The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 12, 1909, Image 5

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    WMte flomietaiini
e rat rs
Before you Buy a Refrigerator you should investi
gate the merits of the "White Mountain" line. Upon
the extra coldness and economy of the "White Moun
tain" Refrigerator is based the guarantee of "lasting
satisfaction." Other points of excellence are con
venience, appearance, ventilating and removable ice
grate, sanitary and white stone linings.
Small sized Refrigerators on sale at $7.50
Medium sized Refrigerators White enamel
lined, $15 values, on sale at $12.95
This week we offer some special values in sizes suita
ble for the average home, at $15.00 and $18.00
Me CbHUnif." (JT
To Order by
The Labor Movement in Europe
Rev. Charles
At least twenty of the laior mem
ber of parliament are affiliated with
the church, and several of them are
""lay" or unordained preachers, spend
ing their Sundays in conducting re
ligious services. Large numbers of
the leaders of labor in England and
Scotland are actively Interested in the
church indeed, they will tell you that
they received their training as public
speaker In the church.
Mr. Arthur Henderson, M. P chair
man of the labor party in the house
of commons. Is vice-president of the
great church brotherhood movement
In Great Britain, which has a member
ship of 500,001 He, together with
such men as Will Crooks. M. P-,
George Xicholls. M. P., and other labor
leaders who are not members of par
liament, frequently speak at the na
tional conventions and Sunday after
noon meetings of the brotherhood in
various cities. These church brother
hoods, by the w ay, are composed very
largely of trades unionists, as I dis
covered when addressing brotherhood
In various cities. These church broth
erhoods by the way, are composed
very largely of trades unionists, as
discovered when addressing brother
hood mass meetings in London, Glas
gow, Edinburg and Manchester.
The trades union leaders on the
other side have learned the value of
having the church with theni. and the
church, at any rate, the non-Conformist
church. Is closely identified with
the Interests of working people. It Is
also quite evident that whatever the
average workingman may personally
think of the church and of the temper
ance question, he Is careful to select
as his leader, and as his representa
tive In the house of commons, the man
who U high moral character and
u .e who is a total abstainer
and a member of the church.
Incidental references have already
been made to socialism. To treat it
satisfactorily would require more
space than seems possible to give it.
Vnquestionably, the labor movement in
Europe, particularly on the continent.
is dominated by the socialists. Even
when they are not in the majority.
they seem to raise up leaders who con
trol the situation. In France, for in
stance, the revolutionaries, while not
so numerous as the present strike re
ports would seem, to indicate, actual
ly rule the entire labor movement.
They prefer to keep the bona-fide
union membership comfortably small,
so that they will not be out-numbered
and then overpowered.
In Germany, practically every strong
trades unionist leader is & socialist.
But there is a good excuse for social
Ism in Germany. While the conditions
are rapidly improving, there still re
mains much more to be done for the
workers, and the socialists are doing
their share in the common cause.
They are rendering their most valuable
service as a party of protest. For
practical co-operation and for sane
helpfulness, the socialists in Belgium.
in the work of their People's Palace,
are giving assistance of a kind which
workingmen- all over the world sorely
need. Here they minister to the social,
the intellectual and the physical needs
of men. to a degree which is rarely
surpassed by any kind of an organiza
tion. In England the term "socialism"
Is used rather loosely. It seems to
mean almost anything that is a de
parture from the old-time conservat
ism. While it seems comparatively
easy to get the British Trades Union
congress to pass a resolution,
the members of organized labor do not
see fit to elect the socialist candidates.
Condition of Socialists.
Just now, socialism seems to be hav
ing rather a hard time of it on the
other side. There is a note of pes
simism in the socialist press which is
unusual. In Germany, which country
is always referred to as the leader in
the movement, the socialist member
ship in the Reichstag (congress) was
reduced at the last election from eigty
three to forty, although there was
something of an increase in the total
number of votes cast. In London, at
the last municipal elections the. so
cialists lost a large number of votes.
In Edinburg they have steadily de
clined, according to the figures shown
me by the local authorities. But while
there is this comparative halt, it by
no means indicates that socialism has
seen its best days. It will probably
lead to a more sharply defined cleav
age between the socialists, the semi
socialists, and the anti-socialists, so
that socialism in a few years will
know its actual strength the world
over, and it will begin its fight anew,
upon a clear-cut program.
Lincoln and Havelock Representatives
, Prepare for Meeting.
Delegates to the number of seven
teen, representing as many unions.
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. XI.
Maupin, Wednesday evening. These
delegates have been elected to repre
sent their local unions at th State Fed
eration of Labor meeting in Lincoln
on June 21 and 22. The object of the
meeting was to prepare for the re
ception and entertainment of the dele:
gates from the outside cities.
Committees were appointed to look
after the printing of suitable badges
and to arrange for a lunch and
"smoker" at C L. TJ. hall on Tuesday
evening after Raymond Robin's ad
dress. It was decided to ask the pres
idents of the local unions to act on
the reception committee on the occa
sion of the reception by Governor and
Mrs. Shallenberger at the executive
mansion Tuesday evening, June 21.
Aft-'r the business of the evening
was disposed of the delegates talked
"shop" for an hour, and in the mean
time refreshments were served by Mrs.
Maupin, assisted by her little daugh
ters, Lorena and Dorothy. Union made
cigars and smoking tobacco were con
sumed in generous quantities. The
delegates will meet again next Tues
day evening at the home of Mr. A. A.
Hyers, Havelock, Mr. Hyers being the
delegate from the Machinists Union.
Delegates are urged to take the 7:20
Havelock car and go to the postoffice
in the shop city. From there they will
be escorted to the Hyers residence.
iary's members can take a leading part
in this label movement.
Mrs. F. H. Hebbard, president of the
Auxiliary, read an interesting paper
on the topic, "What We Are Organized
For." In which she explained to several
visitors the objects and aims of the
organization. It was an open meeting
and several women who are not mem
bers of the organization, but who are
eligible to membership, were present.
and several applications were received.
After the program dainty refresh
ments were served by the hostess. The
Auxiliary is planning for its June so
cial which will be held soon, and
which, like all other Auxiliary socials,
will be worth waiting for.
Bunch of Active Unionists Get Into
the Federation Game.
The Musicians' Union is made up of
hustlers. At the regular meeting last
Sunday this organization elected Dr.
J. H. Cain delegate to the State Feder
ation of Labor. Then it proceeded to
appoint a band leader whose duty it
will be to draft a band of forty or
fifty pieces to provide a parade and
music on Tuesday evening, June 22.
when Raymond Robins speaks. Then,
to clinch the matter. Dr. Gains was in
structed to pledge the organization for
its pro rata share of the expenses of
holding the meeting. Gness that's go
ing some! That sort of action ought
to make some of the older unions in
Lincoln sit np and take notice.
Delegate Pinney made a verbal re
port of his stewardship as delegate
to the genera convention, and the re
port was listened to with interest and
A committee was appointed to wait
npon the Lindell hotel management
and protest against the unfair orches
tra playing there. The Lindell ho
tel had been designated as headmiar-
ters for the Federation delegates, but
Will M. Maupin, who was present at
the meeting said that if the hotel was
using a non-union orchestra it certain
ly could not be the headquarters. The
committee win call at the Lindell.
Elite Xo. 2 is not exactly square
with th union, and the committee
that waits npon the Lindell will also
wait upon the Elite.
The new roster and price list will
be issued in a week or two.
Owen Miller, secretary of the Am
erican Federation of Musicians and
president of the St. Louis Trades and
Labor Assembly, seems to be some
thing of a rote-getter. A few weeks
ago he was unanimously re-elected
secretary of the Federation. But a
week or two before that he was elect
ed to a civic office. He was a candi
date for the, St. Louis board of free
holders, whose duty it is to revise
the city charter. When the votes were
counted Miller was high man. He
received 702 votes more than both old
party candidates for mayor, and his
total vote was the largest ever re
ceived by any candidate for city office
in the history of St- Louis. At the
same election M. H. Witter, ex-president
of the International Typographi
cal nnion. was elected city registrar.
and L. W.. Quick, grand secretary of
Deputy Labor Commissioner Miopia
left Friday afternoon for Rochester, X.
where he will attend the annual
national convention of State Labor
Commissioners and Factory Inspect
ors. He was accompanied by his daugh
ter, Dorothy.
Thompson Shoe
$3.50 B $4
Handcraft Shoe
All -"FOR KEM""A1I Rtw
Lien's Dootcry
12th & P Sts.
Brief Bite About Men Who Wield the
Decorative Brush.
Every member of Local Union Xo.
18, Brotherhood of Painters, Decora
tors and Paperhangers is working full
time, and most of them over time. The
union shops report even better busi
ness than at the same time in 190S,
and that was their banner year up to
that time. The number of union men
employed at present is seventy-five.
Very few traveling cards are received,
the men seeming to be busy else
where as well as in Lincoln.
Good health is the rule among the
members. The relief committee is
enjoying a sinecure. One member is
laid up with a sore arm..
Of course it goes without saying
that the union shops are commanding
the best work and workmen in the
Following is the list of new officers
recently elected:
President, Perry Jennings.
Vice-president, W. E. Dewey.
Financial secretary, R. L Glover.
Recording secretary, II. L. Rose.
Louis Hale is the locals' delegate
to the State Federation of Labor con
Pleasant and Profitable Meeting Held
Last Wednesday Afternoon.
Capital Auxiliary Xo. 11 to Typo
graphical Union No. 209 met at the
home of Mrs. Will Bustard Wednes
day afternoon. The routine business
of the organization was transacted.
Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupin
was present by invitation and made a
short address on the line3 of his ad
dresses before the Women's Clubs of
the state. He dwelt particularly up
on the conditions surrounding women
in the industrial field, and tried to
show how their working conditions
may be vastly bettered by a concerted
demand for the nnion label. He also
Before the first of July, Frank A.
Kennedy and family of Omaha will be
farmers. That is, they will be living
on a farm. Kennedy, who is the popu
lar editor of the Western Laborer.
drew a patch of ground in the Tripp
county lottery, and he is going to
bet Uncle Sam he can live on it six
months without starving to death.
He will devote his energies to small
pica pumpkins and DeVinne chickens.
Here's hoping the Kennedy's realize
all their agricultural hopes and ambi
Reports of the officers to the ninth
biennial convention of the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen, in session
at Columbus, Ohio, show an increase
of 2,000 in membership since the last
convention. The total "membership is
the Order of Railway Telegraphers,
was elected city treasurer. That's go
ing some in the political line. And is
Jim Van Cleave' own town, too!
Kansas City' musicians report the
summer outlook the most discouraging
in years.
W. T. Pinney has been appointed
state trustee for this district of the
Federation of Musicians. The Feder
ation is divided " Into eleven dis
tricts, two of which are in Canada.
Every musician who can, shook!
hear Raymond ' Robins at the First
Christian church. Tuesday evening.
June 22. He's the greatest advocate
of trades unionism on the American
An effort will be made to establish
unions in Fremont, Nebraska City. Be
atrice and Hastings before the elos
of the summer.
Kansas City Asked to Send Fifty or
Sixty to Lincoln.
C E. Haynie, local manager of tfe
International Harvester company, says
he has asked the head office at Kan
sas City to rush him fifty or sixty
bricklayers at once. He waste to rash
up the walls of the company's sew
warehouse, and says he can not get
bricklayers to do tae work, although
he has been advertising for them ail
Manager Haynie says the building
rush in Lincoln is so great that it is
impossible to get bricklayers, and sr
less he can get them from the oatside
he can not get the warehouse walls
up in time to take care of the season's
This sounds pood if it isn't
scheme to import a lot of aoa-aakm
bricklayers. It is true that work ia
the mason line is rushing, not only in
Lincoln, but in Omaha. Fremont, Bea
trice, Hastings and other Nebraska
Garment Workers' Tnioa ia Erie.
Pa., received increase ia wages rang
ing from 15 to 49 per cent and the
eight-hour day without a strike.
A Matter of
WAGE EARNER, but if yon im
agine the use of Gas for Fuel is
more expansive than coal, you've
another think coming.
The Cost of Gas
Fuel Gas is cheaper than coal and it is al
ways at hand, no matter how cold or hot the
day; no matter how stormy the weather, we
deliver the fuel into the kitchen. And you
can save just one-half the fuel bills by using
gas. We are able to prove this assertion. You
will save health, time and temper, too.
A Modern Gels Range
is a time-saving tool that the housewife is en
titled to. We have them in the best and most
reliable makes. Come in and see them. Open
evenings for your convenience. Let us deng
onstrate to you the economy of using fuel
gas- '
Lincoln Gas & Elec
tric Light Company
endeavored to show how the Auxil-
now 101,000.