Patronize Homme EMo lJ5a5 Lincoln Paint and Color (o. W PRODUCTS Thy r tm Batatt Formers & Merchants Bank ESTABLISHED 1901. Corner 15th and O Streets. The Oldest Commercial Stat Bank In Lincoln. 4 Per Cent Interest paid on time deposits. Loans granted on the most favorable terms, consistent with couserrative banking. All of the officers and directors of this bank have been connected with it since its organisation in 1901. OSes Boors S-12; 1:J-5:M; T:30-9:t0. Auto Phono 3033 Dr. Lillian L. Snow Physician , Diseases of Women and Children. Corner Fourteenth and O St Room 14-15. Entrance 1339 O St. r. H. Stephenson, Pea. Willis Rowdiffe, Soc-Treaa. Tho Linscln Wall Papor Co. Retailers and Jobbers of Utll Pcpar tad Rocra ttculdiags 230 South 11th Street. Both Phones. Alanson Chapman Abstracter of Titles ssr at the Necratka Asssciatiea el Bonitd Abstracters. LINCOLN Funk Block. Southwest Cor. 12th and O Sts. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Comp'y Manufacturers of Frosts Creams. Ices. Sherbets, Punches, bklirtdusls and Fancy Brick Cream. Office and Factory. 2T.W. Cor. Tth At ! Auto BeU43S A Sanitary Factory that sparkles with cleanliness. The nines of its kind in the State. THE SUGAR BOWL C I OLDS 1545 O STREET. Ice Cream Candy School Supplies ' Stationery Cigars News Office hours S a. m. to 13 m.; 2 to 5 p. m. Dr. Joseph M. Smith Osteopathic -Physician 605-606 Ban Block rkOM Auto 4S1S. Aut SS8; Ml F-S. J. P. DREITH Coal, Wood and Cobs FLOUR AND FEED SIXTH AND F STREETS. SKOGLUND BROS. The Photographers TXam Ph-Mosraphs at Moderate Prica. Frames alado to Order. Work. Guaranteed. ' GIVE US A TRIAL. Phens -Auts scat. 1026 O Street A. MEESE Dealer i Meats and Groceries Cash Coupons Qiysa with Each tg-Cent and orer Pur- sentDoiH u frenuuma. se7 Auto 1SS7. till O STREET A. A, TANKER. Pia.ftKi. J. B. MKISOTGER. Jr.. Sc A. J. 'WHEELER. Vjce-fni Lincoln Lumber &CoalCo. SUCCESSOR TO L. C OBERLIES LUMBER CO. I Sth and" R Streets Phones Aato 1713. BeS7I3 HAVE THE iii Do Your Washing Auto Phono 1581. Bell Phona A-2059 W. C. VAN ANDEL Stoves, Furniture and Qaeensware. : : z 132 SOUTH TENTH ST. R. C. SCHNEIDER FRESH & SALT HEATS Csttar, Poultry & Eggs swt in $ 309 SOUTH NINTH STREET. Phonos Bell 433; Auto 1433. FOR BEST RESULTS AT HOME. Uoo Little Hatchet Flour ASK FOR IT WILBER & DE WITT MILLS 145 Sooth 9th St, LINCOLN When in Need of FRESH BAKED GOODS Order at ygTTN 1307 O Street. We make our TJ S own Candies, Ice Cream, Ices -T -xAjhx and Punches None Better. Auto 2214 A T. SEELEY and CO, Shoot the Landlord! (FlxnratiTely speaking) by bayinar or haHrftnr A homo of your own. We win loan yam tho sooner for a, long term on easy payments. Totxr monthly warn ings win soon pnt yonr own roof over year head. Security Saving & Loan Association I C. OBERLIES. President. fl I. H. HATFIELD, Secretary-Treasurer, live! V is Rogers Lusta Go. "Wholesale and RetaiL " LUMBER The most complete 900 TO 924 XO. XIXTH ST. In tho Stat C E. PEXXOfS, Goopcr and Colo Qros. JOBBERS OF Wladsills, Pcaps, Sfesa, Water sad Plsssbers' Supplies 219-223 SO. TENTH ST. Telephones Bell 104; Auto 26SS. The Lincoln Tailor For Up-to-Date Clothes 143 SO. TWELFTH ST. STAR LOAN CO. 307 RICHARDS BLOCK. Any Engineer. Brakeman, Fireman. Conductor, Shopman, or any Salaried Employee can Get hi from us Just on His Note. Busi Iness Confidential. Phones Bell F-1156; Auto 1159. Ws Invite you to visit our Hardware Stare If hs Hardware Stoves, Sporting Goods, Razors, Razor Strops and Cutlery at Low Prices IIcppo's llarducro, IC3 V.oAZ:j T. J. Tfccra C:S!:o Os. Practical Machinists Does (itmiil ataebtao Work, Ke patriae of Aotoa Printias; Pi . Kna-ims. Ejevstnes. Prays. Rubber Stamps, Stals, SttaeSs, Trade Gkteks (Tbristopulos MODERN SHINING PAHLOHS THE UNION - - I0I8 O ST. THE PALACE - . 1236 O ST. THE ACME. N. W. COR. 14th A O Hats Cfsaasd aad ableckad ShSnm 5c Every, lady who owns a Gas Range says nothing can beat it for getting a quick breakfast. That means more " time ' to rest before and after breakfast Why not enjoy that great advantage by ordering a Gas Range now? Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Company OPEN EVENINGS Porter Hedge Abstract Co. 3:1 Abstracts of Title R. 1 DOWNING L. F. REDDISH Reddish-Downing Coal and Feed Co. Yards, 14th and W Office, 136 No. 14th Bell Pkess A23 Anto Phoae 2236 Office, Hours S to 12; 1 to S. A. P, Furgason, M. D. EYE, EAB, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FITTED 313-314 Richards Block Phonos Office, Auto 1848; Res. Auto 1269. BUY YOUR FURNITURE AND SECOND HAND GOODS AT THE Resit Island Second Hand Stcro Cash or Easy Payments Will Buy What You Have for Sale at Best Prices, or Exchange New Goods for Old. Rock Island Second Hand Store Auto 7043. 2012 O St. J. L. Woodworth Harness, Saddles, .Whips, Collars, Blankets, Robes, Nets, Etc Light Harness a Specialty. Repairing Promptly Done 1218 O STREET. The GETTIER MARKET WALT SHAFFER, Proprietor Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry, Game and Fish Phones Bell 72; Auto 1172. 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Lincoln. Neb. Roberts' Sanitary Dairy 3. R- ROBERTS. Proprietor Dealer in filgS-Graie Dairy Prcirtts 1524 N STREET. Bell Phone F-541; The Lincoln Steam Paste Co. 315 SOUTH NINTH STREET. Wholesale and RetaO. FLOUR, FEED AND HAY PAPERtStNQERS PASTE IDEAL FLOUR n. l. sditii dac::i::e v;c3s Manufacturer and Ifealer in ' Eoziaes, Boilers, Steam Pap i. SHAFTING, HANGERS, PULLEYS General Machinery aad Sn-uuOu AatoanoiMles Resasreel Cor. 9th and M Sts. P. O. Bos S3 VIECJfJA DAtlERV F. R. HELLERICH 1429 O STREET. Our Goods Speak for and k iMflVaWtVCSa. - AlWaiye Give Us a TrlaL Aato Phone 2066 Piles Cared Without Operating Dr. Herbert A. Abbott Stomach, Bowel and Rectal Diseases im o au R. S. YOUNG Building Supply Company BUILDING MATERIAL COAL Both Phones 1342 O Street BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS The Fire-Fly Tool Grinder Is th best laoenUoaj hutia for sharpenuur tools of ail descrtptloa. Price fl.SL Bead quarters for Bicyclo repoirina: braatna; and Battt sis i Sins work. Prices always right. Latest Edison's Goods. A full stock of Records arrays oat hand. Xaa Orders promptly Juted. Cirerd Cycb &., 143 Cs. K'J. ZSzzi