The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 07, 1909, Image 5

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Newsy Notes Picked Up From Just
About Everywhere.
So far organised labor bas sent
$HMH to Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell
and Morrison to be used as a defense
The Journey men horseshoers of Ba
ts via, vent out on a strike Saturday
afternoon at 4:00 o'clock.
Boston Cigarntakers Union bas pe
titioned congress to pass a law mak
ing it a criminal offense to speculate
In wheat.
A a educational session once a month
with a professional expert as instruc
tor will be held henceforth by Boston
Coal Hoisting Engineers union. No. 74.
The Indianapolis labor organizations
hate recently leased a farm of thirty
acres which they intend to improve
and use for picnics and outings.
Garment Workers union in Erie,
Px, received Increase in wages rang
ing from 13 to 40 per cent and the
eight-hour day without a strike.
About 23w non-union machinists who
struck at the Standard Roller Bearing
company, Philadelphia, against run
Dins two machines, have won.
Plumbers of Wisconsin are follow
ing the example of their Ohio breth
ren and will organize a state branch
in Milwaukee, August 1.
BoiKYtnakers, ta conjunction with
machinists, have signed articles of
agreement with all but two breweries
ia Cincinnati and vicinity.
Plumbers, tinsmiths and steamfit
ters in Springfield, Mass.. work 44
hours a week at the same wages as
heretofore against the old schedule
of 4$ hours.
The Labor Herald of Kansas City
has been turned into a daily. This is
quite an undertaking, and it is to be
hoped success will attend the efforts
of the responsible parties.
The plumbers controversy in Des
Moines, ended In a compromise
$4.40 and $4.C3 per day for one year
and $t.$u and $4.75 per day for the
two succeeding years.
.The Rockmen and Excavators union
of Greater New York wishes an in
crease the rockmen from $2 to $2.30
and the excavators ask for a raise
from $1.50 to J1.S0.
A bill prohibiting anyone from wear
lax th button of a labor anion or
carrying a union card who is not en
titled to, has passed both houses of
the California legislature.
Wrecking truck drivers of Browns
ville, X Y have organized.
Steam engineers and hoistermen
have organized in Joplin, Mo.
Jhe Colored Waiters Union in St
Paal, Minn., is gaining steadily.
The next convention of the Retail
Clerks Protective Association will be
held in Columbus, Ohio.
The Marine Engineers have a total
membership on the coasts, lakes and
rivers of the United States of 11.000.
The Wholesale Dry Goods Clerks
ia Sew York City have applied for
admission to the United Hebrew
The bunch makers and rollers em
ploye! in the cigar Industry in Chi
cago are now organizing to protect
their interests.
A movement is at last under way
to organize the underpaid and over
worked conductors and motormen of
Greater New York.
The Janitors Union in Greater New
York has Just published the first
number of Its monthly magazine, the
Janitors Journal.
It Is believed that within a short
Urn the cap makers in Brooklyn, N.
Y will have one of the strongest or
ganizations In the country.
The trouble between the miners and
their employers ta northern Wyoming
has been settled and 14.000 men have
returned to work.
Fleischmann. Fleldman. and other
big bakery owners In New York City
have agreed to meet the Bakers'
Union's officers before an arbitration
The Band Roma, under direction of
Guiseppe Sivlgnamo. which had some
difficalty with the American Federa-
tioa of Musicians, has been unionized.
The Erie railroad has restored the
t salaries of Its officers and the wages
of its employes, which had been cut
on aa average of 4 per cent In Janu
ary. 1908.
The Woman's Trade Union league
la Greater New York Is running a
anion label department where hosiery.
collars, gloves and ladies shirt waists
can be obtained.
Bricklayers have returned to work
ia Des Moines, Iowa, and will be paid
In cash at the end of the week in
stead of in checks. The men also get
aa Increase in wages from 62 & to S3
rents an hour.
The negotiations which have been
under way between the Master Brew
ers Association of- Los Angeles, t'al..
and the various organizations of their
employes have all been satisfactorily
closed and the boys are well satisfied.
The machinists have settled their
differences with the Tubbs Cordage
company, San Francisco. Tha Pacific
Coast Steamship company has also
agreed to reorganize the agreement
lias r
lav .J stocz
.11- Suits in Four
C3EAT tmim ia Boys' Waists
One lot of $1.50, $1.00 and 75c in
Fancy Band Waists in this sale AMI
at. only
25 dozen Boys' Waists that were Qfl
good values at 50c now on sale f Ml
at, only kmJm
Armstrong Clothing Coimpsoniy
as applying to the men hired in the
iron industry.
About ninety machinists struck at
G lesson's shop in Rochester, X. Y., to
convince the acting superintendent
that he was wrong in putting machin
ists work in the hands of a common
laborer. Finally a settlement was
made with the Gleason firm, no at
tention being paid to the acting su
perintendent. Bindery girls are organizing in
Cleveland. Ohio.
Printers and pressmen in Fostoria.
Ohio, hare organized.
The Kansas City Journal has dis
placed the non-union proofreaders
with onion men.
To date Newark. X. J-. Typograph
ical Union has contributed $1,100 to
the striking hatters.
It is said that the bis Werner "open
shop in Akron. Ohio, with 77 presses.
only a dozen press "operators at
work, about half of whom are jour
neymen and the rest ."punk."
The Pennsylvania. League of Typo
graphical Unions was recently organ
ized by representatives from the fol
lowing cities: Reading. York. Wil-
liamsport. Harrisburg. Pittsburg, Potts-
ville. Wilkesbarre. Erie ond Phila
The printers of Great Britain have
decided that they will permit no in
dicators to gauge their output to be
placed on type-setting machines nor
will they accept any positions under
which they are required to produce a
fixed amount of composition. The
Britishers are not going to rush their
heads off to earn smiles from the boss.
Eastern delegates to the Interna
tional Typographical Union's conven
tion to be held in St. Joe. Mo.T noti
fied the Baltimore & Ohio railroad
that they will not accept even free
transportation from that company un
til they1 settle with their striking ma
Onexxime Thomas and Emile An
toine. negroes who were being
brought to Jail at Opelousas. La-, by
two deputy sheriffs, were taken from
the officers late Friday night and shot
to death near Grand Prairie, in this
ENTIRE Ifn inbarhnnlriir
for choice of all Suits that
formerly sold at S3. 50,
S3. 00 and $2.50,
for choice of all Suits
that formerly sold at $5,
$4.50 and $400.
for choice of all Suits
that formerly sold at
$8.50, $7.50 and $6.50.
-LOT NO. 4
for choice of all Suits
that formerly sold at
$15.00, $12.00 and $10.00.
A Slight Appreciation of One of the
Best Fellows Living.
The green roofed bungalow, located
a short distance northwest of Fair
view is being built by Richard L- Met
calfe, Mr. Bryan's editor. It is of
more than passing interest to know
that the house and ten acres of land
around it, representing an investment
of more than $10,000, will be entirely
paid for by Mr. Metcalfe's book. "Of
Such is the Kingdom." Twenty-one
thousand copies of this work have
been sold, and the demand continues
so strong that Mr. Metcalfe will un
doubtedly be able to use his own au
tomobile and avoid that walk of half
a mile to the College View car line.
The place is called "Verbena Lodge "
from the profusion of wild verbena
found on the land when its present
owner purchased it. Mr. Metcalfe now
has a second book, entitled "Bishop
Sunbeams." in the hands of the print
er. Like its predecessor. It will be en
tirely produced mechanically in Lin
coln. Sunday's State Journal.
The above from the State Journal
affords an opportunity to say a few
words. If that "green-roofed bunga
low" suits "Met" and he is building
it to suit himself then it is going to
suit a gentleman who is entitled to
have anything that suits him. For al
most fifteen years it has been the priv
ilege of this editor to work on the
same newspapers with "Met." a goodly
share of that time being spent at an
editorial desk in an adjoining room.
You come to know a man pretty well
when you have worked by the side of
him that long. And the fifteen years
thus spent has convinced the writer
that Richard L. Metcalfe is not only
one of the ablest newspaper men in
this country, but he is one of the
cleanest-souled. one of the most gener
ous, one of the most sympathetic, of
all the tribe of men now on earth.
When "Met" decided to issue in book
form a few of the special articles he
had written from time to time, it was
with a view to having a "few books
of his own" to give to his children and
buys any $40,
30 2750 Suit
the store
buys any $1800,
$1650 or $15
Suit in the store
NO. 1
Here's a
colors, real values to
$2 while.they last
your choice for. . .
his most intimate friends. He figured
if he could sell 500 copies he could
make ii pay for itself. The writer per
suaded to make the edition 1,000, for
the writer knew better than "Met" how
that popular writer stood. But even
the writer had failed to measure the
merits of the book, as the above quota
tion shows.
"Of Such is the Kingdom," simply
shows Richard L. Metcalfe as he is
a love for children, a lover of hu
manity. One look at his square chin
will convince the most casual observer
that Metcalfe is not easily imposed
upon in financial or political deals. But j
no one in trouDle ever appealed to
him in vain. He would go any dis- j
tance to dry a child's tears, to help
a fellow being in distress or to carry
sunshine in Che dark places. He
never criticised a fellow worker to
others until after he had made it to
that fellow worker's face. "Met"
couldn't temporize with the wrong if
he wanted to, and he never wanted to.
He could no more refrain from fighting
for the right as he saw it than ice
could refrain from melting in the
lower regions. He never tried to get
on the popular side because it was
the popular side it had to be the
right side according to his view.
A tried and true friend of trades
unionism, be has on more than one oc
casion faced union men and told them
plain truths that cut like a knife, and
while they squirmed then they liked
him all the better afterwards. When
a non-union print shop offered to print
his first book at a price considerably
below the lowest figures quoted by a
union shop, Metcalfe simply remarked
that he wasn't figuring so much on the
price as he was on fairness to fellow
workers and the job went to a house
that was union from cellar to garret.
"Bishop Sunbeams" will be the title
of "Met's" new book, and like his first
book will be a collection of short
stories. It, too, will be published in
Lincoln, and the wages will be paid to
union men.
Here's hoping that "Met" will sell
a million copies of his new book, and
that the profits will enable him to put
another coat of green on the roof of
$20.00, $18.00 AND $15.00 SUITS
Uosli Suits
39c and 69c
In this lot there are pretty white
and colored suits in several
they are worth up to
$1.00 each. While C
they last your i
choice for. J
splendid assortment of
and Russian Blouse
pretty patterns many
the bungalow whenever he sees fit.
And may the sunshine of his life con
tinue for years and years to come to
lighten the dark places of this worka
day world.
Last October one of the most par
tisan republicans in all Oklahoma a
regular old "Missouri republican"
was sick almost unto death. He was
visited by his democratic son. and of
course' politics was talked- Said this
good old republican:
"Well, son, I won't be able to go to
the polls next Tuesday, so 111 lose my
vote. I know you'd like to have me
vote for Bryan, but I don't think I
would. But 111 tell you this rd vote
for Dick Metcalfe it I had a chance."
If "Met" ever runs for office, no mat
ter on what ticket or upon what plat
form, we know of one man whoU vote
for him and two men, if that good old
republican father is alive.
The B. . & O. road has applied to
Judge Dayton for an injunction
against the striking machinists, who
struck in order -to secure a decent
wage. Dayton's long suit is injunc
tions. He's the judge who sentenced
a man and wife for contempt of court
because their dog barked at a "scab"
electrician. Washington Trades
buys any $25.00,
$2250, $20 Suit
in the store
any $12.50
$10.00 Suit in
Thompson Shoe
$350 a $4
Handcraft Shoe
a:i e.w"f C3 ca"--a ct
Hcn'o Ccofcry
12th & P Sts.
Think It Over and Yea Will F'tr.M
It Sa
lt is strange, the porriae 2E a-
of non-label goods by onion xaa.
It is strange, the docility cf tie
wage worker.
It is strange, the failure of hard
ships to teach lessens.
It is strangs. the creator to create
not for himself.
It Is strange, the nrany to be eea
trolled by the few.
It is strange, the producer to .beg
for his product.
It is strange, the creator to bow to
his creation.
It is strange, the poor sowisg 2s4
the rich reaping.
It is strange, the ease with which
labor is beguiled.
It Is strange, the workers' !ove for
politics other than his own. .
It is strange. Use workers dfria'ca,
though of like interest.
It is strange, the slaw development
of the toilers intellect.
It Is strange, the continuation of aa
fair industrial conditions.
It is strange, the snfferiag the u
der dog can stand.
Workers' Journal.
9 JL