The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 24, 1909, Image 7

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    fa Catarrtt at Um Taraat af Twa
Years' StaocUni.
l was afflicted for two years -with
catarrh of the throat. At first it was
very alight, but every cold I took made
it worse.
I followed your directions and in a
very short time I began to improve. I
took one bottle and am now taking
my second. , I can safely say that my
throat and head are cleared from ca
tarrh at the present time, but I still
continue to take my usual dose for a
spring tonic, and I find there is noth
ing better." Mrs. W. Pray. 260
Twelfth St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
aV- '
Tortoise What, have you started a
motor car?
Snail Tea, one must move with the
times, you know.
It Jarred Him.
Howell How did you come to break
your engagement with that girl?
Powell I had reason to think that
she hadn't enough practical knowledge
to make her a good helpmeet.
Howell What gave you that Idea?
Powell I told her one day that the
hens weren't laying, and she said she
supposed that would affect the price
of. egg coaL
Natural Solicitude.
Invalid Husband Did the doctor
ay I was to take all that medicine?
Wife Yes, dear.
Invalid Husband Why, there'i
enough there o kill a donkey.
Wife (anxiously) Then you'd bei
tar not take all of it. John! Tit Bits
There's Danger
if you've been neglecting a cold.
Don'texperiment with your health.
Get a remedy that you nou will
cure that remedy is
It's safe. la the severest cases of
coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in.
lUmmarioa of chest and lungs it is the
Mat effective remedy known. It does
its work quickly, removes the mm of
SM mgtakw in Mm atea
waffle, 9I.0O. 50c. 25c
Te make tlOO Par akwia Fibobbb.
ww total Mux IT with K..k-i.k.l
ft!2!'!?ftJto,!5c fciop Portion,
roUiowMa. BlTCooipoBTlKoorof iSolajBoM I
tatBonoraaaa ouiluunnla to. U.S. lap- I
Itol u4 ovrBla. um M, 11,00 Italian. Onr St I
oroaono. all luniiMt aactuno. am oror I
I CSof CUT l". oar BBocraploa
Mjjm o vj. foil cbonro ot oil oeiinri. to I
T-"T T . at avwr ir.aai (atinv vcvt
fat tiiyt, tsartoavn as w.U to muiM
a Mk BOt leaf Vlnta.
VZZ Par ttMtk Clear Prafit
w . w 1 inta rainy 1 if yon an well uiaim la
ruwjocmliuana au u potuoa, wnio at
c for fail Muttoalara.
Mon oBnorll oow at nua of aao aoa not
ooBIpooiUooo.MB Bias bo .bis
o rmimial orS kofm to ouoduot to. bo&ioroK
olo Boe kMMa mm a. nfunn. If too
oaaao4 MM Um, MqwnoMU do not writo.
"Ton oaa Moot Uwbv writo qalcklv. Tbo
J. W. McCOT, fiea, Aft,
Of all tb-
rtotloa pw-
curod in o
tew Sara witaoot a aurfrteal operation
or notnauoa from dmuimi no pny
will ka noeeptwa nnul Uto patient is
coapHttol aoUoBod. Writo or call on
FftMTZ M. WHAT, . D.
aaaa MS Bo BMta., Osaka. Mae,
ImprovoS and nninprovod forma In oaatrrn
WIU erect walMtnaa on onr farm on aome
ooay Mtna Piieo o per aero. Sor
Uota. mops, etc, aottroos
ALEX. H. RAIT. IStknndOSto, Uocolo,r4oa,
Full Directions for the Compounding
of Delicacy That Will Be Highly
Appreciated by the Visit
ors of the Afternoon.
Use three-fourths of a pound of but
ter, three-fourths of a pound of brown
sugar, oue-fourth
pint of molasses,
lVs pounds of
raisins, one-fourth
pound of citron,
one-fourth pound
of figs, one-fourth
Itound of almonds,
three-fourths of a
glass of wine.
three-fourths of a glass of brandy and
14 ounces of flour.
One pound of butter, one pound of
sugar, one pound of flour. 12 eggs, one-.
half gill of brandy, one nutmeg, one-.
Iialf teaspoon of cloves, two teaspoons,
of cinnamon. 14 pounds of raisins.'
1 pounds of currants, one pound of
citron. Chop part of the raisins fine.
Beat the butter and sugar to a cream,
whisk the eggs until thick and add
them by degrees. Then add the brandy
and flour with the spice, and lastly the
fruit. Mix all well together. Paper
your pans and put in the mixture;
spread it smooth with a knife and
bake in moderate oven four hours, says
the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Take one cup of butter, 1 cups of
brown sugar, one-half cup of sour
cream, two cups of flour., three eggs,
one pound of seeded raisins, one-half
pound of currants, one-fourth pound
of citron, one teaspoonful of soil a.
same of cinnamon, one-half nutmeg,
one-half teaspoonful of cloves; chop
the raisins, slice the citron very thin
and have the currants all washed be
forehand; set the butter where it will
get soft, but not melt; beat the eggs
until the whites and yolks are well
mixed, then add the sugar and beat
until very light. Add butter and mix
thoroughly; measure the flour, dredge
the fruit with one-fourth of it and mix
all the fruit and spices together. Dis
solve soda in a teaspoonful of warm
water and add to the cream; then add
the cream to the butter, sugar and
eggs: adtl the flour, mix well, mix the
fruit in thoroughly, last. This makes
one large or two small loaves, and will
keep a year.
eigh one pound of butter, one
pound of light brown sugar, one
pound and two punces of flour, two
IHjunds of dried currants, two pounds
of ordinary seeded raisins, two
pounds of sultanas and 1V4 pounds of
citron cut into strips. ; Measure one
gill of cream, one-half pint of brandy,
two tablespoons of ground cinnamon,
one each of mace, cloves and allspice.
Grate two nutmegs. Break a sufficient
number of eggs to fill a pint measure.
Rub the butter and sugar together, but
do not beat them. Whip the eggs un
til perfectly smooth and thick and stir
them with the cream into the butter
and sugar, adding one-third at a time
and working until perfectly smooth.
Mix the flour with the spices and
the fruits until they are evenly dis
tributed; then add them to the mix
ture and stir lightly together. Add
one tablespoon of orange-flower water
and beat the whole vigorously. Bake
in a moderate oven for three hours.
Do not turn out of the pan until cold;
then rub lightly with flour and wipe
off with a dry cloth and store away
until needed. This cake is improved
by age, and many persons make them
a year ahead of time.
Table Protection.
After all. there is really no better
protection to dining table than the
asbestos pads. They come in all sizes
and once bought do not need renew
ing. Round or square shape, measur
ing 48 to 51 iucbes, a pad will cost
$5; 35 to 60 inches, $5.50. and 61 to
66 inches, $6. Leaves 12 inches wide,
or less can be had for $1, and leaves'
over this number of inches will cost
$1.25. A table so covered will be pre
pared to receive hot dishes upon any
spot over its entire surface.
Frozen Apricots.
Tou can have frozen apricots in your
freezer made as follows: One can ap
ricots, two cups granulated sugar, one
pint cream. Cut up apricots, add sugar
and one quart water. Let stand an
hour. Mix well to thoroughly dissolve
I sugar. Half freeze, add whipped cream
Pack and let stand 1 hours, or until
firm. Strawberries, pineapples, cher-
Iries. peaches, etc., may be treated the
same way. Equal parts fruit and
sugar, with a little cream if you like.
Frozen like apricots.
Hint for Using Paraffin.
When using paraffin for sealing all
serious and often fatal accidents as
well as the disagreeable smoke in the
house can be avoided if the dish con
taining the paraffin is placed in a large
vessel containing hot water. When
the paraffin is melted remove from the
stove and the water will keep the wax
hot until all sealing is done.
Soda to Clean Pots.
When anything has been cooked in
a pan and stuck to it. making the Job
of washing it hard and tedious, fill the
pot with boiling water and add a tea
spoonful of salsoda. Let the water
stand in the kettle until the next dish
vashing and it will be easy to clean.
Keep the Water Boiling. .
In steaming or boiling a pudding,
as the water boils away, add more
boiliug water. If colder water is
added, for a short time at least, the
foodstuff will not be boiling, and this
state of affairs may prove disastrous
1 to tb pudding.
Keep the Kidneys Well and the Kid
neys Will Keep You Well.
Sick, suffering, languid women are
learning the true cause of had backs
and how to cure
them. Mrs. W. G.
Davis, of Groesbeck.
Texas, says: "Back
aches hurt me so I
could hardly stand.
Spells of dizziness
and sick headaches
were frequent and
the action of the kid
neys was irregular.
Soon after I began taking Doan's Kid
ney Pills I passed several gravel
stones. I got well and the trouble has
not returned. , My back is good and
strong, ana my general neaiin is Det-
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
"Why didn't you come around ear
lier? The snow Is all melted away."
Dat's just my luck, lady. Every
time I feels like workin' de sun comes
out and does me out of a job!"
Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran
$50 Spent on Useless Treatments
Disease Seemed Incurable.
Cured, by Cuticura for. S130.
"When my little boy was two and a
half months old he broke out on both
cheeks with eczema. It was the itchy.
watery kind and we had to keep his
little hands wrapped up all the time,
and If he would happen to get them
uncovered he would claw his face till
the blood streamed down on his cloth
ing. We called in a physician at once,
but he gave an ointment which was so
severe that my babe would scream
when it was put on. We changed
doctors and medicine until we had
spent fifty dollars or more and baby
was getting worse. I was so worn out
watching and caring for him night and
day that I almost felt sure the disease
was incurable. But finally reading of
the good results of the Cuticura Rem
edies, I determined to try them. I
can truthfully say I was more than
surprised, for I bought only a dollar
and a half s worth, of the Cuticura
Remedies (Cuticura Soap, Ointment
and Pills), and they did more good than
all my doctors' medicines I had tried,
and in fact entirely cured him. His
face is perfectly clear of the least
spot or scar of anything. Mrs. W. M.
spot or scar. Mrs. W. M. Comerer,
Burnt Cabins, Pav Sept. 15, 1908."
Potter Drac a Cham. Carp, Solo Props, Booton.
Jess Said Her Prayers.
One day three-year-old Baby Jess
was visiting her grandmother, who
was very devout. She asked Baby
Jess it her mother. had taught her
to say her prayers.
Jess answered: "Yes, ma'am."
"Whom do you pray to, dear, and
ask to forgive your naughty ways?"
"Sometimes I pray to mother's
knees and sometimes to the bed."
Letting Him Down Easy.
A young man of verv limited meana.
after the marriage ceremony, present
ed to the minister 27 large copper
cents, all snread out on th nalm nf
his right hand. "This is all Pre got.
parson," he said. Seeing a disappoint
ed look in the minister's bm hn AA-
ed: "If we have any children we will
send inem to your Sunday school."
success Magazine. .
The Utmost in a Soda Cracker
Crisp dainty flaky pure and always fresh. That's why Takoma
Biscuit are the preferred Soda Crackers by all housewives.
But let the biscuits themselves by their taste tell you how much
better they are than others.
They arc made in a million
dollar bakery in white
tile ovens, on the
top floor.
The whole baking
room is flooded by
air and sunlight.
Humble Vegetable Used for Many Oth
er Purposes Than Recog
nized Dinner Essential.
Whenever you lick a postage stamp
you partake of me, since all lickable
gums are made from dextrine, one
of my products.
Your neck caresses me all day for
the starch that stiffens your collar is
made from the potato.
The bone buttons on your under
wear are probably "vegetable ivory"
compressed potato pulp.
My leaves, dried, ' make a good
smoke. Tou have often smoked them
"unbeknownst," mixed with your fa
vorite brand.
Potato spirit is a very pure alcohol.
It is used to fortify white wines. Many
a headache is not so much due to
the grape as the potato.
I yield a sweet syrup. In this form
I am often present in cheap cocoa,
honey, butter and lard.
Let the corpulent try as they will,
they cannot escape yours truly,
I nadry work at home would b
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
Beauty and fineness of the fabric is
bidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trow
hie can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Perfectly Reckless.
Tim members of the church voted
that their dearly-beloved and devoted
nastnr should have a vacation, and so
he decided that he would visit a broth-
i---nrnrVpr in the neighboring village
This good brother recognizing his
fpllnw-worker in the Lord way bacl
amnnir the congregation, oa Sunday
Ttinrn in v and wishing to show every
courtesy, asked him to lead in prayer.
But the visitor calmly repliea: iouii
havp tn excuse me. dear brother, I'm
on my vacation." Ladies' Home Jour
Foolish Question.
A New York chap wants to he told
why theater tickets in that city do not
indicate the hour, of the beginning of
the performance. Should think he
would know. The hour is not men
tioned because nobody is ever on time
at the beginning of the) performance.
What would be the good of wasting
printer's ink?
Do' You Feel Like This?
Does your head ache or simply feel heavy
and uncomfortable? Does your back ache?
Does your side ache? Do you feel fagged
out? The tonic laxative herb tea known as
Lane's Family Medicine will clear your
head, remove the pain in side or back and
restore your strength. Nothing else ia so
good for the stomach and bowels. At drug
gists' and dealers', 25c
Cleaning the Stage.
"We hope," said the spokesman of
the committee, "to enlist your support
In favor of a clean stage."
"You have it," responded the theat
rical manager, heartily. "Why, almost
every one of my plays opens with a
girl dusting everything in sight."
V Unlikely.
Whale What are you going to tell
your wife when you get home?
Jonah I don't know; I don't sup
pose she would believe me if I should
tell her that I had been to a fish din
ner. The Bohemian.
Do not force yourself to take offensive
(and harmful) drug9 take Garfield Tea,
Nature's Herb laxative; it overcomes con
stipation, purifies the blood, brings Health!
The sugar production of the United
States does not grow with the con
sumption. It doesn't take much to satisfy most
people who are self-satisfied. '
s x to
- r V
aai attar tt. Ooo tOc ontHtaoa clot n Ikera. Toe? n i. coM wator Brttsr a
I oBSfclntaBo; ! ajn, BoMcn anS Mis Catafn, MKMHOC ORIft CO.. Qm
A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least
try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched
There are literally hundreds of thousands of women ia
the United States who have been benefited by this famous
old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over
thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering.
Read what these women say :
Camden, IT. J. - It Is with pleasure that I send my tetfan
xual for Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, hoping ft
may induce other suffering women to avail themselves of too
benefit of this valuable remedy.
I suffered from pains in my back and aide, sick headaches,
no appetite, was tired and nervous all the time, and so weak I
could hardly stand. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pond
made me a well woman and this valuable medirine shall
always have my praise." Mrs. W. P. Valentine, OOIS Lincous
Ave., Camden, K. 7.
Erie, Pa.-" I suffered for five years from female troubles, and
at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did
me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Prakhaaa's
egetable Compound, and it has made me weQ and strong-.
hope all suffering women will just give Lydia K. Pink ham's
Vegetable Compound a trial, for it is worth its weight in gold."
Mrs. J. P. Endlich, K. F. I). 7, Erie, Pa.
Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub
lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help
these women it will help any other woman who is suffcr
, ing from the same trouble.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick' woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit. I
f-J If the slightest trouble appears which
loi oV you do not understand, write to Mrs.
Pinkham at Lynn, Mass for her advice it is
free and always helpful.
t :
8(lf CUTV tottd pOSf tl
Mn.v !
It. Khow loTowrdTOjnr'.t.
oodCurof, BDOelolOKVotswoswd.
Positively cured by
these Little Pills..
They also relieve IM
treasfrom Pypgpaviavli--digestion
and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy lor Dizziness, Nan
sea. lrowsinesa. Bad
Taste In the Mouth. Coat
ed Tongue, Pain la the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
cefiu.ce sur.c3-i;
other torebno only 12 oonrm . Brtea oad
"oaFiANca ia supcaioa ouautv.
Then thev are packed
in triple-sealed cartons
keep out dust and
Takoma Biscuit are at VOUf
grocers two sizes 5c and 10c
onaaf aflMr ava, Toa caa ttm
'. Illi
flak Ere. 1
ipf)tad r arvaw
Catarrhal Fevaw
JKVVaaTta Mt, aW
wbo will ns uUtjm. Tn
Chnmlttta Bmf C"C"C Hn n I
SiOW vvwwwpf wwwwwr w. w. -mm
A flvvrttir tfcutt Is isnS A nil mm lmmm
ar vjuiiltaa- By taaoWmg yrMtal a Isiet Mtfaftt
la water mm. apafrfiMj Maiia, m 4. U ttmm
sttm is mmAm mm m arv mn
Man4ri.s i Sftasel hrw arrKspr. If mi.
bbt b Sniff, ays
O b nod (60 an
be porcWcd ot S3XO par m. Tam InonB
too North of M bub) Mo. ot rwwrw
oc Ttiwimbj Blwa. fett
thoiijaa CbbbIbb Go
v. VsnarTT.
Ml Bow Tort Ua I
Kvory ww of Too Wmtm
m ipoclolly B" ortWteo IBM ,
osponooco to ibo 10
Tbo trm Boot OKI
Uoo. frow Bototo tBBS will b. I
mmem .1 too martsy.
oioisoi on loruno) or xor .mi ibo:
Tot. OBr will BW&BOBOB. I
Cedar Shingles
unequalled for wear aad ap
pearance- Jtecraira bo
every rear aa do prepared
togs. LaKtBtoca foajrer aad look
better. Tbe beat WAHINGTOS
this mark, remember tkve mmm.
fno J& . u 9. oa
(or lorn M (
JTOWTJr of oil loo.
pawnounmfromt!Mond7. UwiWinr In PlB o ooo 00 rooBBB B
Poultry. forjrertoMIIng IWowe 11 !). Cmm Ij 6lpf JS Jonon bbbbbi
ondlioflnalkldomonmlT. Meond W o MIW. nVBOd o 1 um CltoV S
I i i sw
hoaMteBder as 320 am 1(
tVMiKu sal WnKa BBBBatnaaa saeceaa, 44
laaway wl Vofce bant to Bbb.Wbbj.
IZm WBxavfcUa, wW and cfcandbaj
are coaaeaaeatai Conaaaa? mtMntttiwwf9 ciaae fts
all BBBIB.B. aai local mwtrai gaai.
It wnU toko trnsr to BoohnOot rt fi
tSea. thot n rart to tn pt win it mm f
T QBili otoy oioB be pootBooEd inoac amtmmf m
Uad ttm i.i 1 at low yncta and oa oary mm
low rat twos' fittfc .awl. av amwiaaoinl
TW'BiBilBBaBaso Is m soBBontofy bbib
BBBor uu mrr toBj.. wta so. oMy oojoy
icotttBs. ks vulBiwaon aa nnlaili a la
at. form vota.
To. Vmtwm Ma-BsfB. lata. ill 1 him
ibo toianr oosiao oawconwoj omjobbs boo