Paitroefee Home taduistry Leading Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Cooperation of Organized Labor and Their Friends: USEE Lincoln Paint and (olor (o. PRODUCTS Thy atrk thk Betstt Farmers & Merchants Bank ESTABLISHED 1901. Corner 1Mb and O S tracts. The Oldest Commercial State Bank In Lincoln. 4 Per Cent Interest paid on time deposits. Toans granted on the most favorable terms, consistent with conservative nan sing, An of the officers and directors of this bank have been connected with It since its organisation in 1901. Office Hoars s-U; 1:W-:M: T:S-9:J. Auto Phono 303S Dr. Lillian L. Snow Physician Diseases of Women and Children. Corner Fourteenth sad O Sts, Room li-15. Entrance 1SS O St. r. M. Stephenson. Pes. Willis Rowdiffe, Sec-Tress. Tho Lincoln Wall Paper Go. Retailers and Jobbers of Hall Pspsr tsd Roca llculdings W South 11th Street. Both Phones. Alanson Chapman Abstracter of Titlos Hsiser s Um Nesrs.Ua association sj Bosses Absbscters. LINCOLN Funks Stock. Southwest Cor. Uth and O Sts. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Comp'y Manufacturers et Proaea Creams. Ices. Sherbets, Punches, Individuals and Fancy Brick Cream. Ofl5c aad Factory. N. W. Cor. Tth & L -Auto 18. BeUC i1 , A Sanitary Fnctorr that FaparUes with f cleanhneaa K Tfee nines of its kind in B the State. THE SUGAR BOWL C I OLDS IMS O STREET. - Ice Cream Candy - School Supplies Stationery Cigars News Office hours a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to S p. m. Dr. Joseph M. Smith Osteopathic 'Physician 605-606 Burr Block Phone Auto 4615. Auto tsSS; Bell F-4U. J. P. DREITH Coal, Wood and Cobs FLOUR AND FEED SIXTH AND F STREETS. SKOGLUND BROS. The Photographers Fine Photographs at Moderate Prices. Frames Made u Order. Work Guaranteed. GIVE US A TRIAL. Phone Aut S8i. 1026 O Street Dealer in Meats and Groceries Cash Coupons Given wish Each SS-Cent and over Pur chase. Redeemable In Premiums. Phones SeH 657; Auto 1557. SO 17 O STREET A. A. TANNER. PMa, fc HfT. J. B. M KISTNGER. Ja. Sac. A. J. VHKELER. VktAa Lincoln Lumber &CoalCo. SUCCESSOR TO L. C OBER T.IKS LUMBER GO. 18th and R Streets Phones Auto 1713. Bell 713 HWE THE iti vans ... Do Your Washing Auto Phone 1581. Ben Phone A-2059 W. C. VAN ANDEL Stoves, Furniture and Queensware. : : x 1S2 SOUTH TENTH ST. R. C. SCHNEIDER FRESH d SALT HEATS Cutter, Poultry & EggS 6am. In Siasn 309 SOUTH NINTH STREET. Phones Bell 433; Auto 1433. FOR BEST RESULTS AT HOME. Uoo Littlo Hatchot Flour ASK FOR IT WILBER & DE WITT MILLS 145 Sooth 9th St, LINCOLN Shoot the Landlord I (Figuratively speaking) by buying or baOdaaT homo of your own. We win loam you the mousy for & long term on easy payments. Tour monthly sav ings win soon put your own roof over your bead. Security Scaring & Loan 'Association . IKS OS!. I C OBERLIES, President. I. H. HATFIELD. Secretary-Tr When in Need of FRESH BAKED GOODS Order at 1307 O Street. We make our own Candies, Ice Cream, Ices and Punches None Better. Bell 456 Auto 22 J4 A. T. SEELEY and CO. Rogers Lumr Go. Wholesale ami BetaO. LUMBER The most complete stock h the State 900 TO 24 NO. NINTH ST. C. E. PERKINS, Mgl Goopor and Colo Bros. JOBBERS OP Wintiaills, Praps, Steam, Wafer and Plcaaers' Supplies 219-223 SO. TENTH ST. Telephones Bell 104; Auto 2688. DRESHBR The Lincoln Tailor For Up-to-Date Clothes 143 SO. TWELFTH ST. We Invite you to visit our Hardware Store If is Hardware Stoves, Sporting Goods, Razors, Razor Strops and Cutlery at Low Prices Iloppo's Ilardnaro, 103 Lb. I C I j T. J.Ttcrp Uzztlzo Co. Practical Machinists Does eeneral Murine Work. Be r of Aetoa rTtanse; t . saevstors. rasas. . Rubbtr Straps, Seals, SttscSs, Trait Gacks STAR LOAN CO. 307 RICHARDS BLOCK. Any Engineer. Brakeman, Fireman. Conductor, Shopman, or any Salaried Employee can Get aay from us Just on His Note. Busl- iness Confidential. Phones Bell F-1156; Auto 1159. Cbdstopulos ; , MODERN SHINING PARLORS THE UNION - - I0I8 O ST. THE PALACE - 1236 O ST. ' THE ACME. N. W. COR. 14th eV O Hats Cltfana d and Keblscked Shine 5c Every lady who owns a Gas Range says nothing can - beat it for getting a quick breakfast. That means more time to rest before and after breakfast. v Why not enjoy that great advantage by ordering a Gas Range now? Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Company OPEN EVENINGS Porter Hedge Abstract Co. 313 E&zrts Abstracts of Title R. I DOWNING L. F. REDDISH Reddish-Downing Coal and Feed Co. Yards, 14th and W Bell Phone A236 Office, 136 No. 14th Auto Phone 2236 Office Hours 9 to IS; 1 to 5. A. P. Furgason, M. D. EYE, EAB, HOSE AND THROAT - GLASSES FITTED 313-314- Richards Block Phones Office, Auto 1848; Res. Auto 1269. BUY YOUR FURNITURE AND SECOND HAND GOODS AT THE Rock Island Second Hand Sforo Cash or Easy Payments Will Buy What You Have for Sale at Best Prices, or Exchange New Goods for Old. Rock Island Second Hand Store Auto 7043. 2012 O St. Auto Phone 2066 Piles Cured Without Operating Dr. Herbert A. Abbott Stomach, Bowel and Rectal Diseases 1X3 O Street J. L. Woodworth Harness, Saddles, Whips, Collars, ' Blankets, Robes, Nets, Etc. Light Harness a Specialty. Repairing Promptly Done 1218 O STREET. The GETTIER MARKET WALT SHAFFER, Proprietor Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry, Game and Fish Phone Bell 72; Auto 1172. ' ' 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. I Lincoln, Neb. R. S. YOUNG Building Supply Company BUILDING MATERIAL COAL Both Phones 1342 O Street Roberts' Sanitary Dairy i J. R- ROBERTS, Pbopbxetos Dealer in Gigb-Grade Dairy Prtiscts 1524 N STREET. Ben Phone F-541; Aute Plume MU The Lincoln Steam Paste Co. 315 SOUTH NINTH STREET. . Wnolesale and BetaO. FLOUR, FEED AND HAY papckmangejU' paste IDEAL FLOUR r. l. surra r.iAcin:;E v;cr.:is alancfacturer and Dealer la Engines, Boilers, Steam Ppe. SHAFTING, HANGERS, PULLEYS General Machinery aad Supplies Automobiles Repaired Cot. 9th and M Sts. P. O. Boa K3 F. R. HELLERICH 1429 O STREET. Our Goods Speak for Themselves. Ahrays and Best. Give Us a Trial, tfce F. BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS The Fire-Fly Tool Grinder Is the best Invention ivw for sharpening tools of ail description. Price tfit quarters for Bicycle repairina; braxinc; and tietit maraiae work. Prices always right- latest Edxaoa ' Gorwto. A full stock of Records always on. haad. Kaa Orders promptly filled.. Girard Cycls Co.. 140 Cs. UCiSfresi