The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 19, 1909, Image 6

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    Patroelze Home Mdestry
Leading Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends:
...USE... farmers&MerchantsBank rLsl shoot the Landlord! f
Lincoln Paint and Color (o. jrri. useuttio Hatchet nour r-
iSESSZZZZHSZSZTS!! " " ASfC FOR IT lone term on easy payments. Tom- monthly mjl-v-
mmv inga wiU soon put your own roof over your head.
'SfS The Oldest Commercial State Bank In Lincoln.
VjMU 4 Per Cent Interest paid on time deposits.
Loans granted on the most favorable terms, consistent
WILBER & DE WITT MILLS Security Saving & Loan Association
yEff!, ICTj with conservative banking.
All of the officers and directors of this bank have - - - . rMr M L. C OBERLIES. President. 1 1 fS fl C
-w-sy Bl beo connected with it since its organisation in 1L 145 Somta 9ta St, LINCOLN I. H. HATFIELD, Secretary-Treasurer. IIWJ U die
OOC Hours S-U: lNi T:J-9:S. Auto Phone W3S A. A. TANNER. Pro. Mgr. J. B. MKISWGER. Jr.. Stc When in Nd of FRESH BAKED GOODS FAr!" I ill rfV ff '
A. J. VHEELER. Vice-Ptcs. Orders llUJZGlS LUfilLwi UUl
Dr. Lillian L. Snow LineolnLumber&CoalCo. Tjr- ESESE to
Owe, Fourteenth n .O SfcL 1 -15. Entrance Phoocs: Auto 1713. Befl 713 A. T. SEELEY aild CO. The most comp,ete oc
O St wmumrmwo rnuBn . W TO Kl KO. NKTH ST. C E. PERKINS. Mgr.
. hve -the Goopsr end Golo Bros.
Tfco Lissela Wall Papor Co. Tjvmiici op Hardware
Retailers and Jobbers of JVvil lO. tfiadsillS, PCPS, Sfesa, Water 8ad Stoves, Sporting Goods, Razors, Razor
Ptstr tad Roea Beddings VT- PIbers' Scppliss strop, and Cutlery at Low Pric
,s,Ll Bo. tone. Do Your Washing: so. tenth st. ncppo'snardn&rQ.I03rb.lC:i.
Alanson Chapman AunFi ,wer t-j-:..3C.
Abs trader of Titles c VAN AN0 DTzS" jLlst
Stoves, Furniture and For Up-to-Date Clothes ESEwSifpSi"
ftta-tar l the AssaciaKea ef InM Abstracters. QueewtUar. r
. Fvnfce Block, Southwest Cert. 12th and O St.
Collins Bros. Ice Cream Comp'y R. C. SCHNEIDER STAR LOAN CO. Cbdstopuios
llesWli V WHli I 41ml l I W. Any Engineer, Brakeman. Fireman. Conductor. Shopman. THE UNION - - 1018 O ST.
and Factor?. XW. Cor. Ttb. t. -AntoimBeUCS .. a. n m k or any Salaried Employee can Get 3.wjr THE PALACE - 1236 O ST.
LwltSFl PCSItrV CggS from us just on His Note. Busi- THE ACME. N. W. COR. 14th AO
in ess ConfidentiaL
I , . : I PhenBellr STREET- Phones Bell F-1156; Auto 1159. W .wi -i.H Shin. SC
PSii i 2wfc ' 'Slrti1 Eveiy lady wll owns a Rane ys nothing 0311 Porter Hedff e m
nijlfll r ' ' ' it for getting a quick breakfast. Abstract Co
' That means more time to rest before and after
1 1 breakfast. Abstracts of Title
THE SUGAR BOWL gr-S ttf by V Rol,8rts' Sanitary Dairy
C L. OLDS x J. R. ROBERTS. Proprietor
icecream Caly Ggar, Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Company Dealer m mgh-cra-e Dairy prod.ct$
School Supplies Stationery News OPEN EVENINGS n street.
Omce hours a. m. to lS v.; 3 to 5 p. m. - DOWNING L. F. REDDISH J Wo O 1 WOT tl
Dr. Joseph M. Smith RcddlSh-DOWnillg Harnel, saMes, whips, Collars, f00-
Osteopathic Physician Coal and Feed Co. Blankets, Robes, Nets, Etc. whoe and Retao.
. mM . Light Harness a Specialty. Repairing Promptly Done FLOUR, FEED AND HAY
.bene-Aute-,,, " Ai 1218 O STREET. , RBSSfl IDEAL FLOUR
Aut. : b.u f - - The GETTIER MARKET St. L. SP1TH dACIIiriE IVOnHS
J. P. DREITH . A. P. FlirgaSOn, M. D. ALT SHAFFER, Proprietor Mtar ,nd rie,
Coal. Wood and Cobs eye, eab, nose and throat Fresh and Cured Meats MA s?.rSvs
' W" GLASSES FITTED Poultry, Game and Fish fHXp C"eral Machinery and Supplies
FLOUR AND FEED 313-314 Rieh.rd, Block PhoneBel. 72; Aut. 1172. Automobiles Repaired
eiw .... 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Cor. Wh and M Sts. P. O. Box 53
SIXTH AND F STREETS. Phones Office. Auto 1M8; Res. Auto 1269.
skoglund bros. ZfaSSL. ' VIEW JA BAKERY
The Photographers tSSff . "o"
Fin. Photographs at Moderate Price. Frames Made Will Buy What You Have for Sale at Best Prices, or s' V, . .-.n, ,,r
to Order. Work Guaranteed. Exchange New Goods for Old. I' frgntz smny
GIVE US A TRIAL. Rock sand SeCOnd Hand StOr LINCOLN. NEB. Our Good. Speak for Themes. Always the Fresno
Phon Aut. 91. 1026 O Street Aut. too. 2012 o st "nd Give u TriaL
y y-TV tr-Tr Aoto Phone 2066 Piles Cured Without Operating Q 'r T IV T 1 BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND
-f-Ve yy iv rz rz-r & tz iv, J, I U U IN vj full une of sporting goods
DaJer in rv Herbert A. Ab DO tt J?J7. CMf The Fire-Fly Tool Grinder is the best invention known
w , . I 1SI "SI I rii niUVli HtlllaltXS tjUDDlV KjOnXDatlV Ior sharpening tools of all description. Price ll.S. Head-
Altal and GrArrlf r " V quarters for Bicycle repairing hraimg and lichl marhiM
aa Ul UVWl Snmf h Rowel and Rectal w t - - . . . . . work. Prices always right. Latest Edison's Goods. A
, w MOmaCn, UOWei ana KKUI . BUILDING MATERIAL COAL u stock ot Records always on hand. Mail Orders
Caait Coupons Otven with Each SS-Cent and over Pur- niunul iwniuium. promptly filled.
chase. Redeemable in Premiums. . M. . . - , -.. . ,
fNnee-Beii ss7; Aut. 15S7. m7 0 street 3or. Both Phones 1342 O Street UUatu Cycle Co., 140 RO. I4lh Street