The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 24, 1909, Image 3

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Auto 1556
We are prepared to handle
all kinds of Printing Cards
to Newspapers.
Have you tried us? No!
Very likely we can do you
144 North 14th
Ben 333
A Matter of v
WAGE EARNER, but if you im
agine the use of Gas for Fuel is
more expensive than coal, you'vs
another think coming.
The Cost of Gas
Fuel Gas is cheaper than coal and it is al
ways at hand, no matter how cold or hot the
day; no matter how stormy the weather, we
deliver the fuel into the kitchen. And you
can save just one-half the fuel bills by using
gas. We are able to prove this assertion. You
will ?ave health, time and temper, too.
A Modern Gas Range
is a time-saving tool that the housewife is en
: titled to. We have them in the best and most
reliable makes. Come in and see them. Open
evenings for, your convenience. Let us dem
onstrate to you the economy of using fuel
Gas- & Elec
tric Light Company
Where and When the Clans Will
Gather to Boost the Cause.
May 1. New York, N. Y., United
Cloth Hat and Cap Makers.
May 4. Detroit. Mich., Amalgamated
Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin
May , Cleveland, Ohio, Tin Plate
Workers International Protective Association.
May 9, Minneapolis, Minn., Ameri
can Federation of Musicians.
May 10, Atlanta, Ga Order of Rail
road Telegraphers.
May 10, Minneapolis, Minn.. Hotel
and Restaurant Employes Interna
tional Alliance.
May 17, Peoria, 111., Switchmen's
Union of North America.
May 22, New Brunswick. N. J., Na
tional Print Cutters' Association of
May 30, New York, N. Y, Steel Plate
Transferrers Association.
June 7, Toronto, Canada, Pattern
makers League of America.
June 7. Milwaukee. Wis.. Interna
tional Association of Steam and Hot
Water Fitters.
Jane 7, Washington, D. C Interna
tional Association of Marble Workers.
June 21, Omaha, Nebr., International
Printing Pressmen and Assistants
June 21. Syracuse, N. Y Boot and
Shoe Workers' Union.
June 28, Philadelphia, Pa, Interna
tional Union of Payers, Rammermen,
July 5, Milwaukee, Wis., Internation
al Broom and Whisk Makers' Union.
July 7, Milwaukee, Wis., Glass Bot
tle Blowers' Association.
July 12. Chicago, III.. International
Jewelry Workers Union of America.
July 12. Galveston, Texas, Interna
tional Longshoremen's Association.
July 12, Springfield, O., Internation
al Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes.
July 17, Newark. N. J Wire Weav
ers Frotectrre Association.
July 19, Philadelphia, Pa., Interna
tional Steel and Copper Plate Printers'
July 22, Louisville, Ky.. Retail
Clerks International Protective Asso
July , Atlantic City, N. J., Nation
al Brotherhood of Operative Potters.
August 2, Denver, Colo., Amalgamat
ed Sheet Metal Workers' International
August 2, Buffalo, N. Y., Journeymen
Tailor Union of America.
August 3, Detroit, Mich., Interna
tional Glove Workers Union of
August 9, St Joseph, Mo., Interna
tional Typographical Union.
'.August 10, Indianapolis, Ind Shirt
Waist and Laundry Workers Inter
national Union.
August 12, Kansas City, Mo., Inter
nationa Stereotype rs and Electrotyjv-
ers Union of North America.
August 16, Boston, Mass., Metal Pol
ishers. Buffers, Platers, etc
September 6, Eureka, Humb Co.. Cnl
International Brotherhood of Woods
men and Saw Mill Workers.
September , Springfield, Mass- Ta
ble Knife Grinders National Unio.
September 6. St. Louis, Mo., Natiraal
Federation of Postoffice Clerks.
September 7, Milwaukee, Wis . In
ternationel Phot o-Fn gravers' Ucico of
North America.
September 9, Boston. Mass., Interna
tional Spinners Union.
September 13, Bostoa. Mass . Wood,
Wire, and Metal Lathers' International
September 13. Denver. Colo- Inter
national Association of Machinists.
September 13, Elmira, N. Y Inter
national Hodcarriers and Building Lab
orers' Union of America.
September 13. Chicago, III-, Interna
tional Brick. Tile, and Terra Cotia
Workers Alliance.
September 14, Denver, Colo., Amer
ican Brotherhood of Cement Workers.
September 17, New York, Pocket-
knife Blade Grinders and Finishers' In
ternational Union.
September 20, . , Trav
elers Goods and Leather Novelty
Workers International Union of
September 20, Minneapolis, Minn.,
International Association of Bridie
and Structural Iron Workers.
October 4, Milwaukee, Wis., Interna
tional Union of Shipwrights, Joiners,
Caulkers, Beat Builders and Ship Cab
inet Makers of America.
October 4, Toronto, Ont., Amalga
mated Association of Street and Elec
tric Railway Employes of America.
October 5, Milwaukee, Wis., Jour
neymen Barbers International Union
of America.
October 19, Detroit, Mich., Interna
tional Association of Car Workers,
October 19, Charlotte, N. C United
Textile Workers of America.
November 8, Toronto, Can-, Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
November 29. New York, N. Y., In
ternational Seamen's Union.
December 8, Indianapolis, InL, In
ternational Alliance of Bill Posters of
interesting Comment of a Daily Paper
on Prison Proposition.
Doubtless the state authorities will
find themselves beset by protesting
tailors should they consider a propo
sition to lease the state's prisoners to
contracting tailor from St. Louis,
as they are now said to be thinking of
There has always been a great deal
of opposition even against the con
tracting of the prison labor to - a
broom manufacturer. But the making
of brooms does not interfere with
nearly so large a number of Nebraska
laborers as would the making of
There are a good many men and
women in Nebraska employed in com
mercial tailoring and it would seem
that it would hardly be possible to
operate a clothing factory at the pen
itentiary without getting into compe
tion with them in a way that would
cripple the industry. There are prob
ably a good many more tailors in the
state outside of the penitentiary than
there possibly could be in the prison,
even if this contract were let to em
ploy every prisoner.
Doubtless it will be suggested that
the making of clothing at the peni
tentiary would only cut into the busi
ness of the big eastern factories, but
even if that be true, it would tend to
lower the scale of free labor tailors.
If it can be shown that there is
anywhere a clothing trust which such
an industry would tend in any way to
defeat, perhaps the state authorities
will be safe from serious criticism in
making a contract such, as the one
suggested, but unless it can be so
shown, making a cheap labor tailor
shop out of the state's prison is quite
sure to arouse more indignant protest
than was ever raised over the eastern
sweatshop. Lincoln Daily Star.
A Character Sketch of the Late Swedish Ruler
Written by John E. Fellers.
Printeries That Are Entitled to Us
the Allied Trades Label.
Following Is a list of the printing
offices in Lincoln that" are entitled
to the use of the Allied Printing
Trades label, together with the num
ber of the label used by each shop:
Jacob North & Co, No. L
C. S. Simmons, No. 2.
Freie Presse. No. 3.
Woodruff-Collins, No. 4.
Graves & Mulligan, No. 5.
State Printing Co., No. 6.
Star Publishing Co., No. 7.
Western Newspaper Union, Nc &
Wood Printing Co., No. 9.
George Bros., No. 11.
McVey Printing Co, No. 12.
Ford Printing Co, No. 16.
VanTine & Young, No. 24.
Dairyman Pub. Co, 130 No. 14th.
Graves Prinze ry. No. 5. -
New Century, 213 South Thirteenth.
There is a story to the effect that
up among the cold, bleak fields in the
northern part of Sweden, there once
lived a Lapp, who in some way had
incurred the enmity of his Swedish
neighbors. His sole earthly posses
sion was a small herd of reindeer.
His neighbors sought to drive him
away, and among other indignities im
posed upon him they killed his entire
herd. The Swedish officers controlled
the courts, and the Lapp was denied
justice at their hands.
It was a dreary winter never so
cold and dreary anywhere else as in
that far north country. The snow was
deep. It was the "second watch" in
the Scandinavian night. More than
two months must pass before the sun
would return from its summer home.
Securely fastening his "skidor" to
his feet, the dejected Lapp glided
swiftly over the snow several hundred
miles to Stockholm, the Swedish cap
ital. He knew that he was poor and
ignorant, but he was a Swedish sub
ject, and as such would be received
by King Oscar. He told his story. The
King listened. He at once or
dered a thorough investigation made
and the report verified the Lapp's com
plaint. The king compelled the slay
ers of the reindeer to make full res
titution to the Lapp and punished the
officers who had denied him justice.
This is but one of many instances in
which good King Oscar was found on
the side of the oppressed. His whole
nature was in sympathy with the help
less, because he had read history. His
mother was the Empress Josephine's
granddaughter. He knew that his il
lustrious kinswoman was driven from
France, repudiated, broken-hearted, a
victim of the rankest injustice that
ever threw its midnight over a noble
life. He knew, too, that, although the
man who laid the love of Josephine
upon the altar of his ambition was the
emperor of a great people, and per
haps the greatest military leader of
modern times, all his achievements
combined were not sufficient to atone
for that one cruel act.
It is an interesting fact that al
most every relative, friend, favorite
and sycophant whom Napoleon placed
on the different thrones in Europe has
fallen from power, while King Oscar,
the direct descendant of the Empress
Josephine, was one of the most be
loved rulers in the world. The de
scendants of Napoleon, In less than 100
years, have disappeared into common
place mediocrity, while those of Jose-
Labor Temple Day, May 12.
Be a Booster for the Temple.
Says We "Buried" Most Important
Item In Last Week's. Issue.
Linroln, Nebr, April 21. To the Ed
itor of The Wageworker: Your tele
graph editor must have been very busy
when he allowed the following news
item to be buried on the last page:
"Toronto, Canada The profits of the
Toronto Labor Temple Company for
the first three months of its existence
amounted -to $1,100, and prospects are
that this will be increasing during the
second quarter. The unions that own
stock will receive a dividend thereon.
An offer of $1.20 per share was made
last month for stock, but no one would
I consider it worthy of being "played
up" big. As a fact, I agree that it is
nothing startling, but as a news item
it is certainly unusuaL News dispen
sers do not, ordinarily, take much
pains to display items' relating to La
bor's successes. I trust you may find
that this item merits a reprinting
There may be food for thought in it
for anyone who may be hanging back
on the Lincoln Labor Temple proposi
(The telegraph editor responsible
for the inexcusable blunder has been
discharged in disgrace. The item is re
printed above, and will be referred of
ten In the future. Editor Wage-
When VanCleave's attorney won the
famous contempt case tried before
Judge Wright in Washington, he
hurried out and wired Van Cleave as
follows:; "Right has triumphed." This
frightened Van Cleave, who, naturally
enough, misunderstood the telegram,
and he immediately wired back to his
attorney: "Appeal at once."
The stove manufacturers of Gadsch,
Alabama, hare declared for the "open
shop." At the same time they an
nounced a wage reduction of 30 per
cent They are now running "closed
I shops" for fair closed to union men,
phine have risen to kingly power. It
seems now that as the years roil on
the writers of solemn history will Bad
in the tragic alary of these isiaad
lovers ( for they were each born oa an
island I more and more that will mark
them as actors of equal parts oa tb
world's political and revolutionary
stage. Napoleoa divorced" Josephta
that he might establish a perpetual
dynasty; but "Man proposes. God dis-
When in her childhood
Island of Martinique. Josephine was
betrothed to the Viscount Beaahar
nais, to whom she was married at taa
age of 14. From this marriage two
children were born Eogeae and Hor
tense. The Viscount Beashamais was
executed by order of Robespierre,
shortly afterward Josephine was i
tied to Napoleoa. Her sob
Beauharnais, married the
Augusta of Bavaria. To them was bora
a daughter, whom Eogeae named Jose
phine, in honor of his mother. Wheat
the younger Josephine was IS. sh
was married to Oscar I-, who snccd
ed his father Beraadotte as king of
Sweden, and nearly tea years after rne
great Napoleoa had slipped into the
shadow, the late king of Sweden Os
car II. was bora to the y onager
Josephine. We have also a fine es
ample of romantic justice ia the fact
that the Empress Josephine, after an,
gave Bonaparte aa heir la the peiausi
of her grandson Xapoleov II L, who
was the son of Louis Bonaparte, Mac
of Holland, who married Hot tease
Beauharnais. Josephine's daughter.
King Oscar was aa Independent
thinker. He feared nothing except to
do wrong. He moved slowly, hot oc
casion always found him oa time la
settling questions of importance. This
splendid king, whose rugged i an m tur
gave strength to every other monarchy
in Europe, died as be had lived, fcsare
ry, courageously. His rnSoeaew wtU
shine as the great "Northern Light
in political history throughout the
ages that are to be. .
In conversation with W. W. Thom
as. Jr, late minister to Sweden from
the United States, King Oscar once
said: "It is a part .of my polities to
go among my people as mnea as pos
sible, to mix with them, to fears their
wants and aspirations, not only among
the citizens oT the capitals, bat to
travel widely among the citizens all
over the two kingdoms, to make their
acquaintance personally aad to take
them by the hand.
(Copyright, ISO, by Jos B.
Wrote "Home, Sweet Home
Just where Long Island meets the
ocean at its most easterly point, there
to-day, as a hundred years ago. sits
the little village of East Hampton.
Rev. Lyman Beecher was preaching
some good sermons in the church of
that village when John Howard
Payne's father moved bis family there
and accepted the presidency of Clin
ton academy. From those sermons,
John Howard, though a mere boy,
caught glimpses of the road over
which the thought of this great preach
er traveled to wider and broader hope.
It was a case of the brooklet, while
yet a brooklet, having found the sea.
Even when a child John Howard
Payne was engaging and mannerly.
He possessed a remarkably fine ad
dress and his mind seemed to be pre
maturely rich. His father was an elo
cutionist as well as a teacher. Rev.
Lyman Beecher, whom the boy almost
idolized, was a preacher, but neither
of these vocations quite satisfied the
boy, so he chose the stage. In 1809.
at the age of 17, he appeared in New
York as the "juvenile wonder, and
for 23 years thereafter he played suc
cessfully in both Europe and America.
Few people know Mr. Payne, ex
cept as the author of "Home, Sweet
Home," but as a matter of fact, he
was a great dramatist, a great actor,
a great translator. In 1841 he received
the appointment of United States con
sul at Tunis, Africa. The fact that
practically, no satisfactory information
can be found in books of reference re
garding Mr. Payne's removal from the
service at Tunis, has given the im
nression that some mistake in his
case was made at Washington, which
was never corrected nor made pubUc
The tone of disappointment in the fol
lowing statement made by him a while
before he died, rather emphasizes that
Impression: "How often have I been
in the heart of Paris, Berlin, London,
or some other city and have heard
persons singing or hand organs play
ing 'Home, Sweet Home.' and I without
a shilling to buy myself a meal, or a
place to lay my head. The world has
literally sung my song until every
heart is familiar' with Its melody, yet
I have been a wanderer from my boy
hood. v My country has turned me
ruthlessly from office and in my old
age I have to submit to humiliation
for my bread."
"Home, Sweet Home," was a mere
fragment a sort of parenthesis,
which was thrown into his opera "The
Maid of Milan," to entertain the audi
ence while the scene shifted to a
stronger part. It was first sung by
Miss M. Tree, a sister or Mrs. Charles
Kean, with such marvelous effect that
it won for Miss Tree the heart of a
rici husband and the publishers of the
opera reaped a fortune, although the
author received but little benefit.
Strange how the names of people be
came linked to their work, so that the
mention of one always suggests the
other. When the name of John Milton
is spoken, "Paradise Lost is umiui
bered. Tell of John Baayaa aad the
"Pilgrim's Progress' comes again to
our thought. We cannot fail to re
member "Uncle Tom's Cabin" when
we hear the name of Harriet Beecser
Stowe, and who hears the name of
John Howard Payne and does sot at
once begin crooning "Home. Sweet
Home." The author of this pretty
song tittle dreamed when he wrote it
that his name would go dowa throngs
the ages, borne thither oa a Sk-iliaa
air, literally sung into fame by the
sweet voice of an English girl. He
had hoped to be kaowa as aa author
or dramatist, but "the tide la the af
fairs of men" bore him staging away
from his native land to a home oa a
fTorefgn shore.
A line drawn directly east from St.
Louis would pass not far from a grave
in Oak Hill cemetery, Georgetown,
near Washington, where rest the
earthly remains of John Howard
Payne. If this line be extended east
ward without variation. It will pass di
rectly into the Strait of Gibraltar. Bat
for this strait. Spain woald touch the
Morocco coast and be a part of Africa.
If the line be yet extended eastward,
without deflection to the sontaera
point of the Isiaad of Sicily, it woaM
pass through the towns of Aiglets and
Tunis and would miss the wariest
ruins of Carthage bat three mOos.
I' have draws this Bast toachiag
these points that I might better caff
attention to some miaoi that
usually have no part la a Mograafcienl
sketch, but which to me seem interest
ing in this instance. To this town of
Tunis Mr. Payne came as United
States consul ia 1941
died in 153. His i
near the site of :
not far from the shore of the MsiHtar
raneaa sea. Ia 1883 they were rs
moved at the suggestion of sums
friends from St. Lorns. who hi their
travels had visited Algiers
some years before.
the remains through tho Strait of
Gibraltar directly west to tho
tery near the capital of his
land. There they
while a thousand voices, ia
Sicilian air which has carried It
around the world, sang "Home, Sweet
Home" in honor of the author, who
never had a home after the age of IX
St. Louis, Oak Hill cemetery. Strait
of Gibraltar. Algiers. Tunis, rains of
Carthage and southern Sicily, each ta
turn come under the same rays of the
sun, as the old earth rolls eastward
on a journey that never ends.
A pathetic story is told of Payne
once sitting in the front seat of a
theater when Jenny Lind sang "Home.
Sweet Home." He was so affected by
it that at the close of the concert he
sat weeping for several minutes, the
spectators having quietly left him
ICoprrfgbt. 1Mb, by Jooepa B. Bowles
am us