The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 17, 1909, Image 8

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In Labor's Real
Matters off Especial Interest To and Con
cerning Those Who Do the
Work of the World
Hon en in All Dcparfccrb
(J No better flour sold on the Lincoln market.
Every sack warranted. We want the trade of
Union men and women, and we aim to deserve it.
If your grocer does not handle Liberty Flour, 'phone
us and we will attend to it. Ask your neighbor
how she Ekes Liberty Flour. We rely on the
recommendation of those who use it.
The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium
Lincoln, Nebraska
X For non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest,
$ best equipped, niost beautifully furnished.
The Laboringman's Friend
133 SouthjiThirteenth Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Wilbur and DeWitt Mills
Ttttpham us Mrrff trrn imrniii hfd
Your Cigars Should Bear This Labe!..
t r m c Nil. -nr
tlninn-mad CSSnTB.
It is insurance against sweat shop and
tenement goods, and against disease. . . -
Pittsburg; Pa. -After two days of'
a strike, marked by violence and which
tied np the entire street car service of
the city, a settlement was effected at a
hastily called conference of union men
and car company officials. In the of
fices of the mayor articles were signed
by the officials of the Pittsburg Rail
ways Company and an executive com
mittee from the Amalgamated Associa
tion of Street and Electric Railway Em
ployes which will for years to come
prevent another tie-up of the 400 miles
of street railway tracks in and about
Greater Pittsburg and Allegheny coun
ty. The strike, it developed, was the
outcome of but two points of .differ
ence between the car company and the
motormen and conductors, one being
the alleged neg'ect upon the part of
the car company to shorten "swing
runs' and the other of the refusal of
these railway officials to reinstate dis
charged men without proper hearing.
With slight modifications an agree
ment allowing discharged men proper
hearings before superintendents and
the assurance of the car company that
the secretary will shorten "swing
runs" 50 per cent, was drawn up and
signed. Greater Pittsburg's first street
railway tie-up was thereby effectively
Indiaan polis, Ind. A sanitarium for
members aSlicted with tuberculosis
will be the realisation of Cigar Mak
ers International union, if sentiment
among members crystallizes. The
"matter is being discussed by all of the
unions upon an amendment offered by
the local of Sioux City, la. It is pro
posed to erect and maintain a home
and sanitarium for aged members and
members afflicted with tuberculosis
and unable to work at the trade. It
is intended to appoint a committee of
five, which will devise methods of
raising the funds and take steps to ac
quire the land necessary for the
Washington. The suggestion that
the enforcement of the so-called
"hours-of -service law," relating, to the
employment of men on railroads, be
postponed until there is a final de
cision of the supreme court of the
United States, determining all j
ble controversies as to its construc
tion, "cannot be entertained.
nounced Attorney General Wicker-
sham in a letter made public the
other day. The request for postpone
ment was made by General Attorney
E. S. West of the St. Louis Southwest
ern railroad to the Interstate Com
merce commission, which referred the
letter to the department of justice.
Cambridge Springs, Pa. The repre
sentatives of the Western Bar Iron as
sociation and the Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Iron, Steel and Tin Work
ers, who have been conferring for
some days on a wage schedule to gov
ern the wages of the iron mills for
1909-10, reached an agreement. The
settlement affects all the mills of
the Western Bar Iron association,
together with a number of inde
pendent concerns who are not affiliat
ed with that body. The prices agreed
upon are practically the same as
those that prevailed during the past
year. Ten thousand men are affected.
Atlanta, Ga. The Georgia railroad
strike arbitration board decided
against the seniority of white firemen
over negroes. The arbitrators, how
ever, placed a premium on intelligence
among firemen, which. It is believed.
will ultimately result in the gradual
elimination of all except the most ex
pert negroes.
Indianapolis. Ind. The executive
board of the Mineworkers has refused
to grant the request of Central Penn
sylvania operators for a reduction of
the wag scale in those districts. The
operators complained that on account
of competition from non-union dis
tricts they were unable to pay the
present scale and at the same time
make a profit out of the coal business.
We do not know what the operators
will do," said President Lewis, "but
we certainly will not grant a reduc
tion in wages."
Atlanta, Ga. The preparation of
bill to exclude negroes from employ
ment as firemen and trainmen In this
state was begun by a committee rep
resenting the firemen and trainmen of
the Georgia railroad. The measure
will be presented to the Georgia leg
islature, now in session. A bill al
ready introduced In the house requires
an educational test for negro firemen.
Tallahassee, Fla. The Florida house
of representatives by a vote of 38 to
recently passed the Fan-is child la
bor bill, which makes it unlawful for
children under 14 years of age to work
in factories, mines, poolrooms, etc..
during the months schools are in ses
New York. New York employers do
not want men over SO years of age.
The special employment bureau for
the handicapped, conducted by the
Charity Organisation society, reports
that in a year it has been able to find
work for only 75 men out of 193 who
were over 50 years old, in each case
the applicant's age being the only ob
jection. San Francisco. The men employed
in the iron trades have received a re
duction of 15 minutes a day. This re
duces the workday under the agree
ment with the Metal Trades associa
tion to 8! hours a da v.
Yonngstown, O. With the declara
tion that the Republic - Iron & Steel
Company will demand an open shop
for its Brown-BonneU plant here and
the M aline (111.) plant in connection
with the certain "open shop policy
of the United States Steel Corporation
its tin plate and sheet mills, the
Amalgamated Association of Iron,
Steel and Tin Workers is facing the
gravest situation that it has ever had
to contend with, not excepting the
strikes of 1901 and 1903. The demand
for an open shop on the part of the
Republic came at the time that the
Western Bar Iron association was in
conference with the Amalgamated at
Cambridge Springs this week, and
was not known until Saturday, after
an agreement had been reached with
that association. It was a bolt out of
clear sky and has completely dazed
the Amalgamated.
Chicago. A sum of $125,543,947 was
paid out in wages to 175,000 employes
of the Pennsylvania railroad system
in 190S. according to a statement Is
sued. The amount is $29,471,951 less
than was paid the year before, when
S155.015.S08 was paid to 199.000 men.
Although there was such a large de
crease in the total sum, the rate of
wages as established for 1907, which
was ten per cent, greater than the
rate paid during the greater part of
1906, was maintained for all classes of
employes through 190S. There were,
however, some reductions in hours in
1$KS which affected the gross sum
earned by certain classes of em
Sharon, Pa. Within ten days the
Carnegie Steel Company will be oper
ating its big works in South Sharon in
full, affording employment to 2,000
men. Orders have been received to
et the skeip mill ready for Imme
diate resumption. This will require
ten days time. It has. been idle since
November, 1907. Xo. 1 blast furnace
will resume next Tuesday and all of
the open-hearth furnaces and coke
ovens will go Into operation. Nearly
600 additional men will be needed
when these departments are started.
It has been two years since the South
works of the Carnegie Steel Company
operated its plant at full capacity.
Omaha, Neb. The International
Printing Pressmen's and Assistants
Union of North America, at their
twenty-firzt annual convention in this
city, elected the following officers for
the coming year: President, George
L. Berry, San Francisco; first vice
president, Peter J. Dobbs. New York
city; second vice-president, Michael
H. Flannery. Chicago; third vice-president,
Clayton A. Pense, Chicago; sec
retary-treasurer, Patrick J. Mc Mullen.
Cincinnati. All those elected except
the third vice-president are present
incumbents. President Berry was re
elected without opposition.
Boston. Ladies tailors and dress
makers recently establiushed a rule
that no member could work overtime
while there were members unem
ployed. Several members violated the
rule. Recently they made their peace
with the union by paying to the men
and women unemployed at the time of
the violation the full amounts they had
received for all overtime work.
New York. During 1908 the Boot
and Shoe Workers International union
paid 15 death benefits, which aggre
gated $13,300; six disability benefits,
$375. and a total of 13.783 weeks' sick
benefits, aggregating $68,917.08, mak
ing total for benefits expended $82,-
Buffalo, K. Y. The Lackawanna
Steel Company posted notices an
nouncing a ten per cent. Increase la
wages of both office and mill forces,
effective July 1. The Lackawanna, in
common with other independent com
panies, cut wages last March when
business conditions were discouraging
and the trust was cutting prices. "The
increase is effective straight through
the plant," said Superintendent Downs.
"As to the significance of the action
I need only say that business condi
tions warrant the increase, therefore
it is given."
Portland, Ore. Organized labor in
the state of Oregon has, through its
representatives, prepared a bill to be
presented to the state legislature to
prohibit the manufacture of stoves in
the state penitentiary. There are 150
convicts working In the stove plant
and the state receives from the con
tractors 45 cents a day for each man.
The free laborers in the stove indus
try are paid from $2.50 to $3.75 a day.
Pittsburg. Pa. The International
Molders Union of North America and
the Associated Iron Holders of Scot
land have entered into an agreement
relative to the exchange of cards be
tween the members of both unions.
Pittsburg, Kan. All the miners in
the north end of the Pittsburg coal
field, about 6,000 in number, quit work.
No strike had been called, but the men
decided to suspend work until a de
cision is reached in the check-off dis
pute. A break in the ranks of the op
erators occurred when two companies,
the Sheridan Coal Company and the
McCormick Coal Company, announced
they would grant the miners' demands.
Washington. The National Letter
Carriers association will soon begin
the erection of a national sanitarium
for the exclusive use of members of
tha association.
uhionJsiw I
Named Shoes are Often Made
in Son-union Factories. $
no matter tchat its name an-
less it bears a plain and read-
able impression of this Union Stamp.
All Shoes tcithout the Union Stamp
are Altcays Non-Union
Do not accept anu excuse for the absence of the
246 Sumner St., Boston, Mass:
John F. Tobin, Pres. Chas. L. Baine, Sec-Treas.
Look for. the Red, White
and Blue Price Cards
They will save you money.
Mr. Inside Man, you have an electric fan.
How about your good wife? Has she an electric
fan? Is she still broiling herself and the steaks
over a red-hot coal range? Why not pause and
consider her comfort and convenience a little bit?
If not both electric fan and gas range f
(Set a (Ssls-
It will make the kitchen comfortable; it w3I
save hours and health, and make home happy.
Cheaper than coal and so clean, convenient and
comfortable. We sell the ranges (cash or pay
ments) and furnish the gas. You furnish the
match. And then the housewife is equipped
with labor-saving machinery. Once used, never
abandoned.. Ask 5,000 Lincoln women- who
cook with gas.
Lincoln Gas and
Electric Light Co.