who are already here.
recent climatic eonditioBS, that
who wants a carpenter for aa odi
idle ones waiting on the corner foe
Savings Bank
of the First National Bank
Lincoln, Nebraska