r Auto 1556 JOB DMNTING AT THE OFFICE OF The Wageworker We are prepared to handle all kinds of Printing Cards to Newspapers. Have you tried us? No! Very likely we can do you good. Wageworker 144 North 14th Bell 333 m A Matter of Expense HE EXPENSE IS ALWAYS A CONSIDERATION WITH THE WAGE EARNER, but if you im agine the use of Gas for Fuel is more expansive than coal, you'v another think coining. The Cost of Gas Fuel Gas is cheaper than coal and it is al ways at hand, no matter how cold or hot the day; no matter how stormy the weather, we deliver the fuel into the kitchen. And you can save just one-half the fuel bills by using gas. We are able to prove this assertion. You will save health, time and temper, too. A Modern Gas Range is a time-saving tool that the housewife is en titled to. We have them in the best and most reliable makes. Come in and see them. Open evenings for your convenience. Let us dem onstrate to you the economy of using fuel Lincoln Gas & Elec tric Light Company OPEN EVENINGS CONVENTIONS OF 1909. Where and When the Clans Will Gather to Boost the Cause. THE PRINTERS. Get Away With a Lot of Business at Their May Meeting, May 9, Minneapolis, Minn., Ameri can Federation of Musicians. May 10, Atlanta, Ga., Order o Rail road Telegraphers. May 10, Minneapolis,- Minn., Hotel and Restaurant Employes' Interna tional Alliance. May 17, Peoria, 111., Switchmen's Union of North America. May 22, New Brunswick, X. J., Na tional Print Cutters' Association of America. May SO, New York, N. Y.. Steel Plate Transferrers' Association. June 7, Toronto, Canada, Pattern makers' League of America. June 7, Milwaukee, Wis., Interna tional Association of Steam and Hot Water Fitters. June 7, Washington, D. C, Interna tional Association of Marble Workers. June 21, Omaha, Xebr., International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union. June 21, Syracuse, X. Y., Boot and Shoe Workers' Union. June 28, Philadelphia, Pa., Interna tional Union of Pavers, Rammermen, etc. July 3, Milwaukee, Wis., Internation al Broom and Whisk Makers' Union. July 7, Milwaukee, Wis., Glass Bot tle Blowers' Association. July 12, Chicago. 111., International Jewelry Workers' Union of America. July 12, Galveston, Texas, Interna tional Longshoremen's Association. July 12, Springfield, O., Internation al Alliance of Theatrical Stage Em ployes. July 17, Newark, X. J., Wire Weav ers' Protective Association. July 19. Philadelphia. Pa., Interna tiona S'eel and Copper Plate Printers' Union. July 22," - Ixmisville. Ky., ftetail Clerks' International Protective Asso ciation. July , Atlantic City, N. J., Nation al Brotherhood of Operative Potters. August 2, Denver, Colo., Amalgamat ed Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance. August 2. Buffalo, N. Y., Journeymen Tailor Union of America. August 3, Detroit, Mich.. Interna tional Glove Workers Union of America. August 9. St. Joseph, Mo., Interna tional Typographical Union. August 10, Indianapolis. Ind., Shir Waist and Laundry Workers Inter national Union. August 12, Kansas City, Mo., Inter national Stereotypers and Electrot;'j ers' Union of North America. August 16, Boston, Mass., Metal Pol ishers, Buffers. Platers, etc. September 6, Eureka, Humb Co.. Cal International Brotherhood of Woods men and Saw Mill Workers. September , Springfield. Mas., Ta ble Knife Grinders National Unic" September 6, St. Louis. Mo., Xatirnal Federation of Postoflice Clerks. September 7, Milwaukee, Wis . In ternationrl PUoto-Fngravers' Union of North America. September 9, Boston. Mass.. Inierna- iional Spinners Union. September 13, BosLoi, ?.!ars . Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers' International Union. September 13. Denver. Colo.. Inter national Association of Machinists. September 13, Elmira, X. Y., Inter national Hodcarriers and Building Lab orers' Union of America. September 13. Chicago. 111.. Intoi na tional Brick. Tile, and Terra Cotta Workers Alliance. September 14, Denver, Colo.. Amer ican Brotherhood of Cement Workers. September 17, New York, Pocket- knife Blade Grinders and Finishers In ternational "Union. September 20, , , Trav elers Goods and Leather Novelty Workers International Union of America. September 20. Minneapolis, Minn., International Association of Br":I?e and Structural Iron Workers. October 4. Milwaukee, Wis., Interna tional Union of Shipwrights, Joiners, Caulkers, Boat Builders and Ship Cab inet Makers of America. October 4, Toronto, Ont., Amalga mated Association of Street and Elec tric Railway Employes of America. October 5, Milwaukee, Wis., Jour neymen Barbers" International Union of America. October 19, Detroit, Mich.. Interna tional Association of Car Workers. October 19, Charlotte, X. C, United Textile Workers of America, November 8. Toronto, Can., Ameri can Federation of Labor. Xovember 29, New York. X. Y.. In ternational Seamen's Union. December S, Indianapolis, Ind., In ternational Alliance of Bill Posters of America. Union Floyd McKinney, Roy Ken nedy, C. S. Eckert. W. S. Bustard. Or val Young.. DO NOT PATRONIZE BUCK STOVES AND RANGES! Lincoln Typographical Union met last Sunday afternoon and transacted a lot of business. L. L. Ingraham, who has been president for almost a year tendered his resignation. He is about to be come a resident of Idaho, where he will raise small pica prunes and eigh-teen-point peaches. He was tendered a unanimous vote of thanks for his past services, and W. W. Ford was elected to fill the unexpired term. A committee was appointed to ar range for the observance of "Printer's Memorial Day," which occurs on the last Sunday in the present month. The Ben Franklin Club, an orga nization of employing printers, sent the following communication, which was read and filed: .-."Lincoln. Neb., May 1, 1909. To 'the officers and members of Lincoln Typographical union No. 209, Lincoln. Nebraska, Gentlemen: The executive committee of the Ben Franklin club, the employing printers' local organiz ation, through a desire to express their approval of the action of Lincoln Typographical union No. 209 at its meeting of April 4, 1909, in its en dorsement of senate file No. 283, known as the Wilson daylight saloon bill, transmit you a copy of the follow ing resolution: Whereas, the attention of the executive committee of the Ben Franklin club of this city has been directed to a certain resolution adopt ed by Lincoln Typographical union No. 209 at its regular meeting com mending senate file No. 283, known as the Wilson daylight saloon bill; 'Be it resolved, that it is the sense of this committee that Lincoln Typo graphical union No. 209 is to be con gratulated upon the advanced position they have taken in the rank3 of or ganized labor by its official recogni tion of the evils of the drink habit and its depreciating influence upon the value of that which the laboring man has for sale, his labor. The executive committee of the Ben Franklin club of Lincoln adopts this means of ex pressing their appreciation of the atti tude, of the members of Lincoln Typo graphical union No. 209 on this ques tion. . C. D. TRAPHAGEX, Chairman JACOB NORTH, R. A. M'CARTNEY. B. A. GEORGE, . . ROBERT A. DECOU. Executive Committee of the Ben Franklin Club of Lincoln, Neb. L. D. WOODRUFF, Ex-Omcio The union took cognizance of a lot of "bum" printing that is being foisted off on the state and appointed a com mittee consisting of Messrs. Coffey Pine and Ford to file the following pro test with the state printing board: '"Lincoln Typographical union No, 209. a membership of practical jour neymen printers, a large majority of whom are taxpayers, believing that the provisions of a contract are bind ing ana enforceable and of just as much importance and as obligatory, whether between individuals or be tween the state and an individual or between the state and olitical trafflck ers. that past work or anticipated work in future campaigns not immune from the enforcement of obligations to the state, protest against the allow ance of the claim for the printing of the 190S-1909 biennial report of the state bureau of labor statistics, such biennial report being padded II pages actual count. "And protest for the further reason that said bennial report should have been delivered to the state for the use and information of the recent session of the legislature, the fact being that 100 copies were delivered on or about March 20, and 'so far as known the remainder of the contract number re main undelivered to date. F. M. Coffey was elected as dele gate to the state federation of labor, which will meet in the near future. G. E. Locker, Roy Kennedy and Fred Mickel were appointed a committee to issue a call for a mass meeting of the allied trades. i ne touowing nominations were made for the principal offices for the coming year: For delegate to international con vention at St. Joseph Lynn Freeman, W. W. Ford. G. E. Locker, F. M. Cof fey. For alternates George Bostrom August Radebaugh. For president W. W. Ford, Henry Bingaman. For vice-president H. C. Peate. For secretary-treasurer F. H. Heb- bard. For recording secretary Floyd Mc Kinney, Orval Yonng, W. C. Moyer. For sergeant-at-arms J. G. Sayer. For executive committee George Bostrom, G. M. Wathan, John Zurbrig- en. F. M. Coffey. For delegates to Allied Trades Coun cil C. S. Eckert. J. R. Bain. Roy Kennedy, Walter Stoner. For delegates to Central Labor UNION PRINT SHOPS. Printeries That Are Entitled to Us the Allied Trades Label. Following is a list of the printing offices in Lincoln that are entitled to the use of the Allied Printing Trades label, together with the num ber of the label nsed by each shop: Jacob North & Co., No. 1. C. S. Simmons, No. 2. Freie Presse, No. 3. Woodruff-Collins. No. 4. Gravts & Mulligan, No. 5. State Printing Co., No. 6. Star Publishing Co., No. 7. Western Newspaper Union, No I Wood Printing Co., No 9. George Bros., No. 11. McVey Printing Co., No. 12. Ford Printing Co., No. 16. VanTine & Young, No. 24. Dairyman Pub. Co., 130 Nx 14th. Graves Printery, No. 5. New Century, 213 South Thirteenth. found in Denmark and Sweden, tn Denmark trades onions contain in fully 50 per cent of the toilers and Sweden about 39 per rent, la Hun gary there is an ectimated member ship of 130.004. or 23 per teat of aU the working people. Austria bas near ly 500.000. or IS per cent, while Italy with its immense population. rxAzlu only 200.000. or per rent. The United States, with it 3..W.'Ki unionists, is in the lead in the total number of workingmen and wor'iox- omen who are in the trades-onion movement, even though the percent' age of workingmen in the trade nnions is not as great as it is in some countries in Europe. TRUST SETTLES FOR A FRAUD. THE LABOR MOVEMENT EUROPE. IN the Organization of Trades Unionists. Rev. Charles Stelzle. Organized labor throughout the world is 9,000,000 strong. The trades unionists in Great Britain, according to the most recent figures, have a total membership of 2,100,000, of which number 150,000 are women. It is es timated that 33 per cent of the work ers in Great Britain . are .connected witn the trades unions. There are practicailly four divisions among the organized workingmen affiliated with j Sugar Combine Fined S2.134.SCO fcr Cheating Government. The American Sogar Refining roro pany on Thursday paid the gorem ment iS 96.000, completing a payment aggregating $2434.004 in settlement of claims arising ont of the fraudulent weighing of sugar on the dorks of the refineries. The government threat ened to bring further salts for amount reaching nearly !.0M b if the sugar trust did not settle. Now look out for another Inerea in the price of sngar. That fine fea to be made tip in some way or another, and about the easiest way is make the public pay It. AT HAVELOCK. Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupni Talks to Big Mass Meettng. Deputy Labor Commissioser Jtanpra addressed a meeting of over two hun dred wage earners at HaTelock Wed nesday evening. He outlined the pian ! for orzanizine a State Federation ot the British trades congress, consist- d fail ubn t cottM : . - . i . -nn r. i r. .. . i I iiig, in h l. oi uuuui tuu.uv; in me General Federation of Trades Unions (which is composed cf 134 national organizations, and who are. for the post part, skilled workers), 500,000 miners, llo.OOO members of the Rail way Servants' Societies, and abont 700.000 general workers and laborers who are not affiliated with the Gen eral Federation. The organized work ingmen in England are represented in their political and general activities in what is known as the "Joint Boa-:!" which is composed of four members each from the following bodies: Firt. the Parliamentary Committee (conii.-t- ing of the Executive Committee of thf British Trades Congress; seconj. the General Federation of Trides Unions; third, the labor Party, which is tbe distinctively political or ganization of the trades unionists. This Joint Board outlines the policies of the workingmen and unifies their activities. Mention should be made. however, of the Independent Labor ! the benefits that would arrme to the wage earners of the state by reason of having a live, compact organization. After that he devoted the' rest of ni talk to emphasizing the need for bet ter organization and for s greater unity of action. Incidentally toe speaker took op the label qnestton and explained the need of more education along that line. That the label matter was of hilerese was evidenced by a number of men who asked questions and then exam ined tbe lithographer chart of labels exhibited at tbe speaker's stand. . . The unionists of Harelock are cs and coming, and they promise to nxj the State Federation project to f?e limit. party, which is the Socialist wing of the Labor party, and which contains about 15 per cent of its membership. German trades unionists number 2,- 000,000. with about 120,000 women, but in addition to this it is estimated that there are 250,000 "Christian Trades -Unionists." who are controlled more or less by the Church. Of the total number of trades unionists in Ger many, perhaps 385,000 are Social Dem ocrats, standing specifically for tbe Socialist movement. Estimates of the number of trades unionists in France vary considerably, but there are probably 900.000 mem bers of Organized Labor. 200.000 of whom belong to the "Confederation du Travail," or the Federation of Labor. Probably the largest percentage of workingmen in the trades anions of any country in Enrope are to be Don't SUFFER with conns USE ounACD-s conn IIECOVER So surely a you apply Durand's Corn Ilemovc-r. just so surely will it take off any corn. It's clean and eay. No bandage, no srrea--, no knife. 15c per bottle. RECTOR'S 12th AO UNION MEN $12.50 Buys You a Good Union Suit Just say to one of our clerks when you come in the I I store that you would like to Union Made Suits which we are setting at $12SO. You will get the best value in the city for your money. I I I I Mayer Br oAeirs LINCOLN'S LEADING CLOTHIERS I P. S. Don't forget to nay, I saw your ad in tbe Wafeworkcr