Patroelze Home '. Industry ' Leading Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the CoOperation of Organized Labor and Their Friends: ,. use farmers & Merchants Bank sw the Landlord! I Lincoln Paint and Color Co. iz uo Little HatchetFiour . homo of your own. We will lorn yoa tho moraey for " ASK FOR IT Jong term on easy payments. Your monthly - W Th. Oldest Commercial Stat. Bank In Lincoln. win soon put your own roof over your l f Pot Cent Interest paid on time deposits. r Loans granted on the most favorable terms, consistent WILBER & DE WITT MILLS Security Saving & Loan Association I f-gffjlll in U. with conservative banking. All of th officers and directors of this bank: have . . immiH I C. OBERLIES, President. A They strak th Beat been connected with it since its organisation in 1901. 145 South Sth St, UHLUUI . H. HATFIELD, Secretary -Treasurer. II wU U JUs Omo Hour. -; 1:30-6:30: 7:S0-:S0. Auto Phon. S03 A. A. TANNER. Pre & Hew J. B. ME1SINGER. Jr., See. wten jtj Qf FRESH BAKED GOODS RaSAVA I r-" Dr. Lillian L. Snow . . y V ToU weml HOgCIG LUiiliw7 bO. U " LinColtlLumber &C0CllC0. KOT ' own Candies, Ice Cream, Ices who..u. d Betait rnvsician SUCCESSOR TO I (sMTytTi roDUK4 1,ul II I ' ' 1 I 1 I 3 I of women and children. L. C OBER1IES LUMBER CO. Bell 456 Atrto 22J4 ll!sfcvuliliuu Corner Fourteenth and O Sts.. Roonw 14-15. Entrance A "T QT7Th T T7V mA Th mot complete stock In th. Mate ia O 8t 18th and R Streets Phonea Auto 17Ii Bel 713 t. 1. OEuLEl 311(1 VV. mM 900 TO 124 NO. NINTH ST. C E. PtJCAJItS, MftT- r. H. Stephenson. Pes. Willi. Rowdlffe, Sec-Treas. mw r - rr-r- XUO A I A I I. Ws Invito you to visit our Hardware Scar M la . e Tfco Lisccla M Paper 0.. , . . Co0PCr 0L5ol Br0S' . Hardware Retailers and Jobber, of JLjVVIS WlSdSlIIS, PCpS, SfeSEI, WalaF .-.I . StOVCS, Sporting Good, RaXOT, RXOT XJtW PtpSf 2Sd Rocn Leuldl'ngS '" . Pl-8r$' ScppliSS Strop, and Cutlery at Low Price. South 11th Street. Both Phones. DO YOHT WaStling I19-223 go. TENTH ST. IlCPO'S ttZXfauTO, 123 (3ul Alonson Chopmon -r m; t. j. Ttcra Abstractor of Titles w- C. VAN ANDEL .e.Wr W ,ba rass. Hsn- 1 Bonded Abstracters. f" For Up-to-Date Clothes SnP. pU ocK. Secth and O St, IS, SOUTH TENTH ST. 143 SO. TWELFTH ST. StP, Stall, StCBS, Tf-to CktwU 1 : j Collins Bros. Ice Cream Comp'y R- c. SCHNEIDER STAR LOAN CO. (Tbnstopulos a.annnx.r.Wc Pnnchea. 1-1-Q ft Q fl I -- TICATQ PJC3 BLO MODERN SHINING PARLORS 0-.F- X W W "L AntorL Ben T liCOll CJ OHU 1 I.JtZH I O Any Engineer. Brakeman. Flremm. Con d actor. Shopman. THE UNION - (013 O ST. 0cr sod Ftory. K. W. Cor Tti & L -Anto 1S. BeHC jj i, . - . . . or any Salaried Employee can Get lftey THE PALACE . - 1236 O ST. DUtier( rOBltry & tggS a-nW IB atataa . from m Just on His Note. Busi- THE ACME. N. W. COR. 14th V O t"" -- -i i Trf.-jw i1" a . . . Iness Confidential. F ok .,.Ta ' " s, Ball dtaa4 ai RtMaektd Shine Sc Phone. Bell 433; Auto 1433. Phone. Bell F-1156; Auto 1159. . . . i A8nnitary . Every lady who owns a Gas Range says nothing can Portf! HeOOli 211 The nine of 1 f lllf A "w'UgV JS. beat it ror getting a quick breakrasL AbstT3.Ct Co That means more time to rest before and after AW r . , breakfast Abstracts of Tale t , . THE SUGAR BOWL motenjoyAgreat advantage by ordering a Roberts' Sanitary Dairy OLDS J. R. ROBERTS, Peopkietok icecream Sidy cigar, Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Company .Dehniwrtei School Supplies Stationery News OPEN EVENINGS i n street. . : Offlca hour. a. m. to 1! m.: 1 to 5 p. m. R. I DOWNING l F. REODISH J O d W O T t h Befl Phone F-S41; Afe.- Pone fHU Dr. Joseph M. Smith Rcddish-DOWning Hani, Sowmps. coa TheIJSfsteCo- Osteopathic -Physician Coal and Feed Co. Blankets, Robes, Nets, Etc. wholesale and Retaa. 605-606 Burr Block , ... . ... - , Lloht Harness a Specialty. Repairing Promptly Don FLOUR, FEED AND HAY Yards, 14th and W Office, 136 No. 14th .0. TT w..i ,,1 mtTAT trtrito Phone Auto . Bell Phon. A236 Anto Phone 2236 1218 O STREET. pAPEaTuANOERS- PASTE IUIlAL. tL,JUK - - ffi Honrs , to ! to . The GETTIER MARKET n. L SdlTIl UAGinilE 170:..1S I J. P. DREITH P FllFaSOn, IVI. D. WALT SHAFFER, Proprietor V a"'ctarer and Dealer k. fl Coal. Wood and Cobs nose a throat Fresh and Cured Meats YJA SH aS". ieS Vs 1 n ieer mf rn Poultry, Came and Fish it-Lr") General iWachiaery md ScrppSes I FLOUR AND FEED tLASS . VvTW Antomohiles Repairrd I t-i-wi nw rttw 313-314 Richards Block Pbones-Be.i 72; Auto 1172. AJ VT I SIXTH AND F STREETS. 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. r Cor. 9th and M Sts. P. O. Box SC3 I Phones Office, Auto 1848; Res. Auto 1269. skoglund bros. VIEfJHA BAtsERY I The Photographers Rock Island Second Hand Storo )&ifZh f.b.heuxbich ,,VU,A ""wioi- Rkbta"dS'""'H"dS Limcoln, Neb. o.x. IV 1 e 1 . Auto Phono 2068 Piles Cured Without Operating P" W y TVT BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND JV d IV. O. I U U IN U FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS r H i rraf A A KKrvff n I C" F The Fire-Hy Tool Grinder Is tho best tnnetitlon tasea Meats and Groceries neroen a. addoii Building Supply Company V1?ZL- t"-i. UUU VU UWU ICO . . . work. Prices always right. Latest Edison'. Gooda. A , -v-w. Stomach, Bowel and Rectal RIIII IDINfl MATERIAL POAI full stock of Record, always on band. Mail Orders Cash Owpms OiTsn wjlh Kxch tS-Cont and over Pur- r,. OUll-Uaf"t IHAirJUAL twC'AXi Sptly UM. ohaM. Hedeetnahl. in Premiums. Disease saT J MIA JM a. -,. . PhoMe-M w, am tur. ton o street uHOMmi Both Phones 1342 O Street . Cirsra GjCIS C9. IVJ Ed. I4U StTSSt