NO. 12 FE1EBAT Mini A LINCOLN, XEBKASKA, JLTXE 26, lt09 EKUuKA A The Officers. President. Will M. Maupin. Lincoln. Secretary-Treasurer. Frank P. Hart, South Omaha. First Vic President. Geo. Stevens. South Omaha.. Second Vice President. J. A. Booth. Fremont. Third Vice President, L. C. Mason, Alliance. Fourth Vice President. J. C. Birming ham. Beatrice. Fifth Vice President. Ira A. Duncan, Hastings. Sergeant-at-arms, George Enoch. Mc Cook. Delegate A. F. of L, Louis V. Guye. Omaha. 1 Legislative Committee S. IX Smith. Hive'ock; James Kotera, "SoutTi Oma ha; J. W. Elliott. Fremont; W. W. Waters, Fsirbury. W. C. Allison, Mc Cook; S. H. Graced North Platte, Despite the croaklngs ot the pro phets ot failure; despite the effort of frightened partisans to discredit the honesty ot its motive; despite the. failures of the past. Nebraska today has a State Federation ot Labor, fully organized, equipped with a constitu tion that is a new Declaration of la dependence, and equipped to become a real force in the Industrial life of the commonwealth. There were those who said that not enough interest could be aroused to make possible an organization worthy of the ambi tious name of "Nebraska State Feder ation of Labor," but there were also those who believed that it could be done, knew that it should be done, and were willing to make the effort. The effort was made and the people of Nebraska are cognizant of the splen did success ot the effort. Early in May. Deputy Labor Com missioner Maupin, acting solely in the interests ot the industrial work ers and along the lines ot what he conceived to be his duty, issued a call for a delegate convention for the purpose ot organizing the Nebraska State Federation of Labor. No or ganization ot producers was barred. Nothing was said about delegates com ing from organizations unrecognized by the American Federation of Labor. It was to be a delegate convention made up ot delegates selected by or ganized bodies of worklngmeu where ever located within the state one del egate from each organization. When Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupin called the convention to or der he was fronted by seventy-nine delegates representing as many differ ent organizations of workers In the state. They came from all parts of the state, one delegate traveling over three hundred and fifty miles, and at his own expense, to represent his small local organisation. Others traveled upwards ot two hundred and fifty miles. These instances are cited merely to show the interest taken in the great movement Natrually enough Douglas county, the great industrial center of the state, had the most representatives, and Lancaster county next. Dodge. Adams county. Gage county. Box Butte county, Lincoln county, Otoe county and other counties containing "third cities' were well represented. Immediately after calling the con vention to order Mr. Maupin asked the deelgates to rise while Rev. P. M. Orr Invoked the divine blessing and the di vine guidance upon the assembly. Governor Shallenberger was then in troduced as a governor who refused to countenance a further extension of the prison contract system, and he was received with tremendous ap plause. Governor Shallenberger's re marks were brief and pointed. Ad mitting that he knew little about in dustrial life, having always lived up oa the farm, he declared that he knew and felt the necessity ot organization. and his word to the convention was, "Organise, organize, organize!" He assured them ot his sympathy in their very effort for the upiift ot themselves and their fellow workers, and he felt that just such states as Nebraska, - neither altogether agricultural nor in dustrial, was in splendid shape to act as the final arbitrater and bring about that balance that should exist between labor and capital. He wished the convention a profitable session and bid them welcome to the seat ot the state government. Mayor Love welcomed the delegates on behalf of the city, and his welcome i was hearty and sincere. He discussed existing conditions as compared with past conditions, and assured the work ers that his sympathies were with them. His address was listened to with great interest and he was warm ly applauded. A. A. Hyers, of Havelock. represen ting the machinists of that city, re sponded to the addresses of welcome on behalf of the convention. His re sponse was brief and witty, and he voiced the sentiments of the delegates. a fact evidenced by their loud applause ot his every expression of good will towards the chief executive of the state ar.d the mayor of the capital city. Mr. Hyers address in full will be printed next week. - Deputy Commissioner of Labor Mau pin then addressed the convention briefly, outlining his purpose in call ing the convention and telling what he believed the necessities were for such an organization as a state feder v o " a THE NEBRASKA STATE FEDERATION'S ORGANIC LAW THE AIM OP GOVERNMENT should be to protect man in bis natural rights; to promote domestic tranquility; to promote the general welfare; and to insure the blessings of liberty. FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL a law-favored and law-making few have enjoyed idle luxury at the expense of the toiling many. About the only rights vouchsafed to the toiler is the right to sin, starve and suffer. UNDER TIIE PRESENT organization and manipulation of legislation the burdens of life are unequally distributed. The non producing class, by reason of its having ample time to devote to the perpetuation of the causes which at present unfairly divide the results of honest toil, tends to perpetuate the evil, instead of diminishing the burden. Wherever one is getting without working, somewhere, in some place some one is working without getting. - IT, THEREFORE, behooves the man who toils, the laboring man. to take such action and adopt such measures as will best in sure his self-preservation. WE, THEREFORE, pledge ourselves to assist each other in securing the best possible wages and best possible treatment to the laboring class by all honorable means, and we will withdraw, and use our influence to have others withdraw, all patronage from any unfair employers. WE FURTHER PLEDGE ourselves to assist in guaranteeing to each national and international organization affiliated with the Nebraska State Federation of Labor the trade autonomy or control of their own business. ECONOMIC DEMANDS As the accredited representatives of the Nebraska State Federa tion of Labor and the organized industrial classes, we make the following declaration of principles and economic demands: First The abolition of all forms of involuntary servitude, ex cept as a punishment for crime. Second Free schools, free text-books published by the state, and compulsory education. Third Unrelenting protest against the abuse of the injunction in labor disputes. Fourth A work day of not the twentv-four-hour day. Fifth A strict recognition day on all federal, state and municipal work and at not less than the prevailing per diem wase rate of the class of employment in the vicinity where the work is performed as established by the different crafts. Sixth Release from employment one day in seven. Seveuth The abolition of the contract system on public work. Eighth The municipal ownership of public utilities. Ninth Sanitary inspection of factory, workshop and home. Tenth Liability of employers for injury to body and loss of life. Eleventh The enforcement of our child labor laws. ation of labor. He then called for' nominations for temporary chairman. Patrick Ford of ' Omaha nominated Fred Murray of Omaha and A. A. Hyers nominated Mr. Maupin. How ever, Mr. Maupin, declined to stand as a candidate for the position and Mr. Murray was selected by acclama tion. The newly elected chairman was given his seat, and after a brief word of thanks he asked for the selec tion of a temporary secretary. J. A. Booth of Fremont was selected. Chairman Murray then appointed the following committees: Credentials Wm Wakehouse. 'Oma ha; G. A. Walker. Lincoln; Jerry Howard, South Omaha; John Pfann, Nebraska City. Constitution F. M. Coffey, Lincoln; II. F. Still, T. II. Williamson, S. S. Smith. Havelock; F. H. Morris, Ne braska City. Mr. Chase of Lincoln, afterwards took Mr. Still's place upon this committee. Resolutions L J. Copenharve, Oma THE MEN WHO MADE THE FEDERATION 0 li 0 Yr If Q more than eight hours within of not more than eight hours per ha 3 F. P. Hart, South Omaha; W. EL Dewey, Lincoln; A. H Hyers, Have lock. Pending the report of the committee on credentials, Raymond Robins of Chicago made a rousing speech in which he urged the convention to proceed cautiously, to act courage ously, end to make the Federation a force in the industrial life of the state. He told of unionism's struggles and successes, and pictured in glow ing words a future better and brighter because of the struggles and sacrifices of unselfish workers. The credential committee reported the accredited delegates and the con vention immediately settled down to such business as a temporary organi zation could transact. Permanent or ganization was effected by the election of Mr. Murray to continue In the chair. Frank P. Hart was selected as per manent secretary. There were those who insisted that these permanent offi cers should be elected to serve for the a fit 6 ii CI Twelfth Suitable and plentiful playgrounds for children in all cities; Thirteenth The initiative and Fourteenth All just and proper restrictions on the liquor traffic. Fifteenth Equal pay for equal work for both sexes. Sixteenth The squeezing by out of the capital stock of public ment of proper regulation laws profit on the actual capital invested. Seventeenth Establishing of government postal savings banks. Eighteenth Adoption of constitutional amendments requiring the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. Nineteenth The abolition of the competition of convict labor with free labor. v Twentieth The establishing of a state printing office and the election of a state printer. Twenty-first Proper legislation and sufficient appropriations to allow the labor bureau to meet the necessities and possibilities of such a department of state. Twenty-second To lessen the number of hours of continuous employment on transportation lines railroad and electric. Twenty-third To lessen the number of hours of continuous employment and provide proper sanitary conditions for women and girls employed in factory, department stores and work rooms. Twenty-fourth We are opposed to the piece system in all crafts. CONSTITUTION Article One Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Nebraska State Federation of Labor and shall affiliate with the American Federation of Labor. Sec. 2. It shall be composed of the accredited representatives of trade and labor organizations. Sec. 3. The objects of this body are to defend our rights and advance our interests as working men and women; to protect just and honorable employers from the unfair competition of cheap labor huckstering rivals; to foster fellowship, and shield from aggression the defenseless toiler; to aid the destitute and unfor tunate; to develop and stimulate, by association and social eon verse, those kindly instincts of humanity which most highly adorn true manhood; to encourage the principle and practice of con ciliation and arbitration in the settlement of differences between capital and labor; to promote the industrial interests of the mem bers of this Federation and the wage workers in general; to collect facts regarding the injustices practiced upon individuals and collective workers, and publish them to the world, so that the cause of our complaints may be known; to assist and en courage the formation of unions of working men and women in every city and town in the state; to urge the laboring people and their sympathizers to patronize union-made goods, bearing the union labels, in preference to other goods; to uphold authorized Continued on Page Five year, but this vfrw of the case waa not coincided in by the majority. It took an hour of warm discussion to settle the matter, but it was finally decided that the officials were to serve only until a constitution was adopted and the Nebraska State Federation of La bor an accomplished fact. After the selection of a committee to frame an order of business the con vention adjourned till S o'clock Tues day morning. Monday evening Governor and Mrs. Shallenberger tendered a reception to to the delegates and visitors and to the local unionists of Lincoln. For two hours the executive mansion was a busy scene, the visitors coming and going and enjoying the hospitality of the state's chief executive and his wife. Dainty refreshments were served, Mrs. Shallenberger being as sisted by the wives of several of the presidents of local unions. This fea ture of the convention was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended, and referendum. legislative enactment of all water service corporations and the enact allowing a reasonable per cent of from appearances practically every delegate and visitor accepted the hos pitality of the executive mansion. Tuesday morning's convention was to have convened at S o'clock the usa- al beginning time of the eight-hoar day man, but the delegates were a Qtu slow in arriving aad it was nearly 9 o'clock before Chairman Murray caned the convention to order. The committee on order of business re ported and the report was adopted without dissent. The committee on constitution then announced its readi ness to report and Chairman Coffey took the floor and proceeded to readL. The document was a lengthy- oae. bat it had been prepared with saea care and ability . that the changes aad amendments to the document as read were comparatively slight. Ob soiae three or four sections there was warm debate, and In several instances thern were insinuation of "Mockeying for political advantage." Bat the debates were all good aatared. aad at tine hearty laughs were raised by some mtt ty retort of a delegate. Section by section the does meat was considered by the committee, of the whole, aad at the conclusion of the reading the committee of the whole arose aad re ported, and at the afternoon sesison. about 3:30, it was adopted aad the Nebraska State Federation of La bor was an established fact An effort was made at this frac ture to suspend the order of business and proceed with the election of offi cers. The claim was mad that m of the delegates wanted to get away on the early trains, bat a majority were willing to stay right there aad proceed in the regntar way. The resolutions committee resorted at length. Among other rescissions adopted was one in favor of eqsal suf frage, which was carried without a dis senting vote. Another aslted that the age limit of forty-live, prescribed by the civil service rales, be raised. Ou thanking Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupin for his activity and sei ia calling the convention was adopted by rising vote. Delegate Howard, of South Omaha, insisted apon the reading of a resota tion drafted by him. although the reso lution committee asked for farther time. It was a savage attic npoa the deputy labor commissioner, charg ing him with neglect of doty and Tar ions other crimes. The deputy com missioner replied aad moved the tabl ing of the resolution- The motion to table was adopted with a whoop. An- . other resolution asking that Organi zer Flood be sent to Lincoln as son las he had finished in South Omaha was finally adopted after some linL trouble in getting a chance from Chair man Hurray to nave it reported from the committee. This finished the order of business save for the election of officers, aad this work was taken up. Then came the big fight good natnred as a whole that had been looked forward to with so much interest. As soon aa this order was called for, Delegate Smith of Havelock arose aad pwt ia nomination Will I. 3(anpin. of Lin coln. Delegate Ford of Omaha, fol lowed with the nomination of Fred Hurray of Omaha. Several seconding speeches were made and then the voe came on. Delegate Copenharve j..-ed that the ballot be a secret one. to which Chairmaa Morrajr made vio lent protest la which he hinted vagae ly at "dirty polities.' aad said the con vention was not big enough to honor him to any extent by electing kiat as its head. Delegate Grant arose to a point of order and pointed oat that as the convention was working under a regularly adopted constitution it would be necessary ia eiect by Aus tralian ballot. The eowreatioa took that view of it. Secretary Hart railed the roll, and as each delegate's Basse was called he went forward and de posited his ballot In the hat. The vote stood thirty-eight for Maapia and thirty for Murray. 31 r. Murray ap pointed Messrs. Ford aad Hyers to escort the president-elect to the chair, and fat yielding the gavel Mr. Mar ray assured the new president of his hearty support aad sympathy. The election of vice presidents aad members of the legislative commit tee was expedited by referring aH nom inations to a committee, the ommH tee's selection in each instance being (Continued on page 4 t