The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 05, 1909, Image 4

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We Know It
We sefVERWEAR' guarerieed '
Hosiery for men and women.
Six pair guaranteed for sxx months.
dueuo'S conn
So surely as you apply
Durand's Corn Remover,
just so surely will it take
oft any corn.
It's clean and, easy.
No bandage, no grease,
no knife. ISc per bottle.
12th &0
Published Weekly at 137 No. 14th
St, LincolF, Neb. One Dollar a Tear.
9r. Q. H. Ball
1309 O Street
Pnoee Auto 5592
Entered as second-class matter April
:l. 1904. at the postoffice at Lincoln,
Neb-, under the Act of Congress of
Uarch 3rd. 1S79.
! F 1
Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m.
OUc I11S O St. Both Phone
New Location. 1127 O
nrk a Specialty.
s $
Particular attention to work for is
O particular people. v
V Special inducements for photos Q
q for legislative members.
g 1214. O St., Lincoln.
7t2CwCrkcrs, Attention
We have Money to Loan
on Chattels. Plenty of it,
too. Utmost secrecy.
too So. uta St.
All rectal diseases such as
Pilee, Fistulas, Fissure and Reo
tal Ulcer treated scientifically
and successfully.
DR. J. R. HAGGARD, Specialist.
Otnce, Richards Block.
Theater Cozy
Every Evening at 8:30
tkrrp In tk brt of th pvopl. is
HaadrwU mbh to get Mats Wt week.
AJtkso ml for this wsk tfc lanrew
la h. hnoey of th koan Snr;
urtat it Is wsk witli Matin in
Wil .1Tad Sturday
Best Seats 25 Cents
Several union ironworkers iu St.
Joseph, Mo., are under arrest, charged
with having dynamited a couple of
school buildings that were being
erected by non-union ironworkers.
Without knowing anything at all
about the merits of the case, The
Wageworker is willing to wager that
there is a scheme n foot either to
cover np a couple of losing contracts
or to discredit the ironworkers union.
It is very easy to explode a little
gunpowder under a bit of iron work,
and then make a play for public sym
pathy by charging the "ouiraga" to
union labor. That sort of thing has
been worked time and again, and i
more than once the daily newspapers
htve "fallen" for the scheme. Or a
contractor, seeking to get rid of a
losing contract plugs up a "union
outrage' and then gets an extension of
time or an amendment to his contract !
that will permit him to make good
a loss entailed because of his own
ignorance. That, too, has been done.
There is no denying . that union
men have often been guilty of out
rages not, however, because they
were union men, but because they
were men. But the average union
ist knows that to forfeit public sym
pathy is to destroy practically every
chance to win a victory. Why, then,
should a union man attempt to de
stroy buildings on which union la
bor was discriminated against and
non-union labor employed?
It is always wise to double dis
count all these daily newspaper stories
of "union outrages." In the first
place they are always fearfully exag
gerated. In the second place they
are seldom rightfully chargeable to
union men. Before judgment is passed
in this St. Joseph case, just wait un
til further facts are made public. .
We know there is not a clothing
store in Nebraska that can equal us in value
giving. We know there are no better clothes
made in America than youll find here. We know
that our methods of doing business are based on
the principle of fair dealing.
--there are no better clothes made
anywhere in the world than the fine hand
tailored suits of imported woolens we are featur
ing at $25, $30, $35 and $40- They are
costly, but the full value is there and youll get it.
the same proportion of value to
price in our suits at $10 to $20. In this price
range you'll find plenty of choice the season's
best models and newest colorings and weaves.
Just as soon as you see the clothes at this store
youll know they are amazing values for the
money. Youll see the values, even if you are
not much of a judge of clothes, for the value
stands out plain.
; - ; ;r Vs. V-l I
2 ?? I
ft sLvrVw I
Now dont be too harsh with the
student boys. They are full of ani
mal spirits and sometimes other
kinds. "Boys will be boys," and very
often they will fail to distinguish be
tween boyishness and ruffianism. The
Wageworker loves the college student.
Once upon a time, many years ago.
The Wageworker man was a univer
sity student himself. That is, he was
martriculated, wore a dinkey little
cap on the side of his head, smoked
a bulldog pipe, tinkled a little on the
sweet Spanish guitar and warbled a
bit under me loidy's window. He has
performed the serpentine dance, par
aded in his nightie, helped to put a
wagon on the chapel platform, stolen
the bell clapper, tick-tacked the
prexy's window and "ponied" his way
through various dead and rotten lan
guages. But there is one thing -that if often
done by modern university students
that The Wageworker man never did
he never "scabbed on a working
man who was trying to earn an hon
est living and fighting for a decent
wage. He never fell quite so low as
to set as a "strikebreaker, as some
of President Eliot's students have
done in order to be "heroes. And he
never quite so forgot his gentlemanly
instincts as to invade the fair co-eds
dormitory and perform ruffian feats
under the mistaken impression that
was either smart or the sign of real
"university spirit.
The Wageworker likes to see the
university students having a good
time. Its editor had a bully time
True, like a lot of the university
boys in Lincoln, he spent so much
time having a good time that he
didn't learn very much that was
worth while. He has learned a lot
more since quitting the university
than he learned while he was there,
but what he has learned since was
knocked into him instead of soaking
Into1 him. That will be the way with
a lot of the young men now going to
the University of Nebraska.
But in all friendship, and candor
The Wageworker would suggest to
the university young men that they
cut out some of the feats and freaks.
They may appear smart now. but they
will look awfully foolish in retrospect.
Boys will be boys, but they can be
young gentlemen at the same time.
W'ell back the student body of the
University of Nebraska against any
state university student body in Amer
ica for looks, for intelligence, for na
tural ability and for all that goes to
make up young American manhood
and womanhood. It makes a man
feel proud of Nebraska every time he
sees that magnificent army of young
men and women. And we want that
student body to even improve upon
its record.
What The Wageworker has said
complimentary to the student body
does not apply to that particular ele
ment that thinks it Is smart to swill
beer, load up on bug juice and go
around smelling like a distillery. It
will take something more than a
state university to make any impres
sion on the adamantine brains of
young men of that particular stripe.
The best thing to make an impression
upon such is a large, knotty, water
elm club, wielded by a strong-armed
The city council has done exactly
right in locating that drinking foun
tain, regardless of the protest of adja
cent property-holders. It ought to
provide about a doxen more and lo
cate them where they will do the
most good, and tell the Protestants to
go chase themselves.
Church people who insist upon reg
ulating the amusements of the work
ingmen would be awfully indignant if
the workingmen insisted upon regulat
ing the matter of baptism.
Did you read the story last week,
showing how John Mitchell skinned
the new president of the Union Bust
ers association? If you did not you
missed something.
Chief of Police Rickard has begun
the policy of trying to keep the
news away from the reporters. Well
goodby, Mr. Chief; take keer o per-self.
If you ha pen to be idle on June 21
or 22. just attend the State Federation
of Labor meeting at the state house.
Program in full next week.
Paying tributes to the memory of
the dead act to make us more re
gardful of the living.
We make no apologies for devoting
so much space this week to the m
morial services of the Typographical
union. The addresses made refer as
directly to all other unions as they do
to that of the printers, and every
union man will profit by reading the
The excise board will be doing the
right thing if it retains the services
of Detective Mai one. "Jim may have
about the average share of human
faults and frailties, but there is one
thing awfully sure he usually gets
And yet, Mr. Workingman, if you
don't belong to the church what
right have you to "kick" on what the
church does? Isn't it just about as
bad to "scab" on the churches as it
is to "scab on your fellow worker?
By the way, just as a matter of in
formation, we would like to take a
peek into the cellars and refrigerators
of a number of people who were very
insistent upon making Lincoln a
"dry- town.
railroads conducted by the Pennsyl
vania railroad commission during the
first quarter of this year, show that
brakemen. section hands and fire
men furnished most of the killed and
injured in the order named. The to
tal number of fatalities for the quar
ter were 74, of which 21 were brake
men and 20 section hands. Most of
the brakemen were killed by falling
or jumping from trains. The number
of brakemen hurt reaches 423 in a
total of 1,369 persons injured.
When President Kirby undertakes
to reply to John Mitchell the presi
dent of the Union Busters win be so
mad that there is danger he will bite
a chunk out of his own cheek.
The Thompson fountain has been
kicked around from pillar to post
about long enough. It is high time
that this magnificent gift to the city
be treated with some respect.
The Wageworker offered to head a
subscription list for The striking hat
ters with a five dollar bill. So far
there has not been a single response.
What's the matter.
t's all right to demand the label in
your hat, but demanding the label in
your hat right now won't put any
grub on the tables of the striking hatters.
In the meanwhile, don't believe all
you read in the papers about the awful
doings in Havelock.
The ignorance of union men is re
sponsible in large measure for the.
oppression practiced by employers.
Programs for the state federation of
labor meeting will be out next week.
Investigations made into the causes
of numerous accidents to employes of
Rev. John Mclntyre Takes a Union
Card With His Craftsmen.
The St. Paul, Minn.. Bricklayers
union, gained a distinguished acces-i
sion to its membership recently when i
Rev. Robert Mclntyre. bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal church, stationed
in St. Paul, was initiated. The at
tendance was large, and the ceremon
ies imposing in consonance with the
event. Bishop Mclntyre was a brick
layer early in life, and has never lost
interest in the craft. He is loyal to
the principles of unionism, and means
to show this by an active participa
tion in the work of the union.
nected with it. That man has beea a
stench in the nostril of decent anion
men for years. God knows organized
labor has enough to answer for with
out having men like Madden posing
as martyrs to the cause. He has beea
fought by honest unionists for years,
but he managed to hold oa by sheer
bulldog tenacity and by organizing s
tough gang to back him. He has ter
rorized where he could sot boy, and
he has cost organized labor maay
heavy losses. Now let the court get
after his accomplices, the so-called
"prominent business men" who are
just as guilty in giving Maddea aaasv
ey as he was in taking is. What fa
sauce for the union saaa's goose is
sauce for the buaiaess man's gander.
"Skinny Madden and M. J. Boyle,
the Chicago unionists charged with
fraudulently "settling strikes," have
been found guilty. Madden almost
collapsed when the verdict wast an
nounced, but he recovered enough to
ten the reporters that he considered
the result of the trial "a bad thing for
unionism. That, however, is where
"Skinny Madden is wrong. The
worst thing that can happen to union
ism is to have men like Madden con-
About two years ago a stove ex
polded in the Labor Herald office,
seriously injuring oae employe aad
a number of others making narrow
escapes. Debris wss scattered all
around the room and the beQy of the
stove went through the sky-fight. AH
this, of coarse. Is ancient history, hot
one day this week we discovered the
fact that the dang stove was a Bock
concern. Wilmington, Delaware. La
bor Herald.
Michigan has passed a bill to pro
hibit the use of anything but tobacco
in the manufacture of cigarettes.
Goodbye "Bull Durham" and "Dukes.
Kalamazoo Trades Union Advocate.
The San Francisco Labor Cooncil
and the Building Trades Council will
co-operate in celebrating Labor day
with a parade.
Thompson Shoe
$350 a $4
a ewmfc3 czr-ta Cw
. 12th&PSts.