Ali boy Imagine they will do last as they pleas as soo as they are Si; but Km of Uw iM married. R must be much pleasaater to pilot war balloon before hostilities begin taaa Afterward. Nearly all ot the 'world's supply ol asbestos comas from Canada. (S0K)(IS7 SICK HEADACHE .1 - ii'ii I rnsttl vely cared by AKIrKN SjnaaB. I IWf Man raiCW WIS" 1 JnFlP tresafrom Dj-s-pepsia. lo ll f aSStrta. direionad Too Hearty I I I I I K R Sating-. A perfect renr- II I nil 1 sV foe DuiaM Nau II I rlLLSa . Drowsiness, Bad II lfl Taate In the Itouta. Coas ts " I ed. Toocue. Paia la tan ..saaaaasaf i .1 TIlHPin LIVER. tWr reawnuie the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Siroile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Do You Love Your Child? Then protect it from the dan gers ot croup to which every child is subject. Keep DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT la yoar home aH the time, then you're ready tor the saddea attacks of croup and colds. Neglect may cost yoa the life of your child. It's safest to be on your guard. Dr. D. Jayae's Expectorant is the best remedy known for croup; it gives quickest relief. 5sU eaeryoAa to Aim jus tmttln 91.00. 50c. 25c Red Cedar Stands Weather l better than any other material. n Never requires any attention fi after It is, once laid. The best U shinglea come from Washington and when yon sea this mark it means that 10 inches of the lenpth is the best clear WASH INGTON KtD CEDAR. 4. Food n Products udovs Contains double the Nutriment and None of the Injurious Bacteria so often found in So called Fresh or Raw Milk. The use of LGby's Insures Pure, Rich, Wholesome, Healthful Milk that is Superior in Flavor and Economical in Cost. KSak is the Purest, Freshest, High - grade Milk Obtained from Se lected Carefully Fed Cows. It is pasteurized and then Evaporated, (the water taken out) filled into Bright, New Tins, Sterilized and Seal ed Air Tight until You Need It. Try zssrs OmJ UU your friends h 0 ss feed it is. Libby, McNeill &. liafay CARTERS iflVER 1 or M -r A. mv ar m 4W mw m -a" II tWU T 4ml GOOD FOR DESSERT DAINTY DISHES MADE FROM THE PINEAPPL.E. Pancakes from the Batter and the Fruit Are Something Ne Splendid Sauce to Serve with Ice Cream. Pineapple Pancakes. Make a good batter, using a half pound sifted flour. three large eggs and a cupful of milk. ' Have ready a well-buttered sheet-iron frying pan, and pour in about three table-" spoonfuls of the batter. As soon as brown on one side reverse and brown. Take up careful ly, put on a hot service plate and cover with pineapple preserves. Over- this put a second cake, then more pineapples, and so on until all the batter has been used. When ready to put on tho table cut in segments like a pie. Pineapple Sherbet This is made from the grated canned pineapple Add a pint of water to a pint of the pineapple and cook 15 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth! add a teaspoon ful of gelatin that has been soaked in a quarter of a cupful of cold water, the Juice of a large lemon and a cup ful of sugar. Strain and free. Serve in glasses after the roast or before the game course at a heavy dinner as an aid to digestion. A bit of sliced pine can be put on top of each glass. Pineapple Sauce to Serve with Ice Cream. Put a cupful of pineapple juice in a cupful of granulated sugar and cook ten minutes. Add the well beaten yolks of two eggs and whip over boiling water with an eggbeater until foamy. Take from the fire and whip again with the stffly beaten whites of the eggs. Pineapple Pie. Line a pie plate with a good crust and fill with a can of crushed or grated pineapple min gled with one cupful of sugar, a table spoonful of softened butter, the well beaten yolks of two eggs beaten stiff and folded in. , If preferred, a teaspoonful of corn starch dissolved in a little water may be added to the pineapple with the yolks of the eggs, and the whites of the eggs reserved for meringue. Aft er the pie is baked whip the whites of the eggs stiff with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, pile lightly on top the pie and set In a coolish oven to puff and color a golden brown. Delineator. Jugged Rabbit. One gootl-sized rabbit, one ounce of dripping, two large onions, three cloves. a bunch of sweet herbs, some parsley, ten peppercorns, salt to taste, some good stock, one tablespoonful of ketchup. First skin. wash, and draw the rab bit and cut into neat Joints. Fry these a light brown in dripping and place in a stewpan. Then fry two large onions, and add to the rabbit with three cloves the sweet herbs, parsley, peppercorns and salt to taste. Pour over enough good thick stock to cover well, and add a tablespoonful of ketchup. Simmer very gently for two hours, and serve In a deen dish, with n srarniari rf treA I seasoning balls and rolled rashers of I bacon. Hand red currant Jelly with his dish. Rhubarb Fool. One pound of pink rhubarb, two ounces of sugar, one strip of lemon rind, one gill of cream. Stew the rhubarb in the usual way with the sugar and lemon rind, and when done pass it through a sieve. Whip and stir it into the rhubarb. Let it stand for an hour, then serve it. Ice wafers or strips of spongecake can be handed with this dish. Italian Ponto. Line the buttered pan with boiled macaroni, over this pour a mixture of finely cut veal, chicken or tongue, one ounce of Parmesan or grated cheese, a cupful of rich cream, two eggs, a little lemon rind, nutmeg, pep per and salt and a bit of cayenne. Boil for half an hour, glaze and serve with a rich brown sauce or gravy. Almond Cheese. Moisten a square of cream cheese, add a little rich cream and beat with a fork until smooth. Mix with it one- half cupful of chopped blanched al monds and add lightly one cupful whipped cream. Serve cold with scant teaspoon currant Jam on each portion, with salad course. Towel Rack a Convenience. . The three or five arm towel rack will be found a great convenience in the kitchen for drying the dish towels on a damp day. It is not so unsightly as a line stretched across the kitchen to be used for drying purposes. Cream of Beef Soup. Chop two small, cooked beets, sim mer in one pint of milk until pulpy. Thicken with a tablespoon of flour and season with butter, pepper, salt and sugar. This makes enough for two people. Spanish Cream. One package of cream cheese, ten-cent bottle of stuffed olives. hardboiled egg. H of small onion. Grind all through food chopper, moist en with cream and spread between crackers. Mother Ann's Sandwich. A fresh slice of bread; second. thin slice of boiled ham; third, a hot fried egg; fourth, a hot fried banana, and this sandwich is then covered NEW LIFE AND STRENGTH Obtained Through Proper Action the Kidneys. of Mrs. Josiah Straw. 526 X. Broadway. rtr.n So. DaJt, says: "I suffered for some time with rheumatic pains in my limbs and was weak and languid. The Irregularity of the kidney secre tions also caused much annoyance. After using Doan's Kidney Pills I did not have these trou- Thev seemed ' to Put new life and Strength into my ' two sacredients It vnat produces sorb wonderful re . . . , . : aura is curtos; catarrh. Send tor testimonial, free. system ana neipea me in eteri w&y. My husband had an experience almost the same, and it is with pleasure that we both, recommend Doan's Kidney Pills." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-lMbura Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.n ANOTHER TERROR. Frightened Pup Gee! I always i heard that women were going into j everything; but I never knew there were lady dog catchers; SKIN TROUBLES CURED. Two Little Girls Had Eczema Very Badly In One Case Child's Hair Came Out and Left Bare Patches. Cuticura Met with Great Success. "I have two little girls who have been troubled very badly with eczema. One of them had it on her lower limbs. I did everything that I could hear of for her, but It did not give in until warm weather, when it seem ingly subsided. The next winter when it became cold the eczema started again and also in her head where it would take the hair out and leave bare patches. At the same time her arms were sore the whole length of them. I took her to a physician, but the child grew worse all the time. Her sister's arms were also affected. I be gan using Cuticura Remedies, and by the time the second lot was used their skin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles Baker, Albion, He., Sept. 21, '08." Fetter Drue a Cbsm. Corp. Sola Props, Boston. Does the World Think? Man is evidently made for thought; this is his whole dignity and his whole merit; his whole duty is to think as he ought. Now the order of thought is to begin with self, and with its au thor and its end. Now of what thinks the world? Never of these things, but of dancing, playing the lute, singing, making verses, tilting at the ring, etc, of fighting, making ourselves kings. without thinking what it is to be a king or what to-be a man. Pascal. Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease. 'I tried ALLEJTS FOOT-EASE recent ly, and have just bought another supply. It has cured my corns, and the hot, burn ing and itching sensation in my feet which was almost unbearable, and I would not be without it now. Mrs. W. J. Walker, Camden, N. J." Sold by all Druggists. 25c A Diplomat. Mother Aren't you ever going to et over fighting, Willie? Willie Yes'm. when I'm licked. Bfrs. WlRslow's SootftUnsr Rttod. for children tectrilnar. softens tbs Kiiros. reduces fa. a ..w.i iij.r.H.l cwm . wiH 35cabottlo. Fly time and baseball are very prop erly contemporaneous. i as : "4V.- . c z. pnnnnnnsn-nnnnnnn xu ;XwV- Negative Virtues. Beware ot making your moral staple consist of the negative virtues. It la good to abstain, and teach others to abstain, from all that is sinful or hurtful. But making a business of it leads to emaciation of character un less one feeds largely also on the more nutritious diet of active sympa thetic benevolence. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured srltk TjOCM, APPLICATIONS ss Out cannot men the seat ot tte disease. Catarra is s blood or consrj tutioaal disease, sod In order to cure it you canst take BUcmsl rnncdirs. Hill's catarcs. Core is takes k. teroaUy- sad acta dtrrrUr opoo the blood and Brarous surfaces. HaUs Catarrh Cure is sot a quark medi- tft tills country for years and Is a recoiar presrriptioo. . It Is eosutosed ot toe best tonics known, combined srltk the best blood panders, acting directly os trie r. J. l Ht.tY UU. TOpS tOSSOO. Uk Sold bv 1ruzvfets. price T5e. aske Hall's Ffcmuy Pius for eonstipstJoa. Work Ahead for Josh. Til be kind o' glad when Josh gits home from school. said Farmer Corn tosseL "1 have an idea be can be right useful." "Are you going to put him to work "Maybe. rve ex hausted all the language I know on that team of mules. But I bavent j given up hope. I want to see wbeth i er Josh can startle 'em some with his college yelL" Washington Star. The Grip of Spring. " TJurinsr the last twenty years many of our ' citizens have been attacked in the spring : months by (trip, borne nave bad serious or 1 sliirht attacks everv rear or two. All know ' it to be a dangerous disease. If Lane's j Pleasant Tablets (which are sold at 25 J cents a box bv druggists and dealers) are 1 taken when the first symptoms are felt. : there is hardlv a chance of the malady get i tin? a foothold. If von cannot eet them near home, send 25 cents to Orator F. "ouuwaru, s, The Scrubwoman's Lunch. "I used to let my scrubwoman get herself a UtUe lunch," said the city flat dweller. "It's the nice thing to do, I know, and I like to do It, but I had to quit in self-defense. She took an hour to get her luncb and eat it and charged me extra for the time she put in." Important to Mothers). m Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORI A a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature ot&hffi&c&i In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind Tou Have Always Bought Thoughtless. Husband "You must marry again, dearest, when I am gone, and that will be very soon." Wife "No. Edward. No one will marry an old woman like me. You ought to have died ten years ago for that." Penny Pictorial. Those who keep Hamlins Wizard OH in the house do not have to buy any other remedy for sore throat. No other rem edy will cure this trouble so quickly or so surely. Remember this. Two Ways. "Does Mrs. Gabby disseminate cir cumjacent information?" No, she doesn't; she just gossips about the neighborhood." Try Mnriae Eye Remedy For Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Evas. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Murine Doesn't Smart. Soothes Eye Pain. Try Murine for Tour Eyes. The Appropriate Place. "That ship carries a big cargo Of eggs" "Do they carry eggs in a ship or in the hatches V Free! A 10c package of Garfield Tea to anyone mailing us this notice, with name and address, and names and addresses of 10 friends not now using the Ideal Laxa tive. Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. It Is a point of wisdom to be at peace with men and at war with vices. H. C. Chapman. When the calf kicks, 'tis time to thrash the cow. From a Sanitary Bakery Where the ovens are built of white tile, (on the top floor With fresh air and sunshine surrounding the whole place In this clean, inviting spot, are baked TaKoma Biscuit The bakeries are the finest in the world- Compare them with the old-fashioned basement kind. And you are glad you know where" Takoma Biscuits are baked , They come in triple - sealed moisture proof packages. At your grocer's, 5 and 10c. IooseWiles Oiscuit Co. When thousands of women say that they have been cured of their ailments by a certain remedy, does this not prove the merit of that remedy ? Thousands of women have written the story of their suffering, and have told how they were freed from it by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for thirty years these reports have been published all over America. Without great merit this medicine could never have gained the largest sale of any remedy for woman's ills never could have become known and prized in nearly every country in the world. Can any woman let prejudice stand between her and that which will restore her health ? If you believe those who have tried it you know this medicine does cure. Read this letter from a grateful woman, then make up your mind to give Mrs. Pinkham's medicine a chance to cure you. Brooklyn, X. Y. "I am a firm Teliever in Lydia E. Flak, barn's Vegetable Compound. I was a great sufferer from orjraaie female troubles for years, and almost despaired of ewer betas? well again. I bad bearing-down pains, backache, hradarho and pains in my abdomen, and tried Mrs. Pinkham's Compottad as a last resort. The result was astonishing, and I have stsed it and advocated it ever since. It is a great boon to expectant mothers. I have often said that I should like to have Its merits thrown on the sky with a search-light so that women would read and be convinced that there is a remedy for their sufferiags. My husband joins me in Its praise. He has used it for kidney trouble and been entirely cured. Mrs. . A. Bishop, 1915 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, K. IT. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bas been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself wbo will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. I - " Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women .raf to write her for advice. She bas guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, JLynn, Mass. Western Canada MORE BIG CROPS IN 1908 Another 60,000 set tlers from the United States. New dis tricts opened for set tlement. 320 acres ofland to each set. tier. 160 free homestead and 160 at $3.00 per acre. "A vast rich country and a contented piosi perous people." Extract from 0rresfondtn mf a Xttticrutl Editor-, vkost visit tm Western Canada, in Amgust. lffo&, swi am iastiratwtu Many have paid the entire cost of then Euros and had a balance of from $10.00 to $20.00 per acre as a result of one crop. Spring wheat, winter wheat, oats, barley, flax and peas are the principal crops, while the wild grasses bring to perfection the best cattle that have ever been sold on the Chicago market. Splendid climate, schools and chare hei in all 1 ocalities. Railways touch most oi the settled districts, and prices for produce are always good. Tjtnds may also be por thased from railway and land companies. For pamphlets, maps and information re-Carding- low railway rates, apply to Superin tendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Government Agent: w. V. BENHCTT. Ml Raw Tart LBs BsiUias. DEFIANCE STARCH nvrrer attests to tbe Irociw W- N. LINCOLN, NO. 21-1909. Prune Pie. Cook prunes till tender enoogn to pick out stones, then take enough for one pie, pnt in a dish with ha If cup sugar, and let warm tin sugar Is melt ed. Make a rich pie emt and put your prunes in crust - and prrt is bits of butter and sprinkle a pinch or two of flour on top before potting oa upper crust. When dome sprinkle Just a little sugar on top. Useful Trifle. A pincb of cream of tartar added to sugar before boiling makes boiled frosting for cakes delicious and creamy. A pinch of salt and a Kttlo baking powder makes pie crest light and flaky and more digestible. One teaspoonful baking powder in ont balf cup granulated sugar added to the white of one egg stiffly beaten makes a fluffy meringue for lemon pies. 'Why jeer at the spring yoet wbest we all feel the same way? Soon will be warm enough for tho open-window comet player. TOILET AnTISEFTK NOTHING LIKE IT FOB THE TEETH Sfcw2s5 sfiwrrrasg nrfas trosa list. Ii fl bessjesj ciesssovsssi all germs oi decay mad dbeas wiskb tooth preparations caassot do. THE EOIJTII w-Td and throat, parities the breath, aad fcSs me j which colled as the saoafJa. casssns man S bad leeth. bad breath, grippe, and ansrV tit knrss S lis. B. S BirtsV and bora, aaay b. sesjeved and stsetajthcasBsi fcy Psafasc. CATARTUI Pasmew3 ivWaWaw Usrxi st bafhaBgaoV-iOuys odocssatj I leaves the body law illy dean. FOR SALS SV DStUC SVOSICSSOe. or ootpaio my auut LARGE SAKPLE FREE! m THE PAXTOM TOILET CO- fmSTOR. psma tsoaC, sesDBsy HimmHinai and slap the cssrAsrge. k at ssssj sessedy ioc srsssrsajst csdtajfns. Pastsac.a harilra, yet puw ifsst c- "1 have been tsicg Cascarets for Is somnia. with which I have been aSbcted for twenty yean, aad I can soy that Cas careta have jriven me more reisef than any other remedy I have ever tried. I shall certainly reooaxxaend them to axy friend as being all that they are rept't st'iued " Tbos. GJlard, FTgtg. EX Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tasa GoodL DoCood. Kem SackssuWeaksa or Gdxas. Uc.2Se.Suc Ne-sersoid satavis. Ttts nmetabiet stamped CCC On art -j red tf CUTBOCyotx swarf oat. Slt -a. rroai 0 -v os nut a. Hv-TJC IrAtT H .tl k --- with potato salad. This dish is not JTf - - recommended for invalids.