Dr. Q. H. Ball DENTIST 1304 O Stmt Phone Auto 5592 LINCOLN NEB. I : 4 Dr. R. L. BENTLEY SPECIALIST CHILDREN dm Hmir 1 ID 4 D. III. Oftoe, S11S O Su Both rhona. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA DR. CIIAS.YUIIGBLUT DENTIST ROOM 202, BURR BLK. LIKCOLI, NEB. ACTO SW WA6EW0RKER WILL M. MAUPIN. EDITOR Published Weekly at 137 No. 14th it, Lincolr. Neb. One Dollar a Year. Entered as second-class matter April ;l, 1904. at the postoffice at 1-incoln. Xeh, under the Act ot Congress of March 3rd. 1ST. HAYCEffS ART STUDIO New Location, 1127 O rim wirk a Specialty. AatoUM V7.L PnEWITTf I PHOTOS 1 Particular attention to Work for & e lurnmkr neoDle. 2 parucnl.tr people. 9 Special inducements for photos & $ 1214. O St., Lincoln. Yaseworkers, Attention We have Money to Loan on Chattels. Plenty of it, too. Utmost secrecy. KELLY & N0RR1S lao So. llth St. THE OBJECTS OF FEDERATION, More or less has been said concern ing the State Federation of Labor that will be organized in Lincoln next Monday and Tuesday. It has been charged in certain quarters that politics" was behind it. It has also been charsed that it was a plan to turn the trades unions over to a political party. It widow and the orphan, and taught men of labor to hold np their heads and demand recognition of their manly rights. Born under a foreign, flag, he is as intense- amenaiu as suij proud descendant of a revolutionary sire. His heart is big enough to take in all creation, and his brain is big enough to enable him to meet and vanquish the enemies of unionism upon their own battlegrounds. Here's hoping that Uncle Sam Gompers will have the time of his life on his European trip. He will be met by no parade of troops, nor ill he be heralded by uniformed flunkies at the courts of kings and emperors. But he will be nauea wun acclaim by the Grand Army of Toil, and he will be welcomed ino the homes of the men and women whose toil and skill has made this the greatest generation in all the his tory of time. And may he return even better fitted than now to lead the hosts of labor to greater victories in the arts of peace and happiness. SON Help make the Federation conven tion a great success by attending every session. If you miss hearing Raymond Robins Tuesday evening you 11 miss I hearing the most eloquent champion might be well at0f organized labor. this particular time to state just what the objects are. The election of three prominent The first thing sought for is to trades unionists to office in St. Louis, I bring the wage-earners of the state I where Jim VanCleave lives, is calcu late closer relations with a view of Mated to make Jim rush out behind bettering working conditions. tec-1 the woodshed and bite himself on the I ondly, it is necessary to secure the enactment of laws in the interest of the workers not laws for their spe cial interests, but laws demanded by justice. neck. The attention of President Kirby of the Union Busters is called to these! facts: The Philadelphia Traction Co. Every legislative session sees every I said it wouldn't recognize the union, I special interest well represented with the sole exception ot the men and women who worK m mm, snop ana factory. The packing house interests are well served; the railroad corpora tions are well served; the insurance combine is well served; the physi cians are taken care of, and the farmers always get the recognition thev demand. But the wage-earners. unrepresented on the floor of but it did. The hat manufacturers I said they would never recognize the I union, but they did. The Chicago de partment stores said their drivers shouldn't wear union bnttons, but the drivers wear them. President Kirby should now mount the rostrum and I deliver himself of another diatribe. Say, what became of the report of I the I that commission appointed by Roose-1 DISEASES OF WOMEN " All rectal disease such as Piles, Fistula. Fissure and Rec tal Ulcer treated scientifically and successfully. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, Specialist. Office, Richards Block. THE LYRIC COMEKCIK MONDAY, JUNE H THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY Presenting The Big New York Success "HER GREAT MATCH" By Clyde Fitch Written for uvi piayrd by Maxine Elliott Kir tw immu i tha largest citwa. A twc-7 vunMaly of worth, tlM Ant Ium at popular pm-aa. Kttt Bigs with Wednesday sad Satur day MliaKia. BEST SEATS 25 CENTS. house and senate, and without repre sentatives to look out for their in terests, never get the recognition that is due them. It will be the purpose ot the State Federation of Labor to work for a better recognition of the 200,000 men and women of Nebraska who are earning livelihoods at gainful occunations apart from the soil and the professions. It will have a com mitiee to look after legislation in the interests of the wage-earners, and to oppose laws adverse to their inter ests. It will strive to secure a better recognition of those departments of state charged with the duties of look ing after the enforcement of sanitary laws, the employment of labor and the protection of life and limb. It will seek to promote closer relations between men of all trades and crafts. It will seek to be a force in politics. not from a partisan standpoint, but from the standpoint of the welfare of those who toil for wages. These are some or the purposes of the proposed organization. The men who are interested in promoting this organization have nothing to conceal. The sessions of the Federation will be as open as any church revival The proceedings will be printed and distributed free to all who may be interested enough to ask for them. The first man who seeks to use the organization for partisan purposes will be thrown over the transom. It will be an organization of earnest men and women seeking to advance I ation the general welfare of the toilers. It will deserve the support of every citizen who wants to see better con ditions prevaiL velt to investigate American homes? I Come on with it! The "open shop" is closed to self- respecting workingnien. The "closed! shop" is open to self-respecting work ingnien. The injunction in labor disputes I goes marching on. The unionists of I Manila have been jpn joined from hold ing mass meetings. First they de- prived us of trial by jury. Then tney deprived us of a free press. I Now they deprive ns of the right of I free speech. What next? Of course the delegates to tbv-1 State Federation of Labor will wearl labeled garments and smoke only I union-made cigars. The United Hatters of North Amer ica have a right to feel a bit chestv I these days. is.eep up tne agitation for organ ization. The boosting of the label is a good way to keep at it. tiny union labor men in the par-1 liament of Great Britain. . How many I union labor men have we in congress? Be a "kicker" if you want to, but! for goodness sake don't be a "knocker." Boost for the Nebraska State Feder- of Labor. Hear Raymond Robins Tuesday night. I DO NOT PATRONIZE BUCK STOVES AND RANGES! CENTRAL LABOR UNION. GOOD LUCK. UNCLE SAM! When this Issue of The Wageworker reaches its readers, Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation ot Labor, will be on the briny deep, en route for Europe. President House I Recess Meeting at the State This Saturday Evening. The next regular meeting night of the Central Labor Union falls on the night that Raymond Robins addresses the Nebraska State Federation of INSTANTANEOUS BED-BUG KILLER If you have need Af a reliable bug killer of any kind, especially Bed Bugs we have one that is SCT8a If it fails, come and get your money back. It breaks up nesting places and kills the eggs. Put up in eoilVenient squirt top bottles. Ciz Dsilbs 25s Mcfotrs 12th &0 Gcmuers soes as " the fraternal I Labor. For that reason the regular delegate from the American Trades I meeting will he dispensed wuh. but Unions to the British Federation of an adjourned meeting from the June Labor convention. Is meeting will be held at the office Much as we would like to take! of the commissioner of labor at the that trip, we'd rather see Uncle Sam I state house this (Saturday) evening. Gomners taking it than any other June i. 1 ne labor commissioners man on earth. He will reflect credit office is on the third floor, east end upon American trades unionism as heof the, state house. stands as its representative before I The meeting is called for the pur the Trades Union congresses of thelpose of picking np some loose ends world. He will bring back for our I connected with the Federation meet- benefit the added wisdom he gains by I ing, and to start the Labor Day cele reason ot his trip. I bration matter to going. It is none When the history of this generation 1 too soon to begin laying plans for shall have been written by some fu-l"-oor uay. ana tne central body is ture historian, the name of Samuel I usually charged with starting the Gompers will be written in large I movement Without the Saturday letters. His life has been spent in night meeting it would be well along the uplift of humanity. He found the towards the middle of July before a workers of America an unorganised regular meeting would be held. All factional mass; he welded it into a I delegates are requested to take notice harmonious whole. He found the I of this adjourned meeting and be pres toUers a prey to every selfish in-1 ent. ready to help boost things along. erest- he ores nixed them into a I Heretofore preparations for Labor powerful army ready to fight like men I Day bave been put off so long that for Its rictus. He has carried the I things had to be done with too much lieht into nianv dark places, he has I rush. This should not be the (defended the helpless, befriended the 'case this year. ie ao There are numerous reasons why the Armstrong Clothing Company sells more clothing than any other clothing house in Nebraska, for it is a fact that the Armstrong Clothing Company does sell more clothing every year than any other Nebraska clothing establishment. One great reason for this being a fact is that no other establishment in Ne braska can equal the Armstrong Clothing Company in value-giving. Because of our large purchasing ability we get the pick of the market; because our methods of doing business are based on the principle of fair dealing; because the Armstrong guarantee is never questioned. These are a few of the reasons why the Armstrong Clothing Company does the largest retail clothing business in Nebraska and is one of the largest re tail clothing establishments between the two big mountain ranges. ; ACTS fROM $15 TO $40 We are featuring a magnificent line of hand-tailored suits a line from which the most fastidious dresser may select to his satisfaction and there is big value in every garment. There is great delight in these lines for the men who want to be well dressed with out extravagant outlay. f OR THE unon man Who wants the very best garments made by fellow unionists we have a line that we are proud to selL We know the goods, we know the value and we know the wearing qualities they are all all right. At from $17.50 to $25.00 we can give you union made garments that even the most fastidious dresser would be pleased to wear. There is real value in every garment value that is apparent to even the most indifferent judge. :::::: In the line of work clothes bearing the union label we have a most superior line. We also handle the Model Shirts the best union made shirt on the . market. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMP'Y GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS UNION PRINT SHOPS. Us Printeries That Are Entitled to the Allied Trades Label. Following is a list of the printing offices in Lincoln that are entitled to the use of the Allied Printing Trades label, together with the num ber of the label used by each shop: Jacob North & Co, No. L Chas. A. Simmons. No. 2. Freie Presse, No. 3. Woodruff-Collins, No. 4. -Graves & Payne, No. 5. State Printing Co., No. 6. Star Publishing Co, No. 7. Western Newspaper Union, No. S. Wood Printing Co, No. 9. Dairyman Publishing Co., No. 10. George Brothers, No. 1L McVey, No. 12. Lincoln Herald, No. 14. New Century Printers, No. 17. Gillispie & Phillips, No. 18. Herbnrger, The Printer, No. 20. Der Pilger, No. 23. FAIR BARBER SHOPS. You Will Find the Union Card in the Following Places. When you enter a barber shop, see that the union shop card is in plain sight before you get into the chair. If the card is not to be seen, go else- hwhere. The union shop card is a guarantee of a cleanly shop, a smooth shave or good hair-cut, and courteous treatment- The following barber shops are entitled to the patronage of union men: George Petro, 1010 O. J. J. Simpson, 1001 O. George Shaffer, Lincoln HoteL C B. Ellis, Windsor HoteL D. S. Crop, Capital HoteL M. J. Roberts. Royal HoteL A. L. Kimmerer, LindeU HoteL C. A. Green, 120 North Eleventh. C A. Green, 1132 O. E A. Wood, 1206 O. Chaplin & Ryan, 129 North Twelfth. E C Evans, 1121 P. Bert Sturm, 116 South Thirteenth. J. B. Raynor. 1501 O. Muck & Barthelman, 123 South Twelfth. J. J. Simpson, 922 P. Frank Malone, Haveloei. C. A. Hnghart, HaTelock. UNCONSCIOUS HUMOR. J Among the pet delusions ot the av erage American is the belief that he belongs to a race characterized by a keen sense of humor. The theory is completely discredited by the fact rrrt a majority of the people ot this coos try stm read the congressional debates on the tariff question, without the slightest suspicioa that there is say thing funny about them. New Tors Daily CaTL WEST VIRGINIA STRIKE OFF. The coal miners of West Virginia most arbitrate the question of whether they win be allowed a representative to watch the weighing of coal miaei by them. This was the Hit that caused the strike of 7. " mem last week. The walkout has been de clared off on the promise of the op erators to refer the qttestioa to outsiders.