Patronize Home lediuistiry Leading Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends: Tho Roimors-Kaufirian Go. a THE REIMERS 4k FRIED CO. Sidewalks, Sidewalk Flags, Building Blocks and Tile Floor OFFICE an YARPS. IMi a BOTH PHONES Lincoln, Neb. iggerstaff's Sample Shoe Store We Sell Good Shoes and Repair Bad Ones 1S29 0 Street Lincoln, Neb. S. E. fTJorehead Manufacturer ot Carriages, Busies, Phaetons and Delivery Wagons ol Every Description AN Kinds of Repairing Don Neatly and Promptly. ll-Sil SO. ELEVENTH ST. Saeaaa mmi Dry Cleaning Pining and Rcpuag Tfco Hashatten CloanorsS Dyors ut exrert mHtnxa non.iind Wo clean, fly. , iww wh pws ail Kino or .Men s ciotnin. Ve nwU a specially ot Ladies' Fine UresMi, Suits. Jacket ami Flumes. ALL. W ORK GCARAXTKELX Mail Orjrrs siren prompt attention. BeN Phone F-sls SO South 12th St. 5,IOand25GentStore 142 North 12th Street NOT IN THE TRUST J. H. JURGENSEN & CO., OWNERS Hot Springs DOCTORS CORNER MTU fi 0 STS. SECOND FLOOR The Hot Springs Iocurs treat all chronic and ner 4tekMN of nivn and wwnea. Fr short time iMooeru w v-turir for ntetlieine Tim CwtusuktaUoa ti imimtlan and treatment wiU bo fr. Ttw Hot 9r-rtngrs IVctors are permanently located at Fourteenth and O Streets. The Owl Pharmacy cor ma axd o streets. Hansen Pharmacy COR. ITT i t AN D GARFIELD STREETS. ASPujREN & STRAND LUMBER GO. NORTH tTTH ST. Wo haw a complete lino of Laatber aal Buikling Material. San J, Cement, Lime, Piaster, Brick, Stone; abto Hard and Soft Coal of ail kinds VTo ralue tho true yon mar (riv ua. Give us a. rtuno to show you we do BILLS FtGCREIX ESTIMATES GIVEN. Auto Phono BeU 4 $5. VJoodmon Accidont ASSOCIATION A Howe Company Furnishing Accident Insurance Only. SURPLUS OVER SI 00,000 OOca Fraterairf BuHdiaf Lincoln Home Bakery BENTSKTK BROS. Proprirtors FANCY BREAD AND CAKES - OP ALL KINDS CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM ALWAYS FRESH PHONE AUTO 57JI 43 O STREET S. G. WRIGHT: LINCOLN. NEB. 1847 O Street DRUGS and MEDICINES rare CiiluS. reflsawr. Tamt artltas. tmt raacf Bests froalptloM Ctrtfillj Cupoirit. Di ir light IMS R STREET. US NO. STTH ST. Scilh-GeCcia Co., 310 n 27tb Desk blend Ceel Yard, 1002 D Wa Handle, Coal, Flour and Feed . of all kinds Try our Pride Flour Mono Batter. Round att. Nuts SC.Sft. Little Gem Nuts tS.M. Best that Amount of Money can bur- Try a Taa ana k Coatincsd Tho Castings (Iron ot Brass) Mtrhrna Tarfc Wroaght and Sheet IroaVorfc Hedges Lincoln Ironworks Csililaj Ireas tsi Csilisrs SfscIsIKss Serentn and M Sts. Phone Auto. 5397 COOO COLA. DR. PEPPER. ROOT BEER. G1NXJER AIJi Coca Cola Bottling Company Sanitary Bottlirig Works Owned and operated by ex-union men. Phono-AutoTsw. 1Si,QSTREBr .Lincoln, Neb. The Only Union Hatters In the State of Nebraska. ...Hats for Sale... Auto 3041. 13 KO. TflTEUTH STREET. Lineoln, Nebraska Ask for Them at Retail Storos Hardy Glove DISTINCT IN A CLASS UNTOMMADE MNFR'D BY the DEPUTY-SPAN GLER HAT CO. LINCOLN. NEB. Ask for Them ot Retail Storos It yau want a good Suit made to order, with good buj terlal, and made right here In Lincoln GOTO GREGORY TheT,i,,r Also the Best Cleaning and Pressing done in the city. S. W. COR. 14TH AND O STS. " r Auto Phone 4264. DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES. Phone your Prescriptions and Orders to I. I. DAGtlELL PI1ARUACY All our Prescriptions are carefully compounded T27 SOUTH 11TH ST. AUTO 455. TOILET ARTICLES. FRESCRIPTIOX3. CUSllDAtJ T.10T0R GO. ' Maktrs af taa MOTOR of Liacola, Hebraska, U. S. A. ICE CREAM CONES The Ice Cretan season will soon be on. The Lincoln Cones are the Beat. Send in your order V. TldlTCn, Dgr., 821 P STREET Largest exctasive Cune factory in the state BELL PHONE 13 AUTO. PHONE 3013 Dierks Lumber & Goal Go. Ko order too large or too small for our prompt atten tion. Most comp!et stock in the City. t Lincoln, Neb. N. W. COR. STH AXD N ST 3. The Lincoln Tannery ESTABLISHED ' 1895. KEK3Y RCLU, Proprietor, Tannor anil Carrier Manufacturers of Harness, Lace. Latigo, Leather. Robes and Coats CUTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. Office 134 South 9th Street. Tannery 313-315 O Street. Bell Phone F-1617. The Best Light for the Eyes Roseiee Oil Pure Pennsylvania Cylinder, Engine and Dynamo Oils Rex Axle Grease : : : French Automobile Oils MarstollOilCo, LINCOLN MEN'S B00TERY EVERY SHOE UNION MADE HERE Tfcs?sea Sts?, S3.53, S4.C3 Dssdsrtf I Sisa, $5.C3 ALL NEW "FOR MEN" ALL NEW MENS BOOTERY STUCKEY ICE CREAM COMPANY f 1 HOr.KSATF ICE CREAM 1Q77 f CTw MTT.K. andSWlLhr CREAM iOOf il LT6t H. N. TOWN tUS O STHKhiL Largest GtMnl We have Hardware, Meat Market, Bak ery, Paints, OQs, Glass and Groceries j. m. Mannfa iuies Delivery Wagon: Caniages, Phaetons, Baggies of all Robber TSraa. Tops anal CeaaWeaai a 24-343 SO. TENTH ST. Sat tot 3cwclr Company Repairing and Engraving Pieniptlj aae) f 13 SO. THIRTEENTH ST. ATTEST) TH Lincoln Business College Ai ESTABLISHED AND BBrnarit SCHOOL. Courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Office Practice, etc Catalog free. UTH AXO P STS. LLNCOLX. fH 3obn THHestover CONTRACTOR DC Bridge and Btnldmg Iran Work 920 N : STRUCTURAL ENCINEERiKS FSB ESCAPES A SPECIALTT We Sell Everythina;- Dry 6ooenv SetfeBav Sen's aa4 i x. 1 r T n r -Til rrnnilni Tfistii TTiri'nn Tjisiiiniiins vara. FsrBiteire.Trsnka. Orips. Hand 1 C03TR SICE CEPTCS2T STC"I "W. E Benry. Tfenaui i XaEXtaar.BooUmpar PhonesrBeUeL AitoSB Caris. aTarr. Cteesry Dega. 0iihilIii Cor. Mi I BeU Phone F-13K2. Plumbing and Steam Fitting Electrical Wiring Zli SO TWELFTH ST. First class For- af repairiag, stove BOaryiag; Tin rJoftegia faU Ba new in taa city. , 2S33 STdT Rear Short Brothers Hardware tore