The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 07, 1909, Image 7

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Head of Typographical Union Has
Interesting Say.
During the year our members have
been quite generally employed. They
' have earned about forty million, five
hundred thousand dollars.
The average membership for the
year is 44,921; for the last quarter
A mortuary benefit' will knit our
membership together, and make of the
International Typographical Union a
much stronger organization.
Opposed to amendments to the pen
sion law that will increase its lia
bilities or reduce its revenue. Cau
tion must be exercised.
The label propaganda should be
continued, and eventually we hope to
have the best organised, result-pro
ducing label movement on the conti
nent. We have one of the best now.
Betterments of the year in brief
paragraphs indicate wonderful prog
ress. Careful reading will illumine
and increase union faith.
The Union Printers' Home contin
ues to improve. It is confidently be
lieved that the Home has been taken
out of union politics.
In the health campaign we are
gradually creating a better sentiment
that is reaching the employer, and
Is having its effect on old composing
rooms and in sanitary features in new
composing rooms. If the employer
will not put his composing room on
m sanitary basis, "then our unions
will be Justified in making particular
scales for these exceptionally un
healthful composing rooms, scales
materially higher than those that ap
ply to the modern, healthful and
up-to-date composing-room."
A satisfactory copyright law was
enacted by the last congress.
The work of the organizers and
the results therefrom mean a tre
mendous saving through the preven
tion of strikes and the loss of wages
incident thereto.
We are in good shape from a finan
citl standpoint, and the amount of
money in our treasury is far in ex
cess of that usually on hand during
normal times.
Some statistics as to the work of
the president's office that will be of
The A. P. of L. convention at
Denver. Colorado, a most successful
Pittsburg redeemed; five hitherto
non-union newspapers now in the fold.
Movement for efficiency in jour
neymen and apprentices successful.
Publicity campaign continued. Ad-
..vertise your benefactions. Public ap
proval, public esteem and public sup-
- port worth working for.
Membership rights in our union
can not be limited.
Joint ownership of label and equal
representation on conference board
demanded by allies.
The headquarters city touched
upon, and a convention city recom
The Typographical Journal cover
ing Its field.
An appreciation and a hope to the
Some Facts Local Managers Should
Ponder Over Well.
'"Street car strikes generally end
with a change in the management of
the company against which the strike
was directed," said C. O. Pratt, the
street car men's strike leader, in dis
cussing reports of attempts to oust
President Parsons of the Rapid Tran
sit company of Philadelphia.
That is only another way of stat
ing that strikes are expensive and
very rarely worth the while for street
car companies. The fact is that no
strike, unless it is won by the com
pany in a short, decisive and final
battle, ever does pay a transit com
pany. In St. Louis, Chicago, Cleve
land, Salt Lake City and several other
towns of importance I have seen tran
sit managements go down in defeat
through strikes. Even though the vic
tory has not been all on our side, the
strikers have bowled out the former
managements completely. These man
agements have been changed either
because they were quickly defeated
and proved incompetent by the
strikers or else the fight has been
so long drawn and bitter that when
the settlement finally came and the
costs were totaled up they were
swept out by a stockholders' indigna
tion wave.
In Cleveland in 1899 Henry Everet
was president of the company and
signed up General Manager Douglas
for three years to fight the union
with him. Mr. Douglas had a con
tract which called for a bonus in
case he broke up the union and ended
the strike. Our strike lasted eleven
months. In January, while it was still
in progress. President Everet retired.
General Manager Douglas was forced
out and in their places were elected
Horace Andrews and Ira McCormick
who is now with the New York Tran
sit company. We reached a settle
ment with President McCormick. The
management that had fought us went
Again in St. Louis in 1900 we had
a strike, an unsatisfactory settlement
and a second strike, continued Mr.
Pratt. In the end we won no con
cessions, but the fight had been so
expensive to the company that the
stockholders compelled a change in
the management.
I have always claimed that no strike
was ever really lost, continued Mr.
Pratt. Even when strikers go down
in so-called defeat they have won the
prestige of their fight, and their
complaints will not soon again be
ignored. But all strikes certainly are
a loss to transit companies, and only
a senseless management will invite a
strike rather than meet a committee
of its employes.
South Omaha Agitator Makes a False
Step and Stumbles.
Jeremiah Howard, erstwhile law
maker and prominent in labor agita
tion circles in South Omaha; is hav
ing troubles of his own. Recently he
took it upon himself to call a meeting
to advocate the banishment of the
Japs from South Omaha, asserting
that the call was made in the interests
of organised labor. When asked by
the Central Labor Union on what au
thority he called the meeting he re
plied: "The authority of a private citl
men." Immediately the central body
made him a private citizen insofar as
his connection with that body was
concerned. In other words the Hon
orable Jeremiah was unseated.
Organised labor has no sympathy
with the Jap invasion, but just now
It is not engaged in calling any street
meetings in front of city halls for
the purpose of voicing its feelings on
that subject, and is now back
ing up any self-constituted labor
leaders who engage in that sort of
Jerry Howard means well, but he
lacks a balance wheel, among other
Jewish Girls Would Not Consent to
Act as Strikebreakers.
Fifty young women were prevailed
upon by Organizer Weinstein of the
United Hebrew Trades hat manufac
turers, not to go to work for Crofut
& Knapp company of South Xorwalk,
Crofut & Knapp had applied to the
United Hebrew Charities for help, but
Martin F. Lawlor, national secretary
of the United Hatters, learned of their
request before the Hebrew Charities
had time to get fifty young women to
go to South Xorwalk and he com
municated with Organizer Weinstein,
who visited the officers of the Hebrew
Charities and the young women and
got the girls to promise that they
would not act as strikebreakers. The
officers of the United Charities did
not know that the women were
wanted as "scabs" and when told, did
not object to their refusal to go.
All of the cigarmakers, eight In
number, at the Hartington cigar fac
tory went out on a strike last Satur
day afternoon. They claim to be
union men. and heretofore J. R. Isaac
son, the proprietor, has been paying
union wages, but refused to be dic
tated to by the men, and they walked
out. One of the men, acting as spokes
man, mounted a box and entertained
the citizens of Hartington with a
radical striker's speech for about two
hours. Mr. Isaacson claims he will
employ no more union men and will
open a non-union shop. World-Herald.
The convention of the International
Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes
adjourned at Springfield. Ohio, on July
17. with the election of the following
officers: John J. Barry. Boston, presi
dent; Lee M. Hart. Chicago, general
secretary and treasurer, and seven
vice-presidents, as follows, in consecu
tive order: John Keeley. Oakland.
Calif.; G. A. Gliddens. Dallas. Texas;
D. J. Ryan. Montreal. Can.; Charles
Schledel. Indianapolis, Ind.; Charles
alalloy. Butte. Mont.; Lester Thur
man. Louisville. Ky.; H. B. Cole,
Portland, Oregon. Washington, D. C.
was selected for the next convention.
After the most successful July Clearing Sale we are left with a lot of short lines
and remnants in all departments which we propose to clean up this week at a
Discount of From 25 to 50 Per Cent
Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Shirtings, Ginghams, Table Linens, Undermustins, Embroideries,
Ribbons, Laces, Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Belts, Men's Dress Pants, Straw Hats,
Dress Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords.
In the Ready-to-Wear Department there are short lines of Women's Suits, Skirts,
Waists, Dressing Sacques and Kimonos. St S!
They are going, going. We can say that soon they will
be all gone at such melting-away prices. Such cool and
nobby garments ought to be going. It's up to you now to be
in the line with others who will be anxious to secure their
9 assorted colored. Striped Ducking Coat and Skirt; nicely tail
ored; pearl-bntton trimmed; low priced at $4.95; will go at $2.43
13 Tan. Pink and White Linen Crash Coats and Skirts with lace
inserting; becoming baits; worth f5.95; will go at. i $2.98
1G White, Pink and Tan Rep Coats and Skirts; handsomely tail
ored and pearl-button trimmed; regular $11.53 values; to go at. -S4.98
11 Irish Linen Dresses, in Fink, White and Tan; trimmed with
hand-made Medallions; graceful hanging garments; worth
$9.95; will go at ,..--$3.98
7 Taffeta Silk Jumper Suits, in navy, Copenhagen and brown?
they are worth $11.50; will go at $4.98
19 White Lingerie long-sleeve Waists; lace-inserting trimmed;
$1.50 values; choice - 69c
15 White Lawn, with fine embroidered front; $3.50 values; will
go at : $1.25
23 White Lingerie, very pretty inserting trimmed; good values
at 12.95; will go at $1.48
We were fortunate to secure about 100 garments of light-weight
color Panamas and Serges at our own price. It is a splendid assortment
of gray, brown and old rose colors; made in flare and pleated styles.
They will be on sale in three divisions;
DIVISION 1 All J8.50 and $7.50 values will go at $4-95
DIVISION 8 All $9.95 and $8.95 values will go at $6.95
DIVISION 3 All $13.50 and $11.50 values will go at $7.95
White Duck Skirt; $1.50 names, will go at. - - 98c
White Linene, with pearl-button srimming, $2.95 values, go at $1.48
White and blue Linene, handsomely trimmed with braided
stripes; $3.95 values; will go at . $1.98
Broken line of Panama Shirts, $5.95 to $13.50 values, will
go at - $3.95 and $2.95
Get Ready for a Shoe Treat
The arrival of new fall styles makes it necesaary for us
to have more room. Every remnant let, every odd and end
must go. Note these prices and we hardly think you will
miss this sale.
$3.50 and $4.00 Kid and Patent Leather Shoes, good styles and a
fair assortment of sizes; clean up price. --$2.59
$3.00 Shoes, different leathers, short lines $2JS
$2.50 Shoes, kid, blucher and lace $U9
The cream of our Women's Oxfords at the following tow prices.
Black, wine or tan Oxfords or Ankle Straps. All this season's styles
$3.50 Oxfords, now for $24$
$3.00 Oxfords, now for . , $2,49
$2.50 Oxfords, now for S2.M
20 per cent discount on all Oxfords and Strap Slippers.
Broken lots of Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords, to clean up quick $LS3
$3.50 broken lines of Men's Shoes for $2.85
$3.00 broken lines of Men's Shoes for . - $?I5
$2.50 broken lines of Men's Shoes for $L95
Boys' Via Kid Blucher Shoes, 9 to 13, $1.35; 14 to 2, and
2ito5j v SL79
Organizer Guye visited Lincoln on
Saturday last for the purpose of meet
ing with the new locals of teamsters
and street car men. He reports both
anions in fine shape, both having
gained many new members. The
street car men having received an
increase in. wages since the organiza
tion of their union, but the company
takes the pains to announce that the
raise was not on account of the union.
The boys smile and content them
selves with the knowledge that "every
little bit helps." And they also real
ize that more will help more. Omaha
Rev. Charles Stelzle Preaches Some
Very Plain Truths.
Since the birth of the American re
public, we have accepted as supreme
the doctrine of "the right -of liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. In our
systems of jurisprudence," and in our
treatises upon statecraft and' sociol
ogy, the emphasis has been upon the
"rights" of mankind. We have been
hearing about the rights of the child,
the right of women, the rights of
capital, the rights of labor, civil rights
and political rights, until the doctrine
of human rights has become a thing
working endless confusion and hatred.
In sharp contrast with this method
of securing better conditions for man
kind and a more harmonious spirit
among men, is the doctrine taught by
God. In the sacred word there is
practically no reference to the rights
of man the emphasis is upon the
duty of man.
When the strong oppress the weak,
we immediately cry out that there has
been a transgression of rights. The
New Testament declares that the law
of love and brotherhood has been
If the rich operator opresses the
wage-earner, reducing him to a star
vation plane; if he so manipulates
tne markets and closes factories so
as to prevent the laboring men from
enjoying food and comfort, the rem
edy that the Bible proposes is not in
emphasizing the rights of the poor,
but in thrusting in- upon the employer
the thought that in the treatment of
his men he is to follow the law of
love and of brotherhood.
Human rights will never suffer if
human duties be performed. The time
has come when duty must be empha
sized. The duty of the mistress to
the maid, of the maid to the mistress.
The duty of the employer to the em
ploye, of the employe to the employer.
Duty, then, and not rights, is the
suprejre need of the hour. For the
doing of one's duty will carry one
farther along than the mere granting
of another's rights. Gradually, men
are coming to learn this important
truth. The growing spirit of altruism
indicates it. The workingman de
mands justice, and he is right. But
God demands more than justice. His
Imperative is Love. For love is the
fulfilling of the law.
Getting in Better Shape But Battle
Not Yet Won.
There is a wrong impression pre
vailing that the hatters' strike has
been adjusted. Such is not the case.
While many of the manufacturers at
Dan bury and South Bethel, Conn.,
have setUed with the union the
trouble is still on at South Xorwalk,
Conn, Orange and Newark, N. J,
Philadelphia and New York City. Ef
forts are being made by the non-union,
open-shop firms to secure help and
impress the dealers and public with
the idea that the strike has been
settled. It has not been, and more
than 10,000 hatters and about 2,000
women hat trimmers are still out at
the foregoing plants.
McNulty Faction Backed by Force of
the Federation.
The Central Trades and Labor As
sembly of Syracuse, N. Y. has been
wrestling with the Electrical Workers'
excessive matters in about the same
way that the Detroit Federation of
Labor has. Feeling a keen sympathy
for the rank and file the Syracuse
assembly has been evading the issue.
Two weeks ago the Syracuse body.
by a vote of 30 to 13, decided not
to unseat the delegates of the Elec-
! trical Workers. Peter W. Collins,
secretary of the recognized Interna
tiona, took an appeal to the execu
tive council of the A. F. of L. Last
Wednesday night a communication
was read from Secretary Morrison de
manding that the central body obey
the law.
By a vote of 24 to 16 the assembly
decided to comply and not risk losing
its charter, as a result of which Elec
trical Workers No. 43 and 79 were
There was never such a struggle
for bread as there is at this present
time. The pity and stupidity of the
whole thing is that here and there
throughout the country at this time of
the year farmers cannot find enough
men to harvest the crops, while the
large cities are teeming with unem
ployed, who are willing to work, but
cannot get to where the work is. An
other great trouble with this kind
of work is that it doesn't last much
longer than to give a man an oppor
tunity to earn enough to purchase
his railroad tickets. And men are
growing too intelligent to work mere
ly for the sake of buying tickets from
a railroad. They like to see a lit
tle left for themselves. Lexington
(Mass.) Independent.
Not Seeking a Row.
Vienna Don Jaime, the pretender
to the Spanish throne declared in an
interview that he had no intention of
interfering in the present crisis of
Spain, and that his retirement to
Frohsdorf. in lower Austria, far from
the Spanish frontier, was proof of his
peaceful purposes.
"The Carlists party is a party of
order," said Don Jaime. "I never will
take upon myself to bring it to a
point of danger for my own ends.
Never will lead Spaniard against Span
iard. Should I return to Spain at the
head of an army it would be only to
restore order. This might happen
should the revolutionaries drive out
King Alfonso, or the welfare of the
country require it. The popularity of
King Alfonso is declining through no
fault of his own. and Queen Victoria is
certainly less liked than the king.
Spaniards dread foreign influence. Vic
toria has remained a stranger too long,
and the people never will forgive her."
Den Jaime is of the opinion that
the war in Morocco was unavoidable
and he fears it will last a long time.
Raising Cain enChnuL
Victoria. B. C. The teaij-: L-aajO
Marn from tits orient brssucJtt sews
of a rebellion in the great Jfe-3.i-medan
province of Kassa. 1:1
lowing a famine.
One of the rr. satyrs ct aa A- r
ican exploring party seat est fey R.
3. Clark of New Tori of the Afr
ican Geographical society, has te
killed. Several walled eiri a. ;&c!f
ing Yuliafa. xenanfo. as4
Misuhien. were besieged fcy ?
rebels, against whom imperial trcopa.
foreign drilled ad eapabie. has bes
The Lango Mara reported a r:r
descense of piracy is Sooth China
and some tragic affairs are repeated,
seven persons being roasted te fea:k
by pirates near Shostak. after Tfc
capture of a castle-tike bouse eW
by one of the local gentry. Aithoajr
the Chinese garrison was tat 3
yards away, no troops came te asa.sC
the besieged household.
Three Women Arc Drmnit
Clarion. Ia. Mrs. C. S. Beaaetf.
Hazel Hudelson and Eva Porter of
this place, were drowned in Elm Lake
Tuesday evening. A party of a doze
girls went to the lake to speed two er
three days. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett chap
eroned the company. The party aa4
crossed the lake ia a gasoline laaach
with a row boat. They were retvraiag
when the rowboat began to sink. T-
girls crowded on the launch vbich
went down with all on board. Several
people heard the cry of distress asd
heroically rescued all but three. The
bodies have been recovered.
May Make Balloon Trip.
Washington. D. C Mrs. Nicholas
Longwortb, daughter of Former Presi
dent Roosevelt, has become as en
thusiast about aeronautics. Ht at- .
tendance upon the trial of the
Wrights aeroplane ia almost coastast.
and now. it is said, she is determined
to make a flight herself, not ia IS
aeroplane, though it is said she ev
expressed her willingness fcr that,
but in a balloon.
A. Holland Forbes of New Tcri.
acting president of the Aero CIaf cf
America, who is bow in the city, has
promised Mrs. ongworth to take her
up. Mr. Longwortb is said to aav
accorded his perm is e ion. Mr. Fortes
having made the promise eontiogeat
upon the husbaad's consent that 9b
undergo the risk that bailees traiel
Ing Involves.