The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 28, 1909, Image 2

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About tlkfak time of y-r a little wariu
wt may be expected.
Aviator Latham probably could
cever the distance in two jumps.
Hort we do not propose to get
biU war just to discover how Ui
aeroplane will act.
l woodr it Mars is as much In
teracted la our Ay ins machines as me
are la Its canals?
Oae agricultural college out west
aa teaching the scientific nay to milk
a cow aad the polite way to drive a
Luxury u aa ocean liuer is dov
found In a palm garde a ln which Bow
ers bloom and butterflies appear to
Those who are not rushing west
ward to save the wheat crop have
sublime confidence that others will
Chicago Baa a silent population of
1.000.000 in the cemeteries and a large
number of married men who also have
nothing to say.
While industry is protesting against
war it might profitably study its own
mortality tables and prepare to give
a less bloody report next time.
"Marriages are not made in heaven,"
says a Seattle minister. And there
axe earthly marriages made which
turn out anything but heavenly.
Now let the search lor Cupt. Kidd's
treasure be abandoned and all hands
more ever to the Yildia Kiosk
Even with all its modern improve
ments war cannot prove that it is
keeping up with the times, when its
m is tried by a peace congress.
Germany i much alarmed over its
financial situation. That is the cor
rect answer to Its tremendous army
and navy expenditures.
At a recent book sale an edition of
.Pee poems brought Jj 1.500. How
wealthy the poets might be if they'd
only all die!
A scorching chauffeur got a fine of
$100 aad a lecture thrown in. . lie
could have bought a whole season of
Chautauqua lectures for less money.
No one will deny that Korea is
making real progress when the em
ployes of a street car line owned by
Americans are indulging in a strike,
American style.
"Persons of spirit cannot live in
apartment houses. declares n New
York minister. Now we know what
the poet meant by "When this soul
leaves its frail tenement.
They have neither time nor use for
dead ones in Chicago. The driver of
an automobile hearse was lately ar
rested In that city for speeding with s
body to tbe cemetery.
One pleasant thing about an aero
plane Is that it does not sail about the
country spilling sand down the necks
oT Innocent bystanders, though it may
accidentally fall upon them.
There Is retribution for nations In
this world. Now that Spain faces a finan
cial crisis through a drain by the war
in Morocco, it most feel a pang that
the rich field of Cuba is no longer at
its disposal to draw upon.
A Massachusetts woman left five
times more to her canine pets than to
her husband. She must have been
some connection of the cynical lady
who announced that the more she saw
of men. the better she liked dogs.
Now they are talking of "the Ameri
can Peril" In Europe. There is not a
more peaceful or peace-loving power
In the world than this country, and its
possibility as a "peril" exists only in
the excited European imagination in
whose minds the war scare is turning
into a pauic
Nearly 400 blooded sheep from
King Edward's stock farm have been
purchased by a Wisconsin breeder,
and are now on the way west from
Boston, where they were landed re
cently. Wisconsin stock raisers
have royal tastes, so far as fine
strains of breeding re concerned,
and some of the best cattle, sheep and
hogs in the world are now to be found
in that commonwealth.
"The reversing of - Judgment by
an appellate court tn the ground of a
mere technicality when substantial
Justice has been administered is an
outrage." says Justice Brewer oT the
supreme court of the United States,
the highest legal authority in the
world. This Is a confirmation of the
public Ideal of law as the conservator
and defender of Justice and of tech
nicality as the form by which is pre
' served the spirit.
Now Carlism. reviving, has added
-Its claims to those of the revolution
ists, socialists and republicans to tear
unhappy Spain. But if the throne is
overturned, it will not be change of
monarch the people will want, but a
change of government.
" A canoe which cannot be capsized
has been purchased for use in saving
tote on aa upper river, where acci
dents frequently occur. There would
-bo a saving of life everywhere if the
canoe that cannot be capsized were
a-aeerally adopted-
fS . 13 111
La Crosse. Wis. Employes of the
La Crosse City railway, whose griev
ances have been under investigation
by an arbitration board since the re
cent strike, win every point in dispute
in the decision announced by Chair
man John Humphrey of Milwaukee,
member of the state board of arbitra
tion. The grievance committee will
be all union. The wage scale is raised
an average of four cents an hour,
shorter hours are provided, and bettor
toilet accommodations for the men re
quired. Heretofore the wage scale
has been I? cents an hour for the first
year up to 21 cents maximum for the
fourth year and time thereafter. Un
der the new scale the men get 19
cents the first six months, 20 cents the
second six months and 23 cents there
after. The decision is bindiug upon
the men and the company for one
St. Joseph. Mo. At a session of the
convention of the International Typo
graphical union the freedom of the
floor was extended to G. L. Berry of
Cincinnati, president of the Interna
tional Printing Pressmen and Assist
ants union: to W. B. Prescott of Chi
cago, for many years president of the
International Typographical union: to
11. N. Kellogg of Chicago, commission
er of arbitration for the American
Publishers association. Mr. Berry
pleaded for cooperation between the
printers and pressmen's organizations, j
Mr. Kellogg urged harmony between
printers and publishers for their mu
tual benefit.
New York. William D. Mahon.
president of the Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Street and Electrical Rail
way Employes, has sanctioned the pro
posed union of conductors and motor
men on the street car lines in this city
and will come to Xew York from his
headquarters in Detroit in a few days
to organise the men. The new union
wiil receive a charter that will en
title it to the support of the American
Federation of Labor. Enrollment ot
members has already begun and 1,500
men are said to have joined the move
ment. Stockholm. Sweden. Workmen of
various kinds resumed their duties in
increasiug numbers, and it is expected
that the printers soon will return to
work. All the newspapers in Stock-'
holm are issuing hand-printed sheets,
while those in the south are being
ptinted in Denmark. Some 15.000
strikers attended a meeting in the
woods south of Stockholm. There
was a strike at Xorberg, as a result of
which 22 persons were arrested.
San Francisco. At a recent meet-
ins of San Francisco Labor Council
a resolution was introduced to the ef
fect that the council's organising com
mittee consider ways and means to
organize migratory unskilled labor,
and if found feasible, to present a
plan. It is said that there are millions
of men of that class in this country,
and that they are being used by con
tractors and corporations to the injury
af organised labor.
Indianapolis, lnd. The . American
Federation of Musicians will, accord
ing to the statement of the president
of the organization, Mr. Joseph X.
Weber, who was recently in the city,
make an energetic fight against the
importation of professional musicians
from foreign countries, who come here
in bands, and there will be an attempt
to get congress to extend the contract
labor law to such immigrants.
Reading, Pa. The Reading Iron
Company is very busy, and the cor
poration predicts a good trade, now
that the tariff question is settled.
Work is being pushed rapidly on the
large addition to the tube works plant,
but it is not likely that the building
will be occupied before next spring.
The addition covers two acres of
ground, and will be one of the largest
of its kind in the state.
Milwaukee. The glass bottle blow
ers convention decided not to pub
lish an official trade journal. The or
ganization has a system of keeping
the members conversant with all the
inner workings of the organization,
and the pnodcation of a jour-sal would
tend to give these facts to persons
who are not members, it was said..
Wheeling. W. Ya. Thomas L. Lewis.
president of the United Mine Workers
of America, set at rest any doubt con
cerning his candidacy for re-election
when he issued a formal statement
from his home in Bridgeport. O.. in
which he declares that . he is again
a candidate for the office.
Bethlehem. Pa. Charles M. Schwab
is preparing to expend S5.000.000 in
expanding the Bethlehem Steel works.
This will be on top of some 115,000,
000, which he has caused to be put
into that plant since he became its
ruling spirit.
Milwaukee. Journeymen Barbers
union will hold its first international
convention for years at Milwaukee in
Coatsville. Pa. The Lukens Iron &
Steel Company is operating full time.
The output last week was between
4. BOO and 5,000 tons of steel billets.
This averages close to the best record
for any one week during 1906 when
the steel industry was at its best.
Peoria. 11L The special convention
of ths Etibdistrict of miners adjourned
after passing a resolution authorizing
President Penny to negotiate with
President Driggs of tbe operators as
sociation, for a joint convention in Pe
oria within SO days, to consider the
differential between machine and pick
Indianapolis, lnd. As a result of a
dispute between the American Glass
Workers' union and the Bottle Blow
ers' Association of North America
several changes were made in .the
official family of the Indiana State
Federation of Labor. Charles A. West
of Lafayette was appointed fifth vice
president of the state federation by
Kdgar A. Perkins, president. Roy
Packard of Wabash, who was fifth
vice-president, becomes fourth vice
president to fill the position formerly
occupied by John P. Tobiu. of Muncie,
Mr. Tobin is a member of the Ameri
can Flint Glass Workers, and it was
this that caused the vacancy in the
position of fourth vice-president of the
state federation.
Washington. In honor of the return
of Samuel Gcmpers. who has been in
Europe studying continental labor con
ditions and problems, all the labor or-
Ionizations of the eastern states will
unite in a big parade in this city, if
the plans adopted by the Central La
bor union of this city, at a meeting
recently are carried out. October 15
is the day fixed for the celebration.
The labor unions of Philadelphia, Bal
timore. Wilmington. Richmond. Wheel
ing, Harrisburg and other cities will
be invited to send as large delegations
as possible.
Michigan City, lnd. An agreement j
relating to wages paid trainmen on i
the Chicago. Lake Shore South
Bend Electric line was signed by W.
S. Stone of Cleveland, grand chief of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers; H. U. Wallace, manager of the
electric line, and a committee repre
senting the trainmen. An increase
from 23 to 27 cents an hour was
granted and ten hours hereafter will
constitute a day's labor. The train
men got everything they asked.
Cleveland, O. The United Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners and
the International Association of
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers,
through their representatives, met re
cently and decided that the setting of
seats in public buildings when all
metal or partly metal seats fastened
to metal, the assembling and setting
of the same was conceded to the iron
workers, but that all seats fastened to
wood was conceded to the carpenters.
Chicago. The strike troubles that
have been threatening the Chicago
public school system disappeared as
if by magic. Following a conference
between School Architect Dwight H.
Perkins and 16 officials of the Associ
ated Building Trades Council. Mr. Per
kins was notified that the painters'
strike, the nub of the difficulty, had
been called off and that the painters
would return to work.
Xew York. An important confer
ence will be held in this city between
representatives of the stone industry
of this country, with the purpose in
view of bringing about a closer affilia
tion and better working conditions.
The conference will probably result
in the formation of the stone trades
into a department of tbe A. F. of L.
similar to the metal trades depart
Boston. Boston Cigarmakers' uniot
9 members voluntarily assessed
themselves more than an aggregate of
$25,000 during the first six months of
this year to assist, in addition to the
international benefits, the members
out of work during the dull times in
the trade, and for other purposes. It
gave $19,S52.4: to out-of-work mem
Albany. X. Y. The monthly bulle
tin of the state labor department
states that the percentage of idleness
among organized wage earners in the
state which at the end of March, I90S,
was 35.7 per cent, or the highest on
record for that date since 1896, was
at the end of March this year 21.1 per
cent, the returns representing over
350.000 wage earners.
Rochester, Pa. The Rochester Tum
blers works, the old glass plant of the
National Glass Company, has been put
in operation after being shut down
for nearly two years. Two furnaces
and the pressing and blowing depart
ments were put in operation, giving
employment to 500 men. As soon as
the other, furnaces are got into shape
they will be put in commission.
Boston. Massachusetts placed -in
employment an average of 49 men a
day last year from its three employ
ment bureau offices in Springfield,
Fall River and Boston. This year an
average of 50 men a day have been
given employment through the Boston
office alone.
Toronto, Can. One of the most
important steps taken by the recent
convention of the boot and shoe work
ers was the rejection of the referen
dum vote for the election of general
Chicago. During the last two
months 37 new locals of building la
borers have been formed in different
cities of the country.
Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, in Oc
tober, will have the annual convention
of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men, with the ladies auxiliary to that
great body. At this time, Memphis,
Tenn.. is rather inclined to fight for
the next convention.
Milwaukee. Wisconsin's state la
bor body will ask the legislature to
adopt at its coming session an act
to prohibit private detective agencies
from taking part in labor disputes.
Hamilton, Can. The Trades and
Laoor council nas appomtaa a com
mittee to decide on the advisability of
building a labor temple In the city.
Amusing. But Somewhat Expensive
as Miss Patty Realized When
the Goat Was Through.
Miss Patty Shepard of North Thir
teenth street went to the country with
a party of friends on Memorial day.
They stopped at a farmhouse where
some ot the party are well known.
Browsing about was an old goat.
When Miss Patty saw her the nanny
was placidly nibbling at a few blades
of grass, and she innocently thought
that goats were strictly vegetarians.
On the lawn in front of the porch she j
had put her handsome new peach- J
basket hat. trimmed with pretty ar
tificial roses, which she had got from
the store the night before. The gnat
saw the hat and advanced joyfully to
ward it. Miss Patty laughed. "The
old thing thinks they're real roses,
she laughed. "Won't she be fooled
when she smells them?"
Everybody sat still .to watch the
goat smell the artificial flowers and
walk away. But the goat fooled them.
The next week Miss Patty bought
another-bat. Philadelphia Times.
No Fear of Any Further Trouble.
David Price, Corydon, la, says: "I
was in the last stage of kidney trouble
lame. weak, run
down to a mere
skeleton. My back
was so bad I could
hardly walk and
the kidney secre
tions much disor
dered. A week after
I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills
I could walk with
out a cane, and as I continued my
health gradually returned. I was so
grateful I made a public statement of
my case, and now seven years have
passed, I am still perfectly welL"
Sold by all dealers. 50c a box. Fos-
ter-MUburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Would youse mind lendin me er
dime, Willie?"
"Not at all. old chap. But its after
ban kin hours an I ain't got me check
book handy! "
Fifty cents per acre is the price at
which, the State of Colorado is selling
land in the Little Snake River valley,
Routt County, Colorado, which is
open for entry under the Carey Land
Purchasers of land must also con
tract for a water right, to be paid for
in ten annual assessments, the total
cost including a perpetual water
right in the Little Snake river canal
system, being thirty-five dollars per
This is pronounced one of the most
fertile valleys in Colorado, and record
crops of all grains, grasses and roots
are now being raised there. " Both
the Moffat Road and the Union Pacific
are building into the district.
Persons desiring full information
about the land and water should write
to the Routt County Colonization Co,
1734 Welton St, Denver, Colorado.
The land is sold in tracts of 40, SO,
120 and 160 acres.
Those desiring land will have to
act quickly, as the applications be
ing received indicate that the desir
able land will be quickly disposed of.
The canal plans, water supply, etc,
are all investigated and approved by
the State Engineer. -
Plain, Horrid Man.
She So many men nowadays mar
ry for money, ion woman t marry
me for money, would you, dearest?
He (absently) Xo, darling, I
wouldn't marry you for all the money
in the world.
She Oh, you horrid, horrid wretch :
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist Just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Often the Case.
"Why are you making those hor
rible faces?
"I'm amusing the baby!
"But the child is screeching."
"Yes; some peopls can't realize
that they are being amused.'
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOR1A a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see tbit it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought.
Shows No Improvement.
I dont see that her college educa-
tidn has improved her much.'
"No. She helps her mother with
the housework just as if she hadnt
been educated." Detroit Free Press.
During her courtship no giri is in
favor of disarmament.
Prince Albert. Belgium's Crown
Prince, Is Leopold's Dearesl Po
litical Enemy.
I-en-ion. Xo band played, no royal
salute was fired, no kingly message
was sent when Albert of Belgium,
heir presumptive to the Belgian
throne, started last spring on his long
voyage through the Congo. The band
will play loudly when he returns, but
there will be discord tn its sound.
King Leopold allowed his nephew to
start without a friendly message for
the most sufficient of reasons. He had
no friendly message to send him.
. ! j
Prince Albert of Belgium.
The king knows that this journey
through the Congo bodes no good to
him. His consent to it was asked
only as a matter of form. Prince Al
bert, rich by inhertance from his
father, endowed with a revenue by the
Belgian parliament, owes little to. and
knows he will get nothing from the
king. When he returns from the Con
go he will throw off all pretense of
submitting to leading strings, follow
a policy of his own, and, inevitably,
will find himself at the head of a
party hostile to the king.
There may be no open scandal. The
prince, surrounded by the atmosphere
of the German courts, will break no
rule of etiquette. In public he will be
deferential to his sovereign. King
Leopold, most acute of men, will be.
in public, as loving to his nephew as
ever. But war there will be. with or
without scandal. Prince. Albert, while
holding aloof from politics, already
has done and said enough to show
what his policy is. It is a policy op
posite in all things to that of King
Chief Executive of Colombian Repub
lic Resigns Office Is Now -in
Washington. According to advices
received here. President Rafael Reyes
of the Republic of Colombia, has re
signed his office. It is said he has
tired of the office. He is now in Eu
Gen. Reyes succeeded Senor Marro-
quin as president of Colombia by elec
Gen. Rafael Reyes.
tion in January. 1905. Although for
merly identified with the conservative
yr clerical party. Gen. Reyes adopted
some of the principles of the liberals,
which aroused the bitter enmity of
the "conservatives. His most radical
departures from the policies of his
predecessors were the separation of
church and state and the establish
ment of capital punishment for trea
son, which previously had been lightly
dealt with.
Before becoming president Gen.
Reyes had spent many years in the
military and diplomatic branches of
his country, one of his posts having
been minister to France. He Is a
man of wealth, with large estates in
the province of Cauca. Gen. Reyes
rendered distinguished service for his
government in the rebellions of 18S5
and 1S95.
Gen. Reyes quietly left Bogota
some time ago for Santa Marta. oa the
Atlantic seaboard, where he boarded
a steamer for Europe. At that time
it was reported that the general had
abandoned office, and It was openly
asserted that his voluntary resigna
tion from office or a revolutionary
coup was the only possible solution of
Colombia's political troubles.
A Living Illusion.
"Very few of us realize the terrible
things that may result from a word
hastily spoken," said the benevolent
"Well. I realize It," answered the
young man who sat by her oa the
train- "I'm a baseball umpire.
TV, . Iv V '"J s .
Hiram So ole Hack Hardapple had
a hand-to-hand fight with a grizzly
b ar aa lived t" ten th tale?
Silas (disconsolately) Tax. by gaac.
aa thet seems t be all be ttved tar!
la th Fatare.
First Ward PoliUeina Well carry
our ticket.
Second Ditto But yoa fSorget ear
opponeat is the reform candidate. aad
bo will get all the women's votes.
First W. P. Wont be aay woawsa'a
votes to rooit
Second Ditto How do yoa knew
they wont vote?
First VT P. Because we have ar
ranged with the stores to have big:
bargain sales out election day. Balti
more American.
ran i ID Rid
Remedy tor
teiy, XXarrbea, Omiru
Ucrrbos, Cholera Jstaob
and Cofic, ahooM be i
kept Tttandy aci
tat sevestf cjahs
ine aad caring- all
una nature. Scope
diately. Una
sstv io boilif a
children. Tour diugajat wtB
supply yoa. PuTbotxIaBcw
Sr. . Jays T.
Nebraska Directory
KrrtkeTmt; testa m -Ask
Tow kml irmlrr. ar
HI. Sptesbereer et Son Co.
Wbolosalo Cillbcry
Th seal la Otm Weal
a cce-totete
tine of
ireab AM-
plieaw Our Amatewr ma!uaw; IJepw
meal is in the hands ot experts aad equipped
iorproopCservice. Kodak caCak-cweaKwled
on reaoesc IjacsM rsete aasefy Co,
1217 0 St,
win um nii:'qro t iy
era. PrW- tat 0 yrr mrrm. Par Ma
up. t xkbcw AlfX M. KATT. fmm
U in !. lira i Q iu..Lin..ii
Dcstriso Grccry Co.
Ymj ta akca( avtes fcr
inexficrne is needed, it a g
needed in a borrf. I
At m t nut i 1 1 Inia
MltrOtMtaM Vi T1
IhiIiiii r - -" Mas lmr
aco.r cTMi-CMni.iieir-..
I r-so"i g-tiw- "f' irr'
l ! rW .mlsM. Mossf i?0