The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 26, 1909, Image 5

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Continued Froin Page One
strikes; to collect statistics relating to the financial, social and
physical conations of labor; to encourage absolute independence
of organize, labor in political action; to defend the defenseless,
befriend the friendless, and in all charity inculcate lessons of jus
tice and good -will among men.
Article Two
Section 1. The elective officers of the Federation shall consist
of a president, five vice-presidents, secretary-treasurer, delegate to.
the American Federation of Labor, and sergeant at arms, all of
whom shall be elected annually.
See. 2. The vice-president shall perform the duties of the
president in his abseuce, death, suspension or removal.
Sec 3. The president shall preside at all meetings of this
Federation and of the executive board, appoint all committees not
otherwise provided for, and transact such other business as may
pertain to his office, lie shall be the organizer, and discharge such
duties as may be incumbent upon him as such officer and make
a monthly report of his work to each member of the executive
board by mail, lie shall devote as much of his time as the finances
of the Federation will permit organizing new unions,' strengthen
ing old ones and securing affiliations to the Federation. He shall
be a member of the legislative committee and shall attend all
sessions of the state legislature and work in conjunction with all
other labor legislative committees in securing legislation in the
interest of labor. He shall receive as compensation for his services
when actively engaged the sum of $4 per day of six days each
week, hotel and traveling expenses.
Sec. 4. The president shall appoint a committee of three from
among the delegates elected to represent their various organiza
tions at the convention, said committee, together with the president
and secretary-treasurer shall meet in the convention city on the
day previous to the opening of the convention, at 2 p. m., and
shall examine the credentials aud submit its report at the opening
of the first session, and each of these committeemen shall receive
pay at the scale of his or her respective craft in the jurisdiction
from which elected. They shall co-operate with the loeal committee
on convention arrangements.
Sec. 5. The secretary-treasurer shall keep the minutes of the
convention of this Federation and receive all moneys due the Fed
eration. He shall keep correctly the accounts between this Federa
tion anh all unions attached to this Federation, and at all times
have his books ready for examination by the executive committee
and perform such other duties as the constitution and executive
committee may require. He shall furnish affiliated unions with a
quarterly report blank to be used in making quarterly remittance.
No remittance shall be accepted unless such report accompany
same. As treasurer, he shall pay out all moneys by check upon
nsW of the convention or executive board, properly signed by
the president and attested by the secretary, and the seal attached,
make quarterly reports of all moneys received and disbursed;
he shall turn over all moneys, property and securities in his charge
to his successor when such successor is duly elected and qualifies:
he shall give bond in the sum of $1,000 in some reliable surety
company to cover the term of his office, and all expenses incurred
in giving such bond shall be paid by this Federation, said bond
to he made out to the president of the Nebraska State Federation
of Labor as an individual and held by him for the State Federa
tion. A committee of three shall be appointed by the president
of the State Federation from the local unions in the city in which
the secretary-treasurer is located to examine the books quarterly.
The condensation of said committee shall be fifty cents per hour.
He shall mail to each member of the executive board and each
affiliated eentral body, printed blanks asking some twenty-five or
more questions, relating to labor conditions, trade agreements.
number of unions, hours worked, wages paid, possiomty or organ
ixinsr new unions, enforcement or refusals to patronize, union label
agitation, and the general labor situation. He shall communicate
such information when secured to the president and executive
board. He shall keep the executive board posted monthly by re
verts of the financial condition of this Federation and shall per
form such other duties as .may be imposed upon him by each con
vention. He shall notify each affiliating tinion at least sixty days
prior to the regular convention of the date of the convention,
he number of delegates each affiliated union is entitled to and
give such other information in his possession deemed advisable
lie shall receive as compensation for his services $100 per year,
payable quarterly. -
Sec. 6. The executive board shall have the 'authority of the
Federation while the Federation is not in session; to remove any
officer for cause by a majority vote of the board, subject to the
same being investigated by the following convention, if the party
removed demands it. To remit the per capita tax of affiliated
unions that are engaged in a strike, lockout or during suspension
upon application, providing they are in good standing at the time
of application, but no local union shall be exempt that lias not
been on strike for a period of thirty days. The executive board
shall have authority to fill vacancies, not otherwise provided herein.
sakl appointee to serve until his successor has been elected and
qualified. The executive committee shall assist m the organiza
tiou of trade and labor unions, to request and urge all trade unions
to eouiiect themselves with this Federation; shall decide all points
of law and consider all grievances and appeals and make decisions
subject to the review of the convention; shall perform such other
services consistent with the objects of this t ederation and the well
established methods of trades unions.
See. 7. Each succeeding convention shall select six of its
number, no two- of whom shall be from the same congressional
district, who with the president and the secretary-treasurer, shall
constitute the legislative committee, and shall serve during the
interim between conventions. The legislative committee shall have
the power to determine the number of its members who shall
actively encage m tne worfc or sueti committee at any given time.
Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the legislative, committee to
act for this Federation when it is not in session and to carry out
the instructions of each convention. It shall be the duty of the
chairman of the legislative committee to attend all sessions of the
Nebraska legislature, and while there exert himself to have enacted
into laws such measures as may have been designated by the con
vention and outlined in the constitution, and to oppose all Iegisla
tion inimical to the wage workers of the state. He shall keep a
correct record of every seuator and representative as to the sup
port civen labor legislation, affectiug the interests of the working
people and shall report the same to the members of organized
labor in a printed report. -Mia snail seen co-operation witn an
representatives of organized labor in the effort to secure beneficial
Sec. 9. The sergeant at arms shall upon the convening of the
convention take his -station at the door and shall admit none but
those known to be regularly elected delegates to the convention
to preserve order and perform such other duties as may be directed
bv the chair and the convention.
Sec. 10. The officers of this Federation shall not have the
power to contract debt for this Federation without the sanction
of the executive committee.
Sec. 11. Two months before the date of the annual convention
of the State Federation of Labor the secretary-treasurer shall mail
to the secretary of each affiliated union blank credentials in
duplicate or duplicates, the duplicate or duplicates to be promptly
filled out bearing the name of the delegate or delegates and mailed
or delivered to the secretary-treasurer of the Nebraska State Fed-j
eration of Labor and the original credentials delivered to the regu
larly elected delegate or delegates to be presented by such delegate
or delegates to the committee on credentials at the convention.
See. 12. Credentials should be made in the following form:
This is to certify that at a regular meeting of ,
held at , on the day of ,
19 , was duly elected
to represent members in good standing in the above
named organization in the Nebraska State Federation of Labor.
. .President.
(Seal) Secretary.
Article Three
Section 1. The convention of the Nebraska State Federation
of Labor shall meet annually the Tuesday after the first Monday
of January in such city as the Federation may designate before
Sec. 2. Delegates from eight local unions in good standing
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 3. At the meeting of the convention the president shall
take the chair and call the convention t order, and preside nntil
his successor is elected and qualifies. He shall appoint the follow
ing committees, consisting of not less than three members each:
Committee on president's report.
Committee on secretary-treasurer's report.
Committee on legislation.
Committee on finance.
Committee on resolutions.
Committee on laws.
Committee on co-operation.
Committee on organization.
Committee on grievances. '
Committee on union label, store and shop cards.
Sec. 4. Each' trades eouncil or central body' shall be entitled
to one delegate, and each local union shall be entitled to one
delegate for each 100 members or fraction thereof. The Farmers
Union of Nebraska shall be entitled to one fraternal delegate with
out vote and without taxation. No delegate shall be entitled to
be seated as such unless his or her local union is affiliated with the
Nebraska State Federation of Labor and all financial obligations
of such local union to this Federation is liquidated. No local
union shall be represented by proxy. The state deputy labor com
missioner shall be an accredited delegate without taxation; pro
vided, that he be an active member in good standing of an affiliated
union. t
See. 5. No organization which has seceded or has been sus
pended or expelled from national or international organizations.
shall be allowed a representation or recognition in this Federation
Sec. 6. No local union shall be entitled to representation
unless organized at least one" month prior to the convention.
Sec. 7. The following shall be ineligible as delegates: All
employers, all persons not working at their trade, all members
of the state militia, all persons holding political office, either elec
tive or appointive except members of legislative bodies and the
deputy state labor commissioner. The above shall not be eon
strued as to debar persons employed by their respective organiza
tions, or who may be out of . employment at the time of their
Sec. 8. No "delegate shall be eligible to a seat in the conven
tion of the Nebraska State Federation of Labor unless all clothing.
hat, shoes, etc., worn by said Qelegate shall bear the union label.
The convention may determine the ability of the delegate to comply
with ,this section.
Sec. 9. For admission into affiliation with this Federation each
body shall pay the sum of $2 in addition to the regular per
capita tax. .
See. 10. No person shall be seated as a delegate to this Fed
eration (except one fraternal delegate from the Nebraska Farmers
Union and the deputy 'state labor commissioner) unless they are a
member in good standing of the local union or central body they
are elected to represent. No proxies shall be recognized.
See. 11. All auxiliaries, composed of wives, mothers, sisters
and daughters of members of affiliated crafts shall be entitled to
one fraternal delegate each in the state convention of this Federa
tion. Also a fraternal delegate from the ministerial association of
the town or city where the convention meets.
Article Four
Section 1. The revenues of this Federation shall be derived
from a per capita tax of 2 cents per member, per month, payable
quarterly, and eentral labor bodies shall pay $6 per annum, payable
quarterly. Each organization must pay its per capita tax quarterly
in advance beginning immediately and hereafter on the first day
of October, January, April and July. Any loeal unions being six
months in arrears shall stand suspended and be reported by the
secretary-treasurer to its national headquarters. Delegates shall
not be entitled to a seat in the convention of this Federation un
less the per capita tax and all indebtedness of their organization
is paid up in full to the first of January prior to the convention.
Sec. 2. No organization shall be entitled to benefits involving
financial or substantial aid unless such organization shall have
paid the initiation and per capita tax; provided, that where an
organization is not financially able to comply with this provision
it shall not be enforced.
Sec. 3. Each local organization shall pay into the treasury
of the Federation the sum of twelve cents per annum (three cents
of which shall be set aside for legislative and organization pur
poses), for every member in good standing, payable quarterly in
advance, on the first day of January, April, July and October of
each year.
Sec. 4. All affiliated bodies must pay per capita on their
entire membership, regardless of representation they may have at
the sessions of the Federation.
Sec. 5. All assessments shall be upon a per capita basis and
each and every member of each and every affiliated union shall be
taken into account in reaching the per eapita membership upon
which each union shall pay assessment.
Article Five
Section 1. Elections shall be by the Australian ballot. It shall
require a majority of all votes cast to eleet and where no election
occurs on the first ballot the name receiving the lowest number
of votes shall be dropped, and the same eourse shall be pursued
in each succeeding ballot.
Sec. 2. The executive comnuttee shall consist of the president,
first, second, third, fourth and fifth viee-presidents and the secretary-treasurer.
See. 3. Should a vaeaney occur in any office between the
annual meetings of the Federation, such vacancy shall be filled by
the president of the Federation, by and with the consent of the
executive committee. "When a vaeaney occurs in the office mf
president the vice-presidents shall succeed in their order and serve
until the annual meeting of the federation.
See. 4. The president, first, second, third, fourth and fifth
viee-presidents and the secretary-treasurer shall be members of
the succeeding convention, in case they are not elected delegates,
but without vote.
See. 5. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties eaei
officer shall give assent to the following obligation:
I, - -, do solemnly and sineerelv pledge my want
and honor before these witnesses that I will discharge the duties
devolving upon me as an officer of the Nebraska State Federation
of Labor, as prescribed by the rules, regulations and laws of this
body, to the best of my ability.
bee. 6. Before being accredited as such delegates shall ore
assent to the following obligation:
1 -.. i do solemnly and sincerely pledsre mv word
and honor that I will obey the rules, regulations and laws of the
-Nebraska Mate federation of Labor, and give my aid and co
operation to its support, and to the best of my ability perform
all duties as a member thereof. I further pledge or affirm upon
my word and honor that I am not a member of any organiza tion
antagonistic to the Nebraska State Federation of Labor, nor will
1 become a member of sueh while a delegate to this body. And I
further pleage that I am not a member of any organization or
combination composed for the purpose of controlling the action
of this body. '
Article Six
Section 1. No charters shall be granted by this Federation.
but receipts for all moneys paid shall be sent to eaeh affiliated
organization by the secretary-treasurer.
Sec. -- Each convention of this Federation may ins tract the
secretary-treasurer to compile and publish in suitable form the
proceedings of this Federation, sueh published proceedings to be
tor the use of this t ederation and its affiliated organizations.
Sec. 3. A majority of the delegates to any convention of this
Federation is a sufficient quorum for the transaction of any busi
ness that comes before the organization.
Sec. 4. All credentials shall be in the hands of the secretary-
treasurer at least ten days before the convening of the convention
to entitle the delegate to a seat in the convention.
See. 5. Under the head of "Good and Welfare" there shall
be a report of delegates, some delegate from eaeh trade, compar
ing the conditions of the organized workers with the unorganized,
and vsueh other matters as might be of interest or benefit to the
general trades union movement.
Sec. 6. Any affiliated union being three months in arrears.
after being notified, shall be deprived of all benefits until the
same is paid ; and unions becoming six months in arrears for does
shall be suspended.
See. 7. "We heartily favor conciliation as a means of set
tlement of difficulties between employers and employees, and hereby
empower the executive committee to appoint persons to act as
conciliators whenever it be so requested by the union in difficulty.
See. 8. Every member of the Nebraska State Federation of
Labor not a citizen of the United States shall be required to make
his declaration of intention to become a citizen, and to procure
his naturalization papers as soon as he is entitled thereto.
See. 9. The name of this organization cannot be used nor its
endorsement given to any labor directory or advertising scheme
of any nature.
Sec. 10. This Federation shall not endorse any person for po
litical office, elective or appointive, unless such candidate or can
didates shall have a dear record of friendship for trades union
principles, attested by the legislative committee and sueh record
shall have been submitted to the convention in proper form.
See. 11. "Where the chairman of any standing committee fails
to perform his duty for a spaee of three months, a new chairman
shall be selected by the executive committee in his stead.
Sec. 12. This constitution ean be amended or altered only at
the regular sessions of the convention by a two-thirds vote of the
delegates present, by the executive committee or any affiliated
Union that has previously obtained the endorsement of fire other
Unions of all measures proposed ; however, all amendments, whether
adopted by the convention or by a local Union, or executive
board, shall be submitted to a referendum; provided, however,
that central bodies and district councils shall be allowed only one
vote. In taking referendum vote loeal unions shall vote the actual
number present at the meeting only, and not entire membership.
See. 13. All amendments, however proposed, shall be sub
mitted to a referendum by the secretary-treasurer within thirty
days after the convention adjourns, or after having been proposed
by the executive committee or affiliated unions.
Sec. 14. Ballots shall eon tain the proposition, resolution or
amendments to be voted on, with blank spaces opposite each ques
tion for entering the total number of votes east by each Union for
and against. The vote upon any proposition, resolution or amend
ment must be returned to the secretary-treasurer within ten days
after it shall have been submitted under seaL
Sec. 15. The executive beard shall upon the presentation of
Continued on Page Eight
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