roots Home ledm Leading: Lincoln Concerns Who Solicit the Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends: The Rcimers-Kaufman Co. a THE R RIMERS & FRIED CO. Sidewalks, Sidewalk Flags, Building Blocks and Tile Floor OFFICE and YARDS. 1?rh aoi W BOTH PHONES Lincoln, Neb. Biggerstaff's Sample Shoe Store X We Sell Good Shoes and Repair Bad Ones IS29 0 Street Lincoln, Neb. S. E. Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons and Delivery . Wagons ol Every Description . AM Kinds of Repairing Dam Neatly and Promptly. SIS-Sil SO. ELEVENTH ST. Tto Cdbs C!:crs& Dyers X'ra but expert vartm, employed. W etwan. iye. rerwir aitd press all kinds of Men's Clothing. We naake a specialty of Ladies' Fine Dresses. Suits, Jacket aad Plumes. AU. WORK Gr.VRAXTEED. Mail Others Eiveo prompt attention. F-t so South 12th St. IS 2 R STREET. 315 XO. 27TH ST. Scith-LlcCain Co., 3IG tl 271b Desk Island Coal Yard, 1002 It We Handle, Coal, Flour and Feed of all kinds Try our Pride Flour None Better. Round Ml. Xuts Lit tie Gem Xuts $3.03. Best that Amount of Money can buy. The Try a Toa and be Convinced Both Phones COCO COLA. DR. PEPPER, ROOT BEER. GINGER AT.V. c oca. Col a Bottling Company Sanitary Bottling Works Owned and operated by ex-union men. " Phone-rAuto 7381. Q STREET. Lincoln, Neb. MEN'S B00TERY EVERY SHOE UNION MADE HERE Thc?sea Sbse, $3.50, S4.C3 Ilasdcr ft Sfcss, S5.C3 ALL NEW "FOR MEN" ALL NEW MENS BOOTERY Castings ( Iron or Brass) Machine 'Work Wrought and Sheet Iron Vcrk Hedges Lincoln Ironworks Csiliiag Ircas sad Csildsrs Spseisltiss Seventh and M Sts. Phone Auto. 5397 The Only Union Hatters In the State of Nebraska.- ...Hats for Sale... Lincoln, Nebraska Auto 3041. liS XO. TWELFTH STREET. Ask for Them at Retail Stores Hardy Glove DISTINCT IN A CLASS BY ITSELF UNION MADE 5, 10 and 25 Cent Store 142 North 12th Stmt WOT IN THE TRUST J. II. JURGENSEN & CO.. OWNERS - ww O N Li" Cl mrv MNFR'D BY the DEPUTY-SPANGLER HAT CO. LINCOLN. NEB. Ask for Them at Retail Stores STUCKEY ICE CREAM COMPANY VHQTJSAT.E ICE CREAM 1QT7 f Cf- MUX. and SVEET CREAM lOOf U OlTCCt H. N- TOWN isis o street. Largest General Star in East Laacaf. We haTe Hardware, Meat Market, Bak ery, Paints, OQa, Glass and Groceries If you want a good Suit made to order, with good ma terial, and made right here in Lincoln GO TO GREGORY" Also the Best Cleaning and Pressing done in' the city. S. YT. COR. UTH AND O ST3. Auto Phone 4204. DRUGS. PATENT MKDICIXES- Phone your Prescriptions and Orders to I. . BAGuELL FilARQACY All our Prescriptions are carefully compounded 727 SOUTH 11TH ST. AUTO 4455. TOILET ARTICLES- , PRESCRIPT10X3. Hot Springs DOCTORS CORKER 14TB 0 STS. - SECOND FLOOR Th Hot Springs Doctors treat all chronic and ner vous diseases of men and eromea. For a, short time Merate eitanre for medicine used. Ttto Consultation examination and treatment will be free. The Ht Springs Doc-tors are permanently located at FourteeaUt aad O Streets. The Owl Pharmacy COR UTH AXD O STREETS. Hansen Pharmacy COR. 1TTH AXD GARFIELD STREETS. GUSHLW. HOTOR GO. KUktrs f tlit MOTOR of MERIT Uactla, nebraska, U. S. A. ICE CREAH CONES The Ice Cream season will soon be on. The Lincoln Cones are the Best. Send in your order V. TICITCtl, Dgr., 821 P STREET Largest exclusive Cone factory in the state ASPEBREN & STRAND LUMBER CO. XORTH 2TTH ST. We have a complete line of Lumber and Building Material, Sand, Cement, Lime, Piaster, Brick. Stone; also Hard and Soft Coal of all Kinds We rsrdue the true yon may stve us. Give us a. chance to show you we d BILLS FIGURED. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Auto Phone liS. Bell 55. . fr(yi uft Ou.i J. V. CAMP afanufat-tme and Dealer ia Delivery Wagons Carriage, Phaetons, Buggies of aS Run her Tires, Tops mmd " - . 24-- SO. TESTH ST. Sat tor Repairing and Engraving Preaaptry and I 1 SO. THIRTEENTH ST. ATTEND TH Lincoln Business Cclfecz AX ESTABLISHED AXD PET.laRr it SCHOOL. Courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Office Practice, etc Catalog free. 1XTH AXD P STS. LINCOLN. NEK. 3obn TPdestovcr CONTRACTOR IK Bridge and Building lion Work 920 N Street STRUCTURAL ENGBiEERTNG BOTE ESCAPES A SPSC1ALTT VJoodmon AcGidont ASSOCIATION A Home Company Furnishing Accident Insurance Only. SURPLUS OVER $100,000 Office Fraternity Building Lincoln Home Bakery BENTSKF3C BROS, Proprietors FANCY BREAD AND CAKES OP ALL KINDS CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM ALWAYS FRESH PHONE AUTO S73I 183 O STREET BELL PHONE 13 ' AUTO. PHONE 3013 Dierks Lumber & Goal Co. No order too large or too small for our prompt atten- . tion. Most complete stock in the City. Lincoln, Neb. X. IT. COR. STH AXD X STS. The Lincoln Tannery ESTABLISHED 1895. KERRY HOLM, Prepritter, Tanntr and Curritr Manufacturers of Harness, Lace, Latigo, ' Leather, Robes and Coats CUTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. Office 134 South 9th Street. Tannerq 313-315 O Street. Bell Phone F-1617. The Best Light for the Eyes S. G. WRIGHT 1547 O Street LINCOLN, NEB. DRUGS and MEDICINES ran ctiaiiria, rtrfmn. Tawt Arbeit s, tit Faacf 6ms PrtscriptiDBS Carefully CoRpoiBded Daj or Night Rpseaee OH Pure Pennsylvania Cylinder, Engine and Dynamo Oils Rex Axle Grease : : : French Automobile Oils MarshallOnlCo, LINCOLN We Sell Everything- Dry Gooda. Xodona. Jfaaa aad Ladies Furnishing Goods. Oroeeriea. Tfi-aTi. Kaidaate. Oieeaa ware, Fnmitnre. Trunka, Bripa, Hand Baas. Etc K0RT1I SIDE CEPAnTCEQT STCZ Dkaksobt asb Dcu, fmomwmm t W. Z. Henry, 3faaager GaaCar'aoo. 3Cjcr. Gn ei j Dpt MisaE. Miller. Bookkeeper Xiam JOm Hanrk. Sceasanpaer Phones: Bell fc-I- Auto 39JS-33W Cor. IOci and P SoreaSa Bell Phone F-1382. Ast9 Phona 353 J.T.CLARICCO, Plumbing and Steam Fitting Electrical Wiring ?I4 SO TWELFTH ST. Rear Short Brothers First class Fur- clean in r; repairinc, stove norior and repairing. Tin roofing: repairing; fun line of' Furnaces best in the city. F.n. c::iiy 2933 a STcirr E1h PhMS Hardware Store