HERE'S A Union LTAH Mi5 ADE IN LINCOLN LINCOLN MONEY EFT IN LINCOLN IE BY FRIENDS UIBEGfiffl MIES ( No better flour sold on the Lincoln market. Every sack warranted. We want the trade of Union men and women, and we aim to deserve it. If your grocer does not handle Liberty Flour, 'phone us and we will attend to it. Ask your neighbor how she likes Liberty Flour. We rely v on the recommendation of those who use it. H. 0. BARBER & SON 1 GREEN GABLES I I i The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium i Lincoln, Nebraska I For noncontagious chroeic diseases. Largest, luafi omiirmAr? mnr lwmitifnll v fiivnlaliarl x g l rr j o SoS090S090SOSOSOS030OSOOSCSOOSOSO0OSOSOSOSOSOSO To UNION MEN! HELP US TO HELP YOU SUIT TO YOUR ORDER i More No Less $15.00. FIT GUARANTEED AT THE The Laboringman's Friend 133 SouthyThirteenth Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. J. H. M. MULLEN, CUTTER AND MGR. NEBRASKA'S SELECT HARD-WHEAT FLOUR Wilbur and DeWitt Mills THE CELEARATED LITTLE HATCHET FLOUR RYE FLOUD A SPECIALTY Tbpkom us BoU Tm aoo. cAirto 45g 145 SOUTH 9TH, LINCOLN, NEB. Your Cigars Should Bur This Label. UnionHDoad Qz&rs. -- I It is insurance against sweat shop and tenement goods, and against disease. ... -v GlarEi Doiloy, of E.auclocli There are several reasons why Mr. Clark Dailey is entitled to receive the republican nomination for the position of county commissioner, and a most important reason why the , working people should vote for him. He de serves the support of the working peo ple because he is a working man him self, and a union man also. Mr. Dailey is a progressive man and is public spirited to a high degree, and if nominated and elected will do all in his power for the advancement of better roads and bridges in Lancas ter county. As Mr. Dailey is a union man it is not necessary to comment further as to advisability of our mem bers supporting him, as a vote for him means a vote for a friend. When you go to the polls to cast your ballot Aug ust 17, remember Brother Clark Dailey. - J V' . f , 1 . r ' 'I XQl WILLIAM C. SEVER IN. The position of county treasurer is one of the most important within the gift of the voters of the county. In Mr. Wm. c. Severin. the present dep uty treasurer, we have a gentleman who. has filled this position in a high ly creditable manner. He has served the people faithfully, and is thorough ly familiar with the work of the of fice. He has always been willing to assist the taxpayers in giving them any information pertaining- to the office at any time, and has been accom modating and courteous with all who have had business with the office. Mr. Severin has -always been friendly in his attitude toward the cause of or ganized labor, and oar friends will make no mistake in voting to give him the nomination to this important office. He has never held public of fice as have a number of his oppon ents, and is entitled to your support. If nominated and elected he will give the office careful and able attention. The case against Mrs. Vera De Xoie, who was arrested by immigra tion officers, soon after her arrival from Hong Kong, and held for depor tation, was dismissed by United States Judge Hanford. The woman. who says she is well known as a New York newspaper correspondent, proved that she was born and edu cated in Iowa, and the wife of a Red Bank, X. X, man. Leuis Bleriot, a French aviator, suc ceeded in flying across the English channel in less than an hour. Serious floods are re ported. In China and it is feared a famine will result. "The Canal in Winter" by E. W. Redfield. of Center Bridge.- Pennsyl vania, the only American picture to receive a medal at the spring opening of the society of French artists, has been purchased by the government for the Luxemburg gallery. The boiler of the tourist steamer Guttenberg blew up near Rolandseck. a resort on the Rhine. One stoker was killed and five members of the crew severely hurt. Several of the passen gers were injured, but none of them so far as known were Americans. Delegates from thirty countries formed the world's prohibition confed eration at London. The success of several suffragettes in obtaining their release from prison by carrying out a "hunger strike" has caused all of the suffragettes in Hollo way Jail to adopt this method of gain ing their freedom. Miss Elsie Mac kenzie was discharged from prison in a critical condition, having gone 151 hours wthout food. The body of Oscar Wilde the writer which was' buried at Bandaux in 1900, was Tuesday tranofei.ed lo Pere La chaise. W. Fish Marsteller. stepson of Grutus J.,-Clay. the American minister to Switzerland, is the first American to be graduated from the Geneva uni versity. He took a course in French. The SKIRT STORE Little Building laiUlltfcSfc Offers 300 Dress Skirts, in the new fall style; Panamas. Voiles. Fancy Mixture and Serges; regular $7.00 and $3.00 v aloes; . nw only - r $4.73 150 Skirts; Panamas, Worsted and Grey Mixture; regular $6.00 ad $7.00 values; while they last m- ft. $3.50 and., 53.50 Heatherbloom Petticoats, .with embroidery flounces; worth rn up to $2.00: only ..7"C Silk Petticoats: Black and Colors; regular $-.00 and $6 Ow t 1m values; $2.88 and J.l3 Shirt Waists: White Lawn, Black, Tailored White China en Silk; 48c, 85c and iI.3U New Fall Suits, in the latest designs: artistically tailored- it fa . at $10.00 and 51.5U You can save on theses bargains from 25 to 30 per cent. be Shirt tore Little Building 121 North Eleventh Street I WORKERS UNIOK M I UWONSKHP 0OSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOOSC-eOQOSOGOSOOTCOSO&TCKOO 3? Named Shoes are Often Made in Non-union Factories. DO NOT BUY ANY SHOE no matter tcfaat its name un less it bears a olain and read able impression of this Union Stamp. All Shoes toithout the Union Stamp -are Altcays Non-Union Do not accept ang excuse for the absence of the UNION STAMP. ; BOOT-AND SHOE WORKERS' UNION 246 Sumner St., Boston, Mass: John F. Tobin, Pres. Chas. L. Baine, Sec-Treas. 5 Comforts . i Mr. Inside Man, you have an electric fan. How about your good wife? Has she an electric fan? Is she still broiling herself and the steaks over a red-hot coal range? Why not pause and consider her comfort and convenience a little bit? If not both electric fan and gas range (Set si (Ssis It will make the kitchen comfortable; it wQ save hours and health, and make bonce happy. Cheaper than coal and so clean, convenient and comfortable. We sell the ranges (cash or pay ments) and furnish the gas. You furnish the match. And then the housewife is equipped with labor-saving machinery. Once used, never abandoned. Ask 5,000 Lincoln women who cook with gas. Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Co. OPEN EVENINGS n iooeoaoeo