3 o TRADES IKarSI COUNCILS VOL. LINCOLX, XEIJRA 5KA, JULY 3, 1909 Among the live Ones . Here and Hereabouts The 190$ convention of the Inter national Printing Pressmen and Assis tants Vnion was held In Omaha last week near enough to make U ot al most local Interest to the unionists t Lincoln. In point ot attendance the convention was the largest In the history ot the organisation, almost Sv0 delegates being present, and as many more visitors. The convention opened Monday afternoon, June 2. and was In session five days. During the time large amount ot business was transacted, and tie local union ists, headed by the Pressmen and As sistants, showed the delegates and visitors a splendid time during the social hours. The headquarters were at the Rome hotel. With one exception there was no op position to the re-election of the old international officers, and President George Berry received an ' ovation when the vote was taken on the presi dency. He was re-elected with a great cheer. This was an endorsement ot President Berry's management ot the eight hour "campaign, the special as sessments levied and his fight against tuberculosis. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows: President, George L. Berry, San Francisco. First vice president, Peter J. Dobbs, New York City. Second vice president, Michael H. FUnnery. Chicago. Third vice president, Clayton Pense, Chicago. Secretary-treasurer. Patrick J. Mc- Mullen, Cincinnati Mr. Pense Is the on ylnew officer in the above list. He. too, was elected without opposition. Interesting addresses were made by visitors representing other ..unions, among them being President Lynch of the printers, Organizer McSwiggen of the Bint glass workers and Vice Presi dent Keppler of the machinists. The convention unanimously record- - i. in r.Mi dt mitrinff wnrxl mil it . . v v. -- - o m and print paper on the tree list, and the resolution was forwarded to Sena tor Xorris Brown at Washington and was by him presented to the senate on the day ot its receipt. It is pretty generally admitted that the most important work ot the con vention was to vote in favor of Presi dent Berry's recommendation to es tablish a home tor union pressmen af flicted with tuberculosis. A commit tee ot five, with President Berry as chairman, to frame a comprehensive plan for carrying out the resolution was appointed. The adoption ot the report ot this committee will be left to a referendum vote ot the 22,000 members. The only objection to this came from those who wanted some thing done right away. It was decided to Increase tin? force ot organ irers by three, but only tem raiily in case it is found too expul sive 'or the results obtained. If tec result warrant it the increase v-H: be made uermanent. The usual trouble over the allied la bel came up. the pressmen objecting to what they call the "appropriation of property, rights in the label by the Typographical Union. A committee will be appointed by President Berry to attend the next session ot the joint conference board and demand equal property rights. . The social features of the conven tion included about everything calcu lated to make the leisure time of the delegates and their attending relatives full of joyful Interest. There were trol ley rides galore, "Dutch lunches," banquets, receptions and socials. The Omaha members were ceaseless in their efforts to make tne stay of the visitors thoroughly enjoyawe. The effects of the convention upon the union situation in Omaha will be good. The business-like actions of the convention were in marked con , trast to what the "union busters" would have the people beTTeve such organization conventions to be. The solidarity ot the union, the great In terest manifested in the efforts at social betterment, and the very appar ent success of those efforts, all went to cheer and hearten up tne other or ganizations of the big city. From every point of view the convention of the In ternational Printing Pressmen and As sistants 1909 at Omaha was a re markable success, and the Omaha "bunch is to be congratulated upon the way it handled the big gathering. ALLIED TRADES SMOKER. Printing Craftsmen Get Together and Talk Over the Situation. The "smoker" tendered by the Typographical Union to the allied printing crafts of the city was" held last Tuesday night at Fraternity hall, and from every point of. view it was a success. Representatives of every printing trade save one the s.tereo typers were present and enjoyed the union-made cigars and the several good union talks. George Locker, president of the Allied Printing Trades Council, presided with dig nity and kept the matters going at a lively rate until eleven o'clock. Those who attended were rejoiced to meet Robert Glocking, president of the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. He made a rousing good organization talk early in the evening, and then later he made a union label talk that caused the craftsmen to sit up and take notice. Mr. Glocking is a forceful speaker who wastes few words in getting to the points he wants to cover. He gave he careless union men several home thrusts 1 for their failure to make the label the greatest weapon in the union armory. "The uses and abuses of the label" was a subject assigned to W. M. Maupin, but he begged off from discussing it to any extent, giving as his excuse the fact that he had been too busy with other matters of greatest importance for a few days. Fred Mickel and F. M. Coffey ot the Typographical Union, and Walter Brown and Col. Brooks of the Press men were among others who spoke to the point. All the talks were along the line of bettering conditions. not only for the union printing crafts men, but for the fair employers. The "smoker was a splendid suc cess and those who engineered it are entitled to the thanks of the printing craftsmen. They strike together, when neces sary; hunt jobs together when out of work, are locked out together when they begin to show a little spirit of independence; but they never vote together. If they would stop "scabbing" on each other on election days they could accomplish more in a few years than they can accomplish in a lifetime by clinging to political party prejudice. From Railway Clerk. MUSICAL UNION. First July Meeting Scheduled for the Glorious Fourth at Eleven A. M. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Printers Will Meet and Witness the Installation of New Officers. Lincoln Typographical Union No. 209 will meet Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at Fraternity hall. Because it is the Fourth of July and nothing else on in the way of a celebration, there is every reason why there should be an unusually large attend ance. One of the features of the meeting will be the installation of the new officers who will guide the destinies of the organization for the ensuing year. The matter of affiliating with the Nebraska State Federation of Labor will also come up, and the consti tution ot that organization will be submitted. There will be some organization talk, too, as the printers are a little bit anxious to have a closer under standing of the uses of that instru ment of unionism. CAPITAL AUXILIARY. The Musicians' Protective Union will hold its regular semi-monthly meeting at Brnse's hall Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. This is the first lime in the history of this organiza tion that a meeting has fallen upon the glorious Fourth, and the mem bers are talking about making it a record-breaker in point of attendance and interest. There is little apart from routine business to be taken care of. Sev eral matters will be reported upon. Among them wHl be the matter of the Lindell hotel. A committee called upon Steve Hoover to see him about employing student musicians, and he readily agreed that hereafter if the hotel furnished music to its guests it would come from instru ments in the hands of union musi cians. The student orchestra has disbanded for the summer, and so far as the Lindell hotel under the pres ent management is concerned it will be no more. The matter of the Elite theatre will be reported upon. Park concerts are now an assured fact. Professor August Hagenow took the matter up and the money has been raised for a series of twenty or twenty-five concerts, and there will be at least two a week at Antelope Park beginning early this month. Professor Hagenow is now drilling a band for concert purposes. Of course it will be a union band Toiessor Hagenow uas been an honorary member of the union since its organization, but he has taken out an active card. The opening of Capital Beach has added something to the opportunities of union musicians. It gives employ ment to a band and orchestra. By tne way. capital Beacn is more in viting than ever this year, and it is deserving of the patronage of the whole people. The musicians who turned out. de spite the busy times, and helped to make the Raymond Robins meeting a success are entitled to the thanks of the unionists of the city, and the thanks are forthcoming, too. The editor has heard many good words for the loyal musicians for their ef forts. And the editor also wants to state that the Lincoln local had a mighty good representative at the Federation meeting in the person of Dr. Gains. Trustee Pinney expects to push or ganization work in Nebraska while he holds the important office. He opines that there is room for a couple of more organizations of musicians in Nebraska, and if he finds upon investigation that he- is correct hell build them up. In the meanwhile he will look up the scat tered ones and induce them .to join either the Lincoln or Omaha local. ginger. Chief Stone, however, proved his ability to take care of his side of the case. The barbecue and field contests held at Capital Beach Wednesday attracted a large crowd. Judge Cosgrave and Mayor Love gave addresses of wel come and . the ox was roasted to a turn. The contests were full of ex citement and lasted until a reasonably late hour. There was considerable adverse comment among union men of other crafts on the fact that the commit tee in charge of the engineers "reunion turned out a lot of its printing minus the union label, and that right in the midst of the hatters" strike, it wag widely advertised that the engineers would offer as a prize in one of their main contests a "five dollar Stetson hat." If there is any worse "scab' hat manufactured on earth than the S'atson a lot of union men who study the game are not aware of the fact. Chief Stone's claim that the Broth erhood of Locomotive Engineers an organization stands "head and shoulders above all other labor organ izations" was quite natural coming from a man deeply interested in his own organization and calling, but it j button? brought a smile to the faces of some I Sure! men who belong to unions that have never yet lot a really big strike, and that poured millions into their de fense fund without sweating a hair. Also the faces of a lot of union men who have a habit of digging down and helping brother workers when they are in trouble. Taken as a whole the reunion was a decided success, and the committees in charge have a right to be proud of the results of their efforts and are en titled to the thanks of their fellow craftsmen. Pressmen and Assistants Have Big Convention There are about 300 more live unionists in Lincoln than there were ten days ago. About 20 of the num ber are new unionists, and the other hundred are union men who have grown just a little careless and luke warm. The organization of the Team Drivers and the Street Railway men injected new life into the lukewarm, and in other ways added vastly to the organized labor movement in Lin coln. It was a joy and a pleasure to the old timers in the movement to see the active interest taken by the men who formed Lincoln's new organiza tion. It is a sign that there is some- unions present, and it ought to he worth while to be on the floor mad greet the representatives of the street railway men and the teamsters whea they show up. Both of these org a a t zations will be represented ia the cen tral body and their presence and as sistance will go a long ways towards helping make the work of that body successfoL Funny thing happened over ia Boone. Iowa, a week or two ago aaj while it was fanny It also demoe strated the power and efficiency of or ganization. Boone has a street rail- thin. doing when men will work hard ; way system and it is manned by ssioa all day at their trades and then work until two or three o'clock in the morn ing helping their brothers to organize. And say, Mr. Old Time Union Man. don't it look good to see about nine ty percent of the motormen and con ductors proudly wearing the nnion And things will look better when the teamsters begin displaying their buttons as they guide their teams through the streets. One old time unionist who is a much better Chris tian than the most ot us, remarked as he saw the splendid activity along organization lines: Boys, this almost makes me feel like exclaiming in the words of the prophet of old, 'Now let thy servant depart in peace since mine eyes have seen the glory of the Lord." THE CARPENTERS. Getting Ready to Take Action Con cerning the State Federation. The Carpenters will meet in regulsy session next Monday evening, and at tlm.'' time will install the officers elected for the ensuing term. A special called meeting will be held a week from next Monday even ing., at which time the constitution of the Nebraska State Federation of La bor will be taken np section by sec tion and analyzed. Work is showing no signs of abate ment. The building boom in Lincoln is still on in full force, and the union carpenter who is idle is so from choice not from necessity. Tfiere are really more calls for nnion men than can be supplied. This, of course, does not obtain always. In the last two years a large number of non-union carpen ters have been brought to Lincoln by various means, and when work slacks up the effect of their unfair compe tition is felt by the men who have done all that has been done to bring about the better conditions that the non-union men have equally shared in without cost, either of money or of effort. THE LATHERS. Little Notes About the Better Halves of the Printer Men. Capital Auxiliary will meet next Wednesday, the place of meeting not having been decided as yet. At this meeting the following officers, electee at the last meeting, will be installed: President, Mrs. F. H. Hebbard. . Vice president, Mrs. W. M. Maupin. Secretary, Mrs. Orville Young. Treasurer, Mrs. Abe Compton. Chaplain. Mrs. George Freeman. Guide, Mrs. Erstine King. Mrs. Hebbard will represent the or ganization at the international conven tion in St. Joseph next month. Mrs. Will Bustard and Mrs. "Hoff- meister are both at St. Elizabeth's hos pital. Mrs. Bustard is getting along nicely, but Mrs. Hoffmeister's condi tion is a source of worry to her hus band and friends. Mrs. W. M. Maupin and the fou lit tlest Maupins are in North Bend, Ne braska, where they "will spend the Fourth and several days thereafter wtih Mrs. Maupln's parents. WORKERS WILL WAIT. New England mill men, it is said, have decided to spend $20,000,000 in new buildings. As many of their employes have had their wages re duced they will postpone indefinitely their contemplated investments in buildings which they could call homes. Advance Advocate. "SCABBING" AT ELECTIONS. There are approximately two mil lion voters In the United States who are members of organized labor. THE ENGINEERS' MEETING. The Reunion of Locomotive Drivers Was Seemingly a Success. The reunion engineered by Division No. 98, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was the success that its promoters planned for it. About 200 engineers attended, and there were even more visitors. Many of the at tendants came from the remotest part of the country. Several secret meet ings of the Brotherhood were held, but there were several open meetings in which railroad men of all the branches participated. Grand Chief Stone made a strong address during the convention, and he and Mr. Willard. of the Burlington managerial staff had something of a clash which produced considerable Loyal Little Band Has Taken on Re newed Activity of Late. The union lathers of Lincoln have taken on new activity this season, and as a result they are enjoying an in crease in membership and in interest. They are also enjoying a substantial increase in their wage scale. In the meanwhile a number of lathers who should be in the union but are not, are enjoying the benefits that the union men have obtained for them. Some very effective organization work is being done among the non union men of the craft and the union is growing stronger every day. G. A. Walker laid off Monday and made a trip for the purpose of return ing with Mrs. Walker, who has been visiting relatives in Omaha for couple of weeks. THE "OPEN SHOP." When the employers talk of the "open shop" they mean a shop open to the cheapest and most docile labor ers and closed againt all who dare to organize for the raising of wages and the reduction of hours, and the better ing of the conditions of labor. New York CalL The editor of the Laborer rounded out his fourteenth year on the job last Thursday, June 3, 1909. Beat it, some of you guys in the labor paper publishing business. It's the recora in all tne west and we are proud of it. Frank A. ' Kennedy, Omaha Western Laborer. motormen and conductors. The union is small, having only eleven member, and they were getting 17 1-3 cents an hour. They held a meeting in n car and decided to ask for 2 cents. Turn G. JI. studied the matter over and then refused. The men struck, and the "system was tied np. If the maux. -had mustered 500 members the inter national could not have gien it better support. Organizer Resin Orr ap peared on the scene and managed ft as seriously as though it was a Pitt- burg strike. The eleven men stood pat and had the support of the pob lic In two or three days the man agement capitulated and the strike was won. It actually costs the com pany about J 2.30 a day more now for its conductors and motormen than it did before it granted the increase of 2 1-2 cents an hoar. The Lincoln boys ought to pluck np courage, eh? Organizer Emmett Flood is entitled to the bulk of the credit for the work of organization. He came down to the State Federation meeting and immed- ately set about acquainting himself with the local situation. With a com prehensive grasp of affairs he soon saw that the time was ripe fcr mis sionary work. He selected some cap able assistants and set to work. With Assistant Organizer Guye, of Omaha, he worked like a Trojan, and he did not hesitate to draft men into his ser vice. He did not find many shirkers. either. Frank Coffey, General Kelsey, C. H. Chase, and others too numerous to mention, responded to the call. Ray mond Robins spoke for fifteen minutes to the street railway men, and they were ready. Flood talked to his broth er team drivers for half an hour, and they were ready. Then the charter lists were opened and the only difficul ty experienced was in taking down the names fast enough. Today there are two new charters hanging on the walls of Brnse's hall. One is the charter of Division No. 522, Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes. The other is the charter of Local No. 2-10. International Brotherhood of Teams ters. Now that the good work is start ed what's the matter with organizing so many more that it win he necessary I to secure increased wall space for the display of the charters? The Kalamazoo Advocate is making a kick because the president of a local union was allowed to step back into the ranks without even a vote of thanks after flve years of hard work in the interest of his organization. While the Advocate is kicking we"H bet a four-dollar dog against a couple of two-dollar cats that the ex-president is not. Well make the same bet that he l9 glad to get hack into the ranks without having had his motives im punged, his honesty questioned or bis services discounted by the "knock ers." Retiring without thanks, in deed: Bless your souL the man who tries the hardest to advance the cause of his fellows is the man who usually gets the most cussing. Jast watch things a bit and you'll easily locate tne man who is doing the most, or his best to push the good work along. He's the man that the "knockers" are ham mering all the time. He is the km charged with being selfish, with look ing after his own Interests, with haw ing some political scheme in his head. That Kalamazoo president is doubt less almighty glad to get back into the ranks without losing everything he had. Robert Glocking, president of the Internationoa! Brotherhood of Book binders, was in Lincoln last Tuesday, and while here he performed some good work in the way of arousing in terest in the union of his craft. He did not find affairs in the very best of condition, but he did find a little bunch of five or six loyal and faithful unionists who' are ready and willing to go the llmi? in increasing the neu merical and mental strength of the organization in the capital city. He addressed an open meeting of book binders at Fraternity hall at 7:0 on Tuesday evening, and the result will be apparent in increased interest and membership. President Glocking at tended the pressmens convention in Omaha and while in the west will visit a number of localities in the interests of the craft Are you interested in the graduated income tax plan? If you are not you should be. Those who are interested are invited to attend a meeting at St Mark's Reformed church, Q street, be tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth next Tuesday evening, at which meeting the merits and demerits of the gradu ated income tax will be discussed. The Central Labor Union will meet a week from next Tuesday evening, and there is every reason why it should be the biggest and best meeting of that bGdv in several years. There will AGAINST LABOR INSURANCE. ' Plutocrats Trying to Destroy ft By Underhand Means. The insurance features of tabor unions mark the latest form of attack by viligant plutocracy, every alert to the danger of losing a penny. At the last meeting of the exeeotfve council of the American Federation of Labor President Gompers was ordered to is sue a circular to the Tarious interna tionals in which co-operation L asked to resist a quiet movement fa se-reral state having for its object the classify ing or out-of-work, sick and death ben efits with old-line insurance. The in surance companies are alarmed at the growing tendency of workers to famish their own insurance and efforts are now being made to smiound them with snch restrictions that they win eiiBer be driven out of the field or the exten sion of this trade-union feature checked. Thecircular wants the work ers of their danger, which also in cludes fraternal societies. Philadel phia Trades Union News. GUYE COMING BACK. Louis V. Guye. of Omaha, assistant organizer for the American Federa tion of Labor, assisted materially in organizing the two new anions of Lincoln last week and this. Now that he 13 better acquainted with the Lin cola field be expects to give some more time to it in the future, and al ready has plans under way for the or ganization of two or three more crafts. The union printers of Pennsylvania will hold a convention in PkHit. be some delegates from new phia on the 27th last.