The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 14, 1909, Image 5

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Senator Gore Put Hot Queries ta the
High Tariff Advocates.
"I rail upon the chairman of this
committee on finance (Mr. Aldrich) to
explain the astonishing parallel be
tween the low rate of wages paid the
employes of protected industries and
the high wages paid those in unpro
tected industries.'
In these words Senator Owen of Ok
lahoma challenges the -"chairman of
the committee on finance" to substan
tiate the contention of the Republican
party that high protection is a bene
fit, to the workingman. Senator Aid
rich did not respond. That Is one of
his characteristics. When a senator
holding a different view from the sen-
ale boss beings a speech. Senator Aid-
rich invariably leaves the floor.
"What satisfactory explanation. de
manded Senator Owen, "can the sen
ator from Rhode Island offer for the
difference In the pay of masons and
brick layers, who receive 70 cents an
hour in Boston and the burler in the
car net factory receiving H cents; the
dyer 1 cents; the loom fixer, 28 cents;
the spooler. 13 cents; the twister, 1
cents; the weaver of Brussels and
Wilton carpets. 30 cents; the weav
ers of Ingrain, IS cents; and the wind
ers. 13 cents an hour?"
"How dees the senator from Rhode
Island explain why the plasterer, who
Is unprotected, receives 60 cents an
hour in Boston, and the workers in the
highly protected cotton goods manu
factures do not average one-third as
"In good old Boston the plasterer
gets W cents an hour; the tile setter
gets cents an hour; the plumber, So
cents an hour; the steamfitter. S3
cents an nour; the stonecutter, 50
cents an hour; the carpenter, 40 cents
an hour; the marble cutter. 58 cents
an hour; and side by side with these
unprotected industries the carding ma
chine tender in the cotton gocds pro
tected industry receives 13 cents; the
dyers IS cents; the loom fixers H
cents; the spinners 13 and 1-1 cents
the male dyers IS cents; the beamers
in the sttk gocds Industry 19 cents:
tfce colorers in the hat industry 19
cents an boor. And this remarkable
comparison Is most striking except in
cases where labor Itself, by its own
organisation, has prevented Itself from
being plundered by the employer.
"It is time that the New England
senators were dropping the of
superior knowledge and of mysterious
learning with regard to the protective
"The worst enemy of protection as
it is practiced is detection.
"Why is it that the unprotected in
dustries of New Kng;and, of transpor
tation for example, the station agents,
get an average daily pay of $3.03.
while n carding machine tender in the
protected ccttcn goods manufactures
lecetves 13 cents an hour, and the
dyers IS cents. The unprotected build
ing trades employes receive a wage
over 2M per cent higher than the
wages lu the protected industries.
"Labor has rarely succeeded in thor
oughly organising itself in any of the
great protected manufacturing indus
tries, which are usually con trailed by
monopolies and mechanical corporate
power. Organized labor was practic
ally driven out of the shops cf Andrew
Carnegie, and of the Vnited States
Steel Corporation, American Tcbacco
company. Cramps Shipyards, and var
ious others of the existing monopo
uations. The Boone strike was suc
cessful, the men securing an advance
of 24 cents per hour.
Getting Things in Shape for Labor's
Annual Holiday.
Dcn't forget that Labor Day will be
celebrated in Lincoln. And don't for
get, either, that one of the foremost
figures in the industrial world. Miss
Mary McDowell, of Chicago, will be
the orator of the day. Neither should
you forget that Miss McDowell will
also speak a couple of times on Sun
day, September 5. at churches yet to
be designated.
Miss McDowell is a woniau with a
message, and not only should wives of
trades unionists hear her, but club
women. Y. W. C. A. members, W. C.
T. U. women and others. In fact, every
man and woman who can possibly do
so should hear this talented woman.
There will be some unusual features
connected with this year's celebration '
of Labor Day. By next week The
Wageworker hopes to be able to give
the program practically in detail. In
the meanwhile, be making prepara
tions to observe the day as it should
be observed.
A Subsidized Business Must Be a Pub
lic Business.
Owners of protected industries arte
most emphatic in asserting, when
wage controversies arise, that their
business is their own and they will
manage it in their own way without
But is it all their own? If there
were no tariff laws for protection to
American industry they might say
that their business is their own. But
when the American people tax them
selves in order to make these busi
nesses profitable, how can the owners
call the businesses their own? Isn't
it rather cheeky of them, since they
solicit this protection?
They are subsidized businesses, and
to that extent are not private. And. as
they are subsidized so as to enable
them, as the owners say themselves,
to pay American wages to American
workingmen. the question of whether
they do this or not is a public question
and not a private question.
If they take subsidies they should
submit to dictation with reference to
the object of the subsidy. "Protected'
workingmen have rights in "protected"
businesses. They are partners with
their employers to the extent of their
respective interests in the protection
which the tariff laws are intended to
Either this, or tariff protection is a
fraud a shameless fraud upon work
If workingmen who vota for protec
tion were not the ninnies their pro
tected employers take them to be. 1
they would make it hot for protection i
members of Congress who refuse to
investigate and regulate the working I
conditions and the wages paid in in
dustries that are protected by the
tariff. The Public
Mowing Cautiously and Disregarding
Rumors of Every Kind.
The street railway employes are
"making haste slowly." With several
committees out progress is being
made, acd tie members ct the local
are payieg no attention to the many
rurucrs that are floating around.
- Several important conferences have
been held during the past week or ten
days, but the outcome of negotiations
has not yet been made public. The
ccusn-ittee in charge is not publishing
Its actions.
An Important meeting of the local
will be held at B ruse's hall next Sat
urday night at the usual hours, and by
that time the various committees hope
to have some definite reports to make.
For the past week the motormen and
Maurice Laughlin. a lineman in the
employ cf the Lincoln Traction Co,
was intsantly killed Thursday after
noon by coming in contact with a trol
ley wire carrying 500 volts. Laughlin
was working on the repair tower acd
in some unexplained manner fell
across the live wires. As soon as pos
sible the wire was cut, Laughlin fell
to the ground and again came in con
tact with the wire. But it is thought
he was killed instantly by the first
shock. He has been in the employ of
the Traction Col, fcr five years. His
brother. Wallace, was working with
him. The deceased was twenty-two
years of age and unmarried. The par
ents of Maurice and Wallace live in
Lebanon. Mo,'
jmwr mm M9 a wi n rw mm jmww jmMt jrjy'jvff ja
You arc certainly neglecting an unusual opportunity H you miss
The sale prices are very low,
but the quality standard of the
clothing involved is very
high, and we are just as particular
to fit you and to satisfy you
as if you paid regular prices
The Suits
The Suits
The Suits
The Suits
are hand-tailored garments, of finest imported woolens, the best clothes made so
best that they are taking the place of the made-to-order clothes with many of
Lincoln's best dressers; foimerly 40, $35.00, $30.00 and $27.50, now only $20
are in many instances better than the best clothes in other Lincoln stores; these
arts medium and light-weight suits, of fancy materials and blue serges; many are
made by a leading manufacturer; formerly $25.00, $22.50, $20.00, now only $15
are wonderful bargains; in this big lot you'll see blue serge and fancy weave suit,
faultless in style and make; all sizes stouts, regulars and slims; all-wool garments;
when priced $18.00, $16.50 and $15.00 they were extreme values now $10
are within the reach of any man, and they will please any man who wants the best
$12.50 or S10 suit obtainable. At the regular prices they were exceptional values:
now it is almost giving them away reduced from $12.50 and $10.00 to $5
MM m
4rs)1rTV3n rv yn?
im wis
Clothing Company
mn mm mm mm mi mmmmmmiimwrmmrrjfiwn inrnrvMwrwww.-rwjiww.'rrnrrr m m m i
becoming empty: God knows what .
the men past middle age are going to
do if they are discriminated against,
Some Little Notes About the Men of
Hammer and Saw.
Local No. 1055. Brotherhood of Car
penters and Joiners, of Lincoln, has
decided to affiliate with the Nebras
ka State Federation cf Labor. The
InitiaUon fee and first quarter's dues
have been sent in. A committee of the
Is Getting Things in Shape for Labor's
Annual Holiday.
The Labor Day commiuee met Fri
day evening of last week at the labor
commissioner's office. G. A, Walker
resigned as treasurer, he having some
business on hand that would prevent
him from acting in that capacity. A.
L. Potter of the Glcveworkers was
elected to the position.
For the first time the Teamsters
were represented, Messrs. Clark and
FTye being the men selected to rep
resent that local. They are men who
will "take the cards cealt them and
play the game."
The committee is getting things
systematized, and promises to have
everything in shape for publication
next week. The program is being
rounded into shape, and arrange
ments are being made for Miss Mac
Do well's Sunday talks.
The Cornell Engraving Co, is now
putting the label of the International
Photoengravers Union on its work
conductors have been working with a i local took the constitution in hand
vim. The Ep orth assembly meeting J and thoroughly digested it. The con
always causes a rush second only to I stltution looked good, and the commit-
that of fair tiiue.t and the men have
tittle Unte for leisure. A great many
extras are called into action and the
regular men have to take their meals
on. the lump.
An indirect communication from the
official headquarters conveys the In
formation that a general officer may
be expected to reach Lincoln soon
with a view of meeting the members
tee so reported. The local adopted the
committee report without much de
bate. There is some demand for high
grade carpenters, but the day cf the
"plug Is seemingly at an end. There
are plenty of men who "can do any
thing," but the skilled mechanic is in
demand. One employer in this city is
running shorthanded because he will
of the local and talking over things J not use men who have gray hair,
with them. I Somehow or other we have overlooked
The last Issue of the Motorman and ' f"t If the trusts ard combines
Conductor gives the details of the nre making any concessions to the
silver in their hair.
as it is now the
ficiaht gave it as much attention as it man in the prime of life has to hustle
did the Pittsburg and Philadelphia sit- like thunder to keep the larder from
Boone, la . strike. This strike included . mtn woo have
eleven men and the International of-1 With living as high
Fred Beckmann
announces his candidacy for the office of county
treasurer, subject to the will of the republican pri
maries. Mr. Beck man is an old reticent of the
county, with substantial interests in both city and
county. He served three terms as county com
missioner, and left the office with a creditable
record for having looked after the interests of the
tax payers. He solicits your support on primary
day, August the seventeenth.
Thompson Shoe
$3.50 a $4
Handcraft Shoe
a Etv"FC3 CZr-43 Em
en's Dcotcry
12th & P Sts-
So far this is the only union engraving
establishment in Nebraska. Colonel
Grant, the "head gazabo" of the en
graving department, is responsible
for this good condition of affairs. Lin
coln has no local of this great union,
but Colonel Grant is secretary of the
Omaha nnion and he goes up there
every month at his own expense to
keep the records straight. That's the
unionism that counts.
open shops. Syrians. Poles and Bow
mania ns preferred. Steady employ
ment and gocd wages far seen vis
ing, to wcrk; fare paid and ae lev
charged for this work.
"We have marched, rooted and voted
for Blaine, Harrison, HcKialey and Big
BilL Now we can go to heJL Tarin
for protection of American labor. Tat.
tat. .
Workers Now Suffer After Having
Marched and Shouted.
Last week the following significant j
bon mot was printed in the New York
Sun. J. P. Morgan's newspaper:
"Editor Sun In the Pittsburg Sun
Iof July 15 is this advertisement un
der the head. 'Help Wanted:
I Catchers and Helpers, to work in
The school census of Hastings for
this year shows a total of S.C34
sons cf school age. This is i
of 75 from last year.
The births and deaths for Cawsiag
county for July show the assal ratio.
During the month there were seven
births and two deaths.
Without the least eerenMay or at
tention the acuta ecnstrectioa of the
new Douglas coaaty cawrt bowse was
begun Friday afteracoa at 4:34. The
first barrow lead of concrete was
dumped into the form at the southeast
corner of the excavation.