The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 19, 1909, Image 2

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    General Mention
Waist Sale
Right here! Why? Because we give you very great values for your money. Because
you can find what you want here. Because satisfaction goes with every purchase. Be
cause the latest styles in everything we
carry may be had here at all times. Be
cause a quarter of a century in treating
people right ought to be sufficient assurance
to you that we will treat you right. We
want your business. Notice below our
special values for this week. Come in early.
In the Dry Goods Dept
15c BELTS ;
TYe have 3 dozen Elastic Belts, colors navy, brown and
black. These we wish to close, special ".
Six day Sheet Sale. These are of a food grade of Mus
lin. Boy now.
30 dozen Bleached Hemmed Sheets, size 9x4, a good full
size and made of a good grade of Muslin,
worth 50c, special to close 35c
23 dozen Bleached Hemmed Sheets. 72x90. a full size, will
fit any double bed, made of extra good Muslin,
a rare bargain at 60c, special 47c
10 Per Cent Discount on all Bleached Muslin Pillow Cases
We carry a very nice line of Hammocks. Buy now .
while the line is complete. Prices from $1.00 up to $4.50
8 pieces of 27-inch Embroidery Flouncing, a-very deep
hem of embroidery, regular $1.00, to close 68c
We have just what you want in the Knit Underwear,
Vests, Drawers and Union Suits, worth from 10c to 75c
We have a full line of Children's and Ladies' Fancy and
Plain Parasols. Silks, Satins and Lawns.
Children's, worth from 15c to $1.00
Ladies', worth from $1.00 to $5.00
41-2c CHOICE CALICO 4 l-2c
One lot of American Prints, the very best grade; only short
lengths; colors blue, red, white and black;
special this week 44sc
Here is an offer which is
worth" investigation and talk
about. It is the strongest
value giving of this season on
modish and well made Waists.
Entire line of Taffeta Silk,
Messaline, Japanese Silk and
Silk lined Lace Waists of
our regular $4.95 values.
There are 150 garments of
assorted colors to choose
from. Sale price $2.95
Ouf Line of Waists
at ,98c
Consists of the best $1.50
values obtainable m the market: The cool Dutch necks,
the dainty tailored effects andvariety of new styles. A
Waists Selling at $1.95
Are beaut if ullv Val Lace Inserting finished White Lin
gerie and good values at $2.95. There is also a few Taffeta
Silk Waists of $3.95 values in this lot.
Just received a shipment of fine Chiffon Panamas, $6.75
values, any color, choice - - - jrjj,?
$7.95 and $7.50 values, any color, choice j-iK
$3.95 values, any color, choice
$T50 and $11.50 values, any color, choice $8.95
All White Mohair Skirts at One-Half Price
All Taffeta Silk Skirts at One-Half Price
White Linene Skirts, $1.50 values, only $fj
White Linene Skirts. $3.50 values, only - -$2.50
A COAT for traveling and all around wear, handsome in
appearance aud durable, is the Kuberized Silk Coat.
Extra special offer, $13.50 values, only : $9-95
Men's Oxfords at a
& Special Discount
yl 1 his wees
Men's Patent Colt Blucher Ox
fords, pike toe, sizes 6 to
9Vo; $5.00 value $3.95
Men's Tan, Wine and Patent
Leather Oxfords; this sea
son's styles A to E widths;
sizes 6 to 11; $4.00 values;
this week for $3.59
$3.50 values, this week for $3.15
Women's Oxfords
Your choice of all $3.50 Oxfords; pumps, ties; black, ten
and wine; all regular lines; sale price this week ...... $3.15
Special discount on all Ladies' $3.00 Oxfords and Slip
pers this week. Buy now.
10 pieces of 45-inch Table
Oil Cloth in dark colors
only, all good staple
patterns, while
it lasts 13y2c
We have put in a large
line of Postal Cards,
just to accommodate
our patrons, views
of Lincoln, each lc
Brief Items of News Picked Up Here
and Tfcere
The Georgia locomotive firemen
who struck against the policy of em
ploying negro firemen have won.
The railroads are now operating trains
again, but with white firemen. For
nine days railroad traffic was at a
standstill, and not a single act of
violence was reported.
Six hundred lumber workers in
the neighborhood of McCloud, Califs
are on strike. Troops have been
called out, ostensibly to preserve or
der, but in reality to break the strike.
The international executive board
of the Piano and Organ Workers"
Union has decided that it is within
the powers of the affiliated locals to
of P.ttsbarg. Pa., have just succeeded
in securing an agreement with all
the proprietors in the city for an
eight-hour day, which win go into
effect July 1.
The union carpenters of Dallas.
Tex, propose to inaugurate the Sat
urday half holiday.
The membership of the United Mine
Workers is now 303,004 in good taint
ing, the largest number in the organi
zation throughout its history. The
gain during the past year was 2S..
Governor Harmon of Ohio has ap
pointed Charles Wirmel of Cincinnati
to the office of labor commissioner.
Mr. Wirmel is an active member of
assess their members as high as 10 i0" Engineers' Union.
cents a week to aid the striking hatters.
The seventh convention of the
Woman's International Union Labor
League will be held in Louisville, Ky.,
June 15.
A strong union of hod carriers and
building laborers has been organized
in Erie, Pa.
Painters and Decorators have signed
closed shop agreements with nine
firms in Erie, Pa.
. Seventy-seven members were in
itiated in the Pittsburg Bookbinders
Union during May.
The general offices of the Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners at
Indianapolis is now situated in an up-to-date
fireproof building just erected
by that organization.
The Order of Railway Telegraphers
has purchased the southwest corner i have come across.
of- Eighth and Walnut streets, in St. j The supreme court of Xew York
Louis, for $300,000, and will expend ! has upheld the constitutionality of
auouier tou.uuv in me construction the law reouirinz railroad mrmn-
President Lee M Hart says the
prospects of organizing the moving
picture theater branch of the theat
rical and amusement industry are
good. Xew unions were recently formed
in California. Ohio and Kentucky.
After two years strike, painters
in Edwardsville, Mo won their de
mands. Carpenters in Pittsfield. Mass.. se
cured Saturday half holiday wit hoot
a strike. Slate and tile roofers have
The street car men in Benton Har
bor, Mich., are kept awake trying to
End ways and means of spending that
17 cents an hour which is generously
doled out to them.
5 Jewish carpenters is Brooklyn, who
are on strike for an increase of wages
from ?4 to $4.30 a day, are winning
tout. Over half of the contractors
of a club house and headquarters for
the order.
Fourteen striking brickyard em
ployes in a town in Xew York state
were arrested for parading. Prob
ably they will be charged with violat
ing the liberty of United States citizenship.
The Sheet Metal Workers' Union
Mr. Merchant, evert though you make a slightly better profit
on the trust made cigars you handle than on the Lincoln made
cigars, do yon realize that in the long run you lose money?
Of course you want to know why we say this.
In the first place, the money you pay for the trust made cigars
goes out of Lincoln, never to return. Secondly, every time you
sell a trust made cigar you do that much towards depriving some
Lincoln man of a job.
There are about thirty cigarmakers in Lincoln. If you pushed
Lincoln made cigars in preference to trust made cigars, it would
not he long until there would be 150 to 200 cigarmakers in Lin
coln. Two hundred cigarmakers working full time in Lincoln would
mean an increase of $3,000 a week in the pay roll, and that would
mean $3,000 a week more spent with you. The poorly paid work
man in the trust and tenement factories of the east never trade a
penny's worth with you.
If 75 per cent of the cigars consumed in Lincoln were made in
Lincoln, every line of business would feel beneficial results. Why?
Because it would put from $2,500 to $3,000 a week into the business
channels of the city.
Think this over. Exercise both your commonsense, your busi
ness sense and your local pride and patriotism. Get those Lincoln
' made cigars from under ycur counter and put them in the con
spicuous places in your cigar cases. Instead of rnairingr a local
patriot hunt for Lincoln made cigars, make the fancier of coolie
made and sweat shop cigars do the hunting. Keep as much Lincoln
money in Lincoln as possible. Build up your own business by in
creasing the number of Lincoln wage-earners who do business4
with you.
A Lessened Lumber Output. ' I
Washington The lumber production
in the United States was less in the
calendar year, 1908. than in the pre
ceding year, according to a report is
sued by the census bureau. The de
crease amounted to 17.3 per cent, or
from 40.256,154,000 to 33,289,369,000
feet. While practically every section
of the country shared in the decrease.
It was most marked in the centers of
heaviest production, that is on the
Pacific coast, and in certain parts of
the yellow pine belt.
Explorer Shackleton Rewarded.
London Lieutenant Ernest Shackle
ton, the explorer, who managed to
get within 110 miles of the south pole
on his recent Antarctic exploration
trip and who arrived here Monday,
found in his mail a letter from Wash
ington stating that he had been
awarded the Hubbard gold medal for
his work. The lieutenant is highly de
lighted with this recognition of his
work as an explorer.
Why the Labor Leader Did Not Be
come a Pulpit Orator.
At a recent meeting of the Chicago
Federation of Labor, "Big. Bill" Mahon,
president of the Amalgamated Associa
tion of Street and Electric Railway
Employes, told a story of how Samuel
Gompers first entered the labor move
ment. Mr. Gompers. who was present
at the meeting and heard the story,
said its chief merit lay in the fact
that it was not true, but it wasn't bad.
even if untrue. This is about the way
.Mahon told the story: , ,
You all have heard of Brother
Gompers, but probably some of you
have not heard the reason why he
took up the profession of a labor agi
tator. He originally was intended for
the ministry. I wiil not say what de
nomination he belonged to, as that
is one of the forbidden subjects in our
labor organizations. Anyway, he was
an assistant minister in a certain I
church, and he was called on one day
to officiate at a christening. Young
Gompers was ambitious and deter
mined to outdo the old minister. He
believed this was his opportunity to
display his wonderful oratorical pow
ers. Taking the infant in his arms,
young Gompers said: 'My friends, we
are gathered here to witness a most
interesting and important ceremony.
Who knows what this child is destined
to become? Who knows but he may
yet sit in our legislative halls in Con
gress? Who knows but he may yet
become a United ' States ' Senator and
have his name written on the pages
of history as one of the world's great
est statesmen? Aye, my friends, who
knows but he may yet have conferred
on him the highest honor in the gift
of the people of this great country of
ours and wear upon his brows the
civic wreath of the chief executive of
our republic?
"Turning to the godmother of the
child, young Gompers whispered:
'What did you say you wanted the
child named?'
" 'Mary Ann," came the whispered
"That," said Mahon, "is how Gom
pers missed his cue as a minister and
became a labor agitator."
Uncle Sam to Keep Eye on Hawaii.
Washington, D. C. Although the
state department has received no offi
cial information regarding the Jap
anese in the Hawaiian islands, it is
probable that a request will be made
on the department of the interior for
a report from the governor of the
island about the incident. If it is
made a diplomatic affair, the state de
partment will depend on the depart
ment of the interior for the govern
ment's presentation of the case. Xo
statement has been received from the
Japanese foreign office.
Proclaim New Sultan in Morocco.
Pans Mulai El Kebir, younger
brother of Sultan Mulai Hafid, has
been proclaimed sultan of Morocco by
the tribes among whom he has been
a refugee for many months, according
to dispatches from Tangier and Fez.
The adherents of El Kebir are organ
izing a formidable army the dispatches
say, and will start a campaign against
Mulai Hafid. Since the overthrow of
the former Sultan Abdul Asiz by
Mulai Hafid last year, certain tribes
men have been clamoring for El Kebir
to claim the throne, declaring he is
the rightful successor.
J. J. Skow has sold his farm of 160
acres south of Beatrice to W. S. Mc
Hugh of Clay Center, a former resi
dent of Gage county. The considera
tion was $125 an acre, or $20,000.
tions to pay their employes twice a
The forty-four hoar week was car
ried by a majority vote on the Print
ers' Wage Board in Melbourne, Aus
tralia, recently, the chairman voting
with the employes' representatives,
wherenpom the master printers re
signed from the board.
How Organized Labor Views Convic
tion of Crooked Leader.
We are pleased to note the con
viction of the infamous grafter known
"Skinny" Madden, of Chicago, who
was proven to have exorted si, 000
from a builder as a fee for adjusting
some labor difficulty in connection
with the man's business. Madden hold
ing himself out as an authorized rep
resentative of organized labor for the
purpose. While it is generally sup
posed that this man, who has been
guilty of numerous blackmailing and
extortion schemes in this way, is con
nected with organized labor and one
of its chosen and trusted officials,
such is positively not the case. He is
business agent of the Junior Steam
fitters' union of Chicago, an organiza
tion unknown outside of that city and
not affiliated with organized labor in
any way whatever, not being repre
sented in any legitimate governing la
bor organization in the city, state or
nation. It is simply a band of credu
lous workmen controlled by a gang of
conscienceless grafters and plunderers
for their own exclusive profit- Madden
is at the head of this gang and has
reaped a rich harvest ou of the sim
plicity and subserviency of the mem
bers of the so-called union. He has
lived in luxury, enjoying every high
priced pleasure, and all the while us
ing his every opportunity to foster
his graft and keep up his show of
stateliness and wealth. His conduct
has brought reproach on the labor
movement, but the censure is wholly
unjust and unfounded, for he has had
nothing whatever to do with real la
bor organizations. Minnesota Union
Pa 276. Pueblo. Colo, is seventh in
the list with a rate of 269.3. AliO
gether there are more than a score
of small cities, half of them is Penn
sylvania, the rest in Xew Jersey.
Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Indi
ana and Maryland, in which the
death rate by 'Tiolence exceeds the
highest rate in any large city. The
"highest rate for a large city, ISO
per 100,000, is found in Pittsburg
If to this be added the death rate
from typhoid fever and other prevent'
able diseases, Pittsbnrg may be
deemed fairly entitled to such glory
as may attach to the fact that human
life is held cheaper within its boun
daries than in any other civilized
community. The total number of
deaths- by violence in 190$ and the
rate per 100,000 inhabitants front
that cause in seventeen of the larger
cities are set forth in the following
Annual Slaughter in American Indus
trial Institutions Appalling.
One of the curious things about
the story of death by violence, ac
cording to the Technical World Mag
azine, is that human life is cheapest,
not in the large cities, though of
course the total number of deaths is
greatest there, as the casual ob
server might suppose, but in the
smaller cities. The Technical World
adds: "Nowhere are lives held so
lightly as in the smaller cities of
Pennsylvania. Measured by the
deaths of violence human life is
cheapest in Butler, Pennsylvania,
where the annual rate is 379.4 per
100,000 population. Plttston in the
same state stands second with a rate
of 359.6. Iron Mountain, Mich., is
third in rank with a rate of 290.7,
then comes McKeesport, Pa., 290.1;
Shenandoah, Pa., 278.9; Pottsville,
City: Rate
Pittsbnrg 1903
Xew Orleans 135.3
Kansas City 126.7
Buffalo 123.6
Boston 122-5
Cincinnati. 118.2
San Francisco 116.8.
Greater Xew York.... 105.1
Washington 10L1
Philadelphia 100.8
St. Louis 97.2
Chicago 97.ft
Baltimore 95.5
Detroit 93JI
Milwaukee .... 69.8
Minneapolis 69.8
St. Paul 59.9
That in Organization Puts Chicago
Building Trades Ahead.
If the Chicago building trades crafts-
Liir la Aiu un a iciHta s&rpfiBA wile-
the open shoppers began to blaster
and deserted their onions they wosM
not now be able to point to achieve
ments of which they have a right to
feel proud. The spring fights over
working conditions are all through,
and they show that the workers were
not compelled to scab on their ova
scales, bat that some 40.000 men have
"gained an average increase of 25
cents a day, besides many minor con
cessions. This means that the or
ganized building craftsmen of the
fWindy City are about $3,000,009 to
the good for the year. If they had
'no unions they would, in all probahO-
ity, have been working for about 25
per cent less than they are receiving.
What's the answer, Mr. Non-Union
'Man? Have yon got a brain to think?
-Toledo Union Leader.