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About The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-???? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1909)
REAL ESTATE BAR GAINS . SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. can show you exceptional valiu-c" in R.Hid farm lands at from $15.00 to $30.00 l-or acre, on very easy terms. Kxcurskuis eery Tuesday at the special tow price of $10.00 for the , round trip to Wessington Springs. For further information call or ad dress KIwJ Realty Co.. 1222 O St.. 1 iucclu. Neb. Auto phone 5856. GENERAL MENTION. Sits of Labor News Gathered From Hero and There. Central Labcr Vnion meets Tuesday evening. Central Labor Vnion Benefit. Oliver Theater, Friday. July 30. If the conductor does not wear a button, ask him about it. If the cigar box does not bear the blue label, pass up the contents. Jewish bakers won their strike in Una. Mass, after eighteen months struggle. At Springfield. Mo., the plumbers have reorganised and the metal trades are organixing. Iron Molders in Pittsburg report bavins received several voluntary in creases in wages. , If you haven't paid anything on sub scription later you know it. And we need the money. The Waseworker Is fighting your battles. Are you putting up any of the sinews of war? Capital Auxiliary No. 11 meets with Mrs. C, B. Righter. 230S Dudley St.. next Wednesday afternoon. The number of carpenters affiliated with the District Council in Pittsburg and vicinity at the present time is 3.- VVhite farmers near Seattle, Wash.. . have raised a fund to be used in an attempt to drive all Japanese from that market. The trades unions in Springfield. Ma. had an immense celebration July S. Kvery trade had a float emblematic of its calling. The bakers in Holycke. Mass.. haw signed contracts with all the bosses, and unions have been organized in Springfield and Westfield. The fourteenth annual meeting of the Retail Clerks International Pro tective association convened in Louisville, Ky Tuesday, July 20. Moulders in Trenton. X. J., report trad fair and the union gaining in membership. Fourteen members are now working in shops which a year ago were non-union. AU of the tents used by the Cole Bros, circus were made by union workmen. Each tent bears the stamp of A. F. of U Tent Makers Vnion No. 12757 of Chicago. The machinists have secured recog nition of their union by the Central of Georgia railroad, which gives the men a nine-hour day and also a slight increase in pay for apprentices. The National Cash Register com pany of Peyton, was severely ar raigned in the U. S. Senate recently by Mr. Beveridge, of Indiana, in con nection with, the effort to reduce the tariff on cash registers. At Joplin, Mo, the stationery en - . WILLIAM C SEVERIN. The position of county treasurer is cse of the most important within the gift of the voters of the county. In Mr. WntL C Severinthe present dep uty treasurer, we have, a gentleman who has filled this position in a high ly creditable manner. He has served the people faithfully, and is thorough ly familiar with the work of the ot tfee. He has always been willing to sss'st the taxpayers In giving them fry icforniRtion pertaining to the , . :. .. V .-'.- . : ,.?v . w 4'-, ... . . - ? ( ..; - - - - - ""5L x - r gineers organized a union, the bar tenders have been thoroughly re-or ganized and the printers succeeded in unionizing a shop which had been on the wrong side of the fence for the past Eve years. Steel street cars, the first of their type to be used on surface lines in and city in the country, will be placed in service in a few days by the Chica go Railways company. The cost of each car will be about $6,000. Men in the mechanical department of the Xew York, New Haven & Hart ford railroad will be given six days' work instead of four days, the time to which hey were reduced when the business depression set in. Iron molders report having received several voluntary increases in wages in Pittsburg. John Mitchell will deliver the Labor day address at Springfield. 111. LOUIS H ELMER. One of tee strong men in the race for tie republican nomination for county treasurer of Lancaster eounty, is Mr. Louis Helmer, who is one of the best known men in the city and county. A man of strong character, even temperament, good sound judg ment, if nominated and elected would do his duty at all times. He is a busi ness man of abilitv and the highest in tegrity, and he has a host of friends who are working and aiding him in t his campaign. Mr. Helmer is quail-i tied in overy respect for this high po-' sition and the voters should give his candidacy their thoughful considera tion. As a man and a citizen he has the highest standing and is known as a gentleman who will serve the peo ple faithfully. ' - , DR. R. E. GIFFEN. Republican candidate for coroner, August 17. 1909. v . s x t x - - office at any time, and has been accom modating and courteous with all who have had business with the office, Mr. Severin has always been friendly in his attitude toward the cause of or ganized labor, and our friends will make no mistake in voting to give him the nomination to this important office. He has never held public of ftfo aa have a nnmhpr of his nnmn- ents. and is entitled to your support. I If nominated and elected he will give i the oCce ca.ciui snd able attention. ,. 1 " J . , ' v.; ': - 25f r: 9 .4-1 IMS BEAT And Got Some DRESS GOODS SILKS WHITE GOODS LININGS DRESS GINGHAMS TABLE LINENS NAPKINS BED SPREADS ol All Linene and Bed Coat Suits at Half Price All Taffeta Silk Jumpers at Half Price All Lawn, Lingerie and Gingham princess Dresses at Half Price .All Irish Linen Gretcheit Dresses at. . . Half Price Tailored Wool Suits at--Half Price & Less White Lingerie Princess Dresses, handsomely, trimmed with lace irisert- . ing, $7.50 values. .$2.95 Percale 2-piece Suits, $1.50 values, choice 79c All White Jap Silk Waists at-- Half Price All White Lace Waists at Half Price SPECIAL DISCOUNT on all Towefings. Tickings. Prints, Shirtings, Denims, Satrms, Cotton Battings and Sheetings. ia ran Mew Mow. pen for tosimess Your Patronage Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed U11 BOTEISiEiT BJEBV Do Not Miss This Opportunity of Our JULY of Those Bargains at 20 Par Gent Discount H!M0CKS 4 MUSUN UNDERWEAR CURTAIN NETS GAUZE UNDERWEAR PARASOLS FANS UMBRELLAS CORSETS Looking over the Stock of Summer Apparel we find fairly good selection on hand yet. A glance over the few items noted following will convince yoa this offer means great values and yon should buy your needs without delay. The Buyer Who Never Headed SHOE Womu's Shoes & Oxfcrds 3.00 Women's Patent Leather Oxfords, this Season's Styles, all sizes, widths A to J( $2.50 Kid and Patent Leather Oxfords ..$1.98 A lot of Oxfords priced np to i-00. to Cf in close Bors OXfORDS 3.75 Boy's Tan and Patent Leather Oxfords, Goodyear Welt, sizes. 1 to 5 Boy's Kid Oxfords, sizes 13 to 51. to Discount on all Women's, Misses' Slippers during this sale. 917-921 O St. OPPOSITE CITY HALL leal dTl Tl Tl T?Tl (C TyTT 7 ( TT A. E. E:1NS, Manager E0THED3 TELEPHONE TRY U S CLE AMM RIBBONS LACES EMBROIDERIES GLOVES FANCY HOSIERY COLLARS BACK AND SIDE COMBS BARRETTES Misses a Good Thing is for This -SALE Men's Oxfords S5-00 Men s Patent Leather Ox fords reduced $4.00 Men's Tan and Patent Leather Oxfords. splendid styles, a fair assort- -i n merit left- sale price. ..JI7 Discount on all Men's Shoes and Oxfords. $2.35 $1.35 rednced and Children's Shoes, Oxfords ar.d DSESS B3UDS AND TBRS31NGS fELT BATS STRAW BATS DXESS SEI2TS CELTS JEWELRY AND BOYS BLOUSE WAISTS SKIRTS All Wool Panama Skirts, light striped and checked, silk trimmed, broken lots, $5.95 to $7.50 values, choice $2L95 $&95 to 13.50 values, choice - Separate Linene Skirts in white, blue and pink. A3 $1.50 values go at---33c All $1.75 values go at 1JZS AH $2195 to $3.95 values So at - 1.98 Best prade Taffeta. Silk Pet ticoats, all shades. $5.95 to $7.50 vaL, choice 335 Entire line of Black Taffeta Silk Coats 1-3 OFF SPEOAL MSCOCNT oa Trtmi. Tclescapts, Scxst Overalls. Work Starts, : HjiKfkrrrmrfs, Otflan atrf Gloves. 33(B