The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 21, 1909, Image 7

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K Word of Hop for Despairing One
Kidney trouble makes weak, weary,
won omen. Backache, hip pains,
dizziness, headaches, nervousness, lan
guor, urinary troubles make women
suffer untold misery- Ailing kidneys
are tie cause. Cure
them. . Mrs. S. D. El
lison, N. Broadway, La
mar, Mol, says? "Kid
ney trouble wore me
down till I had to take
to bed. I had terrible
pains in my body and
limbs and the urine was
annoying and full of sed
iment. 1 got worse and
doctors failed to help. I was discour
aged. Doan's Kidney Pills brought
uiek relief and a final cure and now I
am in the best of health."
Remember the name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. SO cents a box. Fo
tec-Milburn Co, Buffalo. N. Y.
Aid Fight Against Tuberculosis.
At the recent meeting of the Na
tional Association of Bill Posters, held
In Atlanta. Ga it was decided to do
nate to the campaign against tubercu
losis $1,200,000 worth of publicity.
The bill posters in all parts or the
'nited States and Canada wJ Oil
the vacant spaces 01 their 3.500 bill
boards with large posters illustrating
the ways to prevent and cure con
sumption. The Poster Printers asso
ciation has also granted $200,000
worth of printing and paper for this
work. This entire campaign of bill
board publicity will be conducted un
der the direction of the National As
sociation for the Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis in co-operation
with the National Bill Posters association.
The Newer Way.
Many Ideas In regard to women
nave entirely changed, and among
the better and wiser changes is that
eld thought that the women who
were given to good works must needs
be dowdy. It is undeniable that
"good" women used to wear dowdi
nees as a sort of hall mark of vir
tue. As n matter of fact, dowdinesa
Is merely a mark of bad taste and a
sign of some lack in the mind. Wom
en are no longer lacking in the wis
dom that chooses pretty rather than
ngly clothing, and those who do not
sake the best of their appearance are
losing a golden opportunity of giving
Samuel Gompers was talking In the
smokeroom of the Baltic about a re
cent newspaper attack on a rich cor
poration. "It was a cruel attack. Mr. Gom
pers chuckled. "It was as cruel as
the Jooesville Clartons paragraph
about old Deacon Hiram Ludlow.
"This paragraph header the Clar
ion's obituary column. It said:
i. ""Deacon Hiram Ludlow of Frlsble
township, aged S3, passed peacefully
away on Thursday last from single
blessedness to matrimonial bliss after
a short but severe attack by Maria
Higgina, a blooming widow of 3? sum
mers." "Detroit Journal.
Look at the Names.
In 4 A. IX Fearaidhach-Flonfashtna
was an Irish king, a "most Just and
good prince." who was slain by his
successor, Ftachadh-Floa. who was
treated to a similar fate by Flnchadh
Ktonohudh, "the prince with the white
cows," who died at the hands of "the
Irish plebeians of Connaugbt." Eoeh-
airh-Moidmeodhain was one of the
naif doten who died of natural causes.
and Flaithheartagb was one of the
two to resign the monarch's scepter
for the monk's cowL New York
Well. What?
"Johnny, leave me alone and don't
ask me another question!"
"Aw, test one wore an then I'll
keep still."
-Well, what la Itr
"What relation la n cousin germaa
to a Dutch ancle JT Cleveland Leader.
Baking Cake.
An experienced cook says that there
ta no necessity of cake baked In n gas
oven being over-don on the bottom
if this precaution Is taken: Before
lighting the gas nnder the oven, slip
out th bottom sheet of the oven, re
placing It Just before putting In the
cake. Then the cake Is not over
heated at the start. That la when the
davnagwa fat done to It.
Russian Salad.
Take several kinds of cold, cooked
vegetables for example, string beans,
peas, carrots and sprigs of cauliflow
erand mix with mayonnaise, into
whk-h a hmping teaspoon of dissolved
avlattne baa been atimtd i. 1
w ,147
whole into small Individual molds, and
when emd turn out on lettuce, which
naa aaa rneocn aressing noural
Pressing Down Seams.
After stitching down a seam nr
with n hot Iron, and It useful to
know that a rolling pin, wrapped In a
clean cloth, will answer the purpose
equally as well.
Much Depends on the Man at the
Levers, and Bad Weather Is
at Any Time Liable to
Cause Him Trouble.
For work requiring coolness and
constant watchfulness that of the
tower or signal
men on railroad
lines hardly can
be surpassed.
Most appalling
disasters have oc
curred from an
apparently insig
nificant mistake
or carelessness
and others have
been averted by the bravery and
quick thought of these men. Little
consideration ever is given bv the
traveling public to the signal men on
the line, as the work they do is not
observed to any extent, though it is
as intimately connected with the op
eration of the train as is that of the
engineer or conductor.
In a talk to railroad men not long
ago V. J. Harahan. assistant to the
president of the Erie, said: "There is
no line of work more exacting than
railroad work, and there is no char
acter of work requiring a greater
sustained interest. There is no line of
work either in which indifference is
more quickly manifested." With
hardly any exception this remark
could properly refer to the tower men
as much as to any employe of the
Weather conditions, of course, have
important bearing on signal work.
and difficult and trying as the work
often is in favorable weather it is
doubly so when a snowstorm comes
on or, what is worst of all, a heavy
fog settles down, blotting out even
the nearest objects and rendering
lights snd semaphores useless. This
is a particularly common annoyance,
and no way ever has been found to
entirely overcome It and prevent the
tedious delays and blockades which
always result.
Some experiments of Sir Oliver
Lodge in London, which If proven
practical will be of great value to the
railroads, were made during the
early spring. He believes he can dis
pel fogs by electrical explosions. The
experiment consists in electricity be
ing driven into the fog at a light
voltage from a series of disks placed
on the tops of poles. The currents
act directly on the constituents of
the fog, millions of minute particles
falling to the ground after having
been tossed about for a time.
The work of the signal men has
become so complicated of late years
that schools of instruction have been
established aside from those main
tained by the rail road a. A high state
of perfection has been -attained in
the manufacture of signal apparatus
and much' of it is automatic in its
workings. The .chief aim is to elimi
nate as far as possible the human
element in this branch of railroading,
and this has led to great improve
ments in automatic signaling and
thus reducing the number of accidents.
Caterpillars Retard Trafic on Lines of
the Canadian Pacific Railroad
in Maine.
The mechanical department of fhc
Canadian Pacific railway's Atlantic
division, from Montreal to St. John,
N. B part of which crosses Maine on
the tracks of the Maine Central, has
been called upon to continue an ar
rangement for ridding the line of n
pest wh!ch is seldom or never encoun
tered by this road anywhere else than
on a particular section of the local
division, according to a dispatch from
Mauawainkeag, Me.
Every year about this time the line
is blockaded by an army of caterpil
lars, whose numbers run into the mil
lions and who make it very difficult
for trains to get over the rails be
tween Routh and Tracy stations.
A few nights ago the line of cater
pillars was seven miles in length be
tween these two stations. Two en
gines bad to be put ahead of the Mon
treal train, and even with the addi
tional power the distance was covered
very slowly.
A more effective method than
sprinkling with Bordeaux mixture has
been devised by the railroad, and one
which is much cheaper for the com
pany. Steam is the power used, and it is
applied from an apparatus attached tc
locomotive No. 1.200, the largest on
the division. Two pipes connected
with the engine's exhause run close
to the rails ahead of the foremost
wheels, and the steam issuing from
them is a dose which the caterpillars
cannot stand. A clean rail is gained
by this method, and little trouble is
now experienced. '
This same pest has been bothering
the railway men for 30 years past. It
always occurs in the same locality,
and hitherto the only course has been
to drive the trains over the slimy
rails at a great loss of time or with
an absolute holdup.
One feature of the nuisance, which
appeals particularly, to the train
crews, is the malodorous nature of the
little beasts when the train crunches
through them and administers a par
tial cooking.
Beautifying Right of Way.
It is stated that the Union Pacific
railroad is planning to plant its right
of way from the Missouri river to the
Pacific with alfalfa. At each edge
of the right of way also will be plant
ed a row of pine trees alternating
with elms, there being a tree at inter
vals of every two rods. As the alfalfa
becomes green early in the spring and
remains so until late in the fall, the
ornamental effect should be decidedly
pleasing. Furthermore, it is claimed
that the grass and trees will furnish,
in certain localities, a decided protec
tion against snowdrifts and washouts.
It is stated that the Chicago. Milwau
kee & St. Paul railroad proposes to do
similar planting and grassing between
Ottumwa and Kansas City. Scientific
Hotel's Private Liner.
Weary of listening to the com
plaints of his patrons touching the
difficulty of securing adequate or even
comfortable steamship accommoda
tions during the rush season to
Europe, the manager of one of New
York's big hotels proposes to solve
the difficulty by running his own pri
vate liner for the benefit of his cus
tomers. The craft is a large luxurious, sea
going yacht, the ocean counterpart,
as far as possible, of the land estab
lishment on Fifth avenue, and each
passenger will feel that he or she is
crossing in a personally owned yacht.
The cost is estimated at not more
than 15 per cent, above usual rates.
Mending Table Linen.
A neat way to mend a hole in tabU
linen la to darn It with linen threads
off an old' tablecloth. It will look
much neater than a patch sewed on.
It Is advisable to keep a piece of a
discarded tablecloth in the mending
basket for that purpose.
Records Shown to Employes.
The management of the Chicago.
Burlington & Quincy railroad has
! ceased the practice of suspending
i operating employes for infractions of
rules ou the ground that such punish
ment is an ineffectual means of discip
line. Instead, the company has insti
tuted a comprehensive system of rec
ords which are at all times accessible
to the men, and front which promo-
' tiens and dismissals from the service
ill be made.
Te Clean Paint.
A dean cloth dipped In hot watei.
then a saucer of bran, will speedily
dean whit paint without Injury to
It. Th soft bran acts like soap on
U dirt.
Checking Unwise Curiosity.
Lord Baltimore My dear lady, how
much is this inquiry going to cost me?
Dame Democracy Oh, let's change
the subject. I do hate petty gossip.
Highest Track-Laying Record.
The highest track-laying record on
th Western Pacific railroad Is 7.S00
feet n day.
Few Actual Novelties Have Been Re
corded, But There Are Some
New Developments.
The actual novelties in locomotive
design in the last year 'are compara
tively few, though the number of in
teresting designs is considerable; but,
according to C&ssier's Magazine, the
main features of the world's locomo
tive practice in 1!08 may be briefly
reviewed as follows:
1. The extensive introduction of
"pacific" locomotives in France and
the initial introduction thereof in
England and Germany, both of the
latter, however, being really toward
the close of 1907. though usually as
sociated with 1908.
2. The extensive introduction and
development of articulated locomo
tives in the United States snd the
construction of such locomotives by
British and American firms for use
in other countries.
3. The somewhat extensive building
of locomotives of moderate dimensions
for use ou railways already .using
large engines, these smaller engines
iu some cases nearly or exactly cor
responding in design with engines
built some years ago or being devel
opments of such designs. This has
occurred particularly in Great Britain,
but is also characteristic to some ex
tent of continental railways.
4. The extension of the use of super-heating
. The introduction of several new
wheel arrangements and of at least
one engine which is a very radical de
parture from usual methods of design.
Traveling by Wheelbarrow.
The earl of Konaldshay, M. P, says
that in those parts of China to which
the Peking cart has not yet penetrated
the wheelbarrow affords an agreeable
In the province of Ssuch'uan he per
ceived the leisured classes who do not
aspire to the dignity of a chair be
being trundled along in these vehicles,
the rate of hire being two cash, per
li, roughly two-thirds of a farthing
per mile.
Kven in the coast towns, where
many forms of conveyance are avail
able, the wheelbarrow finds favor
among the lower classes, and in Shang
hai he found factory hands wheeled
daily to the scene of their labors
on barrows of exaggerated sixe, six
men to the barrow, at a contract price
of CO cents- (say one shilling two and
one-half pence) a man a month.
Travel and Exploration.
Enormous Cost of Ties.
A consumption of 113.000.C00 cross
ties, costing over $56,000,000, or an av
erage of about 50 cents per tie, is
shown for the steam and electric rail
roads of the United States during the
year 1908, according to statistics
given by the census bureau ia co
operation with the United States for
estry service.
The amount of railroad ties con
sumed during the year 1908 fell short
of the consumption for 1907 by 40,
000.000. the total for that year of 153,
700,000 being the largest ever record
ed. For new track in 1908 only 7,431,
000 cross-Ues were purchased, com
pared with 23,557,000 in 1907. Of the
to. al number of ties used, the steam
rotds took 94 per cent, and the elec
tric six.
The Secret of Happiness,
"lie seems to be well pleased with
"Taai's became he's well pleased
with himself."
For the Best Ear of Corn
To be Known as the f-4.Mci National CornTropfay
To be Awarded at the
rVT.d-:..1 rAMi CvnnrU.nn fm .TUa Dccss&er
nauuiiai win LApudiiiuii, 7iiiauat 6 1 is.
Over one hundred thousand million O09.Ma.KM.MS) earn of corn were nowi ta the United States M rrmr. l.-r
n billion dollars were paid for them. More than a million udi cnarter extra, dollars weal into t&e t of ttm
farmers for corn this rear than titer received for the previoas rear s crap.
The reason for this maybe found lathe fact that the people of the United States are beclaalac to Irara i deBta
corn is and to realize its full food value.
Kellaec's Toasted Corn Flakes has placed earn amour the inglappnsaW- items of daily fare.
The makers, therefore, are interested in the development of the Kinsr of Cereals, and &ave decided to award a beaatixml
trophy for themai. woman or child who can produce the best ear oi corn ia twa afferent aeadoaa,
Pnrfi 1 Holdea. of the Iowa State Collejre. the (Treated authority on eon in the world, will award the vrtztt at tae
KationalCorn Exposition. tobeheldatOmaha-XebDecemherCthto fcllh. ' Two sis: rain tulmcn the plan,
and they are:- jnat yon send your best ear of corn t j the National Corn Exposition. Omaha. 3teb befors Sorennr
ZS. 1909: and that rou are a member of the National C jrn Association. Fall particulars rrcaniinc whiea eaa b had by
writinc to National Corn Exposition. Omaha. Keb. Tie a tacsecoreiy to your speeunca and wor-i rt.Fr toe
Kelloec Trophy Contest."" and write your name and address plainly. If yours ts jtHced the best. yn arfTl r-t tkm
trophy for lvlO. If you succeed atrain next year or the year followinz. the trophy will becme yovr property fur
all time. In other words, you must produce the best ear of corn two diCerent years.
There will be no restrictions. Any mftn. woman or child belonriDfr to tbe Ajsoeiatioa eaa enter. It win he an
to every state in tne Union. Piufniw HuHun will judge the corn partigufculy oo im ImwoHmjicr. TT aimrinax
of more corn per acre is one object of the anaru, out toe maia purrose of toe fcmmtrr of (be trenb ia lor
Increasing the Quality of Com Used in Making KeDoggs
t i
aV W
has this'
Kany people think we have Teached the point of perfection ta Toasted Cora Flakes as it Jf
eat today. AU crocers nave IV
MHJ1M.I. 1UU ltll UWH ruukfi UA BMIK ucca, ,
t. r
The man w'uo does his best
trust the world to do its part.
Too many men try to build a sky
scraper on a one-story foundation.
Mrs- TTinatoWs Sooth fane Sjrap.
Forrhlidm letthlng. mot m tlx nra mimm t
flir ""-"i - '-f r-". ruu. bm.c.
Seeks the Man.
Tommy Pop. what is the office
that seeks the man?
Tommy's Pop The Utx office, my
son. Philadelphia Record.
Cycle Dealer Here is a cyclometer
I can recommend. It is positively ac
curate; not at all like some cyclome
ters, which register two miles, per
haps, where you have only ridden one.
Miss de Byke Ton haven't any of
that kind, have you? .
And Ma Fainted.
"Why did she refuse you?" she
asked ber son, with fine scorn.
"Well." the boy replied between his
sobs, "she objects to our family. She 1
says pa's a loafer, that you're too fat
and that everybody laughs at Dayse
Maynie because she's a fool and talks
about nothing but the greatness of
her family- (Chauncey threw water
in his mother's face, but at three
o'clock this afternoon she was still
In a swoon, with four doctors working
on her.) Atchison tKan.) Globe.
Practical Device.
-Why don't you mend that large
hole in your umbrella?"
"1 keep it to put my hand through
to see if it is still raining." Meggen
dorfer Blaetter.
Nebraska Directory
an tate b-r ; in?- mm ltm
ymmw tnrmi i-swr. mr
M. Sptesberger Ml Son Co.
Wholesale iliiscry
lb bct la aw West OMAHA. RES-
University School off Music
amliatrd wun Inmrsitv oc J 1 1 i ni i.
Lincoln, Neb.
Fall term begics September ficlv
Send lor catalogue to WIIJ ART KXU
BALXi Director.
"I might say to you. young men,
that I am a self-made man."
"In what respect? asked an Im
pertinent youth.
"In this respect, if you must know,"
replied the orator- "I made myself
popular with men who bad a pull and
thus obtained my present lofty position."
bwia Itekot-k fur tw!r 4m-.
Wilt erect txijlir en anT fan oa mmmm i ,wix
trm. Pru-fr ej brt4 pr axrw. rv t .
ai,c..l.lir. ALEX- H. ttATT. F
HeikuU' Bide- ISUkaarfOS
They Were Good Mothers.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is quoted as
saying, that a woman's first duty is to
develop all her powers and possibili
ties, that she may better guide and
serve the next generation. Mrs. Stan
ton raised seven uncommonly healthy
and handsome children, says an ad
mirer of hers, and the children of Mrs.
Jnlia Ward Howe testify to the vir
tues of the noted woman as a moth
er. The eagle may be as good a
mother at the hen or the goose.
Preparea fcr tr Worst.
"How long had your wife's fir t hus
band been dead whn you married
"About eight months."
"Only eight months? Don't you
think she was in a good deal of a
"Oh. I don't know. We had been
engaged for nearly two years."
Beatrice Dreamery Gp.
P5 ltahit prfew far
Could She? i
"When women get to voting." said i
the man. "they will have a great
many more calls than they now have
to put their hands in their pockets
and give money to further important I
' The woman looked thoughtful.
"I'm always willing, of course." she
said, "to give money for a good cause,
but as for putting my band in my
Grain. Phi.ii?).!. Stock. CeCa
Mmim Office. IQ-apg Fn.r-tj BU.
BrfiFftwal) tnia T"i nil
Gav. Stubbs to Accompany Taft.
Topeka, Kan. Governor Stubbs
has accepted the invitation of the offi
cers of the deep waterways conven
tion to make the trip down the Missis
sippi with President Taft to the deep
waterways convention at Xew Orleans.
Registered 111 Degrees.
Muskogee. Ok. The government
thermometer at Bacone university
here registered 111 degrees. This
is the highest mark ever recorded
Heat Blights Crops.
Vinita, Ok. Yesterday was the
hottest ever recorded here, the tem
perature reaching 103. The heat
con! nines. Hot winds have de
stroyed much unmatured corn and
blighted brightest crop prospect of
recent years.
Heat and Drouth in Arkansas.
Fort Smith, Ark. The hottest
weather in eight years was reported
here, the theraonieter registering 105.
No rain has fallen since July 15, and
crops are practicallv burned up.
Takahira May Not Return.
Seattle. Wash. That Baron Taka
hira, Japanese ambassador to the
United States, will return no more to
this country, but will be made minis
ter of foreign affairs by his govern
ment, was stated here by well in
formed Japanese.
An American Consul lit.
Washington. D. C. Oscar il al
lures, American consul at Rouen.
France, is dangerously :ll, accoruaig
to a dispatch received at the state department.
Will Net Join Swedish Strike.
Stockholm. What is considered the
last card of the strikers, an attempt
to get the railroad men to join their
movement, failed when a ballot taken
by the railroad showed that a majority
of them were against the strike.
Is "Mother of Coffeyvills,
CoJfeyville, Kansas. Mrs. J. A.
Coffey, whose husband founded the
city of Humboldt in ISm. aaa the city
cf Ceffeyvil'e in 1S63, is visiting in
Coffcyviile this week. She is knows
as the " mother of CoffeyviSe.
Human Weakness.
It was at the BertUIon room.
"You have the system down pretty
fine," commented the visitor.
"Yes," responded the police examin
er, "even to the identification by
finger prints."
"But how do you get the finger Im
pression when the prisoner is un will
ing to let you have UTT
"Oh. through strategy. We Just hang
a Wet Paint sign on the wall, and
the prisoner is certain to touch it
when we are not looking.
Wasnt Certain.
"What is that you are reading
John?" queried the better half of the
other half, who was deeply interested
in a newspaper article.
"I dont know, my dear. replied her
husband. "I've only read about two
thirds of ft. and I'm not sure whether
it is a love story or a patent-medicine
advertisement.' ,
afore than 300,000 pounds of human
hair are exported from Hongkong to
this country annually.
tc:let ennz:
TIT I Li. til P
mnaj tattar Iraca sW tr-tn.
ft gefws C 4ecj atd
tooth lnin i an cnaant
oJ throat, porarx ism IfKik. mad iilii im
Bad Irrfh. Karl 1m m'i. fTfoa. and aacb
TV? trVrC via vriw-l kt
KREMd and rn1 n?v 1 wi 1 by Pscavn.
MTllm Pxzzmr Tri3 lm
wA I Al u ml I & cam camn, leal I
hmr'n and atop aW fwar-y fcwaaawt
rsagTfcc ill ine catarria.
Pastae a tars-lea yet pcj-l
i una li a rii i inul m niiln !
tyd A baCnaat rraawB aconaad
leaves aW botiy MCsracrSy cW
ot rasrriuaBT auut
A acih
is Vour Etea!&
Uorfo ICs?
That's wbat it costs to grt a aw ik's
treatment of CASCA&tKTS. Toe?
do more for yon than asy nanEcxae
on Earth- SktVix-w gennally show
and starts first in the Bowels aad
Liver; CASCARETS cure these OS.
It's so easy to try why not start to
night and have help in the uwing
CaSCAKETS me a ttna fcr mmi- fj
treaannc an dtiwpau. awrM
a the world. MiEoni bans a i
Ktaf mull mafr a i in i ii i !