CAPITAL CITY HEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUND THE STATE HOUSE. CEIiYS OF THE STATE CAPITAL 'Doing of the State Officials and Other Happenings That Are of Stats-Wide Importance. Many Professors Are Promoted. Data Beesey, at the meeting of the stats university regents. Introduced the matter concerning the raising of the par of a number of the Janitors who have been connected with the antversity for some time. The re gents took the matter under advise ment and some plan will be formu lated tor the raising of the par of tha older janitors. The board ad journed to meet at a special session on week from Tuesday. At this time the question of the cadet encampment will be considered and several im portant committee reports received. The university budget was under con sideration. Owing to the smallness ot the appropriations and the fact that several appropriation bills failed to re ceiTe the governor's signature, the budget Is not la satisfactoy condition tor the neit two years. The list ot appointments and changes in the faculty were made and are as follows: Pean Charles Bessey was selected as head dean and the ranking order of the rest estab lished as follows: Dr. Sherman, Dr. Davis. Dr. Ward. Professor Burnett. Professor Richards, Professor Costi gas. and Dr. Ftordyce. The order in dicates the relative length ot service ot the deans. The title ot Mrs. Berk ley, dean ot the women, was changed to advisor ot the women. This change Is in accord an c with the custom pre vailing in the eastern colleges, and does not indicate any change in the datles ot the official. The titles of the following were changed: C EL Persinger. to associate pro fessor from assistant professor. A. A. Reed, to professor secondary education, from associate professor. unerase? Jones, to associate pro fessor, from assistant professor. R. J. Pool, to adjunct professor, front Instructor. C I Barnebey. to instructor, from assistant Instructor. Alfred Boyd, to adjunct professor. trom Instructor. A. IX Schrag, to adjunct professor, trom instructor. Amanda Heppaer. to assistant pro fessor, from adjunct professor. U A, Scipio, to adjunct professor. from instructor. C I Dean, to assistant professor. from adjunct professor. Albert Bunting, to adjunct profess or, from Instructor. C at. Heck, to assistant professor physics, trom adjunct professor. J. . Almy, to professor ot experl- meeta work, trom associate prof' or. U. B. Tuckerman. to assistant pro fessor, from adjunct professor. I- E. Ajrlesworth. to assistant pro fessor, from adjunct professor. V. A. Willard. to professor his tology and embryology, from associ ate professor. W. C Break, to associate profess or, from assistant professor. I- H. Powers, to associate professor. rrom assistant professor. F. IX Barker, to associate professor. from assistant professor. JaUa Loughridge. to assistant pro- lessor, from assistant registrar. R. JS. Stone, to assistant professor. trom adjunct professor. E. O. Montgomery, to professor. from associate professor. . V. Westgate. to adjunct profes sor, from Instructor. Alvin Keyser. to professor, from as sociate professor.. P. B. Barker, to adjunct professor. from instructor. - Tal Keyser. to superintendent, trom a wans eapenntendenc la eaardance with the wishes of a large ember the opening of each eeoasstor was set on Tuesday instead of Monday, so that students would not Tea repaired to travel on Sundays. Den Love Wine Mayoralty Fight. Don Love won over A. H. Hutton at the primaries Thursday afternoon. R. C Oxman triumphed over W. A. Uawes for the city clerkship. A light vote was cast. For other places on the ticket there were no contests. beve got 74S votes and Hutton S' Olfflta polled 688 votes while Hawes got 51L The primary Is barren ot results as far a the city election is concerned. On May 4 there will be a number of candidates by petition. The pri mary candidates must also be put on the official ballot as candidates by peuuoa. Normal Board Is Not Worried. ' Although met by the refusal ol Treasurer Brian to join with them, confronted by an opinion from Com missioner Calkins that the new nor mal board is not legally constituted and cast upon a cold world by Auditor Barton's statement that he would not pay its warrants, the new normal board created by the last legislature and appointed by Governor Shalltn berger, met at the governor's call in bis office Wednesday, organized, ai pointed its committees, reappointed principals and went ahead as it were put up in the true blue wrapper. T. J. Majors, of Peru, whose ap pointment is questioned because he is a state senator, was made president and N. M. Graham, secretary. The following committees -were named: Auditing State Treasurer L. G. Briar, N. At. Graham. W. H. Green. Executive Fred A. Nye, T. J. Ma jors. W. H. Green. Teachers and Employes E. C. Bis hop, N. Si. Graham, T. J. Majors. Text Books and Libraries Fred A. Xye, K. C- Bishop, E. I Adams. Judiciary E. I. Adams, Fred A. Xye. K G. Brian. Printing W. H. Green. E. L. Adams. X. M. Graham. Five junior normal principals were reappointed, this action following on the recommendation of State Super intendent Bishop: O'Neill Dr. H. K. Wolfe.. Alliance Superintendent D. W. Hayes. ; North Platte Ir. J. A. Beattie. McCook Superintendent. C. W. Tay lor. Geneva Superintendent R. W. Eaton. There are three other junior nor mals, located at Alma, alentiae and Broken Bow. to which principals will be later appointed. SAVING PAINT MONEY It Cannot Be Done by Using Cheap Material and Cheap Painters. In arranging for painting, a good many property-owners try to save money by employing the painter who offers to do the job cheapest or try to save money by insisting on a low priced paint. But no property-owner would run such risks if he realized what must be taken into considera tion in order to get a job that will wear and give thorough satisfaction. No houseowner will go wrong on the painting question if he writes Na tional Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Building. New York, for their House owner's Painting Outfit No. 49, which is sent free. It is a complete guide to painting. It includes a book of color schemes for either exterior or interior painting, a book of specifica tions, and an instrument for detecting adulteration in paint materials. Nearly every dealer has National Lead Company's purn white lead. (Dutch Boy Painter rademark.) If yours has not notify National Lead Co., and arrangements will be made for you to get it. Regents Create New Department. A new department of Slavonic lan guages with Miss Miller as an instruc tor was created by the regents of the state university. The board also rec ommended the establishment of a Swedish department, provided the proper interest was shown in the new course. Some time ago the regents were petitioned for a new Swedish department, but the matter was dropped at that time since only about To,CHH) Swedes reside in Nebraska and it was thought that the department would not receive sufficient support. The board reconsidered the matter, however, and will in all probability take favorable action upon it. The resignation of Captain John G. Workixer as commandant of the university cadets was accepted and Captain Yates, a former Nebraska, graduate, was accepted as his suc cessor. The change is to take effect next fall. The following were chosen: for farmers" institute work: k.. P. Brown, Davey; F. W. Chase, Pawneej City; Andrew Elliott. Gait; K. . Hunt Syracuse; B. F. Kingsley, Hastings; C. G. Marshall. Lincoln; Miss Gertrude Kauffman. Lincoln; Miss Gertrude Rowan. Lincoln: Miss Lulu Wolford. Pawnee City. The fol lowing will also assist in the Institute 1, 1111411 V. 11U1. Aiuaa, Neb.: H. A. Miller. Ashland; Mrs. O. J. Workman, Ashland. Grief That Kills. -"My poor boy," said the beneficent old clergyman, who had encountered a young waif sobbing in the streets, "what ails you? Some case of dire distress has touched your heart chords, no doubt." "No." sniffed the lad. -you're clear off your base, old kazxoxicks. Me an Snippy an de rest of de fellies tin canned the mangy, old yellow cur up at Schwarx grocery, and while old Schwars an de gang followed the dog. I sneaked back to the grocery to swipe dried apples. De Fido chased into Schmitt's orchard and de gang cribbed de swellest peaches you ever seen, an" then dey smoked grape-vine cigarettes and set the barn a fire- I made a sashay into de apple barrel at de grocery, an de delivery boy pasted me with a bed-slat and it hurts yet, and I didnt get to see de fire, and didnt get nothin to eat, and I wisht 1 wux dead dog-gone it all!" The Bohemian Magazine. Prods Fraternal Orders. State Auditor Barton proposes to enforce the law requiring fraternal beneficiary societies to have a repre sentative form of government. The statute requires this and the supreme court has defined a representative form of government, but Auditor Bar ton is the first auditor who has bad the courage to try to strictly enforce the law. The decision ot the court on which he bases his action was giv en in the case of Lange vs. The Royal Highlanders, wherein it was held that the inherent right to enact laws for the government ot a corporation is In its stock holders and that this au thority cannot be assumed by com mittees or directors or other bodies without express authority, that a rep resentative form ot government means one conducted by the agency ot delegates "chosen by the people." Too Literal. , "Well, yes," said Old Uncle Lazzen- berry, wbt was intimately acquainted with most of the happenstances of the village. "Almira Stang has broken off her engagement with Charles Henry Tootwiler. They'd be goin together for about eight years, durin which time she had been inculcatin into him, as you might call it, the beauties of economy; but when she discovered, just lately, that he had learnt his les son so well that he had saved up 217 pairs ot socks for her to darn im mediately after the wedding, she "peared to conclude that he had takon her advice a little top literally, and broke off the match.'" Puck. GENEROUS. Clarence Dubb May I have this dance. Miss Sharply? ' Miss Sharply Certainly! I don't want it! When Courage Failed. "Duke," said the heiress, eagerly, "did you see father?" "Yes." "Well?" "We talked about the weather." "What? Lose your nerve again? Why don't you brace up and talk like a man a subject of a king on whose domain the sun never sets!" "Can't," moaned the duke. "All the time I was in your father's office he kept grinning at a big painting." "What painting?" "The battle of Bunker HilL" Lip pin cott'a. $100 Reward, $100. Tbe TffacVra of this paper wffl be pteuwl to temrm Samt then to at least one dx-ncie-d disease that arieneo has beea atfe to run to ail its scan, and tbat to CfetarrtL. Hall's Catarra Cure to tbe onty positive ewe now known to tna medical fraternity. Catarrn tin inr a coostitutjoaal trUanse. requires a roostrtu ttaaal treatmeat. Uaaa Catarrh Care to taken m-Mrnalr-r. artiBf dire-rtiy upon the blood and nracooa nartarea ot toe a stem, tim-eb? desuoyaur toe floaodatton of the dimsei. and rtrtoc the patient rKre&frta by boitdttxc up tae constttation and aaasfr facr narare In dotox tts work. Tbe propnrton ha-ce no Bitkrn tmitb In its curative powers that tbey offer One Hundred I-olsn tor any rase taat H faUa t care. Send for list of testinr-oniato Address F. J. CHEXEY COu Tofedn, Ol Sort by all Pnteztots. ;3e. Take HaUa Family Pitts tor cotrMipttirm. 5i jl ' IV Jess Said Her Prayers. One day three-year-old Baby Jess was visiting her grandmother, who was very devout- She asked Baby less if her mother had taught her to say her prayers. Jess answered: "Yes. ma'am." k , "Whom do you pray to, dear, and ask to forgive your naughty ways?" "Sometimes I pray to mother's knees and sometimes to the bed." Delineator. Ask Your Dnicgist for Allen's Foot-E an. "I tried AIXEX'S FOOT-EASE recent ly, and have just bought another supply. It has cured my corns, and the hot, burn ing and itching sensation in my feet which was almost unbearable, and I would not be without it now. Mrs. W. J. Walker, Camden, N. J." Sold by all Druggists, Sc. Deception. "Did a man ever kias yon against your will?" "No; but some have thought they did." Brooklyn Life. Time is the best test. For over fiftv years Hamlins Wizard Oil has been the most popular remedy m the United States for the rare of Rheumatism. Xenralsia and all pain and inflammation. Not Our Discovery. The Greek. Eratosthenes, 250 B..C taught the doctrine ot (he rotundity of the earth, and the ideas of the sphere, its poles, axis, the equator, arctic and antarctic circles, equinoc tial points andthe solstices were quite generally entertained by the wise men of that time. There were plenty of men in Rome, therefore, who were prepared to talk about the earth as a sphere and to make globes illustrating their ideas. THE WRETCHES. New Pavilion to Cost $50,000. Arrangements have been begun for the construction ot the new stock judging pavilion at the state fair grounds tor which the legislature ap propriated J50.000. Secretary Mellor, of the state board ot agriculture, was at the grounds Friday preparing plats for the structure. The board of direc tors has decided on the location of the building and has made plans to construct it 150x300 feet in size. Only one-half ot the building will be constructed this year, the board having decided that the other part will not be built until more funds are secured from the state. The new pa vilion will be located on the low ground west of the auditorium and between the race track and the cattle barns. The structure when compelted will cost 100.000. In Its monthly statement the Ameri can K i press company shows tbat its local business, upon which it is called upon to pay occupation tax, amounted in March to 32.34, upon which it has paid $10.82. A similar report by the Adams Express company sltows a total local business ot $2,223.89. upon which is paid amounting to 155.64. C E. ftpens Colonel. On tbe recommendation of J. E. Kelby, attorney for the Burlington Railroad company. Governor Shallen berger has appointed G. E. Spens, Burlington general freight agent, to the position ot colonel on the gover nor's military staff In place of one of the Omaha colonels who resigned dur ing the battle ovtr the early closing bill. This appointment fills the breach. and the war will continue with Colonel Spans in the van for 8 o'clock closing. The governor still has thirty-four ooioaala in bis staff. Kearney City Bonds Rejected. After having heard arguments of at torneys State Auditor Barton has re jected the $100,000 water bonds issued by the city of Kearney and presented to him for registration. The city pro posed to build a plant or to buy the American Water company's plant. The latter was appraised at $165,000. The bonds voted are of doubtful legality. according to the auditor's opinion, and the city will have to go into court to get a reversal ot his holding. The bonds were not sufficient in amount to buy the private water plant. Uncle How is it, young man, that you failed again in your examination? Nephew Why. the wretches asked me the very same question I could not answer last year! Casserole of Potatoes. Pare thin and wash 12 potatoes:, rover with water, add salt and boil' until tender. Drain and set on back; of range for about ten minutes and add piece of butter size of an egg. When butter is melted mash them and stir in a little at a time one-half cup hot cream, then beat until light with a fork. Arrange on a hot dish, form ing an oblong, high mound, hollowed in the middle. Brush inside and out with beaten yolk of egg and set in oven to brown. When done fill with a ragout of mutton or duck or maca roni and oysters in cream sauce and serv Sot. Two Suggestions. p.tb bread and meat boards with cut lemons, then wash with cold wa- ts. It Is much better than scrubbin or scraping. If the upper part or edge of the sauceiiau is well buttered you "ill find that chocolate, milk and other liquids will not boil over. Stuffed Sirloin. Procure a pork loin roast. Do lot remove the tenderloin, but slit it and stuff with dry dressing made of stale crumbs highly seasoned with salt, pep per and sage. Roast in usual manner and serve with potatoes roasted in pan with same meat, brown gravy and apple sauce. Graham Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, one- half cup lard, one cup raisins, one tea spoon each of cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg, one-Halt teaspoon salt, one and one-half cups sour milk, one tea spoon soda, and three cups graham flour sifted twice. Bake in a slow Woman is considered the weaker vessel and there is an old maxim to the effect that the weaker the vessel the thicker the paint. IteA. Weak. Wmht. Wiot TGvea Relieved by Murine Eve Remedv. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Con- lorms to rure r ood and JJrux .Laws. Mu rine uoesn t Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Try Murine in Your Eyes. At Druggists. When you wear out a suit of clothes yon can generally get another, but it's different when you wear out your wel come. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AWfetable Preparation Tor As similating rhe Food and Reg ula -ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestim,Chttrful ness and Rest Con Fa ins neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral ivot Narcotic A mfOU OrSjLfl'lTTOrBt - g.C ,i,imUSU I nJM - I aVnir4BwVM finrtrt A perfect Remedv f or Constipa tion . Sour Storoach.DiarThoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature The Centaur CowPAJOfi NEW YORK. mm Forlnfturta mnJ CMMrtsn. Tto KrJ Ya 13 Bears tho Signature tV I M Ft Dso For Over Thirty Year s Guaranteed under the Feodaaj Copy of Wrappes. mm Offensive Advice. "Madam," said the medical man, f gravely, "yon must practice filling your lungs with deep breaths of ptxre air- "An" bust the smithereens out of my new direct ry gown." sniffed the lady. "I think I see myself." And turning on ber high heels she haughtily left the apartment. Cleve land Plain Dealer. Thet Deserve It. She (horror-stricken) That's my new .spring hat in the chair there! What are you doing, John? He (meekly) I am sitting on the style, Mary. Ambiguous. "What .sort of time did you have la your automobile trip?" "Oh, we had a perfectly killing time!" rt tf" Tins Trade-mark U J EEamaatesAI L Uncertainty sa-thep-girfneraf 1 T aa qazLtf- hr I for ywwr ew Ati protectiea. sae V that it is so tie aide at every lea: of wade ka4 PDLnPD-SG "I tried all Triad of blood which failed to do aae aay good, hart X . have ftmiwl tbe right thing, at Seat. Iff ' tm. wTl m . 1 Ji-fc ! Skill to do comes of doing, know- ' After taking Caacarcts tbey all left. I mmM hr oves alwavs onen and ' r-Himiiwg the taae of tbess and working hands, and there is no know- i T"? tben rMeatds. ledge that is not power. Emerson when I rise ia tbe I feel mam g. aopcwa There is nothing than a sore thing. more uncertain FureatldrcB teetaiac, aoftcM tile gam. ivmam ta He who is buried in thought dodgea the undertaker. jimmy inl rrr Cn MaST" have a chance to i t Fred C Wittea, 76 Elan St, Newark, JL J. Do Good. iit!r JOc.Z5c.31 In mob JOIulDEEfiESfCnt Insist an bavin -- Afc fmmr tmrmt "JOHN DEERE, Oma.ria-800 Fsfle) W. N- U- LINCOLN. NO- 17-WO. AT JyThEY MNI as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when In health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor Hfe they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake." How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injuri ous or objectionable nature, and tf at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence Is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen erally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, obtained by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially, and presented in an agreeable syrup In which the wholesome Cal ifornian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore It is not a secret remedy, and hence we are free to refer to all' well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. - Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna always has the. full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and .the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. I 1 oven.