W7A c&Mmj. l TRADE?B COUNCIL r n 0 VOL.. ti LIXCOLX, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 28, 1909 8 PAO"P REAL TRUTH OF THE LABOR SITUATION L? SjtiMCQLN lu his rapavity of lVputy 1'ouiniisj.ioner of the Bureau of llmr miuI liuiu.strial Kiati.xt'u-s. the editor of Tho Wasreworfcer i in constant rveeipt of letters "relative io the industrial conditions in Nebraska. This is eseeial.v true just at this time, owing to the constant reiteration in eastern papers of the statement that there is a dearth of laborers, skilled and unskilled in Nebraska at! tho present time. The constant repetition of this statement has j caused the labor bureau to le flooded with letters from eastern j workers asking alont the la'oor market in this section of the conn- j try. A sample newspaper story will be found in the Brooklyn j laily" Kaglc of August :. under a Washington date line. It J starts off by saying that "indisputable evidome is at band that j the country is rapidly recovering from the effects of the recent I tinancial depression." Then it says: i "The greatesc cry for labor comes from Lincoln, Nebraska. The commercial bodies of that city made a similar appeal before the panic, but following the '.slump countermanded the order. v Then what may, be an expose of the whole business is j;ivei in the following very ititcrcsting words interesting to the workers f Lincoln who are unable to notice any such demand for labor a is indicated by the Washington dispatch to the Brooklyn laily Kagle: "In a letter received from W. S. Whit ten. secretary of the Commercial Club, of Liucolu. it is asserted that 'there is a great 'need of labor, both skilled and common, throughout the state, par ticularly in Lincoln and Omaha, and the smaller cities where more or less manufacturing is done. The Eagle further contains the interesting information that Secretary Whitten submits a scale of wages paid, showing that I 'god money is aid laborers. j lVputy Commissioner of Labor Maupin submits in all candor! that he is perhaps as well acquainted with the labor situation I m Lincoln. Umaha. and Aeuraska. as Secretary bitten of the IJncoln Commercial Club, lie is acquainted with about as many workers, knows about as much concerning wages, hours, conditions and state of employment as the secretary, and is in as close touch! with the industrial situation as a man can well be. It all depends upon the point of view. Some men are inclined to think that labor is scarce if they are unable to immediately find some idle man who is willing to tako a job that will last perhaps a day or two. And there are men who are willing to spread the story of "demand for workers" if by so doing they can tlood the community with workers, thus beating Jr. - - i - -r '"Ov I i. ... t ... ,. ; f . it,- .' - - 7 LV " ' ." , miss mary Mcdowell Who Will Be the Orator of the Day at the Labor Day Celebration in Lincoln down the wage scale by competition and thereby in-r-ans their own profits. Bnt there is no great demand for vr orkersj skilled nr Kiiskilied. in Lincoln or Omaha. Neither is there any great demand for workers in any section of Nebraska. The supply w quite equal Xo the demand, Secretary Whitten. the Brooklyn Easle. Temmee V. Powderly and the I'm ted States Department of Comraerro ami Labor to the contrary notwithstanding. I laoor, especially the building trades, m qntte well emploYcrf in Nebraska at the present time, but the demand m not so great that it can not be supplied withont flooding the country wiih t.i-' of a dearth of labor in Nebraska. The Wageworker has Ik-cii hearing nnoim from diferet!f surccs for some time to the effect that a concerted effort t be ing made to break down the wage scale in IJncoln and Omaha, ami other Nebraska centers, by widely advertising for worker, thus flooding the labor market and forcing the workers to engage in a cut-throat competition in order to seenre a bare existence. SYnee getting this direct evidence from the Brooklyn Eagle the editor of this paper has been scanning some of the big eastern publication, and to his surprise and disgust he has fieen advert isement after ad vertisement to the effect that "labor is needed in Lincoln.'"' Sofa-, times the ad takes the form of a demand for bricklayers, some times a demand for carpenter, sometimes a demaixl for painter and eleetrieal workers. But these advertisement, ami these spe cial dispatches appear with such regularity and over such a wide expanse of territory that they give color to the claim that it r " all a concerted program having for its ultimate aim th hreakmir down of the present wage scale, which is not by any mean rs If Secretary WMtten is giving aid to this program, either witt ingly or unwittingly, he is doing the workers of Nebraska a grave injury, and working a future injustice upon the business interests of the state. It will not help business condition any t f.tml a community with labor, thus breaking down wages, filling the com munity with unemployed and causing distress. Neither will it help business to fill the' places of resident workers, most of them home owners, taxpayers and men of family, with workers from other states who will spend only enongh of Lincoln or Oatab earned wages to pay their board, and send the rest to their boca: towns back east to be spent with merchants in those localities. There have been times diirini the past year when the demand I Continued oa Pa?e 3l THE ELECTRICAL WORKERS. T" D:!Txulty in Omaha and Council Bluffs Settled at Last. For upwards of two months the in slii !renen and shopmen, members of tae Klectrlcal Workers' Unious in Oniatta aatt Council Bluffs, have been on strike or rathe locked out. Their dentaail for a shorts d:y and better par waa denied, and the trouble has leea on at a lively rate for some time. The locked -out niea actually agreed to leave the whole matter to a conmiittee of employers, provided the hearings should be public. iThey apreed to leave U to the proprietors of the four daily papers in Omaha and Council Bluffs. In fact, they tried every honorable means t" reach a settlement. But their efforts were nnavailiug until last week, when a settlement was reached. The terms of the selUement were not made pub lic, but the men sm to be well satisfied with its terms. Something like seventy men In the two cities have returned to work. The inside wiremen of Des Moines have cut loose and organiaed a local of their own. O. we Ruess Lincoln isat so aw fully slow in the matter of unionism. Xot only has it aot the largest local or Electrical Workers in the three; states ot Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota, but a larger proportion of its local unions have affiliated with the Nebraska Stte Federation of Labor and paid la their initiation fees and the first quarter' dues. Guess that souuds Kood, eh? Lee Huff, tor several years manager of the Bell Tclephoue Co. in Lincoln, has severeJ his connection with the conipaay and goos to Omaha to be come manager of a large automobile business. The first of the week the employes of the Bell company in Lin coin were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Huff, and before departing the guests surprised Mr. Huff by presenting him with a handsome diamond pin. Lalbor EMy lira Imccfa OF COURSE! The employers" liability act passed by congress in April. was held to be unconstitutional by the supreme court ot Connecticut on the 20th. It provides that employers shail be liable to employes for the negligence of fellow employes. DONT LIKE THE CZAR. " A huge demonstration by the organ Ued labor party was held in Trafalgar square, London, recently, to protest against the visit of the emperor of Rassia to England. Labor's Annual Holiday will be celebrated in Lincoln, under the auspices of the affiliated Trades Unions of Lincoln and Havelock. The celebration will be held at Beautiful Capital Beach Where the workers and their families will spend the day in rest and recreation. There will be no parade, but there will be plenty of SPORTS AND CONTESTS With handsome prizes for the winners in each contest. Ladies Base Ball Throw. Sack Races, Potato Races, Novelty Races, String Cutting, Nail Driving, 50 and 100 yard Dashes, etc. Only Union Men and Their Families Eligible to Enter These Contests THE STAGE EMPLOYES. Miss Mary McDowell OF CHICAGO Will be the orator of the day. Miss McDowell is prominently connected with the Woman's Trades Union League movement, and is at the head of the University of Chicago Settlement Work. She is a loyal unionist, a woman of rare ability and a public speaker of more than National reputation. Miss McDowell organized the women workers in the Chicago Packing Houses and helped them to win a fight for better conditions. Lincoln workers never had an opportunity to hear an abler champion of labor. GRAND BASKET SUPPER Bring your baskets well filled and eat your Labor Day Supper in the green grass and under the cool ing shade. . DANCING AT AIR DOME in the evening Come out and enjoy a rare good time on Labor's Greatest Holiday. It will do you good. II II L Sign Up With Every Theatre a t) Ctrjr of Lwicailn. For a live bench of thorough wa ists commend oa to th loeal organ ization known as the AITiaace . ot Theatrical Stage Empioyea- It Is not the lareest local of the oaft fa the whole United States, bat there is aot one in the Jurisdiction that has aay tbing on the live ones of the craft ia this little old banc. The local anion has Just signed ap eTerr theatre fs the city the Olirer. the Orpheam aad the Lyric. By the terms of the coo tract only members of the toe are to be employed and ia retara the local agrees that it til famish aaly masters of the craft to do the work. This means a tot b the theatre goers of Lincoln. It sieaas. in (he first place, that there will be so kmc delays between acts by reason of the incompetency of the stage han.fa. It means that superior stage settiags will be provided. And it aseaas that superior attractions wtQ be more easily induced to date ia at LfocofB because they win be guaranteed ade quate stage service. The organization experienced no trouble whatever ia making the agrwt ment with the local managers.. The beat of feeling exists aQ around. The Wageworker congratulates both env : plovers and employes apoa the friend ly status that exists. GLOVEWORKERS PICNIC Lively Little Union Enjoys Onting at Capital Bnach. The members of the doveworfcers' I'nion were the guests of the Depnty Spangler Co. at Capital Beach last Saturday afternoon and evening. Ti" lady members of the organization provided the solids, aad the firm provided the ice cream and the trans portation. The Jolly crowd went to the Beach in plenty of time to enjoy a picnic supper, and the remainder of the evening was spent hm igbe seeing and general pollity. The picnic was given as a sort of farewell to a coopie of the lady mem bers who are about to retara to Chi cago after working some seven or eight months in Lincoln. The members of the Depaty-Spaag-ler firm spared no efforts to make the occasion an enjoyable one. aad the happy occasion only cemented more S roily the friendly relations esistin between the employers .and the ployes in this institution. There are more than 1.4 0 girl Icing to the Women's Bindery V in Xew York City.