The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 17, 1909, Image 1

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t ,te Historical
NO. 15
WV7A &Pfm m)W
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Some Dope About the
Great National Game
The transfer of the ownership of
the Lincoln franchise is by no means
a matter of regret. Guy Green, who
made such a wonderful financial suc
cess of Uie "Green's Indian" team,
found the management of a lot of
white players a somewhat different
preposition. There Is a very preva
lent opinion that Mr. Green did not
-nit It off well" with some of the
players, and as a result there was a
lack of harmony that was evidenced
In the percentage table. But Lincoln's
low standing is not wholly due to lack
of Individual effort on the part of the
players although no one who regular
ly attends the games can conscien
tiously declare that the players have
done their best. It is stated that Mr.
Green has cleared up over 13.000 with
the team to the date he sold it. When
one considers the number of games
lost by rain, and other drawbacks, one
must admit that this offers one mighty
good reason for Lincoln's low standing
in the table. A little more attention
to Riving the people what they " pay
for. even at the risk of letting loose
of a piece of money, would have re
sulted in a strengthening of the team.
Instead of letting go of some of this
profit Mr. Green contented himself,
seemingly, with picking up an occa
sional amateur pitcher or taking a
cast-off from some other team, in the
league. While be was pursuing this
policy other managers were letting go
of their money in efforts to strengthen
their teams.
Nor will it longer suffice to lay all
our misfortune to the weakness of the
pitching staff. Weak as that staff is,
it has been doing better than the team
behind it. Take the case of young
Maxwell on Friday" of last week
"Christy" Matthewson would have had
hard work winning that game with the
support of accorded the young ama
teur. Same way with McCatferty the
next day. YouH not see the weak
ness of "Mac's" support shown up in
the official score, but it was there,
just the same. And it is growing just
a little wearisome to have the whole
blame for defeat laid upon a weak
pitching staff and a bone-headed um
pire. One is forced to admit that Has
kell's umpiring is at times very much
to the dandelion, but what's the use
of longer continuing the foolish task
of trying to believe that we lose games
because his umps is against us? We
know better.
in the amateur teams of the state. I
have been told of a dozen catchers
who can hit a 763 clip, of a score of
amateur pitchers who can win seven
games out of eight, and I've got a line
on short stops enough to equip a dozen
leagues. I can not understand, after
having all this dope given me. why
any one should conceive the idea that
ball players are scarce.
Say, we might put the grandstand
on the south side, turn the field t'other
side to. and see if it wouldn't reverse
this "luck" we hear so much about.
Th reeular "fan" the "fan" who
pays his good money to see every
game, and who has no favorites to
play is Inclined to the belief that a
change of policy as regards the treat
ment of the players might help things
some. There has been altogether too
much coddling, too much excusing, too
much boosting of individuals, "with
a view to helping them catch on in a
big league." The result of all this
sort of thing is too frequent "grand
standing at times when every in
terest of the game demanded that the
player forget that there is such a
thing as people in the seats. It will
not do to longer say that "luck is
breaking against' us." That is an old
atorv. And the old timers at the
game only laugh when they are asked
td study the score for proof of the as
sertion. Some scoring is a joke.
And It Is high time. too. that Man
ager Fox give about fifteen of his col
leagues a couple of hypodermic injec
tions of ginger and make them get
out on the coaching lines. One might
see a half-dozen games on the home
grounds without seeing or hearing any
evidence to prove that Lincoln's ball
team Is not made up of a bunch of
mutes. While visiting teams put men
out oa the coaching lines and raise
particular thunder. Lincoln's players
remain glued to their seats as tight
as a hired man to the shade of a tree
when the boss farmer isn't around.
Manager Fox was first up the other
day, and he actually had to turn to
the players bench and growl: "Get
p on first there, some of you fellows,
and get Into the game. . Then David
son ambled to the coaching lines and
for a couple of minutes made almost
as much noise as a cat in cotton slip
pers walking across a velvet carpet.
That sort of spirit does not win ball
games. It there la no one on the
team who can get out oa the coaching
lines and make a Boise like & fat man
falling through a drug store window.
Managers Despaiu and Stoner ought
to hire tone leather-lunged "fan." put
him la uniform and set him to going-
What puts more ginger into a game
than nifty coaching? After you ans
wer that question for yourself just ask
yourself how many of the Lincoln
team sit on the bench and make a
noise like a clam. Ever see Thomas
out on the coaching line? He is com
edian enough while in the field, and
he could put life into the game if he
got out on the line. But he does not.
Ever see Jude out there? Or Wald
ron. or when when one of the Lin
coln team does get out on the coach
ing lines do you ever hear him to any
appreciable extent? One good coacher
like that funny man from Wichita
would be worth more to the Lincoln
team right now than a first-class pitcher.
gate from the ministerial union, was
present and made a talk that won
him hearty applause.
Next Monday is an open date with
the Foxes and Messrs. Despain and
Stoner have decided to give the play
ers a day of rest. A fishing expedi
tion to Milford is now on the card.
Wednesday's Evening News.
That's a pious idea. On the princi
ple of "siniila similibus curanter" the
Lincoln team ought to catch enough
bull heads at Milford to fill a freight
A Short Session Gets Away with a
Lot of Business.
The Central Labor Union met Tues
day evening and got away witu a
goodly bunch of -business in good
time. It was unanimously agreed .'was adiudsed the winner.
If the world were actually all civil
ized, wouldn't it be too weak even to
ripen? And now, in the great centers,
where is accumulated most of what
we value as the product of man's best
efforts, is there strength enough to
elevate the degraded - humanity that
attends our highest cultivation? We
have a gay confidence that we can do
something for Africa. Can we reform
London and Paris and New York,
which our own hands have made.
Charles Dudley Warner.
Among the Live Ones
Here and Hereabouts
Officers Installed at the Meeting Held
Wednesday Afternoon
Capital Auxiliary No. 11 met with
Mrs. August Radebach last Wednes
day afternoon, and the officers elect
ed recently were inducted into office.
Recently a prize was offered to the
member who would turn into the label
committee the largest number of
pieces of printed matter minus the
"little joker. The contest ended
Wednesday and Mrs. W. M. Maupin
Haven't we had about enough ex
cuses for failures to win games? And
isn't it about time to have it under
stood that the people who pay their
good money to see ball games are en
titled to something more than individ
ual "grandstanding" and friendly- ef
forts to boost into the big leagues?
We've had the luck gag spring often
enough. We've had a surfeit of
ing the ump." If we could have one
fifth as many hits as we've had ex
cuses we'd be at the top of. the per
centage table. The faithful "fans"
are not demanding the impossible,
Where is there another city in the
Western league that would have con
tinued such royal support of a per-1
that the body go on record against a
parade Labor Day and in favor of
a general outing. A committee was
also appointed to arrange for a the
atrical benefit. Another committee
was authorized to go ahead and se
cure two hundred members to an
organization with a view to meeting
more than half way the promoters of
the "labor headquarters"-idea. -
Several new delegates were obli
gated and a collection of $3.50 taken
up for the benefit -of the striking hat
ters. Rev. Mr. Zenor, fraternal dele-
contest of the same kind was at once
Mrs. Will Bustard was warmly wel
comed at the meeting. She has fully
recovered from recent severe illness.
Mrs. Hoffmeister is slowly recover
ing from her illness, but she is still
confined to her bed.
Mrs. W. M. Maupin and children
returned Monday after a pleasant
visit with relatives in North Bend.
The next meeting will be held on
July 28 at the home of Mrs. C. B.
luck 'and "his umps."
The new management of the Lincoln
team will be backed up In its every
legitimate attempt to strengthen the
team by the acquisition of new play
ers, but there are those who insist that
the first thing needed is to convince
some of the men already on the salry
list that they'll have to brace up if
hey continue to connect with the en
velope. It's all right to holler against
"knockers." but even the most persis
tent and consistent booster loses
heart when he coughs up half a ducat
every day to see games lost by woozy
playing and futile swipes at the horse
hide. Give us a rest oa this "weak
pitching staff dope and get busy with
the amiable gentlemen behind the
Johnnie Dugan, the printer umpire.
couldn't last- Dugan's health failed
There ia more thaa owe "fan" who
Is ot the opinion, that there are about
ntne too many would be home run
hitters on the team, and not nearly
enough hitters who are content to hit
the ball just hard enough to get
them to first. It fa awfully sweet, no
doubt, to bear the plaudits of the
multitude when one swats the ball up
against the back tjeld fence, but plan
dits tor that sort ot thing are becom
ing woefully scarce these days, but
there Is a discouragingly large num
ber ot would-be home runs that arch
up into heaven like a rainbow and
gently descend into the waiting hands
of opposing fielders. A tew more
sinrle and a few less attempts to
The following article, which appeared some time ago in Col
lier's is so appropriate and is such a surprise to see in one of the
leading publications of the United States, that we reproduce it:
"To those who have plenty to eat and wear, and eomfortable
houses, and no anxiety for the future, this world may naturally
wear an aspect slightly unlike the one presented to the struggling
many. Speaking of industrial progress. Mr. Raymond Robins
remarked that both are necessary, and yet both are often utterlv
inhuman. He spoke of the man who had worked twenty years as
sistent tail-end team? But the loyal a type-setter, and who is too old to leant a new trade when the
"fans" are going to demand as thej j 1 ""'J pe iorces mm out; oi me wooa carver oi yesterttay who 15
have a right to demand that this ex- out of work today because of the patent process of compressing
cuse business stop and a little more sawdust, putty and clay ; of the man who had worked twelve vears
effort made to win games despite "hard in a shop and had bought a home near his work and is slowlv pav
ing off the mortgage, when this shop is closed down without warn
ing by industrial consolidation: of him who has lost his hand in
an unprotected stieker after fifteen years of faithful labor. AH
these possibilities have been foreseen and charged up and paid
for by the consumer when the product was brought. But what of
these workers! What of their jobs and their hands and legs by
which they and their families live! Mr. Robins says that up to
this hour the labor unions have done something, the universities
a little, and the church next to nothing. The labor unions have
won some sort of fair wages, hours and working conditions wher
ever they have been strong. They have made a good tight against
child labor, night work for women and unprotected machinery.
let at best they reaeh only a small part of the working world. In
regard to violence Mr. Robins speaks some very impressive words
which touch upon that identity of interest that often exists be
tween the press and the larger forces of business:
"Our conscience has a way of going to sleep on the job and
then working overtime. In the last four years the railroads of
this country have killed 15.364 men and injured 219.495. We are
very patient over this steady industrial slaughter, but if a union
man slugs a 'scab' who is seeking to take bread from his children's
mouths we make a great outcry. We don't seem to mind that the
him at the beginning ot the season I labor laws are violated and how the workers are deliberate! v pois-
and he had to go back east. He missed oned and crippled and killed in smelter and mine and faetorv,
yet. when in the blind, hopeless struggle of infuriated masses of
men some one is killed, then we are very much outraged and
demand the troops to protect human life and enforce the law lest
the foundation of the state crumble. I remember that durin-
the great stockyards strike the packers imported criminals and
prostitutes from the purlieus of Cincinnati and St. Louis and
held private prize fights in the yards to keep them amused after
the day's work. These vicious and diseased persons worked over
the meat that you and your family were to eat, yet the conscience
of the country spoke not a single word of protest. How is it pos
sible the people can be made to carry so much at one time and so
little at another! I want to tell you why and I want you to re
member this much, at least, of what I say tonight. It is because
of the industrial censorship of the press. The great employers are
the great advertisers, and they can make or break a newspaper.
This skilful industrial censorship creates false moral resentment
or enthusiasm at will, and thus the press of the country is used tc
play upon and mislead the moral forces of the nation. Nor is
this industrial censorship confined to the press. It is over th
pulpit , and the best clubs and the most select society."
The interest that organized labor
takes in everything that makes for
the advancement of the community
has been demonstrated by the build
ing trades unions ot Lincoln during
the last week.
As is well known the park com
mission is sadly hampered by a lack
of adequate funds. Because of this
fact it , is compelled to Just "plug
along" as best it can. trusting to time
to convince the people that is i3 a
duty they owe themselves to appropri
ate an adequate amount every year for
park purposes. The commission re
cently decided that in view of' the
fact that enterprising citizens were
contributing' to a concert found it
would provide a band stand. It could
spare only $200 for that purpose, a
sum pitifully inadequate, but it was
thought that sufficient contributions
could be secured to make up the bal
ance required. Ex-Mayor Frank Brown,
a member of the commission took the
matter in charge. He found on the
part of everybody he approached the
utmost willingness to help the good
cause along. Building material men
donated practically all of the material
needed. As soon as the Union Brick
layers heard of the plan they immedi
ately offered to donate the mason work
on the foundation. Immediately the
Union Carpenters agreed to provide
for all the carpenter work without ex
pense to the board. The Union Paint
ers immediately got into the game and
agreed to artistically paint the band
stand. Then the Union Electrical
Workers stepped to the front and
agreed to wire the stand.
Thus it is that Lincoln will have a
band stand in Antelope park that is
wholly the product of union labor.
and the - labor contributed by union
men who have more than once shown
their desire to help advance the ma
terial and moral welfare of the-community.
The brick layers showed np at the
park Tuesday evening, and in such
numbers that the foundation grew
like magic Ex-Mayor Brown declares
he never saw a better job, nor one
completed in such a snort space of
time. Mrs. Frank W. Brown, assisted
by several friends, entertained the
bricklayers at luncheon, and the occa
sion was thoroughly enjoyea oy ah
who had the pleasure of participating.
The Carpenters' Union dipped into
its treasury and hired a number of
its own members to do the carpenter
work. The carpenters went to worm
Thursday morning uncer the foreman
ship of George Quick and as The
Wageworker goes to press they are
working with a will. The carpenters
on the Job will be entertained at
luncheon by Mrs. Charles W. Bryan.
As soon as needed the electrical work
ers will get onto the Job and then the
painters will come on and put the fin
ishing touches to the structure. When
completed the band stand will bear a
tablet setting forth the information
that it was erected by union labor,
and the names ot the contributing
unions will be given.
The Union Musicians have also
shown their public spirit by coming
to the front with a contribution of
$150 to the concert fund.
The Wageworker Is of the opinion
individually and collectively, became
prime favorites with the theater goers
of the city, and Mrs. Jess Fulton add
ed new laurels to those the has al
ready gained. 3Irs. Fu'toe friend
equal in number the theater patrons
of the ciy and her exceptionally
good work has been the mean of add
ing materially to the number of peo
ple who regaiariy attesd the theater.
Everybody hopes that the company
in its entirety will be re-engaged for
the ccming season.
The la terra Lionel Typographical
Union is engaged in some strenooo
organization work in Nebraska jast
now. Siate Organizer Fisher of Om
aha is visiting different parts of the
state with a view to interesting com
petent printers in the organization,
and the indications are that in a few
months Nebraska will Lave several
more Typographical Unicns.
Whoever has the concession at the
baseball park is playing a losing game
by not looking a little more carefully
to the label. About three time oat of
five the boys who go around with the
cigars flash the "scab" article, and as
a result the hundreds of cnEcn men
who attend the game pass them up.
Last Saturday a bunch of a dozes
printers sai in the bleachers and a
couple of them made a bet of the ci
gars for the bunch that a certain
play would be made. The loser called
three different boys with cigars and
none of them had the union good.
As a result the bet was not paid
the printers got np town and cooid get
hold of nn ion-made cigars.
Sam DeXedry, editor of the Wash
ington Trades Unionist, and a dele
gate to the Trades and Labor Coun
cil from the onion of, his craft, has
bees deprived of the delegates hip by
the president of the onion on the
ground that he is "too t-adicaL Per
haps he is a "radical.' but his radical
ism is of the type that meant some
thing when conservative of the craft
were whimpering. "For God's sake
don't start anything or well lose what
we've already gained." His is the rad
icalism that accomplishes things while
conservatism is looking for ways as.!
means to dodge responsibility. It was
the radical in Columbia Typographical
Union who took the boll by the horns
and kept the big government printfry
in line while the conservatives were
trembling in their boots and afraid
to sweat a hair. We'd rather be the
radical deprived of a deegateship thaat
the president of the union that t aim
a mighty good time by not umpiring a
series in Lincoln, for the printer Soys
had framed up a reception for him
that would hare warmed the cockles
ot his Irish heart. Here's hoping he
can get into the game next season.
The greatest ball game ot the sea
son will be pulled oft at tbe fair
grounds some time soon. The east
end of the state house is going to play
the west end. The state board of
health will umpire the game and Major
Birkner will be on hand with his hos
pital corps and the red cross ambu
"I've been hvlping manage the team
for about ten days now," said Don Des
pain Saturday, "and already I have
drive the bail throush the blue dome ! been asked to keep an eye on sonie-
wculd fce'.p artatiugSy.
I thins like seventeen hundred 'comers'
Timothy Sedge-sick, toe York print
er who seems to have had a big drag
with the state printing hoard in the
days gone by, made the first delivery
last Monday of the biennial report
of the state superintendent of public
instruction. He delivered fifty copies
of the 1.000 ordered. Sedgewick is
only five months behind time, and if
he is penalized as the law provides he
will be in debt to the state. Accord
ing to precedent, however, he wis get
his money.
The State Journal takes a back-
that the facts set out in this little hand swipe at Governor Stuuieaberser
story rather sets a record on the part
of organized labor in this section of
the moral vineyard.
The Central Labor Union, too, got
into the game by sending Mr. Brown a
contribution of $2.50 to the concert
fund. The central body does not col
lect enough dues to enable it to main
tain a surplus, but it showed its good
intent by making even a small contri
A number of unions have selected
their Labor Day committeemen, and
the first meeting was held last night
(Friday) at the office of the labor
commisisoner. Unions that have not
yet selected their committeemen are
requested to do so at once. The com
mittee will meet regularly from now
on until after Labor Day.
because he refused to siga
tract leasing the convicts to a gar
ment making firm front St. Loais and
then signed a contract for additional
convicts for the broom factory. In re
fusing to stand for the garment mak
ing deal Governor ShaHenberger ex
pressly mentioned the broom contract
and said that while be would oppose
patting convict labor into competoios
with free labor along any farther tines,
the damage to the free broom makers
had already been done, and a contract
was already in existence. Therefore,
he would recognize the broom cco
tract. but further thaa that he vooM
not go. This may not meet with the
approbation of tbe JooraaJ. bat it does
meet with the approbation of basest
workingmen who are trying to make
a living fcr themselves and families,
and with that Governor S&ailen&erger
is doubtless content.
Last Saturday evening the Fulton
Stock company closed the season at
the Lyric, the season having lasted
for fully nine months. During this
!ong engagement some of the very
est of the modern dramas were pre
sented, and always in a manner to
ueet with the hearty approval of the
people. The members of the company.
"Young man." said the SnecessfaJ
Old Guy. "I started as a clerk oa
three dollars a week, and today I
cwn the business-"
"I know." answ,?red the Toaag
Chap, "but they have rash registers
in all the stores now."