m OFFICE OF Dr. R. L. BENTLEY SPECIALIST CHILDREN OtBc Hoars 1 to 4 p. u. I SL 2U1S O St. Both Phon LINCOLN. NEBRASKA DR. GHAS.YUNGBLUT DENTIST ROOM" 202, BURR BLK. UICOLI. IEB. WA6EW0RKER HAYDEfTS ART STUDIO New Location. 1127 O Fine fk n Specialty. Aato 3336 Vageworkers, Attention We have Money to Loan on Chattels. Plenty of it, too. Utmost secrecy. KELLY & NORRIS I29 So. Ilta St. DISEASES OF WOMEN All rectal diseases such as Piles, Fistulas, Fissure and Rec tal Ulcer treated scientifically and successfully. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, Specialist. Office, Richards Block. INSTANTANEOUS BED-BUG KILLER If you have need of a reliable bug killer of any kind, especially Bed Bugs we have one that is ScrC. If il fails, come and get your money back. It breaks up nesting places and kills the eggs. Put up in convenient squirt top bottles. Dig Coillos 25c RECTOR'S 12th &o WILL M. MAVPIN. EDITOR Published Weekly at 13? No. 14th St, Lincolr, Neb. One Dollar a Tear. Entered as second-class matter April 2 1, 1304. at the postoffice at Lincoln, 'eb., under the Act of Congress of March 3rd. 1879. Announcements. Philip A. Sommerlad. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for county treas urer, subject to the republican pri maries to be held on August 17, 1909. PHILLIP A. SOMMERLAD. LABOR DAY PARADES. There seems to be a growing op position among trades unions to the Labor Day parade. The Wageworker notes in a number of its exchanges ihe adoption of resolutions" by differ ent unions opposing the parade fea ture, and advocating the idea of mak ing the holiday a day of real rest and recreation. A parade means a lot of expense that the organizations can ill afford at this time when there are so many calls for assistance. It means that fully one-half of a day that should be a day of recreation is taken up with the fuss and fret and worry and work of a parade in the hot sun. It means that the good wives have to work overtime. And, after all, what good does a parade accomplish? The tired worker would be far better off if he devoted the day wholly to rest. The editor of this paper has never failed to parade with his union when it turned out on Labor Day, but per sonally he is developing some oppo sition to the parade idea. Not be cause he is getting too old to march behind the band, for he expects to be young enough to do that sort of thing for a hundred years or more to come. But he is getting a little tired of seeing a few thousand men parading their strength on Labor Day and then making a bigger parade of their weakness on election day. Whatever the Lincoln Labor Day committee decides upon win be per fectly satisfactory to The Wage worker, but just now' it seizes the opportunity to remark that it would be quite willing to dispense with parade in this good year of 1909. That is. omit the parade on the first Monday in September and make one that will count for something on the Tuesday after the first Monday November. holler for 'a Moses, are pulling down their little old 80 to $100 a month and laying off almost half as many hours as the high and mighty station ;ent is slaving.. Of ccurse it would never do for station agents to organize. Organiza tion is only for greasy mechanics, you know. It would be far beneath the dignity of the station agent to organ ize. He occupies a semi-official rela tion with the public, even if he is almighty small potatoes in the eyes of the corporation that pushes him to the limit of physical and mental en durance. Why'n thunder don't the station agents ask for the help of the hu mane society? Why don't they ap peal their case on the ground that their treatment is in reality cruelty to animals? They are too good to organize on the same basis as the greasy mechanics, therefore they really deserve the sympathy of the charitable. We suggest to Secretary Perkins' correspondent that he state his case to the humane society. A long ex perience in the field of labor has con vinced us that this thing of hollering for a Moses is mighty unprofitable. Moses has been quite dead for about four thousand years, according to Upshur's chronology. Anyhow he has been dead long enough to have be come an exceedingly back number Mn the emancipation business. Besides, this Moses business is mighty un profitable to the Moses. Every time we feel like doing the Moses act we pause and consider the fact that not only is Moses a dead one, but he didn't connect with anything of par ticular moment or profit to himself after all his years of effort and sac rifice. Thoughtful men are not Moses- ing to any large extent these days. and we opine that Secretary Perkins correspondent is .going to holler in vain for a Moses to help him. His only chance is to do his own Mosesing, and from our knowledge of the aver age railroad station agent he will make a mighty poor showing at it when he does undertake it. The "hu mane society seems to be his best hope- bis oils best bet. Is there any reason why the Trac tion company should be permitted to defer payment of its taxes and use the fact to hammer the city into some concessions? Is the Traction com pany entitled to any more considera tion than the mechanic who owns his own little cottage? The five-year Traction company men get 23 cents an hour. But 'from the way the management is finding excuses to "can" the men who wear union buttons it will be five years and eleven months before it has to pay the 23 cents to anybody save a few "quillers." Wear Nifty Slots And Save Your Money TVTckn'e CrfrvAc A Z00 ne of SI2es' up-to-date styles; in patent kid, tan lVien S VXrOrClS and gun metal caH and kid; fcO OC worth $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00; now p.3 1 Q9 lXraiwo Ladies Tan Calf Pumps; all sizes; worth CO A C lOjLi 1 ailS $3.50 and $4.00; now JZ.K MD Bronze Pumps; two-hole ties and ankle straps; worth CO AC r airS $3.50 and $4.00; now pZ.70 feather," you know. Both married their affinities and both discarded the wives who helped them to fame and fortune. Honest and virtuous hus bands and wives can stand that sort of opposition. Two thousand 'union men read The Wageworker every week. If you are a candidate for once you wouic ao well to make the fact known through the columns of a paper That reaches the wage earners. Having talked for a long time about doing something for the working- man, suppose our good menus taKe av vacation long enough to let the wbrkingman do a few things for himself. The wise aspirant for county office will publish his announcement in The Wageworker, where it win be read by the men whose toil keeps the wheels of business going 'round. The grocers and butchers have adopted the Wednesday afternoon half holiday for the summer. That's an idea that business men in other lines should adopt. If the liquor interests of this state expect to save anything from the wreck they'd" better get somebody with a little brains to manage their end of the campaign. The men who are doing the act now act like a set of purblind, chumps. Let it be understood right now that the coal dealer who gets your trade next season must stand all right with the Team Drivers" Union. Wallace LCrandall Repntlfcai Cariilate ftr Coaity Clerk Asks your Support at Primaries August 17 imnnY g. adbott REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Primaries Aotrast 17th STREET CAR MEN WIN. LaCrosse Strikebreakers Shipped Out of tha City. me street car locs-out is prac tically setUed and the Imported strike breakers were discharged and shipped out of town. The difficulties still pending were left to a board of arbi tration for settlement. The terms of agreement were not exactly what was desired but as long as the two parties directly Interested are satisfied the public had no complaint to make. The fight was a clear victory for the men who, like all union men, do not believe In destroying property to reach a settlement. The outcome has been a lesson for. both parties concerned and should some misunderstanding occur in the , future it win. no doubt, be setUed by arbitration at once. La Cross (Wis.) Labor Journal. THE UNFORTUNATE CUSS! Clark Perkins, secretary of the Ne braska State Railway commisison, is in receipt of a letter from a railroad station agent that contains enough tears to irrigate a Kinkaid home stead. It is such a touching letter that we can not refrain from repro ducing it, followed by a few comments of our own. The letter is as follows: "Mr. Clark Perkins, Lincoln, Neb., Dear Sir: I am sending you a copy of my mail report to the commission, f am very sorry you are not getting these reports on time, but the federal law makes it a crime for me, as an operator, to stay on duty over twelve hours, out of twenty-four, and I have twenty-three hours work out of every twenty-four to perform. "The railroad is putting new reports on the agents to save general office expenses. Laws have been made that force the agent to make report after report never before known, until actu ally, Mr. Perkins, there is nothing that reminds me so much of the con dition of the station agent today as that little piece of scripture which tells about Israel in bondage in Egypt, where the workers were compelled to gather their own straw to make bricks. Tor humanity's sake send i Moses and send him quick. "If you don't send him quick there will be no station agents left to be delivered from bondage." Now wouldn't that jar you? Isn' that enough to make the weeps come The poor, oppressed man! How our heart aches for him. In his wisdom he is unable to see where emancipa tion lies. For his little old $70 pe month he is worked like a slave, y-a, worked until his soul cries out in anguish for a Mcses. And while He is yelling for a Moses the 'ignorant printer, the unintelligent plumber, the mentally incapacitated electrical worker, who haven't senee enough to With hogs selling at $7.90 in South Omaha the "poor oppressed farmer" might give a moment's thought to the man in the city whose toil makes it possible for the farmer to market his hogs at alL There is something wrong with the employe who will "quill" his employer to gain favors for himself at the expense of his fellow workers. We've got that kind right here in Lincoln. If this papers editor owned any stock in a brewery in Nebraska it would be for sale awfully cheap. A man does not need spectacles to see the handwriting on the wall. The Traction company generously gives Sauu lor public band concerts. For every dollar thus generously given it will get $3 back in the way of increased patronage. marked a member who is listed among the active ones.' "We are not organ ized for strike purposes, but to pre vent strikes. Ail we want is a little more, voice in matters that interest ns equally with the management. We believe that everything will run more smoothly if we have recognition of the union and matters of mutual concent are taken up by a grievance board in stead of letting a man fight bis case out all alone." At Saturday night's meeting a hand some collection was taken np for the benefit of a member who is out of work. ELECT UNION PRINTER MAYOR. Citizens of Eureka, Cal, Give Union Typo Big Majority. W. L. Lambert has been elected mayor of Eureka, Cal.. Mr. Lambert is treasurer of Eureka Typographical Union, has long been a consistent worker, and served two terms In the city council. His opponent was H. L Ricks, the incumbent- The latter represented the Citizens" Alliance forces, and was beaten in every pre cinct, Mr. Lambert having a majority of over 800 votes. Labor Clarion. ican Brotherhood of Cement Workers. September 17, New York. Pocket- - knife Blade Grinders and Finishers In ternational Union. September 20, , , Trav elers" Goods and Leather Novelty Workers' International Union of America. September 20, Minneapolis, Mien.. International Association of Brlttm and Structural Iron Workers. October 4. Milwaukee, Wis, Interna tional Union of Shipwrights, Joiner. Canlkers, Boat Builders and Ship Cab inet Makers of America. October 4. Toronto. Oat, Awalyav mated Association of Street sad Elec tric Railway Employes of AmerUn. October 5, Milwaukee, Wis, Jour neymen Barbers International Union of America. October 19, Detroit, Mich, Interna tional Association of Car Workers. October 19, Charlotte. X. C, Called Textile Workers of America. November 8, Toronto, Can, Ameri can Federation of Labor. November 29, New Tort. JC T, In terna tional Seamen's Union. December 8, Indianapolis, lad. In ternational Alliance of Bin Posters t America. Swatless batters have ceased make a hit with Lincoln "fans." It costs nothing onion label. to demand the Let's make Labor Day really labor's day. STREET RAILWAY WORKERS. The union plumbers of MassiSon, Ohio, have compromised. They now get $3 for eight hours. CONVENTIONS OF 1909. Where and When the Clans Will Gather to Boost the Cause. Is the Traction company manage ment adopting a policy of "nagging" the employes who wear union buttons? There is a growing suspicion that this is true. It must be admitted that Roosevelt has drawn more blood from African animals in six weeks than he did water from American trusts in six years. The ex-Mrs. Post and the ex-Mrs. Hubbard might hold a reunion and tell what they know about "union busters." The strike of the Des Moines brick layers is a strike that every fair- minded citizen should endorse. " Demanding the label is one form of boycotting the unfair employers that the courts can not touch. C. bard W. Post is patting Elbert Hub on the back. "Birds of a Rousing Meeting Saturday Night and Mere New Members Added. The local division of Motormen and Conductors met at midnight last Sat urday night and held another rousing meeting at which the interest mani fested was intense. Eight new mem bers ' were obligated, and there are more to be taken in at the next meet ing. A few of the old men are still hold ing back. Among them are two or three who are known to be unusually welcome at headquarters. But the pressure is being brought to bear and it is believed that with the excep tion of less than half a dozen, every motorman and conductor in the ser vice will be on the union rolls before the .end of the month. It is pleasing to note the tone of conservatism that predominates among the men. There is no disposi tion to push matters to extremes. But there is a disposition to have an un derstanding with the management With this end in view there will prob ably bo an agreement submitted for the signature of the managers, and this agreement will ask recognition of the union, recognition of a grievance committee and an understanding on various points. One thing that will be insisted upon is that in case a man is laid off cn a charge the charge shall be investigated thoroughly, and if the man is found innocent he is to be re instated at once and payment be made him for the time lost. A wage scale will also be asked for, and while an increase over the recent one may not be demanded, there will be some in sistence that it be equalized a little better. .None of us are talking strike, re- July 17, Newark, N. J, Wire Weav ers Protective Association. July 19, Philadelphia, Pa, Interna tional Steel and Copper Plate Printers' Union. July 22. Louisville, Ky, Retail Clerks International Protective Asso ciation. July . Atlantic City, N. J, Nation al Brotherhood of Operative Potters. August 2, Denver, Colo, Amalgamat ed Sheet Metal Workers International Alliance. August 2, Buffalo, N. Y, Journeymen Tailor Union of America. August 3, Detroit, Mich, Interna tional Glove Workers Union of America. August 9, St. Joseph, Mo, Interna tional Typographical Union. August 10, Indianapolis, Ind, Shirt Waist and Laundry Workers Inter national Union. August 12, Kansas City; Mo, Inter national Stereotypers and El ec trot it ers' Union of North America. August 16, Boston, Mass, Metal Pol ishers. Buffers, Platers, etc " September 6, Eureka, Humb Co.. Cal International Brotherhood of Woods men and Saw Mill Workers. September , Springfield, Mass, Ta ble Knife Grinders National Unic September 6, St. Louis, Mo, Natirnal Federation of Postoffice Clerks. September 7, Milwaukee, Wis . In ternational Photo-Fngravers Union of North America. September 9, Boston, Mass, Interna tional Spinners' Union. September 13, Bo3toa, Mass . Wood. Wire, and Metal Lathers' International Union. September 13. Denver. Colo.. Inter national Association of Machinists. September 13, Elmira, X. Y, Inter national Hodcarriers and Building Lab orers" Union of America. September 13, Chicago, 111, Interna tional Brick, Tile, and Terra. Cotta Workers" Alliance. September 14, Denver, Colo, Amer- FAIR BARBER SHOPS. You Will Find the Union Card in the Following Places, When yon enter a barber shop, see that the union shop card is fa plaia sight before you get Into the chair. If the card is not to be seen, go else where. . The union shop card Is guarantee of a cleanly shop, a smooth. shave or good hair-cut, and courteous treatment- The following barber shops are entitled to the patronage of union men: George Petro, 1619 O. " J. J. Simpson. 101 O. George Shaffer. Lincoia HoteL C. B. Ellis, Windsor HoteL D. S. Crop, Capital HoteL M. J. Roberts. Royal HoteL A. L. Kimmerer, Linden HoteL C. A Green, 120 North Eleventh. C. A. Green, 1132 O. E. A. Wood, 120 O. Chaplin Ryan, 129 North Twelfth. E. C. Evans. 1121 P. Bert Sturm, lis South Thirteenth. J. B Raynor, laol O. Muck sc Barthelman, 122 Sooth Twelfth. J. J. Simpson. 922 P. Frank Mai one. Havelock. a A Hugbart, Havelock. UNION PRINT SHOP. Us Prirrteries That Are Entitled to the Allied Trades Label. Following Is a list of the srtntlac offices In Lincoln that are entitled to the use of the Allied Printing Trades label, together with tie num ber of the label used by each shop: Jacob North & Co, No. L Chas. A Simmons, No. 2 Freie Presse, No. 3. Woodruff-Collins, No. 4. Graves A Payne-, No. 5. State Printing Co, No. L Star Publishing Co, No. 7. Western Newspaper Union, No. 8- Wood Printing Co, No. 9. Dairyman Publishing Co, No. 10. George Brothers. No. 11. McVey. No. 12. Lincoln Herald. No. 14. New Century Printers. No. 17. Giliispie & Phillips, No. IS. Herburger, The Printer, No. 29. Der Pilger, No. 23. V