The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 14, 1909, Image 2

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In Mr. Sullivan the people of Lan
caster county have a candidate on the
Republican ticket who has been tried
and net found wanting. Mr. Sulli
van is the man who was appointed
in IS!"! to musk an unexpired term as
county treasurer, and whose work in
the appointed otSce proved so success
ful and satisfactory that he was re
elected in 1S37. This record speaks
Albert I
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Clark Daiiey
, of Havelocl
There are severs! reasons why Mr.
Clark IV;; !s cniitled to receive the
repai;Hcan ucu;i!StSon far the position
wf cn;my ct mmissioner. end a most
im;ru:iu reason wlty the working
pe-!ie shctlj ve lr hitu. He de
serves the support of the working peo
ple because he is. a workins man him
self anl a tmioa man also. Mr.
I:lev s a progressive man and is
puMsc s;!!-:vU tj a hssh decree, and
; if nominated and elected will do ail
i in his power for the advancement of
better roads and bridges in Lancas
i u-r conniy. As .Mr. Daiiey is a union
' man it is not necessary to comment
; further as to advisability of our meni
! hers supporting him. as a vote for him
! means a vote for a friend. When you
' so to the" polls to cast your ballot Aug
ust IT. remember Brother Clark
i Daiiey.
for itself as to his sbiJUy End integri
ty to proseriy s-rve ia this, one cf the
lues! iiv.port;:'!! offices within the gr;f
of o:- voters.
Air. Sisllivan is one of the pioneer
business aten of the county. He has
been in the live stock business here
iiucc 1m. and he assisf-d to an ex-
sem that is tsardiV eomitrehcnsible in
inoreasins both the quantity and quali
ty cf our improved liv stock in the
county and state. Mr. Sailivan. like
oilier live stock men. lias performed
i sreat aud valuable service to his
county. o:s state and his natiou.
whereby they and their citizens have
become greatly enriched. In short, he
has bctn'a true patriot and a good cit
izen. Mr. Sullivan has always been a
warm friend of the laboring man as
his record will show. He has given
hundreds employment and befriended
hundreds more in his liberal way.
The union man can find no better or
more considerate friend for whom he
may cast his vote.
Herewith we present a likeness of
O. O. Bell, who is a candidate for
county clerk. Air. Bell is a promi
nent business man of Lincoln, and is
thoroughly capable of conducting the
office in a business-like manner. The
laboring men of Lancaster county will
not make a mistake if they give him
their support. Mr. Bell has lived in
Lincoln thirty-seven years.
The p-.vkson of county treasurer is
cn of the most important within the
sriit of the volt rs cf the couuty. In
j;r. V'ns. C Soverin. the present dep
uty trv-isurvr. we have a gentleman
has I lUd this iKtsition in a high
ly crerlis.tbie ntanuer. He has served
ts".e cct: f.iith.'u ly, and is thorough
ly Ija-Hiar vkith tho wcr3t of the of
IKe. H- h.ts always loeu willing to
asj-;l the taxpayers in giving them
r.ny tntctntatioa pertaining ti the
office at any time, and has been accom
modating and courteous with all who
have had business with the office. Air.
Severin has always been friendly in
his attitude toward the cause of or
g.snUed labor, and our friends will
intake no mistake in voting to give
i him the nomination to this important
! office. He has never held public of
j lice as have a number of his oppon
ents, and is entitled to your support,
j If nominated and elected he will give
l the office careful and able attention.
One ot tne strong men in the race
for the republican nomination for
county treasurer of Lancaster county,
is Mr. Louis Hehner. who is one of
the best known men in the city and
county. A man of strong character,
exx-n temperament, good sound judg-
r ,.--,1
n J '
It is the custom by common consent,
to accord a county officer who has
served acceptably for one term, the
riuht to a second. Most fair-minded
men agree to this. Mr. Hoagland is a
candidate for the nomination for re
election on the republican ticket.
There is an old adage that it does not
pay to swap horses in the middle of
t stream. atd the many friends of Mr.
Moagland contend that the phrase
holds good in this instance. By his
f.sir and imiKirtial manner in conduct
ing the sheriff's ct'iee he has won the
esteem and respect of all and it is for
:he best interests of the people that
fee should be his own successor. If
he is nominated and re-elected to this
Important tositioa the citizens cf
I-ancasUT county can have every as
surance that the office will be con
ducted along the same careful, conser
vative lines in the fwture as it has in
the past.
fc ii. v
-f - mv
ment. if nominated and elected would
do his duty at all times. He" is a busi
ness man of ability and the highest in
tegrity, and he has a host of friends
who are working and aiding him in
his campaign. Mr. Helmer is quali
fied in every respect for this high po
sition and the voters should give his
candidacy their thoughful considera
tion. As a man and a citizen he has
the highest standing and is known as
a gentleman who will serve the peo
ple faithfully.
Rspub!ican Candidate for County Com
missioner From the First District-
riysses O. Albert came to Nebras
ka in 1S72. and has lived in I-ancas-ter
county for about 12 years. He is
a successful farmer and fruit grower,
living at Normal, and was formerly
one of t:ie partners of The RuysSI
Nursery company.
Air. Albert is running upon a plat
form declaring for gocd bridges
that tob"; wash out. death to the
""briJge trust." an equitable distribu
tion o; the road end bridge funds
throughout the county, and a general
reduction in the expenses of the coun
ty in every department.
County Commissioner
And help to take Lancaster
out of the clutches of the
"Bridge Trust Octopus"
C -w -.
m v
1 vy
appeals stronger to the intelligent
voter than those of Forrest -VI. Moore,
candidate for the office of register of
deees. "Forrj," as he is familiarly
known, was born in Lancaster county.
1 ro is at preseui a ti"iui iu titv i:-
Ifcr which he is asking the nomins
I ticn. and is thoroughly familiar with
the workings of the office. If nomi
nated elected, he would conduct
the affairs of the office in a creditable
manner, serve no particular class, and
all would receive a square deaL Mr.
Moore is a friend to the man who toils
for a daily wage, and any support
given him will be appreciated.
Republican candidate for coroner.
August IT. 190!.
f r i..
Republican candidate for re-c;ection
fer justice of the peace.
The office of Register of Deeds is a
very important, one, and the voters
should see that they cast their vote
for the best man fitted for the office.
Mr. A. J. Morris is a candidate for the
nomination on the republican ticket
fer this important office and is receiv-
Mr. Crandall is a candidate for
county clerk, subject to the primary ;
August 17th. and if nominated he
pledges himself to dispense with one
deputy, thus saving the taxpayers f
$1,200, and he makes this promise S
with a full knowledge of the duties re- j
October 4. linaakes. V."is Iaierart
ticnal Union of SMp-axisIsts. Jaiat-r-t
Canlkers. Coat Bniltfers asd Ship Czi
inet Makers cf Air-rlra.
October -1. Toronto, OaL As?
mated Association of Street aad Eiec
tric Railway Kmployes cf A me net
October 5, irHwaokee. Wis, Jour
neymen Barbers' International I eta
cf America.
October 19. Detroit. Mich, Interna
tional Association of Car Workers.
October 19. Charlotte. N C Vltrtt
Textile Workers of America.
November S. Toronto, Caa Arrrri
can Federation of Labor.
November 23. New York. N. T. In
ternational Seamen's Ucica.
December S. Indianapolis. lad. In
ternational Alliance of Bill Posters f
The sad fate which conges to trie
nan who follow? thr advir? of sarh
: . as . r- rv-4 iC. ' . -;'.
r-!-i ':. ..' - r? ?-! fe-at
. . :.!;.f.t ; .ar " i ! 'irfe. wli "tr-ti
1. i:nselr ; r - ... i n?t a.-.i
.-t-- il, . v - ' ' ';;C"l i.r--hat
factory a".-: iu-teylsss lo tee a.i
vice of the Manufactarer" Asjscta
lion. he decidsii thzt fee did ns;t waat
any labels on his iutts with the re
sult that he lost all his fortaae d'ir:nj;
the hat strike. Eeicg a a.ia sveaty
years of ae be fcU that be had aocik
ing to live for and proreetieil to tt'.-i
his bra:as oa; in Battery Park. New
York. nSvIs Tradesman.
quired of this office. He is a rapid
penman and experienced accountant,
and as one of his friends remarked,
'"he can copy more records in one
hour with that old iong carriage type
writer of his than one man can do in
Wallace is a hustler and will make
in every way a capable officer, and
his many friends hoie to see him land
the prize.
ing the support of a host of friends.
The union men of oar city should at
all times vote for those whom they
know to be friendly toward their cause
and a vote for A. J. Morris means a
vote fer a friend. If Mr. Morris re
ceives the nomination, and is elected
to this high position, he will devote
his time and attention to the office in
a manner that will reflect credit on
himself and the citizens of Lancaster
county. He will represent all the peo
ple and not any certain class. Mr.
Morris has served the people of this
city in the capacity of secretary of
the board of education for the past
ten years in a commendable manner,
and is well qualified to fill the posi
tion to which he aspires.
Among the many candidates to be
voted for at the primary election to
be held August 17, there is no man
on the republican ticket who is better
known, whose record is cleaner, nor
whose fitness for the position sought
Where and When the Clans Wtil
Gather to Boost the Cause.
August 16, Boston, Mass., Metal Pol
ishers. Buffers. Platers, etc.
September C, Eureka, Hnmb Co.. ..a!
International Brotherhood of Woods
men and Saw Mill Workers.
September , Springfield, Mas.. Ta
ble Knife Grinders" National Vnio
September 6, SL Louis, Mo., Xatirna!
Federation of Postoffice Clerks.
September 7. Milwaukee. Wis . In
ternational Photo-Fn gravers" Union rf
Xc.rth America.
September 9, Boston. Mass.. In'eraa
tional Spinners Cnion.
September 13, Bo.-tai. f.Tas . AVocd.
Wire, and Metpl Lathers" Internal i.wn.ii
September Denver. Colo.. Inter
national Association of Machinists.
September 13, Elmira, N. Y Inter
national Hodcarriers and Building Lab
orers' Union of America.
September 13, Chicago. IIL. Interna
tional Brick. Tile, and Terra Cotta
Workers Alliance.
September 14. DenTer, Co!o Amer
ican Brotherhood of Cement Workers.
September 17, New York. Pocket
knife Blade Grinders and Finishers In
ternational Union.
September 2, , , Trav
elers Goods and Leather Novelty
Workers International Union of
September 20, Minneapolis, Minn.,
Internationa Association of Britle
and Structural Iron Workers.
You Will Find the Unien Card hi the
Following Places,
When you enter a barber sio? see
that the ncicn shop card is in puzR
sight before you get into tie choir.
It the card is not to be seen, go else
where. The union shop e-ird Is a.
guarantee of a cleanly shop, a smooch
shave or good hiir-cit, and conrteous
treatment. The following barber
shops are entitled to the patronajcj of
union men:
George Petro, ieiJ O.
J. J. Simpson. O.
Ceorge Shaffer.,Lincoin HeteL
C. B. Ellis, Windsor HoteL
D. S. Crop. CapUal Hotel.
M. J. RcbtTt.5. Royal HcteL
A. Lv Kimtuerer, Ltndeli HoteL
C. A Green. 124 North Eleven lb.
C. A. Green. 1132 O.
E. A. Wood. 12' O.
Chaplin Ryan. 123 Norta TwelfUi
E. C. Evans. J 121 P.
Bert Storm. IIS Sonth Thirteenti.
J. B. Rayxior, I31 O.
Hack z Barthelman. 122 South
J. J. S:n.psoa. 522 P.
Fraufc MaloEe. KavelceJE
C. A. Hughjrt. Haielocfc.
Sf tee .;: of this country Itad ttc-z
been ik-il to. they woaid leave cr
wheimingly defeated Mr. Taft ast his
party at the last election. i!aS it
been tnowa in November that tfce bin
tecent!y agreed noon at Washing
was to be the measure of tariff' rsme
in the event that the RepaMinB party
was successful at the polls, it docibt
ful that Mr. Taft vroaW have urrie4
a single stat? in the jpreat ilidrfto
West. Enffalo Republic.
Some day the west may surprise
Mr. Aldrich and New England acd
vote the way it talks. Milwaakec