The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 21, 1909, Image 3

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    Patronize Homme fadystry
Leading Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends:
...use... farmers&MerchantsBank "R -zzz shoot the Landlord! I
Lincoln Paint and color (o. zr2. use Little HatchetFiour .
m se youx own. We win loaa on the meaty far
' . ASK FOR IT 'on terna on easy payment. Toor monthly bt
. . - . , , , , tegs will aooa pat your own roof over yoar head.
The Oldest Commercial State Bank In L hi coin.
4 Per Cent Interest paid on time deposits.
- I-oans -ranted on the most favorable terms, consistent W1LBE1R & DE WITT MILLS SeCUfUv SoOUtg & Lotm Association
1 F?Cri JCj l" w iti conservative banking.
An or the officers and directors of this bank have - - - xmrrutz - OBERLIES. President. lfMt A 9t
TTrv tlm B-tC been connected with it sines its orEmnitioa ia 1901. 145 Sernth 9ta 3t UTKAJtA K H. HATFIELD, Secret-r-Trea r. Ilw W II die
Offlca Haar. -: IJMSt: T:M-S:W. Auto Phone MS3 A. A. TANNER. Prtm. & Mgr. J. B. HKISINGER. Jr.. Sc Necd of FRESH BAKED GOODS RnrfnVn I Bff
Dr. Lillian L Snow ,. .V r ,w "2CTSLUnL7 bO.
. . Lincoln Lumber &CoalCo. k5ZF own candies, c-Am, ic ta-
Pnysician successor to y&Gfom d p- -no Bctt. n n ipnrririg)
PI ..a of Women and Children. . C OBERLIES LUMBER CO. Bell 456 Auto 2214 LLM LvjiI IB-I gli
Oomer FMrteentn and O Sta. Boon- 14-15. Bntranco A T C "C 13 T "C 7 --,4 I" The most com ptrte stock te the Stata
IWOSt ISth and R Streets Phone-Ante 1713. Befl 713 A.. 1. OJ-J-i-i- Y and VUe " -rtVr w
. 1 1
r. H. Stephenson Pea. Willi. Rowdllf. Sec-Treaa. w w v. r pi I IT A J A I I" We Invita yon to visit aur Hardware Score ft la nead r
Tho Lsscla Vall Paper Co. uuu-,w UEBS"UII Hardware
Rie jobbers o MJ Wi-dills, PcSpS, SfedSI, Water SSd Stoves, Sporting Goods, Razors, Razor
Utll Pspgr 2Sd ROCS DCCldiSgS Plsaiers' Supplies Strop, and Cutlery at Low Price.
m so. it st-et. Both pon. Do our Washing . st. Ilcpo's IlarducFO, (03 r.3.(Cli
Alonson Gliopmon Aut ,5si- t., ; T.j.Ttcn.
Abstracter of Titles W.C.VANANDEL Dl
.W tM e--, asvocUbo. ( Bn4ea Abnvs. S?JS? For Up-to-Date Cfothes n-rSSrT
" Et&btr Stamps, Sails, StncSs, Trada Clacks
Funke Block, Southwest Cor. 12th and O St. SOUTH TENTH ST. 13 SO- TWELFTH ST. r-
; I
Collins Bros. Ice Cream Cocip'y r. c. SCHNEIDER STAR LOAN CO. Cbtfstopulos
0..NWfW,. -.t-t-A Ben IllbOIi W OHU I I.JICUlO Any Eneineer. Erakem.n. Foreman. Conductor. Shopman. THE UNION - - IOI8 O ST.
OaWaadFaceery.S W.Cor Tth!. -AaftSABenc. Can,, b. Sa or any Salted Etnployee can Gt Itr-ey THE PALACE - 1236 O ST.
LSttSTa rCSItry CggS m from us Just on His Note. Bnsl- THE ACME. N. W. COR. 14th V O
nHaK iness Oonficz&til.
I 1 909 "TH NINTH STREET. j, J Bfelfcai 5C
Phones Bell 433; Auto 1433. Phone. Bell F-1156; Auto 1159. -wea -e,
fSS Every lady who owns a Gas Range says nothing can Porter HedgC 3a -
&kS2a beat it for getting a quick breakfast AfostTclCt Co Lij
That means more time to rest before and after . -.-
' ' breakfast Abstracts of Title
l .
THE SUGAR BOWL ciSlZf advantage by ordering a Roterts' Sanitary Dairy
icec-a- agar. Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Company 1 i. ni5-orade y rricu
School Supplies Stationery News OPEN EVENINGS ts n street.
m a !, anaaaBI aa- . -, BBBMBHB h a I - i I i - - - i a i w - - m m, M " " ' ' " " " M i i i
Office hour. a. m. to 11 1 t. i p, tn. R. l DOWNING U. F. REDDISH J WO O d W O T t ll -ia" Phono F-541; Art. Pbo-, m
Dr. Joseph M. Smith RcddlSh-DOWlimg L; sa mZ Con TheLSsteCo-
Osteopathic Physician Coal ZUldi Feed Co. Biankets, Robes, Nets, Etc whoiesa. and Betaa.
X)S-60S Brr Block , , . . , , - - . LJoht Hzrnesa a Specialty. Repalrin. Promptly Dona FLOUR, FEED AND HAY
Tarda, 14th and W Of Roe, 136 IN a. 14 th , , "smsi-i it rmrjkw xn rum
PfcMie Auto 4ats. BU Phone A236 AntoPho 2Z3S 121 O STREET. PAPEK HANO Sy PASTE lUtAL. tLXJUK.
A-t. .a, f- o-ca HOU-, to 15: x to , The GETTIER MARKET 0. L. SU1TU DflKE2 V;c:.IS
J. P. DREITH A. P. FlirgaSOn, M. D. WALT SHAFFER, Proprietor ManCaetned Dealer in
Coal. Wood and Cobs eye, ead, nose and throat Fresh and Cured Meats xj sHABSwrTl!i?rs
crir.HR a m r r r tr - GLASSES FITTED Poultry, Game and Ftsh I KiV)J e?L!l!So!!lrfc
'UR AND FEED r.tinr. p... . VYI Vr AmomotOe Re-nMl
313-314. Richards BlOCk v Phones-Bell 72; Auto 1172. l7 c -. - M
SIXTH AND F STREETS. v 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. a' Cor. 9th and 31 StS. P. O. BM a-X
Phones Office, Auto 1848; Res. Auto 1269.
The Photographers Oock Island Second Hand Storo Jfcffi f.iheixerich
Mrt&'tt' W,U Buy ZrZ?ri- or u OSTREET.
uuamnteea. Exchange Hew Goods for Old. f f"' ST"
GIVE US A TRIAL. ,,, . . . " I I IHCq i h Neb Our Qoods Speak for Themselves. Always the Ffishaat
Ph-n-Aut.4. 1026 O Street Rock Island Second Hand Store Lincoln, neb.
-none mm w ( avv v du Auto 7043. 2012 O St
mm a t 2. I Auto Phone 2066 Piles Cored Without Operating Tf-h -tP W y TV T BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND
1 v - Jtv O I V- U IN Vj. full line of sporting goods
Meats and Groceries Dn Herbert A-Abbott Building Supply Company QSr IS SSSS?.
lvuu WWW 1UJ , , . work. Prices always riant. Latest Edison s Goorta. A
c-h apo-a ot-e. Kn rt a Pur- Stomach, Bowel and Rectal BUILDING MATERIAL COAL JoiBocord. han. or
eaaaa Badnwhla la Pnmluni. Diseases pro-ipuv --
ph.n.. Das t Aut. Mn o 8TBJEBT iss. o st. Both Phones 1342 O Street CllXnS CjelS C3., IO C3. I4U SiTSf